~ l j i THE BEST IN THE COUNTY 1" COMPLETE Chea.per lha1~ ever nt "' MORRIS' CAR-RIAGE WORKS. I EAS~[,_ rv·~1·r" REPAHUNG PlWMPTLY AND KEATI,Y DOKJ<;. Uen1enting on }?a.tches Properly Done and \Var1a1,tod to give t:\<d~sfa'-'tion. -.... · ~ "--. Re1nember the stand--NEADS' NEW BLOCK One door East of LEE & EDSALT,'s HAUDWAlrn, STOHE, not fail to give him a call. ;ros. JEE'.I!'ERY. 12-64. Bo'w maunllc, Dec. 8, 1879. I S .A.T Mayer's Fur Establisl1.ment, generally at prices 'LS while he will sell & Jewellry low as any other hou::;e in tm1'.JL. Repairingclone at low rates. REED'S BLOCK, KING SJ: E,4S7. GROCE l~I ES, PROVISI<JN Crockery and Glass-vvare, Canned Goods, ,...fobaccos, Soaps, &:c., &c~ ret·r.ivc d each nb;ht at ·vnr(ety Hall. One cent per COPY, 2) cents per month. ~ -....'11. YU:LLOWLEES~ -E~·FJxl~G n-1.onE snd EY1'NIKG TELEGR,\M Sagn oi ibf: Bi& ll atclt, l'~n~ ~tn.~t.J All kinds of farm produce taken in exchange. Bowman-ville, October l, ).-878, :BOl"t'T!U).l)Vi11e ..._'\~ 71lSt Z 187\1,