Postage Pre aid bv the Pu bhsher ~ J S PUDLlSHED Ef'E RY FRIDAY MORNING, BY- M A. JAMES, A'I 'l'llE OFE I CE PostOOlee lU cl' It..1ngSl rcct Rnvmnnlllle tan TERMS $1 50 per Annum THE WORLD AFTERWARDS vital stat1st1cs re our tho - BOWM.ANVILLE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1880. se= _ ____ _ MARR IACE LICENSES ISSUED BY ==- CLIMIE, Ba1'.man ille SCOTT'S E ULSION PURE COD LIVER OIL VvIT:S: T o dance the Boslou with her thIS COUNTY &VICINITY GLEANED FROM OUR EXCHANG,;s PETERBOROUGH (HT; tte for the Statesn a ) In memory of Mary Catherme Medland CANADA' LIFE ASSURANOE GOY tendent of lnsurance for 18 8 The to owing figaros as t o Ca.1 ad an Co npan es are taken fro n the r eport of t1 e Supe n HY?OPHOSPHITES OJ:' Lil\iE AND SODA. ol l bv a1 y ca tel r enn:i an 1 we "ill convmce jOI N otlmtg but First Class Com poinvs represented JmQ;~EJ'lf ljffl@ Ai\R O:I\T BUCKLER, Bo LQ.!\Jfi Sign oi the Watch, King St j nzte of interest Office Sateh occ U]H('dbJ Ill" I BEITH King St Bon manv111e 53-ly ccet vcu of a 1 kmds of to1 es rnanufactu red 0f the l nest tmisl an l lhe most l and ome ot md s e1101 clas Cook Stoves rn l 1ct1on f1 om last } ea1 o puces A LAHUE LOI O.b Coal StQV88···101 Cook of all ze> 11 0 at a gieaL and ~Don t fotget .Mn,nmng '<> No""m th3 01 pos1tc the Bank Bm1 mam 11! GREAT CLEARl.t.:fG SALE AT STRAW AND FELT HATS (J!.El.Nf:D A i\ D I E lAllflH ALL THE LATES'P ST YLE S Great ba1gams will be given 111 cve1y krnd o[ goods-e,; pecially m Tweeds Cai pets Silks black tnd col01 eel I men I lam els plam and fancy Sheetmgs To vcllrngs 1 able Lrnenb and Damask, Hosiery and small w aies OUR IMMENSE STOCK O!!' CHOICE up a. noise people than Tho annual 61 tr IMPORTANT ~NNOUNfMfNT. - - I N TUF.-- DRESS Rangmg f10111 COODS the e·e imperc le Don t you find it 'ery warm here 1 Suppose we take · turn to the door 1 I suggested She thanked me w th a look exchanged a glan ce and a word with her mother and tatnng my arm we began to move down tha nisle CONC T U TI F.D NEXT WEEK five to twenty five cents per yai cl-scarcely half then 'alue BOOT and SHOE J 1 e and now is the t me for all wl o ~ant GOOD BOOTS & SIIOES Pai ties fmms 1 m1g will find tlus a most advantageous desnable chance TERMS STRICTLY CASH. and our Goods are to suit you LEr EVERYBODY P J 1' ASE NOTE THOS. PATERSON. Bowman n lle J ulv 16 1879 123 51 SMALE'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, Ii.ING STREET NEXT DOOU VI EST OF LYLE & MAltl YN S " TlI1£ Tn"F: ~IAG NETICON." - -o-Ang 25 79 Treadmill Pumsll ment for k1Jlmg a Hare A CASH BUSINESS W ti al! pa1 ties 1 Io have not Ji id the>r J ac ou ts p1omplly i ti e p<.tot I ham de term ned to do a STRI CTLY CASH BUSINESS A ll ovei I Notice the following from among recent letters PAu oNl..GE Sou1 H CALEDON DENTISTRY. C HAR.ND EN,L. D.S G adua ,e of the Ro:, al College of Dental Surgeons OFFIC1' U'i FR AI EXAN DEUS S IORF THE DOMINION BANK, BOWll'lANYILI E $1 000 000 TORONIO BRJ..NOHES 0RILLIA CollOURO I OsnA w "\\ HITBY Pa t c ar a cnt o pa d OHIJDUFN S lEETH ~ Bo ~MANVILLE UxBRlDOB $ff?Ai.JI ll URK IV ARRAN1ED MONEYTO LOAN The Magnet1con appliances are sent by post express to any address on receipt of price Se)) rn I 1s o \._gents Pi'Oftt p·t ro e or fo e t $&0. ,.,.. Noveltr Oo l'ilou 47-BO ADDRE;;~, THOS. J. MASON, 120 CHURCH S'.IREET TORONTO 3139 5S6 ~nt.ron.l $_ ~ s ~e0 e~r.tr1 u "" reo re~l l Sherman & Co l\ a1sha I Mich want an age1 tin tl is co unt :-1 s once at a salar:v of ·too ~r month and expe n ~es paid Eor full partiou a.ddre$s M abo' e 70-ly P Q.