CAN ADI.AN TOWN COUNCIL, MoNJ»Y 121h Jau. ComlCll met Jan the 16 h purouant to Speo1al meetwg of CJounotl ~femLers a.ll adJuurnment l\fen1bers all present exprosent 1fa~or in the chair 1Iiuutes of cept Dr, Boyl e The mayor presiding previous meeting read and approYed ~1nutes ol la.BL rueehug read and conl1nn1 coMMUNICA'llOXS RECEIVBD, I ~I.1he following accounts we1e presented, From R. R Loso~)mbe, ouclosing copy of referred t o the tinance Cotnm1ttee, re- STATESMA~, BOWMANVJLLE, :FRIDAY, JANUARY :23, 1880. HOUSE and LOT for W.E. PETHICK'S BARBER SHOP 1 SALE. To get you1 HAIR CL 'f'rING and SHAVTNG clone .At 1he sanm time get sen1e '10BAC CO ~~ ~~ , I TowNcou.Nc11.~·-· ; Banking House r The Greatest Wonder of the Age I - -- ++ - BURK & JONES. OFIPICE OF P . ___ I J: {. 0 ~ E I <. TS NO"\V PRl<~PAHED u.1i j mort;:age to be given by the Orgau Co. to pMorCted correct and 01dered to be paid the town , 1n sec.unty fo1 the $3000 bonus c abe, ce dar po~ts · Jately granted From G£io 1\.IcG11l,Manager Onta.1 lO Bani<, cerhf~mg ibat $10,000 had been deposited by !.:fa. J II. Fanvi:lll, of Detroit, to the ere. d1t of the Dominion 01g11n Co From S B Bra.d~baw, President of tlle Domin on org:in Cc ceitlfjtllg that ~11: J H. Farwell, or Dctre 't, Mwh t had subsc1bed I ~1~~'. p -. 8 4 20 F \Vilha1us, turnu1g hunp posts 7 80 BO'\VMA~VILLE, .T Percy, 1epau1nJ Lockup . . . . 1 50 .P TreLlcocli.. sta.t1nuery. . 21 39 ADVAllCES MADE Lee & Edsall, Sirndries 18 84 R \V1ndatt, reg1strat1on fees 14.50 . on personal and collateral secuuty. Ed 6 1 Co Ie1na.n, 111 0 lit watch . . 1 00 J · H Reid, surVeJ iug Cmnetery 8 00 NOTES DISCOUNTED. lteport of survey1u_g Oetnetery by J. II NO. 1 Temperance St, ' Fu RN I TUR E OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS ', H E A P E R T II AN -E.. VER. At his wa1 e-rooms will be found a full supply of e;;erything_E!ecled in TO SELL of a n nc1cofJand.i. s1tuatcdut the corner of and .._1..lbc1t ::;tn et r, , 1n the to-n n of Bo"' mant Ille The house conta.1ns SC'> en roo ns On the p1 em1se3 Lbe re ls a s1nall ga1 deu ba.\. IllK a. ch ~H c seleicL1on of f1 mt trees plan ted the1em also 1;1 good '\\ell, fla me sl.ahle and 1Jntn.1'10 lL flne assortment of Buru Pipes fn 1 l ic BRICK COTTAGE AND QUARTER CIGARS. as he has the best manufnctnrcd. J-Ie has also v -- - - KATHARIO N. , '::iottle of T{atharwn, which is su1e .t&rlf 'i"OUl face ol'lil unbu rn t, 1oup·h or co\ eied w!I h pimple s try one ~~~:Y~~n~!lte~~;,'n11)~fsr;;:~;,i~a~~~~ 1 ~:, R. R LOSCOMBE. I c R_ J - SHA..-wAm;NT FOR ' Bowtnan\ ille, Aprll 16. 18HI. 38-I;. R~f,~~se) >fanutg Cu's. Reaper", Mowe", and l\fa,-,Ron JYL\nufacturlngCos, Superior Single -and Combined Seed Dr1\ls '1 ~-llrQ~ Pea H arveste1 :l\.LI, M ACUINJi:S .ARRA~rl'I£D / Farmers .\\111 flnd )t to ll:icn interest to con sult me either pe1'Sonally 01 Uy l~Lter "- before ordc1 ing :Machines. Agent for the L anded Banking &:. Loa; ing' C-0 i Ifanulton L.S. J reported .u1d ordered to bo the sum of ten thousand dollars to the ca.piOn ntoLlon uf 1t1r s Burden tho to! stock of the 1'omm1on Organ Co, m ad- Conned went iuto Commtttee of whole on d1tion to the prese t stock, and that the 1 the second r~adtng of By laws. anJount had been patd On tho Con1m1tte0 ris1n5 the Chairman From J D Edger, Presulent of the Outarw I iepotited tdhbe ·· coud read~llg of the under~ ~ 1t h men Ione y 1 av.·s anu 5% interest paid on deposits of $4 and upwards. Ml'.: HEARSE lS THE BEST IN THE COUNTY\ AND MY UNDERTAKING DEPART111l!JN'l' re COMPLETE IN ALL ITS Bl~ANCHES --your~:_ " \ in an d exannne prices an d Jll dt.