· -,; . CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVlLLE, FRIDAY, JAf\IUARY lf 80. SUBSCRIPTION$ PAID. th;'l'oll Gate off the gra'vel roa~ The following persons, in add1t1on to Moved by Mr Smale, s,coml·d by llfr l\'.Ir Allen declin ed to act as c~1airn1an 1 those already pu bhshcil, have paid their of the Poor Rehef Con1m1ttee, gtv1ug as !'rower, -'! h it the Ree10 and Deputy sub·cript10ne for 1880 his reason that he had no public place of Reeve be mstructecl t-0 state t o tl1e Coun bus1ness n.nd he did not w1sh to be annoy tiea Council th.\t tlus town is wtlhng to Wm Go1nll, H R Thornton, Alex ed by tramps going to hu, houBe Ile was supplement a County grant for unprov1n~ Gibbard, l\hes l!'!.irweather, Mrs Samuel, a.bsent fr om home a J.?;teat deal too, and the !lfaovers Road if the moo·y be ex Dunn, Dall1el Hogarth, J D Hogarth, W furth er, hi s residence was not very accessible pended this side of B nrton,-C arried F Rolf, .Tamcs l\ialcolt11, Jr, James Parr, Moved by Mr Horsey, secondecl by Mr to the publw He "as willing to ac t on the W H Elliott, D H Best, W L llbson, co1um1ttee or on a ny comnu tt~e I-le S Burden, -That Mr Wmdatt Jay befoie R Slanner1 Levi 5Ktnner, W H \Vllhaml!I, thought the choice ot tu em bers of tin s tlns Council at 1ts uexl mecttng the (Wybrid;:e), J D A"de, (En1; ), Mathew co1nn11ttee was not a gooCf one as the other a1nount of notes discounted. by this cor Vole, Robert McLeod, Mrs D Knap, 'l' porat1on durmg 187n, a nd also tho rate mem bers \\ere sunil1a,rl} situated A Wright, B Middleton, J H Bellwood, Mr S Burden thought that Mr Allen pet cent paid Lor snch discoun t - Carried F Tailing, William Tremble, Wilham Vux, Mr N cada apphcd for perm1ss1on to was JUSt the n1an for the pos1tio n and did Miss Bates Wilham Lader, John Lader, Our December sale of cheap goods ha~1ng smriassed om erect a drugg1st's sign or mortar - Referr not think lns 0b1ect1on fea sible George L1ddu1gham, Thomas Osborne, Mr Porter conld unccrstand l\fr Allen's ed to Chief Constable Sa.mnel Daniels, Robe1tRotlgson, Rev W. most sangume oxpectat10ns, we have clcc1ded to c;)n-cnl:l~e Everythrng m om M1ll111e1y and Mantle Depa1 tment to Mr S Burden gave no ~ue of By law to position and tt:oug1.t hIB reasons for wish Limbert, Robert Collacott, Ntch. Jeffery, fix tavern and shop licen3es sal" on th10ngh the month of JANUARY. " he,clea1ej _ou t regarrlless of cost, ing to dcchn c Cjlll to proper He suggPsted W J K ennedy, J W Philp, ('l'enn ), Couvcil adjourned Mr S1nale for the position , as he has n John N Farley, John Hambly, Jr., Thos pubhc office on lun g 'itree t and would Shortridge, Jon Pi"ka1d, F H Mann, A special message ' front. 1\.'TcClung Bros is Ou1 75c. Felt Hats to be cleared out at 25c. BARGA l NS WILL BE GIVENlN not fi nd t he trouble so grrat George Welch, Malcolm Mc'l'avish, Jame· cawnng quite a sensation among th e peoplt! all Mr Smale thou aht llfr Allen would 1ontn(l about With a ;iew to cons1dmably re l\11Jlar, Wilham Joli, John Smith, Wilham Our $1.25 F elt Hats reduced rn 50 ce nts not be annoyed as 1nuch as htt might ducung then· large etock of UOLD IA.b:Al 1Il'R Woudlev, Wilham i:icott, M A, Mrs, T GOODS Uns house is off'e.rmg some v. onderfu1 imagine It would be best to lea\ e tlt e bargains during tlus month H1lhs, It KatE:!rson, Tho1nas \"\""ill1am.!! 1 J Om $2"1lU Felt Hats reduced to :bl 00. THE TOWN COUNCIL OF 1880 rnatleI ur abeyance S Pierce, (Detroit), Wilham Trewin, Jr , $50,000 00 of Englrnh money to Will1aw Culv1 lle, W1llta111 Leach, Thomas The :tte1ubrrs Mak~ Sulcun1 Dccltu nUonThe report was ilnally adopted See our $4 St1aw and Felt Hats, well tnm w f" d.t o bt· soltl at 75c. Little, Wm Haycraft, i:lamuel Penfound, A psen,,lblt' lh~er:h JJy the Ma)orMt S Bniden ino\ed for the first read I ,an at a low iate of mte1 est Miss rt'Ioorcraft, W1H1a1n Heury, J:;evi 1 he