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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1880, p. 4

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j CANADIAN STATESMAN, B01'VMANVILLE , FRIDAY, JANU1\.RY 16, 1880. OUR TABLF. The January number of the Uanadian 1.:1.on.thlu 1.s before n s, as fragrant and fresh, inteUectnal1y a~ e \·er. A pr1tty Christmas c11rul, Uy lhe R ev. C. P. Yul vnny, opt'ns ·Banking House OF 1 The G_reatest Wonder of the Age I ---++~- ! HOUSE and LOT for SALE, Bowman,. ille. 'l'he huwm contains seven rooma. On the premIBes tbere is a sm all garden hav in g a choice selecuon of fruit trees plnnted therein, a lso a good well, f1an1e stable and wood shed, a ll the bn1l<lrngs lie111g in good rep a ir. Terms easy, Fo1 fu.r Lher particulars apply to Bowman\illc, Apr1l l6. 1879. For Cheapness and~Quality, go to llILL~ s BURK&JONES. O FF' ICE the volume ; and sowe gifted 1\uthor ha;; a fifth contnbution to the ".llallads of Fair Trees." "Fidehs" is credited \\ith "In a. S tuclio, " a poem of much merit. rrhe articles. contin ued stories and poe1ns of a supenor type. P Ft.' O~Eil.. TS NOW PRE PARED TO SELL RICK COTTAGE AND QUARTER B or an acre of land, 81tuated at the cornervf Vnta1io and Al bert 8tr.-ets. 111 the town of No. 1 Temperance St, BO"\VJUANVILLE. IUlllCI llRII.11 GASH ~DUSE ~---.,,.,--~- Y10K's FLORAL GurnE.-rrhis wcrk i9 before ns, and thos e who send five ct:ints to Ja1ues \.71c k, R ocheeter, N. Y., for it I ADVANCES MADE NOTES DISCOUNTED. FURN.I TURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIOKS CHEA P E R T:I-IAN :EVER. R. R. LOSCOMBE. 38-ly, For Decen1ber 1879 to January 1880. I · will be disappointed. Instead of getting ! on personal and collateral security. R_ J_ S::H..A..-W-:i a cheap thu1 g, as th e price would seen1 to inc.hcate, they will r eceive a very handseme work o f 100 pages, a nd perhapa 500 illustratwus - not cheap, but elegant illuson the \1ery best cal.Ln d ered pa.per, and aa a set ott to t h e whole. an elegant colored plate thnt we would judge tration~) 5% interest paid on At his ware-room s will be found a full supply of everything n eeded in the Furniture Line. Look in and examine prices and j ud ge for yoursti:.f. deposits of $4 and upwards. MY HEARSE SHR01JDS, I is THE BEST IN THE COUNTY Etc. co·t twice the price of the book. DRAFTS ISSUED AND MY UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT IE' COMPLETE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Wl!IUl\V~' G:&r:r's Christmas and New Year's cartoons are capital, and many of tho n11nor on allEran ches of Bank of Montreal in Canada, Ne\v Y:ork and sketches are remarkably po1uted and clever. Gripd ese1 ves increased prosperity, J,ondon, England. and should receive hbeml support. It is Private and Building Society J<'unds one of the bes t educatorR we know of, and l oaned on real estate at if taken into the family circle--as it oan best rates. be with pleasure and profit-it would stimulate th e desire of the younger me1nbers of tha family to acquiro a knowledge of NOTES AND ACCOUNTS public o.Jlairs. It should be in every home, so also should G.-ip's Almanac. COLLECTED. ScRimrnn's MAGAZINE AND ST. NICHOL· BANK STOCKS AS.-In this issue will be found ,the pros' pectus,ofltbese two popular periodicals for BONDS, 1880 T' · · ne enterprmng puhhshers, it DEBENTURES, will be seen, are determined to spare no rnade t o th e fine;t pohshed casket rnannfactnrcd in Canada., at prices to ~nnt everyone. keep alwavs on hand a full stock of COFFINS from the plain horne- By keep1nrr n1v osc..