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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1880, p. 4

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---- -PURE - DRU GS A.or CAnA1HAN STATE SMAN, BlHVMANVJLLR, _ FRIDAY, MJ\ Y 7, 1880. ~ >:1i' t ~ ~ iC ' o J:' T l1 l - ~ ~ ~ n i<ll t -\some said that tlfe gun burst, 1thers that it\<aS the laird'· domg lll ane o' his mad fits. _.v...-~ .... .-.. ...... , .·.. ,.·, "·· ,_,.,_,..._,., " ...... ,.,~.·-,.r....,......,. "THE CROOKIT MEG : " .\. s I' 01: l n a" l' EA wa.s coming ha me early ae summer mo1n 1 from the T ~al Moss, where I h ad been l\' CONTI NUED. I see k tn · e. strange d euct' s nest, w11en I ea w JUS'r A R RIVED AT On reaching the hoade1y h e fo11nd the a wun1an s1tt1 n' by tho dykP. 1nde w1' her hun!!e still open, < Lnd men and wo1U61l on h~ad in her apron. It v.·a~ E sther Pratt the WO\'e A h orse, stea.nnng with mist, Pll1r Rob hnd tried n.~ rash cure I The ~tood siddl ed at the d·ior. doctor cnu 1d d o naething fur his crip ph·d " \Vhfl.t's up, my 1nan r' he said leg. and R ob kcnt thnt he was a sair bur---ro B E S O LD AT-- ostler ·' yo u're late to-night i i de n upon lus wife, wha waa wo ktu' her "It's y oung Hacket," J ock the ostler fingera to the bane to ke ep hitn, and so replied, p)il1\Jng v,ith his thumb across and so- ' Esther,' h b lia<l aa.1J to h er w1' hts silouider "IT e's speak Ln 7 a word wi' his lt1st btoath, " I could wr~rk nane for 61-tf. Bowman"\'1llP-, April 21, 1880. the n11strcss:. They Ray t he auld l.~urd's 1n mys:el', and I was 111nder1n' you." " the dea.d th.raws G od Ra\·e us - it's a " ~A p1ufulstory, indeed!" ._t. wild nicht for !htt1n'. York1esh1ll is Rfnr "Ay, but that's no th e warst. When to pa1rt w1 1 his gear' , he wnnna dee, he they weTe·tu roe'd awa.' by the auld hurd, swears tLll he r;iees ]us 11al, and Harry's yo111lg H<t.cket kent bra.wly boo lt was Y ING done. At tho san1e I me get Bonui 'I'OBACCOES awa to' th e B<och to fetch Corb1e There' s ~ith t he boun1e lnt lass th:i.t had been th~ 'l'o g-et vrn1r R AIR-C C'l 'l'Ii\ G and SH A " been sorne qneer splores uµ the glen lf u' sun8h1n e o' her father·s hoosP.. - She was CIGAHS, ao he l1 as the b~st n1anufa.ctu 1ed~~~as~o a ~::ne asso1tm~n t ur B11 a1 P~ pes Ifie the fol k sn.ys is 1rue-- " little bljtter thLtn a ba.1rn ; a.nd he la,l; ht-r "S ta nd out of the way, yon .. lout," sud iv11 oo t a vvord He never look1t a deep v > lee at lus elbow, and throwing near ~he 111 again. ..t\.nd yo kf' U what L1zz1e Wilf yoll face lS s1 nburnt, rongh 11 hirnsetf on h is horse, young !:Tacket g.\.l- 1s n oo r Vengeance is mine, saith t h e or co"cred with p1n1ples, t ry on e 1 iotLle of !{athunon, wluoh is sure lop ed off into th e mist. Lord, I w1ll repay ,' ln1t, doctor. if Rob L.o m1rc .Tuck Eih ook his fist at the vanislnng: l hn.d hv ed, t ho loan would hae been rept.1d MADE AND SOLD DY figure. ' 1 If he d1sna keeo a. ceevtl to ~~g n e Jang sy ne-\\ i ' nslll'Y " 111 h is ngly head , the n nhangt t hief, ho " All JTJ goo J tunP, ruy friend. · The mnttered, a,3 he re treated to hts den Lll the tniHs of the ~ods i;(llnd slow ly, but they at his Shaving Parlor, fir~t door loft among the straw. gr1 u<l excsedtngly s111e , Dii fanefls habent \Vest of i'tlnrdoch .Bros· C:-1me1y Al ister rosun1ed }ns rn ,. rc h TT e h ad hy pr:des. ~i\..11 d tro th here co1nea Cor bie :3to1e, I!::1ng Street, Bo.-; man \ 1 tl e. 1 this tima p aus ed the crest on t he hill, and h1n. Rel', o n auld .Je&s, 111tt1n her fee t a.t :-drSend C.Oc. by mail, an d n 1eturc 1 ou w1\l r eceive a bottle . had begun the decent to th e lo ~· -lll.y1r:.. ! l1k,t step , .i \1 1sp u' tow round her hind ·l uly 2-f., 1879 52 lands of the \Vrn<l 0 11 t hu; ,s,de the fog legs, my man. itnd ye wudna mak' sic a had hfted The Vfl.!;t cxpu1se of a bou11d- noise i n the world. 