FlrHt Buitht('s8 ncctlng- C!oniniittccs 1ng of a. by law for the ,\ppo1utment c.f 1oly to Thos Bmgham, Hughan'li \ Vancamp, T 8 Breut, Thomas Smale, A.1·polutctl-CJ1airn1on Elect of o 1c J,oor A ud1tors of the Public A.ccoun ts $3 00Mantles1educed to $1.50 $5.IJO \] d tt\le s 1ed u( ed to :t"3 75 I e" elle1y Store, Bowmanv1lle 6 L tf Abram 'rarnum, John Cameron, Th91nas Rc11cf Co1un11ttee Decl1nei; the Honor l\.fr Piggott moved fo r ti e fhst 1ead1og $4 50 Mantles reduced to $2 75 $7 00 M<1Ptl es1educed to $4.75 1Vho Wnn& to be Asscs~ors-By·l.R"\l !!I of a by l aw for th e appo1ntme11t of a H igh Jardmc, George S Shaw, Frank Shaw, 'lrn~let: A.1>polntetl- A1ulUor1t of' rublic School Trustee in place of D 1 Fteld1ng (Kan,) John Stewart,JoaephZa'1tZ J0hn N cm '.2\lion ttscmtnts A.ecoont8- Mr. H:lnte8 Cluint· Damages- rohred Santh, Ed Annis, \Vtlham Annis, Tho1nas BARf, !..INS 1\lLL HE GIVEN IN 50 dozen Wlnte and Colored 'l\rn Button Kid Gl o~c s red1 wed lhc :Market B:t·l..nw A.gain- Tenders Ac· Standing Ill le No 31 was temporarily Bragg, R Ferguson, Sa1nnel Snowden, 1'01· Sale. to 50 l:ent8, credit stores ask 90c for no bette 1 goods c~ plcd-Tbe Poll~· Masistrntcs Salarysuspended antl theae by laws were passed Mrs Rich ardson, John Elford, S: Y f.ra.nt~ on Mnavers noad- Notlf:e or UJ· tbr )Ugh the sec ond aud tlurd readings Hoar, Chris. !lfmna, Steph Honey 'l' J ouri FIRST CLASS "VILLAGE LR"· H Ha.ucock, F Ilr1macombe, \Vin Cr1go, 1 MBssrs 11 H Vann and Chas Keith Our noted Dollar Kid Gloves reta rn theu well earn ed populanty Lote, and tluee Dv. elh ng Hou.,cs 1n the I were appointed Au<i1tors at a sf\.laiy of 'dla.g-e ofOrono for1nerll known as the propel ty J ohn Hoar, Sr, Ehas Greenway, W . G of ~r1111am \Vatson T erms easy Apply to The Members of the Town Council of ;;no eacb Rnndle, J ohn Short, John L Power, W l! 01 Llie Clie,tpest and best a sortgd stoek 111 the tJounty go L o D GAMSH Y, or ]fessrs H1gg111b0Lhan1, I-I utchrson, Bo\\ Samis, D Galbraith, Geor~o Short, Jas. 1880 met 1n the Council Cllawber on J H FOX ~onday morning to make the usual dee.. den and Armour wer e nonun ~ited for H S Poll>1,rd, John I Stewart, Clarke, Jan 11 1880 larat1on and for organ1za.tlon After th e Tru stee - ------ - ~ (To beJOontinued ) Members had taken their seata H is Wor Mr Smale he d that th e South Ward Building Lot tor Sale Bhtp the llfayor addreeaed them OS fol!o"S f IVQS not ·uffimentJy tcprcsented, th e other N SOT GOG STREET, ADJOINING QENTLEMEN OF TIIE TOWN COUN CIL - 'two wards had ten i epres entatn es on the Mrs Masons, hall an acre ;mo1e or less i 4-57 60 64 68 75 Bo" manv1J\e, Januaty 1, 1880 RAR<MINS WlLL BE GIVEN lN Will be sold on easy ter1n s Appl} to In a.asumtni;i. the civic chau after a lapse of Hi"h School Board R PillliP Dowman·11Je eome four years, I am pleased to meet a lllr Bnttnm had not lhought of ward 78 tf Council so well qualified to discharge the) represPntation when he DOlnlnated Mr January 21 1880 dutte1 appcrtammg t o the office With H1ggmh o th arn, and therefore could not Los I out reflecting on the last Connell or any support Mr S1nale s innllon On the of the gentlemen who souvht and fa1led vote bulilJ taken Mr H1gg1nbo thnm '"11s L-,ROM R UEBO'.lIOM'S SHED Bow ,_,,, to ohtatn a seat at the Con~cil EOard, I elected by a considerable n1aJor1ty I:' ma.nville on Saturday evenmg last a llght HINTS TO TEACHERS think I may congratula te the towu upon 'l1he By Laws were signed and sealed b uggy gearing pn.llltcd brown smglc lcafa prrng iron ties- nearly new the box verl nnrrov; A con1mun1catton was read fron1 l\fr P closed Abm rny teachers ha'e jnot takeu charge the Councll fo r 1880, as being 'vorthy of in behind seat all the c ornei s hea v1h the confidence of \ the people and \'llll 0 Bunes, al"ktug tu Le r eco n11 ensed for champerei! sheepskin dash no plat1n~ a ls o a of sdio( ls for t he first time, a few words quahtied f11r the office to which they have damage done to prov sons tn h s c~ llar b\ large butt:alo robe-nearly new hn ed w1t1 hea-..y blach. plus h The prope1 ty 1s s upposefl to have '\ \\A.ter fiu1n the road Re ferred to Com been of acf1ce from us may not ba am1111a A been el""cted stolen Any n1forma t1on reEpect1ng the \Ve often find it d1fiicalt in tlus town, mLt teo un Ro~ds and Streets.'