CAI\ ADI.AN STA1ESMA.N, BOWMANVILLE, :FRIDAY, M.AY 2 -', 1880. \and none but the best 15ee1n to have mnch l chance in tlus country-w1th ~ ut a thor [ oughly good stook to breed from. I am, English farmers of late years ha'e been giv- therefore, very pleased to note that Cfiana· te t to th , d1ans have recently been purchasing rst8 tmprov~· rate Clydesdalti arid other heavy 1nres very ing more an~ mor.e at n iun ments of theJ.r dairy prlHlucts, and 10 the busi· free1y. N ot1ceable amongst then1 is the nt'sB of butttlr making, especially, hrwc made pr1ze-w1nn1nµ; "Sir 'V1lham Wallace," cuns1derable a:lvaucc~ Ol' the old41me practice. which ha3 lately become the property of One of the most recent, and one ... of the most Messrs. A. & R \V ells, of Aurora, Ont important of these, is the discovery of an odor- About a dozen other first-class Clydesdale less tastelcs;,;, and quite innocuou!4 .~ntisieptic stallions have also been sent out. l should that pro~es to be an effectual pres:ervat1ve of thtnk that either keeping to the pure butter , without the ui,ie of salt, and without the breed fer heavy work or crossing with the u~ual pre.cant-ion of excluding it from the a1r hght native anunals fo~ van, onunbus, and To test 1tc-1 eilicacy, the patent waa 1:1ubmitted tramway traffic, for. which there is also : to i\fr. G. j\f. ·\llender, a dunntere>1ted expeit great deu1and in this country, should be · London for trial On the 24th of July profitable bns1neBB to the Canadian farmer. m ' d A friend writes me frznn Lt verpool that last ' he trea.te1l a churning of butter in a.ccor · the sh ow of h eavy h orae fl ee b there 1n · the d . 1 6 ~nee with the ~irections speei e · and, inc oB· J\iiayday processions was superb If tiny ing the butter in a mushn cloth, placed it in a of your readers who think of breeding firkin W(thout a. particle of salt-every pre· heavy an1mals for the .British rnarkot caution being taken that there should be no could contrive to see one of these shows tampenn,J; with the experiment. '!'he firkin 1t wonld be a nsefnl lesson for them. remained on the premises at St. Peteraburg Canada hl\8 aga1n and aga1n shown that Place, I3ayswater, for three n1onths, and when her brt:ieCers, ¥.hen they hke, ca.u prodnco examined on October 24th~ the butter was as as good beef as any fed in this country BQtlnd and sweet ll" when first put in, although T see 1t announced that a lot of 10 or 12 durinp the whole time it had practically been beeves were sold 1n the IJ1verpool market expJsed to tbe air, notbinJ{ have been done to for £45 per hea.d. \iVhen it IS so con 'luscxclude the latter frcni the fhkin. 'Vithout ively shown ~hat a hp·top article al~ays treatment, it \\Ould undoubtedly have beco oe fetches its price here, what a pity it 18 . th:it so inany of your br~eders. who should wholly putud in that length of time, notlnng, k now b e tt er, I1ght eu th e1r own po ckets , however, could be detected by either smel1 or and at the same tune to som3 extent Chsta.ste, to inchoate that the sample had suffered credit their countrv by senduio- lnfer1or the shghte"lt tletenoration, as it pm~seilsed all ~ produce here. '):1hi).,. ml\y depend upon it the qualities of flavor and :firm.nesa of butter I that fur inferior stuff thoy \'\Ill never get churned the dny before Experts 111 <lilferent more than infe11or prices. parts of the lOURtry were furnished samples, IN THE CITY. and all pronounced the prese1vation wonderful, During the last ~eek or two there ha.a they were of the opuuon, howtn er, that the bet<t newly made butter ha8 a