-n h orses I am prepartcl to run in to tihe cou11try w1t.hont extra charge, and bj living on t11e pre1nises I a n1 always ready at a minute's notice, day or n1ght. By dealin g w1t }1 1ne you can do better than with any other h ouse in th e cyunty, simply becau8e I uuderatand n1y bnsincss a.nd run n1y own business, and att~ nd to it. m jsolf, knO\\ing where and when to buJ' goods, and ahvays b uy fo r cash . Co1ne and ac~ for yourself. Shou ld THE DISCERNING P1:JBLIC need anything in my line, I shall be happy to deal "'lh them on the mo,t hbe1 ·al term·. Thankful for past patronage l still solicit a continuance of the same. Wi,hing you alla l\1erryChristmas a.nd Happy Ke w Year. reasonable pains or expense to maintain and ir crease the attractiveness of their mag·zi11es. Scribnei 's has won a wide popalari·y tI irough the excellencv of its and MORTGAGES ~'11 11"11 p~o~ili'i"E.l;!;.1:P \W'll' · ~. &"'fA Wtw &~. B 0 UG ..., H 'I' AND S 0 L D. INVESTMENTS MADE. Bowmanville, ~'eb. 12, 1879. _ ____ 29-_l_Y_·_ ~=~~~-~BEJA.. 'TJS:E PL.A.CE: ~~ ..1..".A....a;:.,o.Lw.L engravings and the soundness and variety of its readi ng matter ; while St NicMlas i· par excellence the mag"zine for young folks. It is far ahead of any other thing T. publishe d on e ither side of the Atlantic.- MAYN· A RD'S QLD"STA'!\.' . D, K I NG ST. .l'1 Bowman ville Dece·~ber 17 1879 ' ' " ' . 73 _tf. New Overcoat>; . . . . .. ... from $4 50 N ew Ulsters ..... ...... from 5 00 AGBN'f FOR N ew Suits .... . . . ... .. frQl].< 7 50 lVIa.ssey{ g Co's., Reapt·rs, 1\lowers, a nd NewTweeds ......... .. from 30 Rakes. 1\ilasson Manufacturing Co's,, Superior S1 ngle N ew Dress Goods .... .. from 10 and Combined Seed Drills. N ew Flannels . .. .. . , .. . . from 15 'l'olton Bros'. Pea Harvester. New Winceys.. .. ., . . . . from _ 5 ALL MACHINES WARRANT:tn. Far1ncrs' will find it t o their int.e1· to conNew Blankets ....... . ... from '75 sul~ roe either vcrsona.lly or by letter, before Under this h ead we can offer special bargain s, h aving bought largely ordering Machines. New Towelling .... . .... from 8 before the rece:it advance in pricos-a~d are now offer ing Tea fully 20 Agen t for tbe Ln.nded Bunking & Loaning New Holland, ... ..... .. . ftom 10 Co., Hamilton. " to 20 p er 1 cent less than th ell' present inarket value. New Fur Cape .. ........ from 1 30 HEPAIHS 1or s.ll machines sold, kept at 1\-Ir Green and Blne k Teas 50 cts. per lh., folly w orth 135 cts. Green and J. 1\.lorrJ1l' Shop. I will be in llowmanvillo every Sati.uday. B'.ack Teas 70 cents, w.oreh t u-day 90 cts.; an excellent beverage. One These ai·c a fai1· san1ple of tbe price s Orders by Mail PI on1ptly atte11dcd to. trial WI 11 secure you 1· life-long patrotage. Our Japan Teas are unexof our goods. It. J. SHAW celled in flavor and stre ngth . 1·. O. Box IO':l, Row nu111 \'IHe. Th e startling advance in all woolens ecember 10, 187U. 72·1y. h as act.ually t aken place, but the Gash House took advantage. _of the sih.rn,tion and bought SLEIGHS, WAGONS, CARRIAGES,&c If you want a choice cup of Coffee, this is the largely just before the r ise, place to get it. Cheaper than ever at and for the ' next two Sugars of all grades at lowest prices. months will actually I Fruits of all kinds at exceedingly low prices. sell at les,;.tha,11 the old low pri<'CB ,I!J"r' CARRIAGE WORKS. hi" .. ~\) g ivincr 0 ':i-;:t Farmers and oth ers ~,yu:nting anythin g in ,. tomersthem:1- ...__ ~-,,,,_ this llne are invned to co..11 a,nd learn ho\v ve1y cheap1hey cangeta first clnssat,iclc. Painting In t hiB h1 anch of trade ' we vantage of ...-- - -- ---------....a.nd repairing of all kinds do:roe with promptness F . ,defy competition· Fall and Spr:inoo wheat at the lowestpaymg pricBS. lour, -bost brands. Gibbs p atent Flour. Bu ckwh eat Flour. Cracked 2;, per JAMES MORRIS, Wheat, Graham :Flour, Commea.l. cent. 18·tf Bowmanvllle. Nov. 28 · 1878· Fish of all k inds. Oatmeal a s11ecialty. Coon Overcoats at the lowest price. GRAYS' SPECI FIC MEDICINE. 