\\ 1th instrnc whereabouts of the above \\ill oblJge teac'li r v.;h1:111 entering upon h s dutles ex H ELLIOT'! l R a1 ninB bLS pupils for the purpose of and the s<1.me will a.pply to o tlu:~r towns, to hons tu report at,, futu e nieetu g Hampton Jan 20 1880 prevail on gentlemen, \\"'ho ought to show l\fr S Burden rnovt d, seconded bv 1\1:1 78 claa:s1r1ng th e1n , and is ofLcn surprised to th:e1r 1 ntere~t tn the t own by seek1n5 a B r1tta1n, -That thf' Public Pru,}erty Com H!\YE RECEIYED ii. CHOICE 'i.ND F XTENf,!VE STOC K OF BARGA.11'\S WILL BE GIVEN IN 1'oticc. find h~ little many of them appear to soa.t at the Oo11nc1J, to allow tbew~elvtie to mitttte and the n1 n:er be a oomn1tttee to \. know, i,id is too often inchnl;ld t o ex pres!I be put in no1a1n11t1on \ Th1s probnbly confer with l\fr V\"111 Ur1tta 1n 1n r elation thia su r~1se and to speak d1sparingly of a.rl8es from a reluctance to \ uu the gaun t to the more tho.r<1ugh carrjing out of th e let of the bal ot b< x ·nd fro th<> measure Market By La1v and rep ort at the next }us pred\essor and tlrno to ha' e tho of abuse that pubbu men too often\ r ce1\ e, nH e tu1g -Ca11kd. I·OR TRE WINTER TRADE, COMPR I S ING unpr1.:ss1c that he is seeking to build up even when they d1eoha.rge 1he1r duties Mr Porter s·ilted that th e Roads and 1 his own r 1>utahon at I he ex pense of an fauhfully Thie year, however, the r1ght Stre ets Cornn 1ttee of 1879 bad t iken t 1n1e N earJy by the forel otk a 1d had a:; ked fo1 tendurs other I f\e doca tlns he will tnost prob class of inen has cotne forward all the n1embers of this Council are ' ery for a suppJy of Ju1n be r 1 etc , for 1880, and a bly raise 1 preJud1ce against ln mself in J arg~ly interested 111 the tO\\'n, eith er as th at t he ten:l P.rs of J\'l r- Staples had been the 1n1n.d ~ f those \\hOde ~oo d n 1ll he hnsin css men or owners of real estate accepted at $8 per 1\I B~ RGUNS V.lLL BE GIVE N IN should str1V1 to secure }le 1uust not wlio have sou gh t the cffice not because :lt'.[1 S B 11rd 0J 1 .,;:~Ve noticA th ~t at the they desire public hfe , but because they nex t JDf Si'ld ' ; lie would Jn tro duce a bv Ja'\\ expeot that t.. afiect1on \\l11cl1 had grown deeo tnterest in the well be1ni of tj\e f,.-, &'ftr ~ tment of town office1 s ".P between 15 pup1ls \,nd the1r forine r take t)wn · __..- t " \\ 0 1sl11p etate<l tha t the P<hce teacher, ,\htclierhaps had been strength .... ungratu1 n.te NLag1stra.te had i1pphed to him that day I think I have encd by the S"th of years, can be thus inyself tlu·.rt;o: ' Have been lec·ed to the fot h is sala1 y fu1 the past year He had ruthleaely brok ·~y a strang";_ v.ith- H\'- cnr.1.. v~u.lI not oaly by a vetty large ma r eflts ed to a1gn an order for t he salary un punit~a~1e ~au -gi1n accees- to jOrity of the electors, but also'~ · very !ti the matter should cume befure the Iariie maionty of the preaent Co~ncil It Board H e explarned holV the ealai y had orr'ir young heart· by trymg to destroy cannot be domed thatnny gentle an who been,raised to $400 and wished the Conn Besides a foll assortment of vanouo other goods t oo n u rn e1 ous to their confide nce m ono whom they l1ad occ11p1esthe Mayor's ch;urdes1resto haYea ell to take the ma t te1 up ment10nOm geneial stork is about the la1 gest we ba\ e eve' offered to Council who are in accord Vii th luru , still Mr :\\ B11~fann asked His \\. 