'l'rnl3, th e body's less ocea,n was dimly vu~1l.i]e 1n the stnr- loo1.1n' gMh, V\'hat ft.ils yon, 8orbie 1 light. H e passed Fonta1nblean 1y111g Have Y{> U no word for a freen 1 11 hou gh htgh and cold a.rr1ong the r ocks; and 1lls yo ur glor 1fi cat1on o ' the ceevtl la'v was ~-heart beat more rap1dly as he n otlCQd n1 a st u nceev1 l, and ye m1cht hae letten that a light was sltlt burning io an ~pP e r t he captain draw his Jang bo w at plens nre roo m of t h e lof y farmhouse I t's - tt hu rts n aeborly-I bear no n1 alice." Eo p1e's r oo1n," he v- h1Rpered sof t ]y 1o But C irb1£> look1n r1 like 11 m1in who h lS h1ffi 301f The surf W flS th 11rid e~u1g up tl1e got a tnottal ~caru, ar~d turning 11etther to beach at Long haven; the spray Lh~t can1e the right hand nor to th e l cft J went frnm the Bloocly Rol~ wottcd his f agg_ straight on to ·f t he .Royal," where he At thus moment n shrill whistle r OUtltjd stabled his st eed The n 1 thc news got HAVE RECEIVED A CHOICE AND EXTENSlYE STOCK OF lun1 fro m h1s drean1s. H e paused abrup s. a.broad. r be laird 01 Y ok1esh11l .,..;as de3.d, N t;. u. o Ilost heurt and was gude for mwthmg. Howaomever he lost h is place - they were ever hard folk th e Hackets- -hnd syne he I Business N£A 08 1 DRY GOODS Harness Itakethi· o~~!~~;n;ty~t~: ;~;tndngto thc D. STOTT'S DRUG STORE. - . lia.VJn g bought out tho NEW SPHING AND SUMMER [1880 'l'HE Bl£ST PLACE TO BUY Pu re Drugs and Dye Stuffs Is A T - 0 V\(E . PETHICK'S BARBER SHOP~ surAll rounding country that I rntend to our goods are wananted pure and are sold at lowest prices c a rry on the busrness in ALL ITS BRANCHES, viz.. We have just received a fr esh supply of LIGHT AND BEA ~Y HARNESS, Hop Bitters, Scott's Emulsion. Vegetine, Gilt Edge Butter Maker, coLLARs, Dick's Blood Purifier, Soap (30c. a doz. to 40c. a cake), German Undoubtedly the place io get WHIPS, TRUNKS. Syrup, August Flower, Hair Oils, Perfumery, &c. VALISES, PUR~ DRUGS sA.:rCHELS, Abo the ch eapest and best Hair Brushes in town. CURRY co~rns, is at N EADS', as h e ht~Y"- from none BRUSHES. &c. Special attention is given to all private receipts and prescriptions. but the most ieliabl~ houses :incl I MAKE.A SPECIALTY OF COLLARS. manufa_ctures all th e importantPharSATIKF!\.C TION GUARANTEED. maccuhcal preparations l1imself Pra~tu·n.l an1l Di i; pe:n!'i iug l1he1nii;t, To".:U. Unll Bulldingl!i. R E P A. .I R I N G . J The. J?U blic need have no fear of imBo'\vmanv11lc, April l, 1880. 88. puutrns. In all its brancheR promptly attended I inhabitants of Bowrnanv1lle and DRUGSTORE. I DA VJ:D STOTT, I l Y,l f & '°'MAR TY,N ;:;rn;:~!e~~n~~1\~s~ng1 !3:!~n~:,~!~~t Scotch & Canadian Tweeds ::~:.::~E BoQuEii~"~ To BEAT , Braids, !!'loss, Canvas, H air Braids and Switches, all of which I intend IN THE NE"'EST PATTERNS. B'ERLIN WOOL'READY-MADE CLOTHING, WORSTED COATINGS, NEW GOODS A T OLD !:>RICES. in every line. Call and sec for TERMS Ll BERA I , yourseh-es. Jr.-iJr- CHSH PAID l·'OR HIDES - --0- Amongst my stock of WM. MORRI S. . Tne laRt ye!\1 has been with us highly satisfactory. Our venture FANCY GOODS & TOILET ARTICLES HoasEY's BLocK. mto new premises has been a decided success, and in view of a future Bowmanv1 lle. Maroh 3 1st, 1 880. ' increase in basincss and an expected advance in prices, we were lead to will be found the following : - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - ( buy _eaily and in larger quantities than ever bef01e. \Ve are determined Imported perfumes in bulk or bottle, lhe liitte1 includes t he "BoNEW [t o give our pa trons the benefit of our early purchase. qur :111 ing :;tock i' now eomplete in eve1y depa1tment. Our assort- / quet " and "Swe~t Bye and Bye" · j ment '" gieat e1 , out· stock htrger, our facilities and arrangements for the t~e aweetl st _ tomest and latest out. -Imanufacture of or dered clothing is better ;mcl more ample than ever 1' ou should sec and buv them I now inVIte 8IJeCl.