(e f or '\ t he F urn1tnre L 1110. L OO\ "· -..._ 'v For Cheapness and Quality, go to DRAFTS ISSUED London, England. Pacific Junctiun RailMy, as mg t o Council to adopL a 1rnht1on to tho Governor· General in Council, praying that a DoI"£1_1n1on snba1dy be granted 10 its aid. Ordered to be .- I i I wooden b111ld1ngs on a portion of King St A by la.w to prevent the etH..a1u1benng on all branches of Bank of Montreal C .°'"PS, TRIM!ffll\°'GS, Etc. SHROlJDS, A by-law tu prevent the erection of m Canada, New York and I kee11 alwows on hand a full stock of COFFINS fiom the plain home1 REP._'\..IRS fo1 all machines sold, kept at l\ir J Mm i isbCaiua g,eShop 1 w1 1 1 e 1n 1 own1anv11le C\ClY Sa hndu~. filled. Fro~ James McF'eeteis, te ndenng bis trees, sand and gr.1vel on the s reets. r From John Trrnt~, osk1ng compensation for thre~ lllJllbs lnlled by dogs. $5 grnuted. From"Mr. 8Rnde1cook appealing aga111st ·~ignawnas I p 11 vate and Building Society Funds By keeping my own horaes lam prepared to run into the couIJtry, w1thont extra 1 etreet· loaned on real estate at charge 1 and by hving on t11C premises I a.lil always ready at a minutes HlltJce, day 01 A by law for the protectwn of timber, b t t night. By dealing with me )OU cau do better than 'v1th any other house 1n the uf 1na.d e to the finest polished cnsket mnnnfnct.ured in Canada, at prices to suite' eIJ- one I Orders by 11ail promptly attci,ded to ecen1ber 10, 1879 J Jt J SHA \\T P. o. nox 104 , Rffnuunnllh. 72 JY, , IUJRllCI BR TEAS TEA ~~ ~, ~ ' es ra es t A s,e,sor A 1 ccepe d · ofdoos A by law tu regul<Ltethe runnn1g at tirgo NOTESANDACCOUNTS COLLECTED. becaus e [ underatand 1ny bn~1ness u.nd run niy own bustnfs~, and attend to it. m3self, knowing v;here and when to bu} g-ooOs, and alwaJS buy for cash. c~ ,nn ty 1 Sl:nlJly - - - - -- decesion and wonld bnng it baforA Lhe Judge, REl-'OR'IS, 'ttV_ed in a.rnendmeu~ seconde d by l\Ir "' J. Br1tta1h that the by law to restrain the Mr. Buckler, Cli3nman of tba Poo1 Relief runn1ng at large of anunals be re-cou11n1tComnuiLee ha.ndeJu1 the tollO\\nlg statement ted for the pnrpose of str1k1ng out the of expenditure for the rehef of tho pooT du worda "lst day of June to the 1st day of th ~g r Nov, ".ind inserting 1n hen thereof' 15th 18 0 ing year f of 1\iay to tho 15th of Nov ,, The amend· ' BANK STOCKS, BONDS, DEBENTURES, 't b ld b ll - ii'\ t 11 d t . And · by-law to restram the nuunng at l s ou ea owe ~ as i "as~ anu [ large of anunals in the town. and MORTGAGES ihllt Afr. Sande1cock ha.d appealed against tho On motion to co ncur l\'fr rr Burden his taxes 'l'he Mayor stated thd the tlon had been br'.'lnght before the Court of firearn1s. Re,1sion, and that it h ad been decided iho.t A. by-law to hcc nse transi ent traders. I A by·law for the protect10n of Pubhc Morale IL""'· I A by-law to regulate the dtseharge of A bv.}aw for the abatenient of nuisances We a1e in receipt oflarge shipments of goods, to sh foi tl10 comSLEIGHS, WAGONS, CARRIAGES,&c m g season, tbe vauous bianchcs uf our mcieasmo tra-de in which we feel THE DISOERN' ING PUBLIC Chen.per than over at confident no othe1 house in town can app1oach "us m 'quality 0 1 pnces. need anytlnng LU my line, I shall be happy to deal with thorn on the moot liberal terms. Come and see for yourselves I All our custome1s iue delighted. Thankful for past patronage l a till solicit a continuance of the W1Shtng you all a MerryChnstmas and Happy Kew Year Come and see for yourself. Should CD'I"J1ERS -- MORRIS' how W. P. PROW'ER. MAYNARD'S OLD STAND, KING ST. 73-tf. Bow man ville, Dece·n ber 17, 187D. CARRIAGE WORKS.I cheap they can get a .first class arhde. .Pamt1ng andrer>allingofallkindsdor>e\\llhpromptness BOUG HT AND SOLD.1 INVESTMENT::> MADE. Bo?.manlllie, l!"ob 12, 187!