01al11p learned t o love He should remember 0111 custorne1, and has been ve1y ra1efull y select< d P m cha'<'1S aie i ethat many of the pupils be finds before I be· to assure those gentlemen who were if he th on~ h t the salarJ was legall v raised 1 oppo;ed to my election that I entertain no 'l'he l\.fayor l a rn uot a l~wyer, but in spectfully lll'}J~ call and exam111e goods and pnce- befo rn IJuyrng A nd bargam~ will be given m all kmds of ]nm at tb1s season of t~ year have been feehnge of an1mos1ty towards them on a.c Ill.} oouuon it was Ile cited examples of Jong absent froui school, and con'5equently count of that o rposttion 1 and in ihe dis· a1n11lar action else\\ here, notably in the Rc111c1nbcr,- we always sell at tb (' io we !l ~ lli.l mi; 1»ri~e" He st ated that the are not like h imself, fresh in the work , charge of my official duheo ao Mayor, they Oi_ty of 'for< uto and will not be undersold ~ - - -,,,,--~ shall always 1ece1vc tho.t courteey due by P o ice :Magistrate was :tb nt to tak e act1011 that he " a stian~er to them, and that the head of the corporation to any of its agains t tbe Council s Jme t un e ago, b11t childron rarely do them solves JllShce when membere My desire now 1s to forgot wa.a then inform ed tl1at h1s salary was not King'~st . examined by a stranger He should re who were supporters and who were op legally due ti ll Dec 31.t Remember this sale IS no humbug, for bemg determined Mi 8 Burden siud thn.t op1n1ons had member th ese !lungs and he may safelv penents Bowmanville, January 1, l&~O 75 tf It was wit h very great reluctance that bet:n obtained on t1us question f1on1 Mr to reduce our stock, goods must and will be sold cheap conclude that bis succesaor when exam\n I consen ted to become a ca:udidate for the Hector Catner on and fr on1 the firn1 m;;i these same pnp1la will feel the same ma.yora.hty, n ot so much on account of of Blake, Kerr '-~ B )ytl, ~nd th e surprise winch he expresses to day A myJ nab1hty to dtscltarge the du t ies a.1 per op1n1ons were dratne\rH.:J.1ly opposite t.eacher to be successful should stuuy the ta.ming to that office , bJit' on accou nt of 1 When the maL_l_or came properly before tho - -- c arac era nd - disp0sifao11 of eaclicliild the very llinrted._ tlffie 8.t my d isposal Connc1l h e should take the same actio n as 1 76 Bowmauville, January 6, 1880 under las charge Failmg to do this Is After-..t.be election, ho~ever, iny fears on last!year,he sh n d opp os ~ ptyn1ent of the the ma;J ter all vanished, and T can now $400 But if the Council pas,cd a. rcsolu hke working m the dark with the lights 3ee no1Jill1g-..it.Qry onerou! uor nr.pleasant tto n insu uctlng t11e Mayrn lo sign otdfrs a.IL around you waiting to be uncovered m discharg>ng the duties of the cn 1c ohair, foi the full salary, the Mayors duty would I~ 1s sm1ply impossible t o go' ern all child· as manv of the gentleinen 1n the Council be to sign tht m l\fr S1nale said he \\as Ill tbe Council ren in the same way, and by gove1 n1og a have had lung experience 1n mnnic1P-al 11111tterei Three of the!!ie gentlomen have when the salary was raised, an d t]1at one EIJ ZAJ:H1:J'H PAY~E chtld we do not mean merely secnnog served a verY._JL QDSJ.dt"rablo - umo in tho n1onth 1'i as gn en after the tnotion \\as SyL\ l:iBTJJ:R HALLO\'i 1' LL UH !\ULE B '~ n \GG ---0,--oder, but accomphshwg the obJect for Conn.tie3"--COUrici1, and the ab1hty of two 11nttodnced , fo1 mem bers to consider the :> Executrix: ind Executors Estate Lute Reuben v.:luch children are plac~Llnder 11 teacher of these gentlemen has been r ec0Rn1zed by / ma.tier fully, and wht-n the m oti on was I ayne Ja.nuar~ 20th 1880 th·t body electmg them to the lug best put thc1 e was llo oppoait10n H e held The undersigned would respectfully remmd the public 1\ te~ch ~'ViSit the pa.rents, otlice m the gtfl of the·· Umted Countie·, that the salary should to paid m fu'l to ~-.,.;nai}yevery means in lus power incite