~l a ttf>:n tlon to n1:y new i:;tock IbefOre ' }fy s oaps, d omest" . d, oF · ic an cl miporte MILLINERY AND FANCY COODS. A FULL LINE OF compose th e followinii brand s: to on the most h bernl t erms. I hope by strict a t tention to bns1ness to merit a fan ahare of lou r patronage. ~y STOCK rs -COMPLETE A SUCCESSFUL YEAR -1· ng Goods I spr I . WHITE CASTIJ,E, whicli areveiynev.,also TRANSPARENT GLYCERi1'<E SILVER, CAHBOLIO SULPHUR, BARBER'S FAVORITE SHAVING, ly, lay rng lm hand on the. pistol Ill hls aud Cu1 b1e (a ghastly co mforter) had been with h1n1 till he died But the dy1ngrnan had been unsbie t c. s1~n th e \\Ill wh ich the law:yer had pre pared. It '\as of no conseq uence, h oweve r, Corbie explained, with a cnr1ously absent and preoccupied air as he quitted the gr1ey-gabled house belt. The wh1st1e was L hnce repeat ed, a. whistle that to a Jess attenti ve ear might pissed for a cry of a startled Then a <lim fi~ure c antion~}Y appr oacn.et1, and a low voice l!atU 1s tha t YOlt, Hacket1 They're wa.1ting for you !H FAMILY GROCERIES FOll THE WINTER TRADE, COMPRlSlNG Hell's Lum." Thell the speaker pausoa am'ong the moors-of no consequence ; for a second, and then with a startlE}f:) oath, "By the Lord, it'· the ljl·uger, ' disappeared as swiftly and nmselossty a,s he had come Ahster hurried on. "It's impose1b]e 'Vnrd. !l"rom th ence he c~ould see t bti whole Bay of Sl aiua. The bay was wlul o with foaaJ. The \\ial'es were r.olhng ll!J whttely upon the saud. 'I1hen he went 01 1 to the station, \\here he found one of the meu standing at t he door with lns pip~ 111 h1a 1nauth. "'Ve11, Cohn, anything up ~" he asked , " Tiu1 not1ceri a s1nnrt craft 111 tlH~ offing inst before sundown. I h ad th h rakin g of the "Crnokit Meg,' but they n1ust have ch n.n~ ed the rig lb bore a w a,y ft!onqthecoast. But he hurried on until he had reached Hawklaw. a vast monnd ur sand that rises arnon,,; the bents of tho heard the su rf ho1hng am on~ the fissur.tJe they crn land to mght," he muttered a.slie S ug a rs F ru l·ts, Canned F ru · 1 · ts, the d eed had only declared H arry to be · ' · C a nne d M . House -whatmpomtoflawh e -.aswtthout any Fish Canned Fish, _ea ts, B :an k ing <lced whatover- owner of Yok1esh1ll, sole I ' M T eas C o f'P p ork , heutohts·father·s goods and gear, herit· Fresh r eats iees, able an d movable -~ ' ' w 1·n es an d BURK & JONES. I1OA8H!\'IERES " The llllrH·ter and Uncle Ned looked i\t c roe ke ry Glassware, ~USTRE~ " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. other. "There'! s omething in the . ' · ~X T d W CORSETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "indyonder,"sa1dtheformer. ,, Faugh!' Liquors Coal 011 VY 00 en are, IBROWN HOLLANDS .... . .. . ....... , ..... . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 F F -10 E~ he added, as a wiff of stale fish and blnb.' c' s 1 HEAVYOXFORDSHIR'L'S(w1th collar) ..... .. . . ..... ...... her was wafte d across the bay, " I am of ' F 111 e and oa rse a t. READY l.VIAOR SUll'S . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ....... , . . . . . . 1 T Sir Toby' s opinion, 'A plague o' th H · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1 to sell cheap MRS. A. S. ANDERSON, Krng St., Bowmai,v1lle. C P. S.-Hats made over m the Newest . Stvlcn. N ofo the followmg p1ices and you will be convinced that an early cal Bowmanvllle. April !st. 1880. 27 57-88. an cl a large purchase will be to your advantage . · _ _ _ ___ DRESS GOODS IN ALL SHADES . ............ " .......... from 10 cents up. LINEN TowELINc .. ... .. ....... . ... . ............ ........ " 5 " HEAVY TABLE DAMASK . . ..... . ... . .... , ........ , . . . . . " 22 " o;KID GLOVEB COLORED AND BLACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 85 " I' " Hati::::,Caps,Gents'Underwear,Shirts. Collars, Ties, & ~ncl the ordi1Jary toilets which are the cheapest in town. TOOTH W .ASHES AND PASTES of all brands 'COSMETIQUES of the leading styles alway8 in stock. PAT -ENT METIICI .. "'EU t\l ;f5 J (f 35 of a very great varietv, but want of space prevents enumeration , Although not the soie- went ~fo 1~~--~--~ "pick," "Tliorleys," or any other krnd fH Cl t °h orse or att ~ medicin8s y e 1 ave a full supply or each of these and a variety of others on hand. PDT~Jf'JA~'S Plll£S('.RI·Tf0N S ._\ ltEfJEJJ>TSt - If ' Be Besides a full asso1tment of 'ai iou , othe1 goo1h t oo numerous t o THE bND. mention. Our gencrnl stock is abo ut tl1 e largee t " e have ever offered to our customers, an d has been ve1y caiefully selectPd l)mchaseis me reELEornrcrrx ! TH0MAS ExcEt8IOR Ee LRCTRIC On. 1 W oUTn Tim Trnrns us spectfnlly invited to call and examine goods and price~ before buying 1 pickle herrini;?s l" No. emperance St., H 0 "\<V.M.A N VILLE. " " 10 " 30 " " 10 "50 " "$ s up. su n TO ORDER................................ .. ........ " 10 up. Call and eirnrnine, no trouble to show goods. A DVAJ.lCES MADE on personal and collateral security. BO'i\ ma1n~ine, Match 18, 1880. S. MASON & SON "" D E AL E R to the south Tim went down to Colhe§- ton tu aee the captain , it's no p ossiblfJ they cau la~d this sid e o' N ewhurgh, There was a hleeze oil the Hill o' Gask after dark. but it might have been th e lad. at Aohuacratt fi ~1n' the \Vluns." A bnght peat tire was blu zing w lt]un . Alister tn1 e w hin1self upon the unoccnp1e1 ] nada, wh:ch, we tlunk, should be snflici· bed 1n tho gua.rd·rooni, teJh ug Cion t·; ent to Mtisfy tho most sceptical :-Jno. Collard, of Sparta. Ont., ,wr!tes, '.' Send waken him it the wind went down Bat there was no word of the" Crook it me 6 dozen Dr. T hom as Eclect ric Oil, now, its cures are truly "--, Meg" that night. GoLD. - l'a1n c :i.naot s tay \ It is the cheape·t med1cine ever madt'. One that cures corn1no·1 sore throat. One bottle baa cured b1on0}11tls. Fifty cents worth has cured an old standlug cough. It po!ntively cnrPs catarrh, asthma and croup. Fif 1 y cents worth h as cured crick in the back, and thP same quantity back, uf eight years' standing The fo1low1ng are extracts from a fe,v of the many le tters t hat have been received from different p arts of Ca \VEI GBT IN Rc1ue1n !)Cl", we ahvav~ sen at t he lo We!!l liviug 1wiccs and wih uo l be untlersolti. N OTES DISCOU1VTED. 5% :interest paid on deposits of $41 " prepaiecl with the greatest accuracy. REMEMBER 'l'HE PLACE LYLE & MARTY.::{, King-st. M c C L E L L A N & C 0., s IN Express Office Building, King St. East, Bowmanv1lle. i5-tf. v. w h ~n -h e lUOkett-TJ nt n ext n1 orn1og frou1 R. C!\.LDCAir, was an early ri.ser, an d tuuu 11 ~ his bedroom \\1 n dov>', t he w1nd had fallen, the .aparro"\93 were clnrp1ng Gheer1ly t he boi>r·tree bushes, and t he October se i w ~s spa.rkhnJ 111 th e Octuher sunshine 1 '.J.1he manse was bu1it Just outs1d.e the burgh- the Peel-bnrn separating it from Kirkton- ou a plen.sR.n~ e nnn e(l ca abo'7e the b each. Adarn Meldrun1's cottage stood on the other std.J of th o high roa:1 , c loser tt> th e sea, and thu!!i the rnuh~, fl' and the old bo~t·b~1.IUer and birJTstnfftJr were next-door nc1ghbors. The a.l hancJ be rweeu th ei'le cu!lOtl'>l y assotted f d en~',.,. 1 ' UncleNect' W;).8 very clusa a.nd cordta.l ueve1 wen t to chn rch , bnt good h un1< 1 edly accBpted the eitu o..t1on. "I n1ak~ no n1au's cral'}d but my owu, " he said with .8 1\1ft ; ancl to him th e Dean of S L P rt1ricR:'s, after D ivirl Hum e, wctis t11e fi rst ! tf rn en A Neither nor the doctor wa::: an u11behove1· , b ui but h were ol d n.1 e 1 who had sceu m11ch of hfe, and i.vlulo mo ~t of the doctor's conv 1ch '1ns h ad hy we,1r aud tea.r gro\Vrl t111u and t nta th e and provisional, A_da.1n had dr1ftod aw.a_, into a th!:!ol ogy o f his own-a t heology ex. t racted n1a.inly from the Old 'l'o,;+ament, the p1ay.i of 8 hakespeareJ t h e "Religtn :rtfedic:1," and Ed ward 's 11 Ornitholagy ." Uncle Ned had as muc!1 conte:1npt for the doctor':,; ser111ona as the doctor htmself cou ld possibly had . preach ing wa.s t he proci:rn s by wl11c 11 hd f riend " gat that trash aft h 1s stomach," ~he absence of wh ich 1nade hun a ht>nester an d wh ole so1ner con1pa.n10~1 . A.da1n, as I have said , was partly boatbntlder and p'lrtly bn·d-stuffer ; this m orning, seated on a three-ltigged stool, i~e was J1a.n1m e rin g awa.y a t an o ld boat. I t was 0 Wm . McGm ro, of Franklm, w11tes, " I have sold all the agen t left, it acts like a clrnrm-it was slo" at first, but takes splendidly now.