'yVe are in ieccipt ~f large shipments of goods, to replenish for the commg ~eason, the various branches of our increasin a- trade in which we feel confident no other h0tise in town can approach " us in 'quality or prices. Come and sec for yourselves l All our customers are d elighted. TEAS, TEAS~ CU'TTERS Coffees, Sugars, Fruits, Etc. PROV I SIONS. SUNDRIES. M 0 R R I S' I TRADE MARK, The G.reatlEng·TR ADE IN ALL SHADES. THEDIREO'l 'ORSoftheFrNANCIAL ;;;~~~b~·"!dd~~s~fn~mi on the receipt or the COME ND SEE ou 1i GRAND DISPLAY IN 1 Ottan1ans andShpperpatterns,11 nice assortment. will he hnppy to Ai ve further informatwn ASSOCIATION OF ONTAHIO beg to di· THE Gl:tAY MEDICIHE CO. ~ 'frluunlni;: !il llks, ·r1uu1~~, Fcn fiRct·s reotthe a ttenttonof tnYestorstothead vantnges T 0 , 1·~ oc and Or~auri.e n1s. in regard to this tir.:i t. cl ass Co1np'.tny. offered bythePreference:5tockoftheCompauy - - - 0 -- ! oronto, nt., c anada. as a particularly eeGu1e and remune rati ve Jn· . ,fffSold in BO\\ ma.11v1llo hy all <lrugglsts. aud " ' ' ' Mme. Demorest's Patterns fo r ·sale. THE \VESTERN ADVERTISER ~.\.NNDAL for vestment. It represents mortgage:. on Heal On account ot tne gi eat 1ncrca:-ie in our business, '""e are necesf'1tated 1 cYcrv"hcre 1n Cnn nd[I, and tl1e l'n1ted States 1880 (given to e::ich subscriber), besides Estate, whtch1n nocnseexceedone-half1t scash I . . . I by all wholesale audandretrul th11gg1sts. {32) Bonnets and Hats al·ways in stoc k aud CJ'lntaining the usual almanac matter, will valu~ , ancl has a first claim on 1he .c11p1tu.l of to iemove into n8"\V antl n1ore con1n1od1ouP- p1en11sesi that our nnrnero1 rn I N. B -'lhe demands of our busineas have \ _ n1ade to order. th e Compa ny to the 1 1mo11n1, paul r11 by t he t b , ·t ±' b · · l t h t th neces., it t d 011 e 100 " t 0 To t ·b· ,,_ I · give the Co1nplete Election Returns j Re~ holders a ad a lsoonthepu1l1t,.Lo the extent of cus OJHers inay a\O an op p oruun1 y 0 eu1g \.\! a1tec upon Wl on e l _lac ct'ar }1rnft~t IlONTO, O \"i l Oi· · d · p lL . t ~ · · 1 · l h d d . th t 0 p aco p ease 0. ress a l ure con1n1urnca tions cor o:tevt>nts for 1879; ostal Gni.dei eigi perccn.per an uuai. inconvenie nee o fcro\vdinrr sucnastLJ8).,. ave en ure 111 epas . u1· ----·------- ---- - -· ·r1 · d · ] k . Rural Hints for Every l\fonth, bv w. F. Forfurrherpart1cularsapply at the office of tat ' f 11' h "'1 t l d . B · 11 ' ~fATTY' S GUl~t us epartment JS wel stoc 'ed regardless of expense J the Company, ODDFELLOWo' BUILDING, rnpu ion or se rng t e c ieapcB r ry goo s m owrnanv1. e, we ' are ·I l' (' , r . ' · ' mClarke : The New Tariff Complete; Map LONDO N,orbyma,Jto determined to retain and will not be undersold by any hou se in the c uc mg ~ RA 'HTEV\ ARE, m various sizes and patterns; MRS. A. S. ANDERSON. of Ma.n1toba a ud the North-west; and ED'-" Al1D LE RUEY ' Bowmanvil lc. August 28, 1879. 27-57. "The ,Political History of Ottnada Since Managing Dire~ter. coun t ry. - ro- Eight per cent investment I h~!d~~hist~~1\ ~~a~:cit~~~o~ or::h t~ ~h~ at par. in life aa~urance, their aysten1 being .. t o · - days issue, especially as to their n1ode of . fi ra t cJass ins t't · · th ts 1 utron appEar1 ng in to· I 1 beg to call notice to the advert.u;omcnt of COKFEDEH.~TIONLIFEA.ssocrA'llON.~We YET,LO,VI.l~ES is subscription agtint. REM ov.tiI.d 0 F 1 lhbU.eructly,An ~ ~,~;:·~~~~i~~~~~~·n ~~·~]~ ~~r:~~;h;.lt~~.~~.'d 6 0 1 ,p divide the profits on the amount of premiom 11aid instead of the ordinary pt:rcent- · 0 M~~,~~~~~·~,r~~;;,.~~h i:v~~~ 1~~:i!~::;,f:~dci amount ench h as con tributed to profits, Ory BOOdS Store/ ~1~~~~11f~a~;rj~~e ~~ ~fAr:~ ~~~~u~~~ I at $1 per package, or six pack.ages for $5, or ' 1 NOTED CHE ~ "P CASH ----·· - --- --- SOAP.-Onr Ivory and Amber bar Soap throws all others in the ness, ~nperma. shade The Elective Soap is nowh ero compared to it. torrhea, llnpo tency, and all BRUSHES.--Scrub,Store,Hair,Cloths, Boot Broorns,Pails,and Wash tubs. Ihr; that fol· \Vil! find a lmost everything- in tho l111e o[ SALT.-:--In Barrels a nd Sacks. Fine Liverpool Salts, in bags, weighing Before Taking. respectively :ifilhs., ll 2 tbs,, 22·1· lbs., to suit the convenience of the purUniver sal La.ss1tucle, rain in t he Back, Dimness chaser,- specially imported for dairy use. tn n1y presen t stock; which has been of Vision, Premature Old Age, aml many other .rene'\"ed by r ecent purchases. ,.. Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption COAL OIL of the b est qu a lity. Our Headlight is worthy of a trial and and a. P r emat ure Grave. IIaving bouµ:ht to advantage I can sell cl1ei' ~ 1 bound to give satisfaction. 1 0 s~~;~~gc{~~ci!~~ Bown1anvillc, Dec 10, 1879. s: F . HILL. 62--72. LAD IES Taking?~~~~~u~~l~~~Afwr MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS >!'" · A c BERLIN WOOLS k ery G 1ass L amps an d F an cy Goods FEATHERS GLEANED AND DYED. T the Confederation," a brilliant piece of dee criptive and historical wntinf{, by a leadin g member of Parham ent- the only complete. connected with independent resume, it is claiined, yet given of the period 1nen tioned. THE QUEEN lNS CRANCECO!\IPANY. -Trt1e EA, DINNER AND CHAMBER SETS, I I [ I §- t-----H+-+- t+t:J;H-+ -H+- - - --:j:- § WE SELI. y I I ELEGANT WRITING 1~ ..i. to its naille "The QnePn" Insnr11nce Co. stands out first with rts oalendar for 1880. The idea convevPd thro ughont is an east- ern one and ev1dent1y tends t) direct attenti on lo "the Qneen" a.s En1press of Iad1a. T he c ilor1ng is very rich. At th e h ead is .a nH.i.rine vi~w with an eastet n sunset. On the left hand at the top is a §~ :::-----+-++- +- +-+:tt+ ~-+ -t } f -- - - - :i:-§ group of figu res, and on th e left centre a representation of au E astern Queen, atBleached and Unbleached Co tton,;, very low. tended hy h1:::r n1aideus and a bout to rt1ceivc a fiural nffenng- fr om h er children A full assortmenL of Ladies' Ma ntles, from 75c. up. kneeling. At tho butto1n on the s~1ne side Tlie b e't Vi' ornted Coatings and in Dowmanvillc is a. lake vte w. Ou the right at the top is a fruit and fiower design, and in the n1iddlc A FIRST i){,-::..\RS CUTTER. anEgyptia.n 1·ase with flowP-rs,at the bottom Tl·e llol m:mLlvc.ra ud ··" ····~lf· Pnrl c~res -· Perfect Fit G.uar artteed. a gronp of flow ers. In the centre below ... ' ~ , is a pretty de>1gu " ith the arms, of the v.ritbout, med1c1ne. NEA.DS' 1VE W BLOCK. TE RJ\1S-CASH. ---- 0ornvar.y. - irne whoie is enca:·H.1 --4 in a IION1'.~-:i:;-_E1l'~~.---~RbiLESS. Tlus treatment is not only ond orsed b)' thou owmanville, O..:tober 29, 1870. be~ntifal b or der of rustic dt.>sl{{n coo1posell sands of people, both in th rn a nd other countI 1e.s of bamboo, and inou nted on heav y card· but is be in g endorse d by the h1g hest m ed 1ca b o~rd. Mr. 'r hos. BinQham is the age11t au Ll1 01·1L1ee. Send for de~c1iptive treati?e. For sale at for this vicinity. D. STOTT'S DRUG STOUJ£, Good Cornpany($3 00 a year,Springfi e!tl, ],i[ NumbJr Five, ha.s four storie s, as 130WMANVIUE. invites attention to his well "elect ed and cheap stock of follu \\'s · 1\ J-;asemen t Story, by Edward Addre!'s all orders : Eggleaton, author ofHoos ierSchoohnaster, ~ H 0 <t: z HI -'1 ~ t-4 t;i:j l De. f1 ynrd. j Goocl Plain 'V1nceys for Jc a y a.i c.l. r~ Heavy Linen Table Da.n1ask ~3c . a yard, t~-+ +"+ l:tussell Cord Dress Go< ds (Pot shcddy) lOc. a prd;\ Hea<y Canton Flaunel 9e. a yard. Co1 sc t.s from 30c np. I IJ,ld 1es' K i d GloYcs fron1 S5c. up. I Heavy all Woo l Tweed, (not sho<1dy) 35c a yard ! Hea,·y Linen Towelln Jg fol' pE>rfect self iJlstructor "' I I ~eatt~'sGuide PEtJMANSHIP l LAMPS! TO by the uid of w)lich young people niay become gooa wr·ter· in a short time. n consists ot a book 01 50 NQ'ilIC"~ J. F.:.i COPY SLJPS fm Sets, in. White and Fancy 42 }~ront St. Ti~ast, a.nil 33 'Velhngton ESt. EasL I atterns, o f A 1 quality. 1Ve have lately imported direct from TORONTO, Paris, specially for our Xmas trade, a fine selection of' TEA MACHINER Y BROK ER S, AND DEAJ~Ens IN ALI. KlKDS 01<' ~E'I'S, of best Freuch China; these are really unique, and are SECOND-HA ND MA CHIN ER Y. fast being disposed of. STEAM ENGINES & .BOILER;.; from 3 Horso-pO'\.Ycr upwards. A larg e sto ck selected with great care, suitable Machinery Recerved on Consignment and l10 fo r CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. 