and I ffol.el that I can rely upon the advtae the p1 escnt date, and tf theCon nc1 l thought that they are prepa1ed to give outfits m the above line m the :::__--- - -them to co opernte with !nm The great· ·nd eupport of these gentlemen 10 the the sa]aiy too laige for the dnlles to be 7 50 est ditlicul t tes can cften be overcome 1n d1Bchorge of my duties 1' on are so well performed, let them roduoe it t o $250 30 best style, and that the price will be found much lower for the J,h1s way with happy results Parents are acqnamted with the dnhea }OU have to He understoo d that figm es lmd been 10 FOR always pleased to meet and confer "'th discharge, 1~ is unnecessary to make any changed on the estimates a nd no one 15 rcmarkB on the subJect There IB one would ackno wledge t11e act we same JOJ2Jhan is l:ha1ged by-Qthe1s 111 the same busmess the teacher, and if the latter fails to avail matter, however, to whrch I beg to call 5 Mr S Burden said that the thmg waa h1niself of tlns, hei neglects to use a po\\ er your attention It ts ge nerally adnntted not a mystery, that he bad struck out tho 7; deal fairly with ,tll who employ us. _ ,__ ful leve1 to hg:ht en his labours and n1crease that the growth and prosperity of the $400 and wn tten $250 m l's place, a nd 8 his usefuln ess ·very much v.:111 be gained to"n depends almoot entirely upon the th,,t it waa so read befoie the Co11nc1l AN IMME !\ Sji] AI>E A O~' HAILROAD .ANH 10 prosperity of tho factor1As already eatab when the estnnates were being passed by malnug the school attrn.ctlve and pleas lu:ihed, sud the foundJng of new ones - He was not ashamed to own up to what GO ,Y ,ERNMEN l LANDS, Ob GREA r FER 1 50 AND HE ALTHY B Y U E!NG ant Good results need not be expected The estabhshntent of a~r1cultural works he bad don e _ _ - __.-- TILITY WllHIN EASY RJJ:ACH 01' PER rnE l\IANJ N1 MARKE7 AT EX I UEMELY LO\'i These arc a fan sample of the pnces 76 ly i'lir Britta helct-fliat the C1Jtmcil PRICES 1e n.ow offered for sale in EASTERN when the teacher moves about with a m town has been dlScu·sed for the past YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, of om g oocb constantly cloncled brow, aiul hts every fJlX months, no doubt their 1s an excQllen sh.ould nott a.ke action on th is ma+te r untll OREGON and EASTERN W ASlllNGTON openu1g for works of thts lund J. n town, t he Polt e I\'la.e,istro.te complied with the f E RRIIORY word an-i look are d rect nnporta~ona and they are vc1y much req11 1 The startlrng advance rn all\\ oolens red f, r the proposal made by the late llfayor to ar 'Ihese Ja nrls forni part of the gieat GRAIN from the fr1~1d zone F~w things remain co11ven1enCe of peop'e tn tJns section of b1trate on it $250 was enough for the BEL'I has actually taken place, but t he o f the Paoitlc Slope and are '\Vlth1n an with us to do 11s t;:'OOd with '" h1cb \\C the country, ~ny n1 ovo tendin i: to forwa rd P )f'.I t ton tl e Oha1rn1n.n of tnt:1 R oad.sand average distance of 250 to 300 miles from Port Oa~h House took advantage of land "\\here steamships and sailing vessels n.1-c n1ust a.ssoc1a.tothe re1neo1bra.11ce of nnpleas- this obJect shall reee1v-o n1y su ppo rt as S11eets Cotunuttee l'.as ent11led to as duccLl~ loaded FOR Al.L PA.It.IS O.E THE the srtuatwn and bought ~layor, and as an u1d1v1dual I "ill a1<l so mu ch ren1u ne1anon for his aer'\rces aa the WORLD n.ntne:Hs or pos1tn c pa.111 Iu Hecuring far as n1y l11n1ted lneans will wat reut me P l\I la1gely JUSt before the rise, A GRAIN Af PORTLAND COMMANDS A HA YE JUST R E CEIVED d1sc1phne 111 a school it should be ren1em in d11ng 1 and I trust that bofore the and for the next two A l\f1;-m oer ~"You prflpflae ttu:u that PRICE EQUAL TO THAl' OB1 A1N ED IN berod that thoac govern beat \\ho govern spring onena we wtll he succf'ssfnl 111 gett the P lVI ha. .. e no sa.lary 'l month s will actually CHICAGO another factory stintecl in our n11dst Ilia \Yori~h1p the ]'laJor stated tha t he least lt is not in accordance with ing sell at ] Ass tban tl1c "'h k h d h 1 h 'Ihe N orthern Pacific R H and Oiegon !