>. 2J!.ly. Mrs Da:vidge, do 47 weel~i:i, 5 u.i J.fe Jf.0_75 John Murray, 75c per "°~!< · · · · · · · · 39 00 Mrs. Bai trum do 39 00 J Grant, 6 mos. at 7.5c. 6 mos. at 50c 32-50 ,J11.s Botteiel, at 00 oente ..··..... 26 00 M Collison, do . . · . . . . 2G 00 Mrs. Sleep,' 21 weeks at 5U cents.,,, lU 50 :rtfrs. Morrison ·.· ,. ,, .,. , · , · , , . · 78 60 M.Is · .hll!is . . . . "~ ... , , . · . . . . . · 2 50 1Irs. Allin .·...··...· , ··· ~ . , · 9 50 Mrs. Hennessay : . . ·· .. . . . . .. , 4 75 S Ghddon, $1 per week ......... $52 00 ment Bntt ~irl tfn.d ni:e~even was l"·t Yeas Jl'lessrs T. Burden All ~the other' · I ~emotion to concur in t1e rtJpvrt of the ~omm1ttee of the 'vhole wns carried , retired votmg Nay, except Mr. R11ckler who bad 'fh ' REMOVAL OF baioains havnw boug'11'- ].,. , , , . , 0 be£ ti t d . ' b " ~ ~ ore 10 recen a vance Ill pr1cos-and a1c llO'\V offelJllC/ Tea 1LTI1J, _ atihclowestpa>mg puces to 25 per cent less than their present maiket ;alue "'"- JAMES MORRIS. Green and Black Teas 50 cts. per lb, fully wo1th 65 cts Green and - - - - - - - -- · ts tr Black ~eas 70 cents, w_oreh to-day 90 cts., an excellent he>erage Ono GRAYS' SPECIFIC MEDICINE. trial will secure your hfe-long patrotage. Oui Japan Teas are unexTRADE fll·RK.1hc Grc··l ·"K· TRADE MAR~. celled in flavor and st1ength lislll Rr.tned.t An tlns line are rnvitcd to call and lcalll Fn.rm crs n.nd oth cis "aatlng anytlung in IU nde1 this · , ' ·rv head we can offer s pecial unfa1hngcnrefor rulo 33 wae susp 0 uded and the said by laws w.ere severally ieaJ a tlurd t1mo and pnss- ed, o.e waq a]so a by -law to duect the reinov<\l of signs vara.ndahs, otc llfo,ed byMr.S Burden,·eco uded l>y Mr 30 00 ]even for his very valuable services ·· By His Worship lhe Mayor..······· 2 00 Chairman of the Cemetory Oownuttee for ~rs. Chesterfield, funeral Jno ~Inynard ...··.···..····· · .· ·· T Justice...... ........... ... .... J W Polmer,18 ~ at $150,3 w. al 81 Porter thn.t the thanks ot this Oonuc1l 12 00 ' is due ·~1d are hereby tendered to Mr. Tre 0 75 Eight per cen't investment at par. .ASSOCIATION OF ONTAHIO rect the attention of tnvcstors to the ad' antages offered b) the Prefeience Stock of the Com pan~ as a particularly secure and icmuncrati vc in ve!:llment It represents mortgages on Real Estate, \\h1ch 1n no case exceed one-hulf its cash ' tlue and has a first clfl1m on thfl c.ap1tal of th e Com pany to t he u.1nonnt iu by th0 hold ers, and also on the profits to t.hc extent or eight per cent. plll a nnun1 . For further particulars appl~ at the officA of Lhn Company ODDFELLOVi8' RUILDING , J..,ONDON, or by mail to 61 MA NOTED CHEAP CASH If . lowasaaeque you want a chowe cup of Coffee , this i' ila tg e t i't " the 1c eo . B £ T kin o! 011"· ...,e a.vru:e, as e ore a gloss of Mcmory,After Taking, 1 Suga1S of all giades at lowest p1ices. '"" Universal I ass1tudc, Pau1 in tbe Back, Dimness of Vision, Pr.emalure Old Age, and many other Fruits of all kinds at exceeduwly low j)rlCes 1 tency, and au Diseases that fol r~E~::~"ryr~~~: Coffees, Sugars Fruits Eta' ' ' · ~h1ii,m~!(.;' ~o:. : : : . : ltf D. Williams · · . . A. ,V, Oi:awfon1 1 wood, Lyle & :&.Iarf.yn · · D. Stott, n1edie1ne.. . McClellan & <Jo , wood Jos Ruebo ttom, mea.l s. }foClung Bros by Mr. W. 1:-'rowe1 tha.t in cons1derat1on of the valu;\blo set -rices lendered to this ltf'2~ corporatloJ1 by l\lr l_\.J Porter, as con110 60 nnssioner on road s an cl stre ets, Be it ~ e~ol~ 4 00 VC!l Th·t the sn m of bfty dollars be grant· 0 7fi e(l to hun as a shght r eco1npe1Ho for the 8 82 rerv1ces rendered. - Carr1e::l. - 1 58 J4 oo 1~ ~ 8 00 the past three years. -Carried ~ llfoved _by