peculiar aroma. been a tendency in some quatters to bethat is not quite equalled ni the preserved but lieve the trade revival which began some Ret0r, while the latte1 was considered a little months ago had begnn to die ont. "dead," a defect that fa removed by the ad~h ports fron1 the d11Ierent trade centres were ti0n of one pe1 cent. of sal~ The cost of the stated to md10ale that a demded lull had But the official tlade and preservative does nnt exceed on(' halfpenny per taken placo. naviaat1on returns for last month, wh1ch pound O f bntt1:1r, it; fa worked in directly after were"\seued by the Roard of Trade yester(.:burnu1g, antl requires no farther care or atten day do not at all con6rn1 thh1 v1ew, but twn, exccep!; tbat, hke other butter, it should on t'ho contrary are admitted on all hands be kept in a moderately cool place -Popular to be h1gh1y eucourn~ing. IMPROVEMENTS IN B'UT't ER· MAKING. GOOD NEWS FOR ALL. "\V·McMURTRY -0- CHA111GE OF I I I W ou]J again respectfully announce to the publie the arrival Of MR. F. MASON, Is going to let others do the blowing, while he will sell I of ~tock of re\\ DIJd seasonable Dry Goods, suited to the I take this opportunity of announcing to the inhabitants of Bowmanville and surwants of all. An experie,pce of over 30 years i :J. providing rounding country that 1 mrend to carry on the business in Dry Goods for the re;:idents of We"t Durham enables me to ALL ITS BRANCHES, viz·. select just such goods as ti'ie peo.ile want, and my customers LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS, generally at prices as low as any other house in town. may re ly 0,1 getting the ve .., best value for their money. COLLARS. Urnloubtcdly the place to get WIIIPS, Specrnl attention has been given to the selection of Spring TRUNK~. ~~Q(IlE~ V~~1f @Bi:lillA~. VALISES, and Summer good. for the season of 1880 ; :;ind notwithstandPURE DRUGS SATCHELS. ing the great advance in all Dry Goods, I shall be able to sell CURRY-COMBS, is at NEADS', as he buys from none BRUSHES. &c. the prese1·t stock at old prices. I had the good fortune to have but the most ieliable hoiiaes, and I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF COLLARS. manufactures all the importantPl1army stock of Grey and White Cottons, Ducks, Denims, TickSATISFACTION GU o\.RANTEED m'.lceuticPI preparationR hirnwlf., REED'S BLOCK, J<JNG ST. EAS7. ings, Shirtings, Sheetinge Hollands and other Linens purchasITlle pr olic need ham no fear of imREPAIRING. ed before tile rise in prices. Bowmam1lle, September 19, 1879 60 purities. its branches promptly attended ,! My stock of Prints and general Dress Goods is large and Jn all t o on the most liberal terms. very choice in· quality and styles and very cheap, I hope hy strict attention to business to Ask to see our ;arge as3ortn1'mt of Laces, including Mal- merit a fan· share of yout· patronage. m eYery line. Call and sec for T ER:}IS Lr BERAL. tese, Cluny, Bretone. and Valenceunes. yoursclveo. jM!I" CHSH PAID FOR HIDES. --0-' Frillings. Hosiery, Gloves, Embroidery Insersions, Toilet Amongst my stock of Tne last year has been with us highly satisfactory. Our venture WM. MORRIS. into new prem;ses has been a decided success, Covers, Carriage Dusters, Towellings, Cottons etc,, etc., in FANCY GOODS & TOILE'l' ARTlOLES and in view of a future Hous1n:'s BLOCK. great veriety. increase in bminess and an expected advance in prices, we were lead to Bowman-\ ille, l\{arch 31st, 1880. will be found the following Black and Colored Cashmeres and Marinos of excellent buy early and in larger quantities