-- H. Cole, of Ion a, writes, " Plea·e forward 6 <l czen Dr. Tb.onH\s' EcJectric Oil~ I am__n.J}arly out, nothm g equals 1t "--J. Bedfora 'f'.!rnm· esville, wr·tes, " Send me. at once a fu rth er ·upp'y of Eclectric Oil, I have only 1 butth left 1 never saw anything sell 80 \\ell and give such general sati.tactwn. "J. Thompsou, Woodford, wntes, " Send rne ao mo mc1r0 EclEctr1c Oil, I hnvo sold entirely out. Nothrng take· hke it"- i\11\ler & Rei~, Ulverton, P. Q, writes, " rri ,e E cl ectric Oil is gp,U1ng a gr<;at re putatiou here.and ts daily called for. Send 118 a fu rther supply without delay" BR~ARE OF I MITATIONS. - A·k fui Dr. Thomas' Eclectnc Oil. See that the sianature of S. N. Thoma.· is on the vn-·ppe~-, and th? ll·m·· of Nurthop & Lyman are blown in th~ bottle, and Tak!: 'ilO othe1 . Sold by all medwme dealers. Frico 25 conts NO~THOP & LY~fAN, 'fotonto, Ont ' Propr1 etors for 11·e Dom1n101t trized. s 3 Jected and E!ec· No "·E·-Eclectric... 91-e-o-w-2on. Th., Itnmense sale and g11eat uop q l,irtt;>: of G reen's August FloweR 1n all tcwns ani:i v1lJa~es 111 ' he cr.,1l1zeU workl hl\s c :tused m.iny irn1tators to adopt sinnlar nameB ex yecuug to reap the harvest fo r the1nse lYes at Lhe expeu!:ie uf- thi? afil1pted. TJp a med1 c1·1e w::i.:s. 111troduced 1n 1868; .and f0r the c111e af Dy~peps1a and Liver Co111pla1nt, wLtb th c,ci1r effects. such as Sonr Ston1ach ~ Stck headnche, Iud1gest1on 1 Palpi tation of the Heart, Verll&{o, etc., etc, it never.., ho..s fai led ro on1 kno' Tbree doses "Wlll relieve any case of Dyspepsia. Two m1lhplaced nn a slip wh1ch he had constructed on bottles arild year. ~rice 75 cents. J , close to h18' cottige, s o thnt in eil her capa; Samples 10 cents. --'-----~-~-- Ii city he liacl h1· tuola at hand. The doc._,--" Stop that f.!ough, J ,jF U Sh ing es, ath, Posts, & Square Timber; on all branches of Bank of Montreal in Canada, New York and "\V 1.\if ~UR TRY SOLE AGENTS FOR ' 0 London, England. \:Voul<l again r espectfully announce to the public the arrival Piivate and Building Society Funds of stock of nPv. ;i nd seasonable Dry Goods suited to th e loaned on real estate at . ' . . . best rates want:l of all. An expenenc e of over 30 jears 1ll prov1drn g I Doors, Sash, Blinds, Pi_?kets, Mouldings, &c. Dry Goods for the re:<idents of \Vest Durham ena b les me to ] · · d h ] d "\Ve a1e prepa1ed promptly to till orders in tbe above lines, and to deHver articles in a ll parts se ect JUSt s ncn g oo s as t e peop e wa n t, an my c u stomers NOTESA1VDACCOUNTS ' oCth e to .vn. fhc h1ghestpnce paid fo1 Ltrmber,,'\rood,etc, "-'"e buy for CASH, and s ell forUASD. CQ_LLECTED. may rely on getting the very best value fo r their mon~y. ·.::..... .it@'"Office and Yard -Corner o! l{ing and Geo1ge Street.a. 8pe cial atte ntion has been rriven to th e selection of Spring BANK STOCKS, AMEitl\JAN GREENBACKS--11.ND EXCHANGE BOUGH'!'. ~ b . and Summer good s for the seaso n of - 188() · nn d ic . t,uthst<im}. _ J30NDSJoHN Mc CLELL AN, } 1\foC LELl,4N -& Q_Q._ \Vt LLt \_:ll CAN~.-~ -~ ino- the great advance i n all Dry Good>', I shall be able to :;e ll DEBE'NTURES Bowmnnv1lle, Ai:ir1l 17, 187 38 ]" d · I h d h d l ' t 1e p resen t stock at o l prices. a t e goo~ fortu11 e t o Jave and MORTGAGES my stock of Grey a11d vVh1te C ottolls, Ducks, D enims, T ick- ! ino-s Shirtin o-s Sheet in o-s Holland~ and other L inens purchas- B 0 U G HT A N D S 0 L D. ~ ' o '· · .o ' ..: ~ 1 ed befo re foe rise Ill pnces . lNYESTMENTS MADE. My stock of Prints an d general Dress Goods JS large and ] · · . d d l Bown1an\ illc. F eb. 12, 1879. 29-ly. 1 very C 10ICe In quali ty an a ti very C ieap, - - - - - ----Ask to see onr ~ a rg<J asoorlm3 nt of Laces, including Nial· 1 A CJ B d V I I M tese, u ny, r etune. a u a e ncennes. Frillings, Hos ie ry, G l oves, Embroidery l n~ersions, Toilet To t'HL~K TIHT You urn · M utABrn Covers Carriage Dusters Towellings C otton s etc etc. in I ' . ' ' " ' Gray's ! great venety. Bla ck: nnq C olo re d C ashmeres and .Ma rin os of excellent Kevet fail s tc1 ehcve, snd \\llh proper use '"lt 1 ! d1 f j p · l U b ]] 'l . ~\~~~d11 l J1,.,eas1 H .t.rrn mg from 1Hlpur1ty of the yYe arc in receipt of large sl1ipments of goods, to r eplenish for the comva ne a n ow n pr oe. arf)SOI S flllf m re &8 1 at a1 pllce~. G r 1 and you ·w111 1J e mg ~eason, U1e >a1ious brnnches of ou1 increai;ing trade, in whieh we feel ,.