l\1r Geo Piggott, seconded T HE DIREO'l'ORS of the FINANCIAL beg to di 'Ory Goods Store! + I Dr McLaugblrn .... · · · P·yne·e child's coffin .. · · · Moved by ]\fr M Pv1 ter seconded by 3 50 Mr. S Burden tlul tho tl;anks of tlus Ceuncil be tendered to Mr A Buckler for ·22 lo 67 :'his valuable l'JCr,·1ces aa Chairman of the 13 OU EDWARD LE RUEY, tr. l\fanag1ng Directer '1.1he Cemvte1y Comm1Voe 1eported as ful. lows To the Ma:yo, alld Oorponttlon of- the. 7·01 cn of BowmanviUe . · - - 'Ve, yotu Cemetery CommttLee, to whom the matter of p1 ocur1 ng a deed to the Ceme tery Jancls was referred, beg leave to repo1 t That Vie have instituted o. thorough soaroli to fiuU a aecd that might have Leen given to this Oorporahon bJ the Hon John S1n:fps.on 1 but have fa1led to tracti a,ny such ~nstrurnent, or can we 11.rnrn that anJ such was given, we have, 1n pnrsutuce to tlie 01dcr p;n en to u s, 1nstt nctcJ D Btuko Sanpson, Ei:;q, to have Poor Rehef Oon1m1ttee for the past two years -Carried Mo\ ed by l\fr 1\f Porter, seconde<l. by J\fL". G.eo P1g~ott that the unanimou s thanks of th1s Oounetl n.ra JUatiy- due to to the 1\Ii:ivor for tl10 ab 1e manher 1n w]nch tie has vreaid1.1d over the Cuunc1] dnnng the year -Carned . , h t lf'l this branch of trade' we . d efy compet1t1on · Fall and S p11ng \v ea THE GRAY MEDICINE co I our,- best biands. Gibb's patent Flour Buckwheat Flom Crnc!,ecl Wheat, Grnbam Flom, UornmQa] Toronto, Ont , Canada --0-.t<rSola m Bo" manv1llc by all di n>rgist· and '1 F ish of all kinds 0 a tm ea.l a spec1a · It j r. 0n account ot tne gieat mcrease m our busmess, we a1e necessitated every?. here rn Canridn nnd the United states · to remove mto new and mo1e commod10us premises, that om nume1ous bv ail v,;holcsalc a·1d ancl ictail drugg-1ets (32) N B - lhc detn1incls of 01n lm l:! 1ness ha'o customers may have a n op pot tumty of being waited upon without the ncccss1W.ted onr removing to ToRor; ro, to which / , · ...._ · inconvenience of crowdrng, such as they have endured m the past Our ~~c please address all futur e commun~catlons I SO.AP.-Onr I\ory and Amber bar Soap th1ows all othe1s Ill tbe ieputatien for sellmg the cbeapest cl1 y goods in Bowmanville, wo aie [ I shade -The Elective Soap is nowhere compared to it. dctermmed to retam, and will nut be nnde1 sold by any house in the BRUSHES -Scrnb,Sto1e,Hait,Cloths,Boot Brooms.Pa1ls,and Washt ulJs country. -ToI SALT.- In Barrels and Sacks Fine Liverpool Salts in baas wcighmg §- ! - ----+-++-+ Htt++-+ -+t-.---- - l-§ I respectively 56lhs, 112 lbs,, 224 lt~, to suit t?e coi;iv:menco"nf the pmI 1 chaser,-sp~c1ally imported for dairy n 8 e. COAL OIL of the best b qnahty. Our Headlio-ht 16 .:t. perf ec t se lf instructor "' is wo1 thy uf a tiial and Heavy L1ne11 Towelhng for 5c a yard. I ound to give satisfaction I money by- add1ess1ng a.nd a Premature Gra\ e. Jt:;y"Full pa1 ticulars in our pamphlet. which 1 wedesiretosendfree by mail to ClCIY one.J'he 8peciftc 1\-Iedimne is E<Old by all druggist.a \ a.\ $1 per package, or e1x packac;cs for $5, or ! will be sent free by mail on the 1ece!pt of the In Diseases tJ1at lead to Jnsau1t) or Consumption p o Rovr~roNs ~ · SUNDRIES LB[ATTV'S GLJ!Of I --- WE SELL I E LECANT W RITINC I IN -- - - - -- - - · - - - - - - -- Good Plain W1nceys for 5c a ya.rd. +:Heavy Linen Table Da1naak 23e. a yard "++ Moved by Dr .Bedh, seconded by l\f I"orter tb l\t tho snm of ~fr + "+ HtmellCordDreasGoods (not shoddy) lOc a J anlt+ Ile"' y Canton l<'lanuel 9c a y.rd. Cursets frotn 30c up I Ladwe' Kid Glo,e· from 35c np. I Heavy all Wool Tweed, (not shoc'dJ) 35c a yard §-:::-----++<- +- HUH-+-+H :::-§ dollars be .allowed t he ~1ayo 1 for