{ail i an ing you gentlemen for the verJ n seen t e rep iea gnen y It'Iessrs way and Navigation c o aie now bu ilding 500 our ua.luro to sub1n1t cheerfully to govern s:tnd oldlow pnces,thus -,- - itl tf'n tlon tlra.t you h;i ve Ill ven to these Blake, Kl' tr 1-'v:. Boyd to the q nes tions m 1le.i of Ra1l" ay havcrs1ng this 1eg1on 1n all ment, aud th1s is eEtpec1allj true of the few re1nari.s I will not detain , 011 ani:: draf ced by the Com1n1ttee that i·as ap d irccLions The1 ettle.r1sthusas~111rcdeasy and g1vrng Ins cu sb ' .. J db h C '~ c1 iea1l t1 a.nsportatfon to tide watt:r on LJ1e Co child s nature And "Jule tho teacl.er longer We wdl now proceed with the potnte Y t e ounc1l to draft a set of u mb1a River and a rapid mcrca~e 111 the value f tome1stheadbusiness question~ to be s11 bmitted to a learned of these lands wWch are no\\ open to purchatc rnust he absolute master In bis school, and vantage of On motion tl1e following were appoint ed co11nsel, l\1:r lln1nes having obt ained and pre emption th orough il1sc2I111.e ma1uta111e<l, yot if 25 pe r a. Committee to Strike Staudin~ Oonlmtt th ese qntlstluns and forwaided theni: and LANDS ~HO\V an AVERAGE YIRT D OF he exe ~'i s~lus po\\&r in an arbitrary tees ior the ;>ear -1'-Icssrs 8 Burd en, the an s we r to every qncs t1on was fa\or W BUSH ELS Oii' VlllEAT PEP~ ACRE cent HO RSES and CAT _,........--r~manner and seems to dehght to nlak1ng Pro\'ier, p 1ggott, T Burden, Fielding an d able to 1 10.yment of the full salary No failure of Crope ever kno"n ,.,. £LE , ~ hn.tc't'er ma::v Coon Ovei coats a t the low est puce be their age and coD ~-~fo,ed by 1\11 1 1' B urd en B C'conded by RAILROAD L A~DSoffeted at the uniform his pupils feel t heir subordinate pmuncn, Brittain d1t10n are vast!J un / - l.lfosors Frank Stewart, S B Bradsh·w, Mr Porter -1lrn~ th< Mayor do grant lus r~te of $2 50 an Acre Jirovell, in every way, he will be m >(reat dauger of dev eloping by the u ~e of HEALTHY unsubord1na t1011 instead of o bedience Jas McFcoters and David Ketlh made order on th e Treasm er for t he sum of CLIMATE MILD 62 72 Dowmanv1lle Dec 10 1879 apphcatwn for the ooaeaaorsh1p - Laid on $400, aa payruent fo r tho Polwe Magis · DI C K'S The firru but kind tna.nn er, the positive the table tr ates services for 1879 j For pamphlet and n1aps dc"criptive of count l\Ir Horsey tho u/.!,h t that this iualtet IY its resources climate route of ti:a\icl i ates eye and the controlled but unpreesive Counc1l acio11111ed till evemng BLOODPURIFIER s h ouId not b e sprung upon the new coun 1 a.nd full information addl'ess vc tee, ~re the chief fact rs in the power to MONDAY :E \I :ENING Cl] at its first meeting He \\as nnfamtltat l' TA.I\' i\' A. 'I Will find almos t e\erythmg m the !me of 1 govern ~ell In ass1gn111..( lessons care · · .. ' The fir_st ordinary bu """"i31n~ss meeting war.. with many particul ars in reference t o thtJ should be taken not to make the m of snhJect 'I he n1 a.tte1 should lay over for General Eastern Passenger !\.gent held 111 the oven111g. F F l\icArthur~q , a.1ne:nth and -the Clerk be 1nsh:ucted tu 2'25 llroadway, Ne\\ York Ctt} 78 u ndu e len f!th, nor ab o uld the number be t P,e Mayor eleCl;-p reslaii~ - excessive for one day The work to be llfemb·rs pre·ent -!If ssrs Allen, .H11t fuTn1 sh nccessfl ry 1nformat1on rene" ed by iecent purcha.s1 '"" llfi Porl et did 11ot object 1 ho object dooe shonld aloo be explamed by the tam, S Burden, '1' Burden, F 1eldipg, Ht:n:ing bought to advan~eA Cnn sell cheap ~~ of hts m otion l\as to bring th e n111.tter tea.char when ass10'ncd so that the pup1la Horsey, Porter, P1ggott, Pro,ver1 Rtce and pro perh hef re the Connc1l