1~ choice af.sortmen t .of Chamber W~I . DL'i'GUA co.· I h 1g · hest pnce · Jrns a l ways been p a id , by Murdoch '11<l s offarm pro d uce. pages. containing anai v"·I J.., 1u o riff'1v.£4 '.JC' ! and explanation, a large · Bros " . iior a ll !, \. 1 practismg, a sH.EE BEAU1 l>'UL A i1ange1nen " t s h ave b een ma d e vv1'th sonic of t h e leading · ·n uRN.1.ME){rAL houses 1 1, a nd a ;:i~N'~\;~)~~ usE to contain tow'.1, to supply our customers w,th goods not in our line, so that parties havmg produce to dispose of, can do so to advantaae. ll. Price post-paid, $1. 00. Bo" mnnl'lllo, Decembel' 18, 1879. " 73. J - Th e ! Charge tor Storage or A dvertising. '°""e make q uick sa.les t.!ash Pnhl fo1· ~_;~~ otlaei.·in.~·"'~ · t'oitl~er, B1·~1'iS :i"u·'- ~-- · !J:t E--i j:'il l:Q EL EGA MT number of W. H. WiLL.I AM·s, GENE RAL 1j > .. ; tJ TAILORING ' assoitment~f Tw~ds n WR Ill N Address ,..Lt.anner and at lo\, est BLACKSMITH. " _,,..1..1Ild nds of ~-·~"'"--_,.---, blacks1nith1ng done 4 ,.. .......c~t u~ 1 w '--....,, _ _ ....._. tROBI.N~N+--~E -~ JOHNSON, Outnrw Busrne·· College, ONITA. ll'IO F ~ ...~~_r-------....__ "'7J- - - - - __ B~ B01 1-1.LAN D " ' Special a.ttevtiong ivcn to the ironn1 g uf bugg1~ and carrw.ges for couutry shops. King Street Vlest, opposite the Re£{1l:!lry ofllce Bowmanville. Bowma n v 1ll0, Oct, 2:1ri 1878. 81' ~----- - A.GRl('lfLTITRAJ, IJIPJ,"S<~!tll·,J\ 'Jl!i lllC.i!.·!\iRI ~ has removed from the Post Office Block to the store formerly occupied ~ ".c by S. MASON & SON, NEADS' NEW BLOCK, where _ _ __ _ _ _ B_ E~.ti VILLE . _ONT. 1 he will rrive great bargai n s for OASH in ST. CATHARINES miHSERIES. A full assol"~ent of splendid have opened out. a choice stock of Geo. M. · r owle has a graphic paper <>bout Bismark, 0nd Rev, Dr. Hitchcock ' TEAS of the American chapel in Paris a valuable I ' article on The Problems of Protestantism GROCERlES in :France. .1 p ' RO T7I.SJO VS There are also, A Day Home for Workanc. " .L> · ing-women's Children ; l\'.Iore Nooktown in shops 3 a nd 4, J\la.1ket ::iquare, and are pre. sions of 'Vashington. et·. The l\fystery of Gi!lyftower Inn, by Lizzie \V. Champney ; .A. Hard Bargain, ~U.ox 46 , n owinnn ville. by Horace E. Scudder ; and Greek mee!s September 18, 18i9. 60-tf. Uonsisting in part of Black and Colm Prl Cashmeres, Como and Empress Grock. Cloths, Grey Sui tings, Lustres, Check and Plain Wincies U'oths, Among tho sketches nre Acer Sacchari- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- .! num ; A Lawyer's Life, by an experiencYlannels, &c, &c. The aboye will be found splendid f"d lawyer ; R o 1nan l\'.losaics; and I rnpreavalue. A sk to see the HOLMAN LIVER PAD CQ., o-oo-Ds Y.~ T Business c011 eg e, I BELLEVILLE (Fon,.·derl in 1869) 1. jB-0-0-T- S A-N-D S-H-0-E-S. On account of h aving 01 dernd a large stock before the recent i·ise in leather and rub?er goods. o~ from 20. to 40 p ci: cent., p urchasers will save tlns n se by buymg from him at once. His stock is n ow complete for t he Chrititrnas trade. REPAIRING PROMPTLY AND NEATLY DONE. Cementing on Patches P r operly Done and \Varranted t o give Satisfaction. One door East of LEE & EDSALL'S HARDWARE STORE, and do not fail to give him a call. Bowmanville, Dec. 8, 1879. 61-72. FRUf'l' AND ORN"AMEN'l'AL TRlrnS. OltDEltf!!i U V itJAl l. ltEUEI\ E: Iii' l ,l l l. J·ttOJJPI' '1.1'1:.i::NTIOi\. .\~0 I ' I I AGENTS WANTED part of the country,-Pay J.ibc.·t·al . duty of twenty per cent.. .Adthes~ ~·o take Or- · dOl'jjlUeYCl}' W. BRITTAIN & CO. ~NEW CANADIAN .fl 0 SIER ~~~~:~r:!fs:~~~jl~ ~~{f%l ORDEREO WORK IN FIHE BOOTS AND SHOES ,\ SPECIALTY. tenchmg. ITS as Low as 111 L ho Sta.Les, 1h~1 eby saving t.he Shonl1l call < L nd 8! t he Stock DEALERS -1t. 18 un"'!u rpa.sscd. P1 wcs REED'S BT,OCK. Bowmanville, Oct. 15, 1879. 1· 18· 27-64. 8'1'lilF.