CANA1J1 A~ st ATi; Sl\1Al\, BOWMA.NVILL~~. l<_,HJVAY, FEBRUARY 20, ]880. TOWN COUNCIL F AI~~l[E R S I,\ ill find a c)mplete "tock of 'uch A_'I' ?1tie1es as a1e co111111on y J,cpt Jo, sale m a gE>ncial gH cery to , B BROS. D. B EJ IT II' Si I fo!'ne1b McCJ;Ul\G BROS all d w lnch will l:o sold at 10·1> est ca h it O·H December sale oi ehc,ip goods h,tvmg sm pabsed om mubt sancrnme expeduwu~ we ha' e decided t 1 contmne the p<ice' h ' balA 011 th, 0t1gl' the month of JAN U \RY B L.i~.DIES me, \Il'\ s w [LL B:S G 1\ :B:N rn BUFFALO ROBES BARGALN8 WILL Pf<. (1\ EN ll' biancls rangmg m p11Ge horn -D cts COFFEE GROUND TO O R DER. LORNE AND LOUISE UPSEr On Stturdaj e'>e 1ng last R 1 orno ano Louise were leaving Go\ er 1nent Honse 1n a covered sle1gh the vehH:ie npse11 at d their HtJhness~s were tunbled about 111 ~ - Cl 0 AT S ~ EXTRA BRICHT S U G A RS of the finrnt Lrnnd s B HW UN S WIJ,J, BE GIYF N lN cut DRE GOODS Fu:R,S. OHll\INEYS BUBNERS, LAJS'IERNS PAILS, I\'I 1TOHES PICKLES C \PERS, SAUOE8 SARDn!ES S\L~ION LOB~TFTt,.; I ARC,AIN8 \\ILL Bl' (,IVE'f lN L~-LDIES:1 fHE FOUNDRY QUESTION Now that the --- l\MKl ..'fl B A~_ nu l TUG H l rn DEPENDENT RELI JHR(,UNS \HLL BE G!VJ<;N IN Hnu~r. ~ uL1THE f"1ETHODIST FO:B. 1 8 3 0 moi.:s A qD aoNsERYATIVE COCOA CHOCOLUE CORN t;1 \ROH BLAOh LEAD, BLACKING LOO KIN(, GLASSE8 HICE S\GO r \PIOC le MAOOAROTH, Ai'RO\\ HOO l CORN STARCH FL01:R, OATM E AL POT B AllLEY SPLIT PEAS, CRACKED'~ H EA I &c LOANtD. NOTES DRAFTS ISSUED on all Bnnchcs of the Om rn 1 ILL!Jlf Ellr. And ba1garns will be gnen mall kmds of _____ ........ ~'I a-oons. l{emembe1 this ~ale IS llO humhug, for bemg detellllllled to reduce Olil stock, gocKls must and will be sold cheap SALrr I Liverpool Salt, FOR DAIRY l'URl'Ob ;ic; McCLUNG BROS. 7G "'. VARIETY HALL S lay i\favaz nc fu Gnol \Vorc1s Sundas at. Horue 'la.ilo1 & C tte Ho'\: s 0"1 nl aper Band of I-I ope Ih t1~h \\.Olk Hin \ SPIENDW IOT Ol HA\ E TUST P.EOEIV ED CROCKERY WARE AT BOTTONI PRICE" :rJ"FlVi""' DI~l.IE MUSIC ' Ne'N Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, Straw-, Lo hsters, Sardines, Salmon. PORK, ]L[JXElD PICKLES. tages that will nuw le ottered co the b 1s nesa community "ill be cq nally as grea as f 1hey had a ch11rt red bank in 1he 1 n1 <lst becan~e the arran£1eme 1ts eff cte FLOUR & F E EJ) Cauliflower, Piccalilli, _.Chow Chow, Onions, Girkin. :ALI_J I~INDS OF SAUCES. OOH.N"' B E E F . g ., ng h I .BUTTER Al\fl And l a ca.11 1t o T® :nu! l E;;:tcrtnuaahw t:r ~·iau J\TASMITH JUMBLES. I I 'alue eon~un TEA SPECIALTY. Tu:IcKA.Y & MILNE. to tirn e1 ~-~ " To sell on l} snch (fo 1<!, as w o ean rncommenl To please all" ho their pat10na;;t fa1 01 u -w a h CLOCI<S J:flRQ])L[ $1 UP_ l'o 'epl CSent OU NEW JEWELRY STORE! ~'V" ~ IH~ X~T:J" C:?r:E-<X.A~ g rr~ ~ To sell the ,,1eufost su ~ \\Cean tl11t with L it n magrn of l" 0J1t and Let I,n, Come and exmnme aooGs c u d puces, arnl ) on will fim' I hai;e no old stock thnJ hM POLlTIC!J.L NOTES Hon 1\lr A ngPra las beL n elected H Montm rer cl rho prflSAnt segs1 n f tl1e Out1r10 Le'l' tslat ne will end next "1. eek i to } om ~ advantage to Luy fo1 C't8I from D. BEITJ-I, 1\;fcNJUR,...rRY \\ i~hes to mim1 L« to ms fnend, mcl customc1" (11 ,t 1ehas1 (·\\ 1 s H n ~Ir Bhke'a speech on the ,ddres was tn ablo one and -will appuar nex week AND SUMMER STOC ~l!1il ~~B~W ~ ~~!lA~JFAJl11J ~Ill? ~@@B~~ and "\\ill be sold on rs u s 1 tl J1 Tlfrns J: ow i.;1 She ~7 40 I