Sma.lc Dr Fitildi ng thought that all nc cestarJ n111.y clearly kuow what 18 reqtnred of j A co1nmun1cation was read from Mr THE rROPRIETORs , them The child approaohrng a lesson m 'l' H Vann, askrng to be appo111ted to\\n 1nfortnation was alr eadJ before thfl Council IN ~LL Sil ADES and b e was favo i <1.Lle tu u11med1ate action wluoh th~ teacher has aroused hie interest usessor Laid on the table DICE;. dO Ottamansan d811puerpatte1ns a nice asi:ortment l\.ioved in au1end r11 en t by llir HorSPJ' a .l\:lonth and cxpcuses gua1anteed to >J) a i;;cnta Outfit free Sn\"' &, Co Au -OF by clearly outlunn · the difficulties and 1 llfr D Stott preoented an account for seconderl by J\f1 Prower,-That the pa'\ GUSTA ~~#'I( A 1rlnnnlng ~ilks, l ln.1nes, le tthe1~ M.A I NE .. . J r;" iM::I '-II ~ n ul Orn nncnts . EDINDURGH AND 11101\TTREA.L , ~ 1 drugs Refe1red to Finance Uo1nm1ttee showuq the rolat1011, it may be between The Committee appomted to draft t be men t of ihe Police Mag1shate a salary be Prepare also, a splendid a)' ear and ex penses to agents Out fit free .A.ddr..,ss P o VICKERY, tho new lessons and others pre\ 10uoly several stanJmg committees for 1880 pre postponed unhl the next meehug, a nd BLISTER, OINTMENT & LINIMEN1' th~t ]\fr Wmdati l·y befoie tlns Council Augusta Mame \Vh1ob are u& cd in the best stablos in tbe world ]earned, ts more hkely to aocompltsh p,ood sented their report all information respecting tho appo1nttnent - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - results than 1f allo.ved to groupe his way On motion of l.11r Horsey, seconded by 1:R Try DICK'S HO:&SE .AND CATTLE MEDk If d Mr Smale,-the Council l\ent mto com of the Police J\ragistr.te and also t he rn ' I Df"'Ns· r.Ia.!t.:ing dun· .t/'i 11 ~ 11 ir. I CINES and be convinced of their w.c11t. wit h 01it t h e teac h er s a i u 1 1rectio11 m1 tt ee o f th e wI10I e th e repor t on ]If r crease of salarJ Bowmanville, January 7, 1880 ~ 55 08 71 07 The am endnlent was carried on the fol The teacher shonld also tl1oroi1ghly prepare S Burden m the chan The Committee For isalc b7 :MRS A S .ANDERSON himself before every recitation It 1nat arose aud _the Cha.1rmau announced tl1e 10 10 J HTGGINBOitJ AM, Prol\er, S Burden, Bowman\ ill e .Augl1st .?8 1879. 68 13w Bo\'i manv 1ll ters not h ow well he n1a.y know his subJect, re1Jort passed without amendment FRO~LI: ii.Hen, Hice and Bnttam " tune will be economized, }us teaclnn~ Each Committee then appointed its own H orsoi, - - - - --~ ~ --- N nj B - Messis r Burdrin, Porter, · .._ ·· Cha1r1na 11 will be more ctefia1t e, and tnore :sµ1nt will '] b.e reuort was concurred in, Mr AJli: i,n Fltlld1 ng, P16gott and S male The Reeve stated that the 1rian \: e1s Muslcn l be mfused rn to the wh ole \\ork, if he obJectmg. "' l'toad "onld bo n. flUbJect fo1 cone1deraho1 goes bef Jrc his class with the s11b1ect mat <OMMlT'rEES >O R 1880 at the next 111eeting of the Oouuh<'s ..\. S EVERY PE.RSO.N DlUYING A ter of t'ie lt!sson well arra.r.ged, and the ~ teant w IShes to sa1c all uuuecestJa1y pain Ooun ctl , and h e wish to kno n 1f he would to horset> one of tho most 111ipo1 tanL ~ terns 1 e Jnehtied to state th at the t O\\ ll uf exatuples and illustratiu1H3 all chosen and fiF.} If U E O>' l OI\ON1 Ol p;j is ahis Safe J!:a:-;1 Culla1 i'ou nuty ah... a v!'I obtain Bowu1anviLle \\ould be ¥.ilhng to supple tlus great boon Uy bu;> 1ug your ~1ainess at ready tu b e used 1n the proper order lo::! begs to thank !us nume1 ous customers and fu end s fo1 the hberal fl n1ct an dpp .. opuat1011 by t11e Co unties Young teachers who go out from o·u Council for the purpose of n11pioi;111 g sa.1d p::j pat1011agc extended to !mu smce commencrng busmess He ~..A...SON'S N o rrual aud B 1gh Schouls should :cetnem road I WlShes t o mfo1 m t he mhab1tants of West Durham th at he bas l:rj :Er.AR.NESS sJB:e>P her that there is