~1'S . D. W, BEADLE, (7.0-2Dw) St. Oar.har1ne.8 ~ · after go111g through the cornseare.competenttoflll good pos1t101u1, or cond uct business Ior 1he1n Sf'l" es. Remember th e stand-NEADS' NEW· BLOCK Terry Cooke, Ei\line Goodale, Sidney Lan ier, andHelen Gossip ; verses by Rose 'Pared 10 take E. Starrett ; and the usual editorial de- BUTTER, EGGS, PORK, pa.rtmenta. Etc., for '\'hich they will pay A carefully oelected stock of the newest styles and best qualities of Fa The special oifer to send without extra cost four back numbers to new yearly ~ub and Winter Goods may be found at P.AR'J' CASH scribel's, is extended to F ebru ary 1st, and give due bill s on W. ALEXANDER'S for when it will b e fi nally withdrawn. TnE NATIONAL llBPOSITORY, with the nnrober for .Tanunry, enters upon its A CHO I CE STOCK. a,·countants of practical / experi'"'Ine, and autho1s the heel works on book~ keepi ng- and pc111nansh 1p p uhl n;he<l. 1 ,.1.1 e of l i ~ "" ~ ~· ~ ~· ~] ~ Ladies and Uents' CLEANED OR DYED. ~ i·RY GOODe. HIGHEST PHICE PAID roR JEFFERY' Pa t·ents aiul Young Jle11 are tnVltf> fl to send ior the College Ci1rc11lar and spccifmen of Penma.nsh1p. L :;;;;de I seventh selni-annual vol11n1e. The history of this nlal!;azine, and of its predecessor, 1he' R~pository, since ] 841, is an honorable one, and its place in durnestic circles has never been i;;o well filled as it Merchant Tailoring Establishnwnl. nqll door to 1'rfurdoch Bros. A choice variety of Tweeds, Uloths, Coating, Trouserings, &c., &c, of RODIN~ON & .JOHJ\'§ON, ON'J.'ARIO Bl..SDIES8 COLLKG E, s uperior quality, and at prices which cannot fail to satisfy, BELLEVILLE, ONT.ARI O made in tbe latest fashions and a October 21, 1879. CQR · N ISH let .! o ,. ~ 2 · ·~ ~ ~ Ai <d ~ M 8 o S · JI 'ii.~ "'t; =.s'° . CLO TH INC ~ ...,. .::::: "':l Faded Ga r1nents bi onght to t~ natural color, Ladies' Dee ss Go re-dyecl 'vuhout taking apart Feathers cloa.ncd, dyed and cur Kid Gloves cleaned and dye Second hand clothrng bou gh t i" GOOD BUTTER! HOOD BUTTER ! Is gomg to others do the blowing, while he will sell °" ... " ,.. . ~ i:. rd ;;:; r..."! ~ ~ : ~ .a..:: tie astar.<ling c:olo1, sold. A.ll -g"~"""'*" warmnl<d so that l~ one vaH know them f.roill:'--'.!1~~ - -.....__ they should fai: to be "'O I " ' ill not charge one farthing fot 1nyt ronble~ ane. ~ Clothes clea.11er and dyer. sign of · ~ the half faded coat, Bowma.nv1llc. owma nv1lle, Jw h 1878. !5·tf' '1'1101\iAS PEA'! E, is now. The Grat art.i cJe pf the current nnn1ber, upon "The L3.ud of the Hittites," with ten handson1e i1lustrahon s, was furnished by Joseph L ongldug ; the second, Fresh meat can be obtained till 7 p.m., fl"om upon ' 1 Tyrol and t hfl L akes of Italy," Young & Cawke r's, by a 1111ly ing at \V. B. & with seven illnstrations, by Prof. W . IT . Cu's Store. Larrabee. Dr. Wise wr1tes of "BeethovBo\1" manville , July lat, 1879. en." and R e\". J. J. Buswell of "Henr v Crabb Robinson." Mrs. Belle Tevis ~peed cornmBncea the transl l:l ti on of a thr1lling etory about Russian life,e ntitl ed, ".l\farous- R F E C T F I T C U A R A N T E E D. FRESH MEAT. ' P E All kinds of Gentlemen's undenvcar, Hats, Ties, Collars, Handkerchiefs, etc., i~ great variety. ----------- .... 653m, Watches, Rings & Jewellry generally at prices as low :;ti? any other house in town. ~~@@~~ .tiarTHY A P AIR OF FU3KE'S Call and ex amine my goods. Eowmanvillo, Oct. 15, 1879. SUSPENDERS.~ vmB.lf BETT ER HORSES ~ CATTLE be their nge and 11 ond1tion. are vastly im· @llitlfll£F>. TLE, whatevor may proved, in eve1 y \"i':}Y, by the use of HORsgs and CAT· FRMERS, DON'T READ THIS ! JOS. JEJ?.JTERY. . 12 64. Repairingdone at low rates. REED'S BLO CI{, J(fNG ST. EAST. ·i·," from the French of P. J. Stahl Liele Lester desc1ibes a visit ".Among the Bntton-n1akerH" ............~~~~........~...,-,,,...,,......,.,..,. _ .......,~.,..,,. T ~~""" - """""""':a:"""'"""'"""..,,..,,,.,..."'"' of this country; gives~ and Ell: E c;i... B. E ..&..':!'