Postage ~ y .J A ::'li ES, c> " " ""Ill· Ont I tan LICENSES ~rill im it 1 8 at tent orr- t DR..Y- G-OODS - --/.,-.- - - ent FEATHERS CLEANED AND DYED. ! LYLE & MARTYN H \\' E RECU 'd D A CH OW E «ND EXlENSH E SIOOK OF 1 FAMILY GROCERIES THOMAS BINGHAM, F1r~, COMt IUS ~G Ltfe, Marine, Ac c1 dent Insura11ce Agent 1 1 Vo!hrng bu, I int C/1ss Coin /> rnzes; epre,w !c i 1 m\Q illlllllf rilr@ lfbi@~ ~ rnle of interest Sug a rs, Fi·u1t s, Canned F'ru1ts, F1 s h,Can11 e cl F1 s h , Canned Meats, Fresh J\1 e a ts, Teas, Coffees, Pork, Croclz_e1y, Gl a ssware, Wines and Liquors, Coal Oil, Wooden Ware, Fine and Coarse Salt. · n~ uicl :i l n n s i;;e H al th< lones t w ~ ! i not be i1aul.eD 1mid & · MARTY T ~, GREAT CLEARING SALE AT T E IE Clasgow House - - - o- In md l 1 to ma!.e ioom fo r luc f tll impot tcttiun ~ thE sc11be1 has clete1mmec1 to oftet ]us e11t1 e stock fo1 the two months at g1 eatly 1educcct pt ic e ~ KJu,.. " I IMfORTANT ANNOU~fMfNT, --L~ Octobc J 18 9 61 tf G1 eat b ng 1111s will be _,n cum l veiy k1rnl of go ods-es p ec1ally m Tweeds C m pets Silks, hlack aml colo1 eel Lmeu I lann cls pl am and fanc.} Sltcetmgs, 1 ov. elhngs Table Lmens and Damask Ho,,101y and small waies OUlt IMMENSE SJQ( K OF CHOICE .lliE- - BOOT and SHOE 1 D RESS CO ODS I Pai t10s hn urnhmg will find t111s lksn able chance 1 Rangmg horn tho to tv.enty Inc cents po1 ya1d- scarcely half then value most .uh antageous TERMS STRICTLY CASH. and our Goods are to suit you L J' J; VE R YllODY l L E ASE :N ULi!; SMALE'S THOS. PA'I1ERS0N. " -- o - - 1BOOT AND SHOE STORE, j Notice the following from among recent letters T 11 PARS i'\ J. GE DENTISTRY. c. H ~R.NDEN, L. D.S., no vmu O~lilCE OH B. U E X ~NDERS S10Rl So u rn 0ALEDoN Aug 2o '9 THE DOMINION BANK, BOWMANVILL'E UOI D FI LLING A SPECIALTY $1,000 000 '.IOlWNrO ADDRE;:,S Bowmrumll o September 4 1879 "