n.11 ang- thn t\· a d"lcd oonvey1ng the s true, prepa1ed and executed, which 1i; to be con1plete<l at a u eail} dote. Your Co1n1n1ttee fu1thc1 re port thnt we found the rnn.p defiutng the bonndnrJ of said Cemetery properly ve1y inoo1uplete, and lll order to ha'e an accurate descnpt1on, we1e I cotnpellcd to lutve a suney and mRp mad] of said boundary. All 1ng a nd cod1fy1ng the by Jawa of the Tu~n of Bowmanv1!le -Cari 1ed The 1n1nutes of th9 mectP1g were tead hy the Cle1 k, adopted and the i\foJ or signed the1n. when the Collncil d1sv]ved. BOT TS·~ BY J I I ~eatt~~Guide lPENMANSHIP 1 TO lwi1ters in a s hort tin1e coll!E AND SEE ouR GRAND msPLAY IN ~ ' ' } bythcuid of ... Jucb lpeople mn} hecon10 good y t--1 r 7.3c up A. "lLSON, L ON" Dv!S, 0:81, rR.ESIDENI 01 ON:rARIO yp.r;,_ g1uNARY COLLEGE. r_., Bleached and Unbleached Cottons, very low. A full assortment of Ladi es' Mantles, from 1-1 Rolm11n Lh er au1l S tf~nacll Pud c~l-es T&.UUil MJU&JC. \;,;J ELECA UT l'i ~ of ~lf'~~~~ ~ -.-_.. 1t1. .lRELEVEN. J. HrnornBoTHA><. A BEITH, Bowmnnv1lle, Jan 12th, 1880 l\fr S Bnrdc11, Chairman of F1aaucc Com- · -Butts arc die larva of various species of th~_J?adfl y,... t!:!a.t pe(>~er aud annoy the hoIIStl in tho snmrr~t anU a\l,tu1nn months bv depoaitmg the<r<ims q,. the long haira underneath thejn.""'4; O\lc'the breast, should~ ers and fcre lun fJi 6f the animal thus 11-'-! t!i-1 The be;t assortment of Worsted Coatings and Tweeds in Bowmanville E-t The TAILORING I e WRIT IN C ·!Price post paid, $1. CO. 1 ____ fn< whole A>IEHAL ~nEET, and· loRN """DsoME OAoE to conlaln Crockery Glass Lam ps 0 lp.ti."s~"~:,'al[.~~~~ ~~a1~.~/ , and Fancy Goods. JI ~ouug and explanation , a large numb"r of CO.PY SLIPS for - ~- ~ pcacflsmg, a BEAU llFUL Th·lS depart ment is · we ll stock ed, regardless of expense i n clt1d1 ·n g GRA"TIT""WAR'~ . ' ' ' 1', [', , Ill Vanous SJZeS and pa1tern s ; ~EA, DINNER AND CHAM~ER SETS, A FIRST CLASS CUTTER. w1tliout medicine HONEST, EFFECTIVE & HARMLESS. TER1\1S CASH. - t NEADS' ,VEW BLOCK. folio\\ mg 1 eport on lhe uudermontwned ac m~ttee, ieported as foll ows Your Fu111nce Committee beg to i1 Ubn1lt ~be pl!ictug the eQ'gs In at"~rdpAr pos1t10~ when nuttured to either drq.ft-Jnto t11e 11n1mal'a food, or be taken by J.h c ~r.:onth into th e This treatment rs not ouly endoiseil by thou O\vn1atn: Llle, Octob ar 29, 1879. sands of peopJe, both in tlur and 01her countries ~~tb~r~1t:~~g endoiscd by the highest medica Send for de:::cr1ptn:e treatise F01 sale at c0tu1ts, which we have exa1u1nQd nnd found eo rrec~. ond r ecommend their payment: Lee & Edsall, sock and fnnnel .. ' 75 R Windatt, postage, telegrams, &c.. 21 25 do sums pn1d poor to Jan. or lunba when the fiy lS nbo ~o depns1t the egg. It is in tlus way th, th'e fly or er. the stomach of the hvrse (1igg: p10~ v1ded by naturt:!: to protect th ;r dltrtng stomach by the hor.e b1ti ·at lm aides D STOT1,'S DR · .Address all onlers UG STORE, rim-" BotV~iANVILLE. ·& <ijt invites attention to his well selected and cheap ~stock of bott is preserved from one ·en nto.anoth· y HOLMAN LIVER PAD CO., fUox 45, J&u,,ninnv.illc September 18, 1879. 60 t! BATTING GOODS .. lAMPS ! A _large stock selected with great care, suitable for CHlW:lTMAS AND NEW YEAR El_GIF.£:s. BELLEVILLE, ONT. ·_...~~--[ INOTICE! The highfs!_£ n~ alwa~s been paid by Murdoch ontar10BasmesaCollcge, OX'J'.t. Flo A c~o1ce a:-:~ortme~ _ ()f Chamber Sets, iy~ 'bite rrn.J l<';µl:.;:,"'--~c::.. RO BINSONIPat!erns, o'.A 1 quality. !Y._e have J~te tyj_iµpurted direct from I~ar1s, specially for 0u r-~ma8'-tr~de-; ' a fine selection of'P~A d:! SETS, of best French Ch11m; these are really umque, an d are JOHNSO N = fast be mg disposed of. ,:ddrcss I ' lOlh, 1880 .. .. , .. . , ... , . .. , , R Hambly, giavel .. , . , . , . , , . J Cole, t.ea1n1og · . . . · · . . . . . . . . . J, McCrea. do J . I\i!urra.y, labor · · · · · · · · · · · · · W. E1shYood, labor. · · · · ·· ·· · · Fire Company, filling tank . ·· · ·· S. Fishle1gb, labor .. , ' ·. · . . . .... 