.'El 15 T "The '\\Toman Question in France." Two -or thrAe selected pieces and the ever-wel- Prof..Wm. Wolls g'"'d sketch of B _ T ..A.. T E:i EXH IBITION IN BOWl\'.IANVILLE Pruc11 cul l\.:nl~bmnli:Cr;-Jeneiier, ttc., .' come_Eqitorial Miscellany make up a first Takes t.his inethod of -t hank ing his numerous rate aumber of the m8~azine. c11ston1crs for their p ast fav ors, fioping to merit The NalMiutl R eposifo11J is pnblish cn a c ontinnanc~ of the sap.1e, and lettin g yon now monthly at $3 n year, PHILLIPS that I h nvo got a large sto~k of Clocks, Watches Jewellery, &c., of i..he be8t qua.hty lh at can & HUN1', New York. be bought, '~h1ch ·will he solrl cheaper b~ a hig E v1"ry pe snn en~~~ed in Q'rowtnG, 1',ru1ts or F l nwer~ should t lke a p11J!Cr erclub'ime'y I S AT whereyouwillfind tbebest selectioninFm~,I-IatsandGents'Furnishings.lj~'.llUl;m COAL, WQ Q D, LUMBER, In Furn, Seal Sets and CapB, only best quality kept. P luckC.:: Otter in Sets and Captl, A 1. Hussian Dog and Gray Lamb, in great variety. J3al tic Seal and A,trachan J ackcts; S leigh and Buffalo Robes; Gloves, Iin itation Lamb and Plush Caps. ln Hats, the latest styles and largest stock ah'7 '1ys kept on hund and r1rices fron1 .50c. u p\vards, In Gents' Furnishings the host selection of 'ties, Shirts and Winter Clothing. Remem1}er the sign of the Big Hat, opposite 1". Hendcrnon's HotJl. Persons having Furs to repair should bling them in early, before the busy season commences. All kinds of .l!'urs altel'8d and repafred.Cash buyern pmf'erred. .IUARI1;:L OS Il'.IA YEH. 38-60 tf. Mayer's Fur Establishment, I I ! I 'I I 1 Bown1an\"ille, Septen1ber 19, 187!). 60. DI CK'S BLOOD . ~__..,- PURIFIER ,.-::---.., ::..J iwm:n.natt'tR£:.~-;-. -'""'"' ·· :: ............ imparl~ Dew M c C L E L L A N & C 0., DEALERS IN II either the be~tor poutcst of N o onowould believe bow the work of tatlenmg niarvellous effect ui-1 .m and vignr, and really hits 11, 1 ire '1 DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER., for the market is fao1 1it:i.1erl by the use of cleroted to thP.Re snl)jects, FRUIT ER AS is PuRDY's REc 1RDER AND OotIAGE GARDE1'-- -a mnn1hly of 16 pages, at only $1.00 peryP.a.r, pnbli sh ed in that ,;!ren.t Flower City and fruit section, Rochestrr, N Y.. bnt controlled and edited by A.M. rurdy. of P .tlrnyr a, N . Y ., a life-long fruit grower odds than you ca.n buy elsew he re; l will also car 1y on the ma nu faC' t uung of the same. All 1epairing e ntrus l f". ll to n1e voll receive strict at· te n[ion and b est skill hitherto unattcmptctl in this part of the country, as you will sec by some of my ee l tificates fron1 son1e of the largest shops tn Ca nada and the United '3tate2. ·w hich l have h ad pra<'l..ical experience in. lam confident tba't a n y t hat will fa vor inc with a call will be m aster of the situation. , . - - ' - - ~~ == ___ · _ .... ) . ' . ' Tlns Great :h ousehold M ed1cme ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life. 1'hese.fa1nolls P 1lls purify the BLOOD, nnd act most powerfully, yet s ooth111gly on the Sh" 1 L h p S · ing es, at ' osts, & quare Timber; SOLE AGENTS FOR J:3:: r:::> <J.A_T L.-r:-r::>11""1'.1 & SO,..,,,... ·- .:.J::> _ ~ ..E::L:.r:::J \.....1 -L...,. ..L....,. :i --li'Olt- THE PROPRIETOUS, DXC~ - ~ 0 0. - OFBLISTER, OINTMENT & LINID~Whioh are used in the beat ::;tables in th& world . !OINES a.nd be convinced of tb.e1r mert.t. EDINBllRGH AND NlO NTirnAJ, 1 , -P1epi:ue also, a splendid ~ Liver, Stomach, Kidneys,' Doors, S ash, Blinds, Pickets, Mouldings, &c. l rst class workman, hn.'