than ever before. We are determined Imported perfumes in bulk or to give our patrons the benefit of our early purchase value a nd low in price. Parasols and Umbrellas, at all prices. KEW bottle, tlic latter includes tbe "BoOur Spring Stock is now complete in every depa1 tment - Om assort- quet " and " Swc-et Bye and Bye " My large stock of Tw-eeds includes some choice Patterns. ment is greater; oui- stock larger; our facilities and arrangements for the the oweetest, t Z Fine Worsted Coatings very che .. p. SpringGood~I manufact.ure niest and latest ont. of ordered clothing is better and more ample than ever You should see-and buv them. Suits made to order on the shortest notice at lowest prices I now invite special attAntlon to my new stock before and fits guaranteed. Uy soaps, domestic and impo1 ted o.A FULL LINE OF compose the following brands _ I ~ill not_en1u.Hw_ ate prices, bit earnestly solicit a call from MILUNERY AND FANCY GOODS. CASHMERE BOQL'ET, - tho~e ~vho wa11t Dry Goods to examine my goods and learn Trimmed Bonn~ts and Hats, FeathHARD TO BfJAT my prices. ers, Flowers Silks, 01 naments, etc. UN-X-LD, L. Harness Business H·ving bought out the c0 RN Is H Nf A0 8 DRUGSTORE. PURE~~RUGS, Rings & Jewellry Repai:ringdone at low rates. A SUCCESSFUL YEAR MY STOCK IS COMPLETE -~ ' Scotch & Canadian Tweeds WORSTED COATINGS, Wm. Mc:Th'.CURTRY, 1880. West End House. BERLIN WOOL, READY_1MA_;iTPci:oTHING, Braids, Floss, C'anva~, Hair Braids and Switches, all of which I intend to sell cheap MRS. A. S. ANDERl:JON, Kwg St., Bowmanv11le. WHITE CA'OTILE, which are ve1.l' new, also TRA:NSPAHENT GLYCERINE,' SULPHUR, SILVER, C.\RBOLIC, BARBER'.S FAVORITE SHAVING, 88-tf. COME ONE AND ALL vVHO NEED Sciencc-.Jronthly. ------.- ... -·---- FRANK LE~LIE's PoPUL<\.R 1Yfo1\""TIIJ~Y for HEALTH OF HORSES. 'rhe l1ealth and comfort of horses have of l~te yeats been g1catly nuproved by t he t1Htter coli st1 uct~ou of stables They are madt· mori:> roomy and lofty and provided "Wlth thorough ventiln.tion, In manv new stables, lofts ha\ e been Jone away \\ith, or the floor of the lofts is kept we 11 above the horses heads, and ample abafts are intro·lucerl to convey away foul ai ·. Ry I ~rfm ated b ucks and gr.a.hugs unde1 the mangers and else·yJ:iere r ound t,he walls, and alilo hy. windows and ventilators, abundance of pnre au is so...cured for the horses ; while , tein .,. introduced in moderate l\mount aucl from i;;ar ious Cirechon3, it comes in v.ithoutd1aught T oo n1uch drauglit 1s almost an unknown stable i ux ry To secure a. cons~ 1.nt supply of pure a1r, horses rc.:qu1H! 1n ore cubic Bpace than they generally enJo)' Even when animals are 3 tablet1 only at night, a min1n1um of 1,500 feet ~hould be allov.-ed. In England, the newer .Tunc. An1()ng the cJntents we note the following; c,Jlorecl Plate, ll'Iarguer1te; The Ferrv Amoss the Atlantic, Bet\.\een Joy autl 8u1row, a poeni. Intlui.n Story Land, The Stoneless Grave ,-Poen1 Berlin and the Rcrhncsc, RevolutHinary Rennu1sences, The Chaplet of La Stunt Bourne, Near 'l'oulont France, Co1ne Ilome,-poom, .A.. :Few \Vords on Prose -; Not Gmlty, Am1d The Wild Flowers , LIIHl8 Buggested b) the Picture of b-'11 Lc~he's Eltltu11al Ronni, VV"asps and then Neats, Tho Three Alpnie Tunnels, The Student V>f Bologna. , A Sea \Vaif,-poen1, 'l'e1rap1n-Fu1h111g; .A. Pond and is 111 it, Joseph L Firm and }us Inventions , Recent Progress in Science, and a. lot of other interesting articles, the whole mak1ng an excellent ntunbe1 of tlns !t:Tonthly. 