73 90 G 60 28 20 5 50 the wmte1 months. After h~tch are supphed with two sharp b<lelis ~· ga~~~~ni;::~n~t cemetery H. Jones, labor ... . . . . . . .. . \V. Shaw, team ug ···· , · by wlPch they attach themselves~ to the va1 1ous coat~ of the stomach, 1 2ii particularly u1 the right or pylcr1C r . 7~ Tfie duodenum also ia not unfreq y 6 50 the sent of bott-, l n th ts p ositio n th o'P( re 25 ~~ nounfsheci and feel by the lar1ona seClC'tI 113 30 ons o the stomach and H111d p<ir ions of ga 66 the food until they become matm ed," !~ch 28 25 generally occurs ln the months of 1\fa.y a1d " W BR ITTA IN & co · have opened out a cho1oe stock ot · Uonsistmg in part of Black and Colored Cashme1es, Como and Empress Cloths, Grey Sm tings, Lustres, Check and Plain Wincies C' oths, Flannels, &c, &c. The aboye will be found splendid value Ask to see the ~ ~ ~ · C 11 1 NOTICE! Bros. for all kmds of farm '[>ro_cluce. usmess 0 egeJ I BELLEVILLE, ( Foun'd ed in 1869 ) I Arrangements have been made with some ortlie ho uses in tow?-, to supply out customc1:s w,th goods not in om hne, so that p a 1 ties havmg produce to dispose of, can do so to advantaae 0 Ilowmanv1lle, December 18, 187D ,' · 73 ' leadi~g _ iJfrNEW CANADIAN HOSIER Y...A?U REED'S BLOCK. .Bow':"anvillc, Oct. 15, 1879. 118-27 64. E. Botteral, cleanmg bonse Hari & B.11.whnson, blt\nks 1 &c · ·. , Lee & Edsall, sun1Jr1es. . . . · Thos. Iloar, '\'i ork . . · .· · McClellan & Co, \Vood, lnmbei · .. 1 (J() June, when they suddenly l~t go thllr TEAS, GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. in shops sand~' 11.:farket Sqnare, and are pre· to tako It :Is noted for the thoroug neas or tts work, a nd t he 1 practical benefits of its 1 teaoblng ITS STIJDEN'lS ,-.. -'S.____, -..-----......~ after r:ou1 se a1 e competent to fill going Un ougb GONE EAST. I ----=----the Jira ii .., ~ F Heude1son, meals. · H A Durnan, pnntrng.. , .T. Hockndge, work , , , .... . , , .. , I~ H \V Glover, drawing en!:_1ue · · · · · · · R S. Manu1ng, sundries · · McClellnn & Co· sundnes W Goodman watering s troets . . · A W Cra'\\ford, coal ... · R Manning, lamps . · . · . , , · . . 4 08 52 04 11 55 3 46 5 25 85 00 ~~ ~~ s 31 82 48 00 28 00 l 50 25 00 2 50 that IS, when tbey accumulate m large 1 00 numbers and partially fill er block np the }""'tc , for which they,...u pay so far a.s to assert tha~ they asr::11st mderially ltt d1~eehon by the1r st11n1latn1gaction on the sem.·etu.!g por t101·s d the and give due bills on '\V ALEXANJJEH'S for Bnt in n1y op11uon tbe v f',e ti d I d ·l quen Y LI tn nc 1 Lar.n nn 1utsc uet, botts do any harm or not hold and pass oft' with the faeces, w;iere ihey again nndet'(O another chl\ngr, and once n1ore asaumc the parent fty.~ G ~at divemty of opm10n exISts as to ~hither s,me evin go BUTTER, EGGS, PORK, A CHOICE STOCK. A carefully "elected stock of the new<lst styles arrd best qualities of Fa and Wmter Goods may be founil at ood TJOS1tlons, or conduct business for themseh es ITS I'JUMcll"ALS BORLAJ.r'1"D s , . PAR'T' CASH D°'RY GOODS. HIGHLT J. JEFFERY'S ....,.. . "'!t Sta.plea, lumber ·..·· , · · · · · J .. Brima~ombe, work...... . ... . . J. Bunter, ,.,,·otk.