- \C "i:f \ J,i~i~a a t 111,\, ' 1 \l y larg e ,,t o ck of'T "veeds ir,cl ml es some choice Patterns. con'1nculthatthl8 '8 a"ooder1ul r\!)nedy. conhdent no othei house in town can approach us in quality or pi ices dC · h l-'110e $1 per bottle . Six bottles $5. · ~XT Come and sec fo1 yourselves! All our customers are d elighted. IF !Ile » Of Ste oatmgs Very C eap. ~"ltl by D . S'~OT"l', llo"mnmille, and alt Suits made to order on the 8hortes t notice at lowest prices Druggists. and fits guaranteed. 88 -i w. I will not 13nun1erat!' pric es, b ,t ea rn estly solicit a c all from Toirn,,.To. Junclet largely those wh CJ want Dry Good s to e xa min e my goods a nd learn I. befo1e the recent advance in p1icos-and are now offerinct Tea fully 20 my pricer;. to 25 per cent lesR than th eir present market ~alue. Gtccn and Black Teas 50 cts per Th., fully worth 65 cts Green and West End House. B~ack '~'eas 70 cents, w_oreh to-day 90 cts., an excellent beverage. One Bowmanville, April 1 1880. 88-tf. trial will secure yolll' h fe-lo ng patrotage. Our Japan Teas are unex -- - - - - - -- - - - - - cclled in :flavor and strength. COME ONE A N D ALL WHO NEED GOOD NEWS FOR ALJ_.. --0-- DRA;~;)~~;~ED COAL, WO 0 D, LUMBER, . 1 L · MARTIN E. NEADS, Graduate of Ontmio Cullege f Ph o armacy. Bo"manvillc, March 18, 1sso. 78 86 Iy. :a:_ B_ R..AT~~UN & SON;' ORONO BANKINCH-OUSE. MONEY LOANED. NOTES DISCOUNTED. DRAFTS ISSUED on all Branches of the 0.NIAitIO RAN K~ l Also Drafts bought an<! sold on New York .._.._ and London, Eug. FIVE PER CE~T J11te1·e,,.t For Cheapness and Quality, go to ~llo wed on Deposits. NUTES and ACCOUNTS 'J6LLEO'l'};IJ,,_~~~Bank Stock, l\tI01tgages. &c., bought and so1d. M IST--A. --K -E -! -Vitaline I Also money loaned on 1eal estate secu11ty, at reasonable rates, and on t ern1s of rc-paynwnt to suit borro'\\ e1 s. vV. vV. TRlJJ;,l,.. Orono, Feb. 18, 1880. - 82~tf, NO AUCTION BErTER OF HARNESS ! Bargains inHarness · TJIAN A.I TJIE .A l'EILlGI, Alt [10l\f». THEGRAY MEDICAL GO., --D . E _,N_ T _I_ S_ TRY th~a~c~c~e~al ~a~1~~1:t JACKMAN & DARC H Wm. Mc1VIURTRY, I will sell harness for the next THIRl'Y DAYS dt yery low prices. Our harness .is first class in every respec t and not made to s ell-but to wear. tor, strolling down to th e beach in his slippers atter his ea.t·Jy breakfaP.t, gree ted his neighbor with a JHBt and a quota.tion, as Wl\8 hrn wont ."On isu ch a. s tonl im n101tal Alfred eat '" " Ay, doclo":i bll t he lat the cakes single." "And you ObJeCt to the compa ri i:.o n ? Good ; but tell 111e, n1y learned ThelJan, why Shakespeare did not put Alfred rnto a play 1" "Thafa a question thllrt neither yun nor me can m >i., Broncln t.-1e. H ay ll'ever, Con~umpti on, loSl::I of \ Ore<·, LH klrng in th e throat, or any affect ion of the cl hroa.t Ol" Lungs, use D R 1{1I\·G s KEW J1rscoVER.V fur Cpqsutp. pt,~on. '!'his is the g r eat remedy that 1s caus1n1? so mnoh e ~c1temcnt by its \Vonderful c ures, cunng thousands~ of hovcles!:l cases. o, er one m Llhon bot tles'lG'S N KW D JS( OV.KRY have bee n used within the last year, and ha ve given ti errect sat1sfact1on u1 e ve1 y in s t a.nee. \Ve can unhesitating!! say that this is r eally the only snre cu1·e !for throat and 1 ung a1t'ect1ons, a nd ca.n cheerfully r ecommend it to a ll Call and get n trial bottle free of cost or a. re::cular size for $1 00. For sale by '\\'"in \\roon , Osha" a. also R. Fothcrg1ll, Ne11' cnst,le, t ff If you a re su ffering '\Yl t h a <.: : uug h. Cold , Aeth- RNITURE PROWER'S WAREROOMS, -TC>-- WITH TEETH. WI'IHOUT TEETH. Coffees, Sugars, Fruits, Etc. I If you want a choice cup of Coffee, this L~ the place to ge t it. Sugars of all grades n.t lowest prices. Fruits of all kinds at exceedingly low prices . OUR COLLARS are second to non<), OAI"- T .tNNED HAR~ESS J, M. BRIMACOMBE, l'JU.CTJ(JAL DJ>:\' rIS1', N EAHLY T"'ENTY YEA RS F.XPBklKl'.\CN. A. SJ·EUIA..LTY · .Nitrous Oxide Gas ,ldmln1i;tere d f'Ol' Painless 01lcr.tflou~. Farmers will consult thei r interest by g1v111g us a call . 0I"r1CEI ··· Uct'Lll~G'SBLOCK, I 3 whet'e you can find eyerything in tha t line always on hand and sold at the lowes t prices. R J SE::A..