· ' CANADlA~ I' t)Q. SPRING AND SUMMER GOOD JUST ARRIVED AT SAny Quantity of PEERLESS GI tf OARPET Beg to announce that Mr Ellison has JUSt returned from with a large stock of W~RPS Tweeds, Cloths, & Worsted Coatings AT \\ c Ji L\e a large stock of SrRTNC OVERCOATS which will be offeied cheap " ·w c gu.Lrantee those thmgs '1z Perjict Filo, Fi"t GlaRR TI orlc nwn<hip rncl Im p, i ceR In Genernl Dry Goods ·we bold a >en la1ge and select- Atod, pur drnsed w1th g1eat e 11 e 'We call special attent10n to a few of the lcadmg depa1 tments DRESS GOODS BT !<OK CASHMERES, COLORED AND CHEAP CASH STORE. SCOTT'S BL!\OK L1-,SfRES, BOOT AND SHOE STOR E FOK at tIIUP-S a11d ho w >nld hnget for hours in a seuu conscious condition His er d was peace he died almost w1thout a BARGAINS I I Fnll1UlO" t.hen· bns ness da1lv Increasing On SaturdaJ first ' ariety Hall \\ 111 present to 1ts custon:ter;;i nnd the pnbllc a A TEN t'f;NT COUl\'f'ER. which inspection b 1n"V1ted I hey are nH ne"\\ and attract ive fully asst~res them that small profits and Ihe goods c:cleoted for tlus branch consists of a qntck returns JS the co1rect wa) to run a 'ar1etl or useful :t.nd ornamental a.rtwles to business IJ£AS ,\ SPE Cl ALTY branch THIS or V ariet> Hall"' 111 be conhn u e11 He has the largest Stock of Boots and Shoes rn town, i selected fiom the best Canadian and American mannfactm , -, The whole stock has been purchased for CASH at greatly reduced rates. Th1rtJ years ex peru~nce in Englaud AN EXCURSION TO WASHINGION .A choice stock of general grocer1es and on the 17th and 18t.h inst to the H.ANLAN prov1~1ons, &c al Wa.J s on hand UOUHl-:-.JI Y 1 ace W Il & Oo pay· part C !\SH for hut ter el{g :< no1k etc due bills given on 'VtT .A. :Lo W ALEXANDER for dry goods ::c.. 1sold for P A. P l\ien's, 'Vomen's, JVhsses' and Children's half the regular prices. Prunella Boots E :Fl. S 94 01dered wnrk promptly attended to, wd made up rn the latest approved st; le. Repamng neatly done with despatch. 011 Cementrng done prnperly hand. Trunks and Valrnes con::; ta ntly A them GIVE Bowmanvtlle, April 29, 1880 HIM CALL ISSO Vt.. YID llug]HUJ FERRI~ LEE & EDSALL ~ 0 · HAVE TUSl TO HAND, 4NDARRivING The gold watch I bought fron1 you er ha t rned o t JUSt as you iepre I could uoL \\1Bh al ei1 er watch Hotel 1o Rent. ESTATIL!SHED Youri:> trul} A.11 tho 1 C\\ est a n d DObb1est 0 tyles n POBERT Da1hnglio1 A"RM~1RONG .ll.ad1ell·, Gen hi' & Children',.. l!llry f.oods. "q l 18 h 1880 Made to Order! GOOD FHS t \. LAH.GE LTN F. OT Fa1merR will plea<e take E ~ " notice that there rn now a fiee in the latest faslnoJ1s, ¥"111 bes)1dat less than 1t cost to make th1lm and open m a1 ket lll Bowman 1 ~ 1lle on each and e-1 e1) Satm are great on the SHIRT TRADE I <la}. No fees chat ged Hee pt foi don t order your shirts fro D Toronto 1'he mat lmt w1 ]! we1g h rng Burnmer'" !'I.pend your 1noneJi l.Il your b d d own \01"' ll at \\Ill hel,i to make e sh I econ ,1cte on a p1ope1 p1111· onore r lenhful Ic1ple and sellers of all kmds of produce, cattle, sheep, pigs, CAI,L AND SEE US,"" ~an cmeyou gram, etc., will find top pnces >per.c Jonr sur here. A pnce list will be placed 111 the Market House Y 0111 s res l1<:c fulh every Saturc:ay m()rmng as a f. jgmde for both buyer and seller. .A pr 1 1:-l 1880 00 ti Makers of butter can get 1 §TR AW C 0 0 DS m Farmers. ~ AND AN H l 0 500 Kegs Cu.t Nails, 200 Kegs White Lead. 100 Bdls. Ferree Wire. 25 dozen Spud es & Shov els 25 dozen Hay and ManureF01ks. h-1 25 dozen Hoes, I ~ IMMENSE STOCK Varnishes, PF ~ 1 I 1J] Paints, Oils, Gla ~se s, ~ Putty, Building and ~ lVIechanic·s Hardware. H OQ=G1ve ns a, call and get puces bctore purchasrng . I~ S. Hill. LEE & EDSALL, Bo\\1nanv1llc Apnl 261880 I Q ttj GENERAL AGENCY. ~;~~\~~t prwes for pound rolls or 94 ln1 McLeod's Old St.~~d·J ~ l"arJor. W. BRITTAIN, 1'{\NA F:R HO\"i Il)Ull'i ille Apr1l lutb 1880 60 3111 CLA. SCOW H - - -o - - '[he Snhscnber has now received a la1ge and 1'ell as::so1tul stock, s111table for 1he pre::sent and commg season. "\Ille and v1cI111ty that she has oper ed out a genercrl assortn1ent of beth But1 h Insu10..nce Companies ~ h o ha~e re d ced iheu rntes to comµete '\\:Jth Canadian Compames The nohcies of th est con)pan1es are ft ee f on1 all obJecUona bl fl lanses and they ha' e ne'\ ei con t,e ~lell a 1 laun Though goods have advanced and still contume to adrn nce mpuce, owmg to !us havmg bought la1gelvP1 ant1c1pdt1011 of a nse, he will oflc1 many lrnes at old puces, and havrng · determmed to reduce his enor,nou,Jy la1gc stoek, he \\I ll sell and will he plea·ed to iecene many at le'~ than old rates, thus offerrng rnducemcnt to those call from he1 rnimeious / "ho \\Hlh to make four dolla1s do the w01k offhe friends and all other"' wan trng I CAL anythrng 111 the Nhlhne1y hne SPECIAL ATTENTION IS LED T O MILLINERY MADE~ SPRING AND SUMMER MANTLES Dl.):ON"EY" Tc:> X...C>.A..:N" ORDER. 88 lv Carpets-Jute, Umon and All"' ool u1 0 H· ls ALL~N & CnmsTrn 03 3m I Two doors west of M. D. Willia.ms' Butcher Stall,Ki:r:gS t. Bowmam ille. April 1st 1880 La1ge Lot of 1 "eeds Black and Colored Cd-hP1eres Wlute, Scarlet and Grev Fl,urnel H. WILL I AM 5, GENERAL " " zOc ,, Fancy Flannels and Shirtrngs an immense vancl}, Hosw1y, Tnmmrngs, a \en :lull '1uck. T:S:OS. Bowmamllle April .'9 18·0 PAT~SRON. 1 92.t ·