· , . · . · · · · · · . · · · · J. Darch, dra.wing gr~.n el . .. · · · · · G D JJetch1H, labor, posting bills · A. McOlella.n, work a.t cemoteJy · · · J. Heal, Wllrk A.t vera.uduh · · · · · R. S1 nel1ur, pa1nLjng at cewetETJ A. W. Crawford, wooJ ·· · · · · . . · W Bpem, wo1k Rt Town HQJl · · . W. H Cha.pltn, tieP.s . . . ··. · . Munson& \V1ll1 amson . ;\Ork ai tank R S. 11 ann 1 ng, snndnes .. , . . · . . . Geo S Cl11n1e, printing ,V. H. Lowe, attorney's fees . . . · · 1 4 4. 3 1 2 2 1 00 50 CO 00 35 25 13 10 26 50 from a grn b to a fly pyloric orifice t.hereby prevent in £ the food frozn pas Jing out of the into the dl1()d enn1u. Symptorns-Botts are e:eldr lll recogtiized HOOD BUT1£.;J.\ 'i by auy d1shnct signs, except th.i.t the auimt\l 1s weak and easily fatJgue<l His coat is long antl stari ng. 'l1 hc bowels are sometime! loose, and other tune.a couabpated, b h .F1es11 nieat can be obtained ttll 7 pm,. from ut t e surest st~n of their presen ce is Young & Ca,\ker's, by appl)ing at \V B. & ·when theY. are fl nnd in the manure, Co's Store which 2enerally happen Jn tl1e spring seaBo\'Hna11·1lie, Julv 1st, 1879 son. Th~ reason attributed for tl1e1r Dp oearan cc at this part1cub.r tune h:i.s nrrn ed for tht·m to q:.ut their w11ucr qnar ters and to be once 1nore tra11sformed PRICE PAID FOR GOOD rlJTTEH ! Address .___..,..-~ ~ I ' A cIio1ce va1iety of TwcP,!,,s, Ulo.l:.!.'s,' CoatirfO', 'Th.rrnserings, &c, &c, of ROBINSON & 111.erchant Tailoring Establishnu,;Gwxt dool'fo 1 llimloch B1·os supecirn. -quauty, and at pi ices wbich~nnot fail to satrnfy, made in the latest ¥ luons a_nd a I re rnvitcn to send tor the College C rcular and spec! men of l'cnmauslup _..... , ~ accountantsotpractiea1 xpmcnce, and auth01a of he best vyorks on bookubhshed. - keeping and penmanship 1 1 has rnmoved from the Post Office Blo<'k to the store foimeily occupied by S MASON & SON, NEADS' NEW BLOnK where he will give b etreat ha1 o roins for <JASH in , Pnrcuf~ .natl loung i'lilt':U j B- 0 - Q- T -- O A - N -D S-H-0-E-S. j R F EC T FIT C U'A RA NT EE D. FRESH MEAT . \ P E All kinils of Gentlemen's unde1wear, Hats, Ties, Collais, Handke1chiefs, etc, in g1 eat va1!ety BEL~;~l~~~;~~o;;:.~IO l oRDERED ~woRK October 21· .J:~:oi NSON, 653 "" __,..__, I I -- n acccunt of havmg OJ dc1 ed a larae stock bcfoie the rncent tise in ]ea ti Jel an d IU bh er goo d S 0, ff' f lOlll 20 to iO p er cent, purchasers will save tlus nse by buymo- f1om Jnm at once. His s to~k is now compl~te fo1 IN F~~E c~oo~sas AN~e.SHOES }., SPEOIALT~ -· ism ~F Ol{li!< c'\lll '!!i.:-t;~ 'I 1' Remember~he stand-NEADS' NEW BLOCK One door East of ~EE & EnsALL's HARDwAm. S101rn and do not Jail to give him a call. ' _ Bow man ville , Dec. 8, 1879 Gl 7:l REPAIRING PROMPTLY AND NEATJ,Y DONE Cementing on Patches Properly Done and Warran ted to give SatIBfachon ,#arTRY A PAIR OF .F.ISKE'S SJi$PENDEl{S.J.J1 Call and examine my goocs. Bowman ville, Oct. 15, 187D. 'X'~E 1 FRMERS, DON'T READ THIS ! JOS. :YiiFFERY. 12 64. Treafrn e1d-The irritation caused by the presence of botts 2s no t_Aas1ly d1atingu1shed from other fo"ms of- ind1g~stlon , sa1nefln11~a we have flatnl'd nC.} and a.t other tlfll01!1 attacks or- spasn1odHr colic Th~re HI one th1ng ccrtA.1n, that we cannot kill the botts JU the hotse's stoniach, as they will res1st the strongest acids ao d alkalies, the most potent narc otics and mineral po1sons, but tf then· presC"ncc should bu suspected It 'uonl d hr. well to feed t!1e an1mal nu soft , uutrit1ou.11 d iet , a.lw,~ o. ru1ld purgativ~" , gi ven oc:_c.aa.i-<:tt11ll lf, nnght do much 1n re: p:1.0.v1n-g\ ho 1n uccJUS th tt 1s s.::en· a.rally p e "e q t In t.he 011\Vel'i when the an1iDa.l 1s 1-roubl ~d with parasites of .~ny order wha.te' er.- ~ Lohd01i A r!ve1 lise1 . --~ .111 ~T '1JIAT l'Oll "1A....'1T ton HAllDTli1IES. G-::El.E.A.TEST I" CJ P.rucUcul ,v;tchnu1ke~J1·wcllor:.te. , B - T A T ·E:i EXHIBITION IN ', -BQWMANVILLE - ____,._._ ~~-.