-W- AGENT Fon answer-nor yet the Genera.] Assembly. N.w hvin' nu\11 can tell wh at Shakespeare would, or oould, or sh nuld have d one iu ouy conca1vable circn :_n stance- he 1s JUE!t s1mp]y unaccou ' "But \Yhe r's the yonng fellow, .1\lt s ter Ross ? la h e on h1s 3ou r ne,y·, or untlnng love or malnog war, or ba1th 'I It's a pre· MY HEARSE AND. ' Rakes. ]Vlasscy l\fa.nuf'g Co's.· R eapers, Mo"W crd, and Masson Manufactuling Co's,, Superior Single and Co1nb1ned Seed Drills. One door east of Maynard':;i OldStand,KingSt.Bowmanv ii le. Bowmanville, April 8, 1880. 89-3m* IIn this branch of trade, w e defy competition. Fall and Spiing wheat , Flour, -best brancl~irhG1bb 's patent Flour. Buckwheat Flour. Cracked n eat, rah am Flom, Co1nmeal. Fish of all kinds. Oatmeal a specialty PROVISIONS. 0 sentabte lad, let me tell yon, ancl they I pottlJ think a deal of l11m up t he way. ·i "Abater gaed to the \Vard last n1 ~ ht; he was to have been b'!Ck early. prouused to meet bun a t - Fonta1nble ,tu " The doctor gav e a w luiitle "Sit s the wind 111 that cinartcr, eh? Old as I am, for lad1cs lo'\ e unfit, The power of bct1.ut~ I remen1ber yet. But do!l ·t ]et him burn his fin gers w"ith that h ttle Ftt:lJlch witch, she's not a c1aft to rid ~ the waL'er wi." ' ' E pp1e is a. gude lass in the main ,' said Adam, " though 1Jl-g:tpd1t it n1& .y be." "Tush ! I forgot tha t sh e, t oo, 1s o ne of your s ch olars. But just give Alister a hint . I saw her at th e IVIe1ns1e pl"'y, and I Q.1dn't. quite like the way she "a.s carry· tng on wi th Harry T-Tflcke t. An honest should keep clear of that nice young ma.d. By th e ~v ay , what's become of Lizzie Cheeves 'l" "'fhey tell me ahe's somcwhe1c about the K1rktoun-"1' her b a.1rn. Pan· lase 1" ' ' Ay. ay, Arlam , th ere'r:t a. he<""Y ac· count so ne fol ks will h,1ve too settle by1 fect col or. Sold oy Druggists, - AL~ MACHINES WA1U1ANT1'JD. I - \.; ~. ,~1~::;i~~,;0~ 1 ~~;;,;;~;\11 ih;~r b~t~~i~r;0 ~~~1:,, ISOAP.-Onr Ivory and ~rnber b~r Soap- throws all others m the orderrngllfachrnes. , shade - Tl1e Elective Soap I S now h em compared to it. OFFICE OVFR ALEXANDER'S S1'0RJJ;. Agent for the I.anded Bonking & Loamng BRUSHES S bS · Oo., .H·nulton. , · - cru , tore,Hau-,Cloths,Boot Brooms,Pa ils,anclWash tubs GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. for alt Shop. machlnes sold ' kept at Mr 1 I SALT F" 1 S a Jts, ~n · b ags, ,ve1 ·ghing · J. ItEPAIRS M .orr1s'Ca.rviage ~ ·--:-I n B ,,,a1·re l s an cl S acl' \.S ine L" iv~rpoo BRANCH IS THE BEST IN THE COUNTY. 'Vork exeonted in the 1ateat and most I win be m Bowmanvtllo e' e1y Saturday. respectn ely -J6tbs., 112 tbs,, 2:24 'tbs , to sU<t tl1e convemence of the purimproved style of the Denlal Ar t. UnH c r Jh;;tcrs Orders by l>faol promptly nttc1oded to chaser,- specially imported for dairy use. 1 ever ~ wh e re ai c reius1ng to t aJ,p, "' b ite, Jaroy TE ~TII EX'l'UACTED WI7'HOUI P AI:;, Funerals attended (day or nig ht) promptly, orde rly and o. Box !~4~-:~~:,,., 111 COAL OIL of the best quality. Our Headlight is worthy of a trial and lookmg b utte; except at. "' " pnce::i. Con I by the use of Nitrous 0.xide Gas, >vitbout UlJ1Irf sumers '\ .1n t J1ottJJng IJut gilt edge butter, and quietly, at prices to suit every one. 72-Jy. bound to give satisfaction. buyers therefore recommenl'l then· patrons to ' ccomLer IO. 1879. o the pa.tie11t. keep a uniform cQ1or throughout t~ year by I - - - - - - ---- - - - 1 Particular att9Dtion paid to the r.egulnt1on or using the 'l'he Perfected Butter Color made by COME AND SEE OUR GRAND DISPLAY IN \\'ells, r~w hardson & Co., JJurhngtpo , Vt. It IS No extra charge for attending Funerals in the ~,-·u:;;--.. ,-'l!r'T the only color that cnn be r olled OJ.l. ueyer to CHILDREN S ERTH , country within ten miles. j.~ ~ " " 1 UNDERTAKING v Tolton Bros'.Pea Ha.r~ ester. s DENTISTR-Y. UNDF=>IE~ HARNDEN, L. D. S., Graduate of the Royal Cn1lcge of DenLa.\ SnrgeoD,§., Ont:g"10..!. . - --~- 1 1·. ·. ) iDJirte the butter, and to ah,aya g1ye the per- ~gin at Ote Jkglnntug. Bluld up the J1tUe ones, make a solid fo und ation of phJ sical hcalt11 a nd st1 ength , wlnle the tender tissues of the body aie mu1't r a pidly a b· sorb1ng nOU illihmcut. \Vh,it the 1nraut uants 1s u u L 11L1on concentrated in qu1111t1LJ tshall not be Ja,rge enough to burden Lhe JU:-it tlevelup1ng digestiY:O or~:J.US. 