cuuinderable difference Mr Smale thought tlie subject well """' JUst 1ece1ved an entu elv new stock of CLOCKS, WATCH ES !;d A rnLr Assonuu·,. Ni oF worthy of their considerat1on and that a between these schools nnd those 1n rural ~JEWELRY, SILVERWARE SPEr!TAOLES &a, of the >en Q HARN!!:S~ sum of n1ouey J nd1 c1ously ex pen<led on ·ect10ns lu tl1e laite1 perhaps the ma rb1s roa.cl '\1iould I.Jro\ie to be~ gcod unest best quality, wb wli._ he \\ill sell cheaper than any lnuse 111 tow ' !::;::I I VOLL H\~ HI PS ;onty ot th ose w!'o atteud durmg the rJl · · ~ fRUNKS n1~uio u Watche1>ant1.JcncJ1·vRcpawcd 1nl'irst·CiussSh h, v"LrnEs &c:. wll)ter cau attend but a few months m !lfi Allon l old that the To\H1sh 1p of 1"-I anti a n "'·wlo: \Varr:u&tcd. . $ ALWAYS 01' H AN D 10 RF, the ye3J', and are not Ill a position to be l'YianverH \-ras entitled to a grant to nu pr ove 0 1--' ohe road, but that t he Township of Dar benelittcd by takmg all the work 111 the N B-- Allmy goodsarenew,Ihaveno old stock that has SOLD AT L OW PRICES lmgton should keep the road m good re progre.m1ne, and to att,,,mpt to ca.tr) ont been yea1s accun1ulat1ng ..... A LlllI::HAL Dl~COU1'T FOR O.A.Sll pair the same un1for1n co·1rse of 1:!.struct1on Bcwman\ilJ e, November 20, 1879 69 tf. ' " "d ~One Dooi: "lest of Jlc1ulerson's 1101~1, :Jr Ien1ple 1·1.ace, Do ~ton. Q '.lhe lleeve wanted the mone~ spent winch they have seen prnc&ised 10 the BO"\l ni uLlille bet"een this town and Burton so as to Please mcnt1on in what par er rou. saw tb1s 2Chools m which they have been trnmed, brmg trade here mstea4 of lettmg it go 7~61T, Bowman,il!e,Sep t,24th,1870 wonld be ·ery jUd1mous Fortunately the school law now makoa prov1s1ou for modi 6cahob m this :brect1on, And m con clusion the good teachers will never forget that his duties are not confined to literary culture Ile cannot divest himself of the responsibility that re·Y. upon everJ teach er of g1v1ng all attention bJ the n1anners, general depoitment and momla of tl10se committed to h1s care while th eir habita are being formed and th eir plastic natures are so 1:5uscephble to 1natruct1on The teacher who at the clo.se of his engagement does not leave h1s pupils \\ tth. a higher regard for the right, a keener sense of JUStice, and more rcs}Ject for coust1tuted nutbority than they possessed a t th e be ~mnm~, has come far short of discha1 gmg the duties wluch ho assumed when h· took charge of ht.o school to Newcastle If the township of Dar hn!'Yton would do 1ts du tv it wo11ld lomove SUCCESS EXTRAORDINARY ! ' I G U EAT - AT IILLINERY & MANTLE A LE ! . S . CASH STORE McOLUNS BROS. wM. ALEXA ND ER' S ---- BUFFALO ROBES -~ I I F --- I O ALEXAI'iDER'S Noted Cheap Cash Stote. NEW GOODS AT OLD PRI CES. DRESS GOODS LADIES' ____ ___ LYLE & MA RTYi FAMILY GROC E R IE S I .H_I ILL JI 111 Ell r. Sugars, Fruits, Can ned F r uiLs, Fisl1,Canned Fisb, C anned Meats , Fresh Meats, Teas , Coffee s, Por k , Crockery, Glassware, Win e s and Liquors, Coal Oil, Woo d en W are, Fine and Coarse S a Jt. c .. oons. LYLE & lVIARTYJ:T. McCLUNG -BROS. HILL'S CASH HOUS~1-January 1880. t UND ERTAKI NC w For December 1879 to Tho Bost Fiuld EMIGRANTS. -=--- -- MUNSON & WILIAMSON. McKA ILNE New Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, Strawberries, Lobsters, Sardines, Salmon. 1- 1~- BETTE R ------- I MIX E D PICK LES. I HORSES If CATTLE I ANO Pickled Caulifiovver, Piccalilli, Chow Chow, Onions, Girkin. S. F. HILL. n ·r ALL KINPS OF SAUCES. CO:R.N" B E E F . LADIES I Ml~!-~~E~!en~~Pck :~~hG1!. ~~~~ ]I_~ ·· 1 0 ' NASMITH JUMBLES. BERLIN"WOOLS 1 a.77 $7 7 7 TE.A A ,. s I LT Y. I 'DC>. y~ ~ d~M~:~r· NEW MUSIC IFQR 24 CHOICE PIECES 3Q CENTS McKAY & MILNE. I MEmA F BeTonHn~EtesRms.::c,:~L:~:~N~E;~o~;rl A~N·,Dt: :Da:ysdEaDle.1 OLOC::KS $ 1 UP_ NEW JEWELRY STORE! ~COLLARS! ~ c .. ~""' D.i:,. :iil\:~6'JB:AJ1:v g F _ ~ 9 0 ..q c:f OLQOKS FRQM $1 UP,.