- - -- -~ . S A T -'-- -~ ~ rep.11rmg entrusted to me will receive sL1 ict. a t-Lt-1n L 1on and best sklll h1thc1to uuat.te 11111 te d 1n t ins part of the country, as l ou will see by son'e of m~ certl ticates fro111 some of the la1;.,~st shops 1n Cs.nncta and the United States which l have odds than you can buy elsewheie, I \\Jll also cariy on thr, manufacturing of the same All Takes this method of thanking his numerous custome1s for their pnst favo1s hopmg to 1nent a continuance of the same, and lPthng ) on now that 1 ha\ e got a large stock-of CJocks, 'V'atches .'Jewellerv, &o, o" the best qualtty that can be bought, which -n ill be sold ehcape1 by u b1r; - -v- - ~-- a.ny that " ill fa" or me of the s1tuallon had pracuea.1 experience in "~th I am confident that a call \'i1ll be DJO.stcr l!!.tlvc l'he BH:8T S o\L\ E in th c-..:world for Cuts, Bruis es, Sore~ Ulc ers, Salt H.heum, 'l'ct tei, Chapped hu.nds Chilblains Corns and all .k111ds or Skin Eruptions '1 his Sat' e 1s gua1 an teed to gn 0 1l1tckl~n·s ,, \1nlca Rece1yed f1 om the Dnll Shed Grounds Oddfellows, $2, J Brimacombe, pastunug caw, $5, J R~nk1n, pastuung cow $!1 , M Porter, graHS a.nd pasturing horse Jn the oveo1ngs, $6 ; total, $22 Mr. W. Pcth1ok made apphcntion to the - Council some t11.ue ago fo1 ten months rent, at $3 pe1 month , due him b:i; J. \V Pulme1, a.u 1Ud1gent who bo.'3 beeu receiving aid f1om the town for s1Jme tnne. It was cleaily llerfect satisfaction 1n ev ery case or money re runded. Price ~n cents P Cl Ilox F or sale by Nastle \Viu \.Vco?k Oshawa, also R Fothergill Ncw- "\\ e take p easure In iecomincnd1ng I B. Tw as a. .fi rat clasa workman ha.\ 1ng worketl for us for a long tune during which he did al1 our fine 1:tnd difiicult Jabs and , .. e tnust sav t hat 'Ao lune n~ver a chance to fill his place whh a n1ore practical w<\.tchmakcr since H"' is competent of don1g the .tl:nest and difficult "vatch reTJ6Llnng that can be rlone in Canada oi the Un1tRdStates Ile 16 a bout the only one that holds filst class tes-tnnon11:t.1s. A. & J, IU..IZER, 'Ioronto. To whoni it otay Oancern · Th1s 1s to ccrt1f; that J. B. ' h a~ woiked for UR for two years at the Je" elr3 bubwesa a.nd \'lie think thu.t he is competent of doing an~' Job that inay conie under his notice. Yours truly, H. ~~ES'IERl\f.A.N, New H a.Yen. JOHN McMURTRY, Keeps constantly on hand a good stock of shown by Mr. Pcthiok and membors of the Couuc I that !tir Palmet was dt>serHng of a.ny a1d tbe town might grant, belng nu Ill· 'l>alid ~nd totally unQblei ibough perfect will. ing, tc work. Ou motion of )fr S. Bnrdeo, see. by Dr Boyle, tbe sum of $8) wa,a 01der Thu11s to certi!l' tbat J B. 'J'ate is a. .first class wa.tclnna.ker a.nd Jeweller He wo1ked for me 18 month .., and did the moat d1fficultJobs m the way of-watch and Jewe:{.ry repa1r1ng Yours, R. CHONCE, Pittsburg. I take plflasnre 111 recommending J B . Tate as n. first'I watclnnaker, a.a he hns worked 1or me, and proved to be a good workman. .Any- ed to be P·'d Mr · Polhiok Mr. S. Burden presente l a. rf'port from the comm1tiee on by-l~ws 11nd on moticn, tht> coune1l Wt nt 1nto Comm1t'iee of the Whole, when a. number of by.Jawe: received a first and Fecon 1 read111g. one g1vmg bun a JOb will "rove him the same. Youra truly H. SIIOAP,Alloghany, ~t&en. GROCERIES, PROVISION'S, Crockery and Glassware, Canned Goods_, Tobaccos, Soaps, &c., &c. All kinds of farm produce. taken in exchange. Jlowmanville, Ociobef l, 1878, lNf ut &he BJg 1Vntch, Kin~ Strcel.I 0 uncll ·d ourued till Fndoy n ght 1\:lcCLELL Do wmanvlllc, .\uAµat 21879,