128 pages, over 100 engravings Pr1c.:e $3 per year Frauk Leshcs Pubhslung --TO-- AREROOMS, Banking OF and the ordinary toilets which are the cheapest in town. P. S.-Ha!s made ornr tn the Newest TOOTH WASHES AND PASTES Note the following prices and you will be convinced that an cad,)' cal Styles of all-brandR 27.57 88. Bowmanville April 1st, 1880. and a large purchase wi11 be to your advantage : - COSMETIQUES of tho leading DRESS GOODH IN ALL SHADES ......................... from 10 cents np. styles al ways in stock. HatR, Caps, Gents'U nderwear,Shirts, Collars, Ties, &c 5 " 22 " 35 35 " 10 " 30 " 10 " " 50 " $ 8 up. " " " " " " " " House wheic you can find everything in that line always on hand and sold at the lowest pl'iccs. BURK&JONES. OFFICE House 53 to 57 Park .Place, JI\ ew York now IT IS DONE. u MY li:EARSE AND No. 1 Temperance St., BO'\VM.ANVILLE. LINEN TOWELING. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. · . .. . . . · . .. .. . . . . . HE ...\..\ry TABLE DAl\'fASK ....................... , ....... KID GLOVES COLORED AND BLACK................. . . CASHMERES " " .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . · . LUSTRES " ·" .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . CORSETS.,... .. ...... _.............. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. BROWN HOLLANDS ·...·...·......... , . . . . . . · . . · . . . . . . HEA:VY OXFORD SHIR1-1S ( w1t.h collar).... . ... . . · . . . . . . . . . READY MAOFl surrs ........ .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. PATENT MEDICINES of a vc1y great 'ariety, but wan t of space prevents enu rneration Although not the 8ole agent for "Dick," "Thorlcys," or any other kind of Horse or Cattle medicines yet I have a fu 11 supply oJ each of these and a variety of othern on hand PHY·ICIAN'S PRESl'ltl'TION8 dRE~ EIPTS SULT TO ORDER......... . ........................... Call and e-.:amine, no trouble to show goods. Bowmanville, March 18, " 10 up. £ TAK/NB BRANCH IS THE BEST IJI\ THE COL'NTY. ADVANCES llfADE on personal and collateral security. 1880. S. MASON & SON 38-56-66 86 prepa1ed with the greatest accuracy. REMEMBER THE PLACE . barracks give a m1n11nun1 of 1,1500 feet 1v1th a grottnd area of fully 90 sq_u,tre feet per horse, and tbe be~t hunting and horses have more room, ~Jou1nal of Oh,m1~try cav~lry The tirst object m life with the Amerio:::in people ts to "get rich" , the secoud how to regrnn good health. The first can attcnclcrl (clay or night) promptly, orderly and quietly, at prices to suit ever} one. 5% interest paid on deposits of and upwards. M e C L E L L A N & C 0., DEALERS IN Express Office :euilding, King St. East, Bowmam illc. be obtan1cd by energy, honesty and sav Canadian Cattle and Horses m England· F1orn the Globe's Lo,ndo,i, Co1 respondtnt. The agr1cultnral aeason in the British Islands has so far been of a most hopeful charncter Mr. .\.iderman Mccb1 and oth the second, (good health) hy nsmg GR~.EN's A unUHT l!-,LOWER. Should you L-..i a despondent sufferer from any llf the effects of Dyspe11s1a Liver Complaint, Ining No extra charge for attending Funerals in the country within ten miles. DRAFTS ISSUED on all branches of Bank of Montreal in Canada, N cw Yark and London, England. Private and Building Society Funds loaned on real estate at best iates. MARTINE. NEA DS, Shingles, Lath, Posts, & Square Timber; SOLE AGEN'l'S FOR Graduate of Ontario College of Pharmacy. Bow1nan\11le, 1\farch 18, 1880. 