Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1880, p. 2

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CANADIA:\f sTATESMA~, BOV\ MANVJLLE, }""HIDAY, JA~UARY 16, H·80. SUBSCRIPTIONS PAI D SUCCESS EXTRAORDJNARV ! AT' I GREA T [MILLINERY & MANTLE SALL! AT WM. ALEXANDE R'S CASH STORl~ Our December sale ot checip goods h n mt, sm passed om most sangume expectatwns, we ha\ e decided to contmue the E\ erythrng m our M1llrnerJ and i\Lrntle Dcp n t me 1 1t to sal<> on through the month of JANUAUY be cleared out iegarrlless of cost. BARGAINS \\ILL BE mv EN 1:-< 0111 75c Felt Hats to be clea1 ed out at ~ac Our $1 25 Felt Hats iecluccd IO 50 c c 1 t' ~1 00 BUFFALO RtCJBES ===::=======-= ----- --IlARGAINS WILL BE CH EN IN See :;;~ 0111 $4 Stiaw and Felt Hats, well trJrnnlf'<l to be ) Id i t, 75c. 00 Mantles reductd to $1 50 I $5 50 \]autle:s redncm 1 'o ~3 75 1 to $4 7:J $4 50 Mantles reduced to $2 75 $7 00 'anti es reduu·< 50 dozen\\ h1te and Colored l \\O Button Ktd Glove:; itedut eel to 50 ccnh, credit sto1es ask 90c for no bette goo d:; Our noted Doll:u Kid Gloves retain then 1\ell et ne u pvpul all t 'i ALEXA~ DER'S BAR<. AINS WILL BE GIVE.N lN Noted Cheap Cash Store. ~ Bov; manv1lle Janua1y 1 1880 I ) DRESS GOODS BARG UNS WILL BE GIVEN IN NEW GOODS AT OLD PRI CE~. ~~~~v~>---- H'.\VE RECEIYED >\.CHOICE AND EXTENi:H\E ST Q O I~ OF anti LADIES' FUR..S. IHRGATNS \HTL BE GIVEN TN FAMILY GROCERI ES FOR THE WINTER IP.ADE CC MPIWl l.NG .;fJI LLJ!f Ell r. --------n.Terrcd 18 to in tkfi land the ow-nertt Sugars, Fruits, Canned Fru its, F1sh,Canned Fish, Canned Meats, Fresh J\1eats, Teas, Coffees, P ork 9 Crockery, Glassware, W ines and L1qt1ors, Coal Oil, Wooden Ware, Fine and Coarse Salt. - ---------------- - mumty they say E I VVXN"TE~ G-C:>ODS. 1 "" l And ba1gams will be gn en m ctll kmds of Ren1embel' 11 e ahva~ s sell at the lo\\ ut In u 1g i.J anti D1ll 11ot be undersold 1~1t!i! I '- ~emember"'tlns sale is no humbug, for fto 1 edue~oBk, bemg deternunecl I goods must-and will be sold cheap I LYLE & lVIARTYll l{111g-s t . Bowmanv1lle January l 1880 IU ~e tf - ,.,.,.,.........,.-=:'=""--~~-= ......,,,...,..,...,,__,.....,__ [LIFE - INSU.ft:A:-NeE. Important to / f5T0 1 ~ "ill'S UNDERTAKINC 1he undersigned would respectfully rcmmcl the that the} ate prnpaien to gn e outfits m the abo\ e hue 111 best st) le and that the puce "111 be found much lo" e1 fo1 the same Joh than 1s charged by otheis m the same busmess, we deal fau ly with ,tll who employ us tort of commnn1sm Government \\!Ill ta.kc eon1e action to alhni 1ate the dlSlress anu ren1ove tl e hard 1h1ps to Ytl11ch T11sh tenants are sub1ected 10 that socially and poltt wally they may take a h1~her stand than they du ever ha.lo occupied MUNSON & WII1IAMSON. ='""=.....,,=====,...-=--=-===-=-===.,.,-="-""='-- no m1anville January 7 1880 76 ly McKAY & m:ILNE IIA\ E JUST RECEIVED New Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, Strawberries, Lobsters, Sardines, Salmon. MIXED PICKLES. The Cai ada. \\est} arm S+ock Assoc1at1on WI! r 81£1 I UY AUCflON A T 1 HE ,N - CITl' 01! HR ll\11: FORD p ckl ed Caul1fl.ower, Piccalilli, GROUNDS, .1. Chow, Onions, G1rkin. ALL KINDS OF SAUCES. CO:i::l.N'" BE:Ii!JF. NASMITH JUMBLES. 7u qw TEA A SPECIALTY.1 -DENTISTRYt l\IIcKAY & MILNE. \\ hen we aa1d laat \'i f I e;,;k that Dr Laughlrn M P P would bo hearcl f om dunng the aeas ou wc d J not expeut tl a ht$ \Ii&! to be the honvt of 1nov111g the reply to the Addres· fr Ill the fhrone But ho was called 1pun tu do it and he did it lll a. tt;;ry cred1ta.blt1 rnanne· 1ual irg a len:~thly speech a. B} n.0ps s ._ f 'v l eh \'\ e ~ve el el\ here which was well spoken of by all the city pnpe1s Durmg 1to d Jn ery he 'vae fre lueut ly cheerod aud h e resumed hIB seat amid round atter round of i ppl<tuse We ca.unot thmk tlut Mr P !{ Ran 1 lmve no olcl stock that 69 tf

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