\ 1ng worked for us nnd fl.ouri st1 and now havi ng over one as a t a lO n~ tim e, during ' vh1ch h e d id all o ur hnnCired acr ~s into frtn~ a . flowers, &c. · for and difficult jobs and we must say t hat we ha\ e and editing bis pap~r fr otn a practical ne\'el' .had a chance to fi ll h18 pla.ce w1t.h a m ore daily exper1once, nn.d of close oOscr p1actical watch1nak er8II1t"e. He i s con1 petent of doin g the .tlnest and difficult<"h-l'epair1ng ' 'atiun and sln<ly. Send to him,atPalmyrai that can b e done in Can~ula. or t.he 1Jn1tedSta.tes. N. Y , for a sp<> c i1i1en copy. I t will speak Ife is about, the only uu e th a t 110lds first-cl A, & J. KLIZER, 'rorouto. for it.self Or bv send ing on the snbscrip testimonials. tion prie0 no· (Sl.00) you get the !nil '1.'o whom it niay Ooncdrn: volunie for 1880 and either of t he following ',tllis 1s to certify t hat J. n. Tait has ·w orked irn for two yettr5 at theJewt1lry bnbu1 ess,~tnd premiums. now or next spring, l\S you may for we t hink that he is com peLent of doing any Job choose: Thf'i three l ast nninbers for 1879, t hnt roa.y C(~me under lus notice, Yours Lruly, or Purdy's 64-page Small Fruit work, or H. 'i\.'" E S TERMAN, Nev.,. Have n, either lus beaut1fu] ]f1uit or Flower piece, J , B. Tait wo-rkcd foi.· me thrco ycnrs, during J3x16 inchee or £our assorted pot grown which ti me h e gavo me first sati<: factron , both 10 tli e repa111ug of vn1tches, clocks nnd roses, or fo nr asso1ted geraniums, or ten je\·-:elry. I can reoon1mend bun to any per son 1 \\ e take pleasure in recommending J. D. 'l'a.i P S .-Clllih paid for Raw F ms. Bown1an\1"11le. Septe1nber 16 , 187f·. and BO\VEL8, g1v1ng tone, en ergy, and 'igor cue prepared promptly to fill orders in tbe a bove lines, and to d eliver articles in all parts t o these greaL M AIN S PRINGSO.lf Llll'E. The)· confidently recommended as a never failing of the town. 'l 'he highest p1·ice paid for Lumber·, 'Vood ,ctc. \.V e buy fortJA.SH, and sell for CASH. remedy Ln all cases where t he cons tHutron. from itJf0tt1ce and Yard--Corner ot K ing and George Streets. whateve1· cause, has become unpatred or weak· encd. 'l'hey arc wonderfully efttcncious iu all AMEIU<.JAN GREENBACKS AND EXCHANGE BOUGH'!'. aihncnts i ncuten tal to lt'emales of a.U ages , and as a GENER.AL FAMILY MEDICl.NJ!:, are JOHK 1\.-lOCLELLAN, l uns urpassed. t fYILLI"-.M CA NN . j Bowman~ille, April 17, 187 38 "re Try DICK'S HOR:iE AND CAl'rLE ~!Eli· For Sale by G8-13w .J. HIGGINBO'rHAM, !Bow1nanv1ll McC LELLAN & CO . JO!-"J N 1\llclvIURTRY,. And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, never bee11 known to tall. The Pill!i a ud 01ntmcut nrc 1\fs.uufactul-ed ll.l'C "- = Keeps constantly on hand a good stock 0f pa.pers :as,..;orted choice ft ')wer seed, or oue havmg anything to do in bis line. Yours tl'oly, strong root of the n1ost bean t1ful, hardy J IT. JUNES, Terrehaut, Indiaoa. ai,d. fragrant Honeysuckle g ro"n~the This ts to cortify Lliat J.B. Tate 1s a first class Heleana~ or 25 assorted st rawbe.rrie plants v,.-atch lll~ker audJ-eweller. He v.or·ked fo r me of the_b e'."st ;c;~r~ts gro'lrn fo1· thts la.htnde,or 18 m onths , and did the most difficult Jobs ir. the assort~d h ~ rfl,y p--:;-Qs 0 0A rri"' i'1.. hardy raspberry plan ts, or 6 best J v1ay of 'vatch andjc"'elry repah ing ._ Y ours, R. CIIONCE, .Pittsburg. I t ake pI~asuro in r eco mmenrling- .T. B. '!'ate a 8 a fi rst wa.tchrnaker, a;i he J1.1~ .... orked for mtt atfd proved to be a .s;ood , .. orkrnif n. Any o n~ g 1v1ng h hn a.Job -..vi1I pro-.. P h1111 t hq sa1ne. Yours truly, H. SHOAf ,AJ:cghany, GROC ERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware, Canned Goods, Tobaccos, Soaps, &c., &c. A 1l kmds produce taken in exchange. Bowmanvill~. sign o:t the ~ig \l'nteb, IUn:i Street, ;Bowmanville· A ugu s t 2 lf79. October 1, 1878, 10-tf sold by Dll ·v endo1 s of 11-fcdicines thro ughout the Crvilizcd i:v orld; with dl.l'e ctions for use in most C\ ery language. WPlltch asers should look at the J..Jabel on the Por;ts and Boxes. If 1h f\ aflcl rei-;:-; is not 533, Oxfo1d Street, l..01111011, LlrnJ a1e 8PUJ'tOUS, The Trade 1\.fal'kS or lHY s.11d J\"ed 1cines are registered in Ottav."a, urul aJ~o aL \'\ ashington. only at533, OXI·ORD ~l'RBET. LONDO:'<, and Aprll 28, 1879, litl·IU' blS Shav 111 g Parlor, fit·st dooi· \VeS°t f)f llurdoc1l B1·os· Grocery Store, ICing Street, Bowrnan ville. :~send 50c. by m ail, and n return \you will receive a bottle, July 24, 1879. nt l

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