'l'here 1 s n0Lh1 ng that sup plies tJus w~nt }·ke lit! oll·H E;uu1siou or l'lu·c Co·lLh er O· I lS milt ·H1·~·~phll·· of ~ (lnd Ltme outl Sod.n. It ble to tli e t ~$te a splendid food a nd 1ne<lLCme for J1ltle ones. I SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. HA'RNESI SHOP! Crock~ry, Glass, Lamps, -A~L -WORK W.ARRA.Nl'ED. ~~ MRS. DONNELLY Thankful for past patronage I still solicit the same. 1-~~~~~~~!.~,~~~.!:!!'edEb!:ucs and B-,ancy Goods. Has receh a Just ed large stock of RE!\iEMBER THE PLA CE · , · G1""'ord s Old Stand, K1ng·-st. "h!est. .111 IV W P PRO WEit. in Ilown1anv11Ie. Ha,mgworked with Mr. M Pot l.erfortwcntyu\e yearsand later!, for two yeaIS with M >. F, 1\fa.sun, 2upenntent11ng the Collar Depart- This department is well stocked, re ga1dl ess of expense, in· eludin g GH A ~ITR\VARE, in various sizes and patterns,· FRENCH AND AMElUCli:~ ~ MILLINERY ! nnrl is bound to sell tlu:m &t p1 wes i Jrnt Jn 1::;; ne\ er bucn offetctl in llte lown of B o,\1i1 ~qn Jk A CARD. and by - B.ith you and me believe that, tf we believe naethinq mair . And there's little to choose betweea us, 1t brimstone di sna lee. ,. "'£hat's trnei sir. liea.vcn is aboon a' yet; there sit s a. Ju dge that nae king can McMURTR-Y, K eeps constant ly on hand a good stock nf corrupt. I loowld wi'you and w1' Shake· apearE<, baith r"'spect<!.hle authorities. · I rnind .weel the day," he continued, "when Rob Cheeves was m.,'1r r1 ed on Esther Pratt;,,they were a happy and a handson1e pa1r. _ flt· wa.!! keeper at Yok1eshlll ; The \ 'oltnlc Belt Co., ~larshaU, Jtlicb. h<§ h ad been twenty year, with the laird \V1ll send- their celeb1aLed li~lectto-VoJtaiC l\funy a queer-outla11d1sh bird he has s ent Belts to t he affiloted upon ':0-da}s' tJ"l al. St1eedy maj fO r ltob was a dead shot. lt never' cures guaranteed. 'fbey 1neau=what tlrey say. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ,,' Crockery and Glassware, Canned Goods, Tobaccos, Soaps, &c) &c ,, ~"An kinds of farm produce taken in exchang.-.\; ,:;:;;.Bowma.uville.lOctober l, 1878. 10-tf WM knowu how he cam' b7 the Illl0wiia11ce: :Vr1te to then1 witho u t de1a:; ,_. 7()ly, ' 1 . , , · . The stock cnn uot oe ' nrpasscd ln . A choice at.sort m e nt ot ( bamber Sets , m \\lute and Pancy QUA U'l'Y AND CHEA PNEi:>:S. wnrrante d sale an d e 11 sy. ! Pattern~, of Al qu alit}' · \ Ve have lately im 1 ·1or1cd direct "ro11.1 Hill long cxper1cnco H t the bns1ncs2, and wcll p . . ]J f X ] . 11 Uall an(1 see fo yo11rselvee. The i;took cou~ kuO\\Il icput·tton ··· first-c'as a "Ockman '8 an s, spec 111 y o r our mas trace, a fine select IO tl ,,f TE.'\ '11LLl"'ERV S lots of sufticientrecun11ne ndat10n ·· · ' 1' ' f b I' ] Cl · ] · J.J: .1.' i' \Y JI k · '°' t. :S, o est · rt1nc1 una; il ese are really 11111que, <illd an [ SILKS, t eep constant 1 y on h a nd 1 fast bei ng disposed of: , SATINS, a full assortinent o f every thino- , YELv ETS, in his line. "' A large ~tock sel ected with g~eat c,a re, ' tt~tahl e FRIKGES, SWlTCHES p · t $ ·t th T" for UHRISTlliAS AND NEW l'EAR S GJFr&. BRAIDS , r1ce_s 0 Ul e imes. ' IIAm ORNM·1l£NTS, Carna1?;e Harne ss anci C o llThe highest price has a lway s b een paid by M iudoch LADIES' LACE CAPES, , I ars a Specialty. Bros . for all kinds o£Jarm produce. YEILINGS, LACES OF ALL KINDS, FRILLINCS, Remember the Stand: Ai-rangeme h a ve b een made with st,me of the leading h ouses in TIE S, nearly opposite the H egistry town, to Hnpply our customercl with goods not in our line, so that pli.rties l COMBS, &c, &c. Office. having produce to dispose of; can do bO to advantage. LADIES" AN D GENT'S H ATS CLEANED l3owman 11lle D<cem bor 18 1879 [ij AND RE SHAPED. Bov\·ma:av-Jlle, Jan. 29th, 1880, 79 tf, 1 ' Bowroan v11lc, April 8th, 1880. Gi 89,tf ment of his business, ) He is pre pa re d 1o make a collar TEA, DINNER AND CHAM:HER SETS. I LAMPI! 1 NOTICE! NOTICE !

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