78 8&-ly. er authorities are writing in a vein tov,rhtch their pens havo for many a day been strangers. ~<\ few warn1 showers a10 all that is wanted now to make the weather ain)ply perfect. I still hear of sad havoc m West Norfolk and other parts of the country arnungst the sheep, but on the other hand the l,1mbtng time has been excephonally favor<1ble. It "i\Ould be well, I thu1k, for your producers to n1ake the1r calculations on the ba01s of better tunes herc aud n1ore home vroduce for several yeara, bearing iu 1n1nd of course that_pr1J'!· perity alw,..ys means increased consun1p· tion. It is staled on good authority that Lhe itnports of fresh ·n1 eats from America are n 0 w, for the tirst tune perhaps since the trar1e was con1menced, reaping substantial profi ts I am i11forn1ed that the operat1· 0118 of one hrm eng1ged 111 this business have during the last few weeks,, returned a profit of £1 1 500 or .!1)7,f>OO per day, and tlus it should be rernmnhered, a cash trade. It may be assnn1ed that there will spe~d1ly be competitors on all sides now that the p11.ys-and prl.YB we11 Anstralta wants a 1narket frir her meat produce; and a great deal of excitement haFO been uccas1oned by the arnval of a coup.le of cargoes of frozen 1neat frvn1 the Australian colon1es. ·Your readers w1II naturally be anxions to have some 1dea of the prospec·s of this new:competihon au<l its effects on the Canatl.1un and United States trade '!'here 1s no doubt tl1at fresh 1neat, properly frozen and kept d.t a auffi· c1eat ly low te1nperature rnay be preser,, 0 d for any length of t1~e, and landed 1u th.1~ country in perfect condltton. Fur insitanco l recently sat down to dinner v;here a'Candian turkey killed last No~ vemberv;asdtscnssed, and eoioyed: and so far the Austrahan col Jnics are on an eqnal footing with yourRelv(s But a little consideration wil1 show that other 1nfinences step in, wluch science is powerless to overcon1e, and which will always g1'l'e yon a long starb tn the race. Tho relatnely greater distance from the European n1arkets rnea.ns higher fit.tights, and the f:tct of hav111g to pass through the Turr1d Zone, and if by the Suez rcute, through tho "furnace" of the Hed Sea, mean!! ,L very perfect and corr~spond1ng~y expensive system of rcfr1gcrahon. Again one of the chu~f difficulties which stood in the way of similar exper1menta in the cases of 'fexas and the River Platte applies to a considerable extent also to the ... .\.ustrahan colonies, and Lha.t 1s the impossibility of obtaining adequat~ outward fre1gb~s VV.,.ith Canada and her inagn1ficent '>'later highways to tho heart ?f the Conhneut, with its rich a .1d rapidly settled lands, this difiieulty, stnall as 1t no1v is, will annually decrease -Yet again, li.ustraha has no ad vantages of soil or climate fron1 n meatproduc1ng point of view over Canada and the Noithern States Thetefore, all thin~s constdered, though o. few adventurers sure to try what they can doi n.nd will c lutnve to sink a "pot" of inoney in the eff)rt Canada can <>fford to1egard \\.1th ind1fteren'ce the compet1t1on in this chrect1on uf h er stster colonies of the southern }1emisphere. &c such as Sick ller.dacho, "' ' of 'the I-Ieart, Sour ~ Palpitation StornacI1, Habitual Oostiveness,Dizineas of theHead, ~ervons Prostration, L0w Sp1r1ts, &c,, jUU need not suffer ano ther day. T1vo doses of A FctUST FLO\V.i::R will r . . heve yon at once, SampJe Bottle-a 10 cents. l{egu· lar s1ze 75 cents. Positively sold by alJ first-class Drugg1qts. diLJestion SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Thankful for past patronage I still solicit the same. REMRMBER THE PLACE· E:_ E_ R.A...T.HF:3UN & SON~ Doors, Sash, Blinds, Pickets, Mouldings, &c. , We are preparecl px:omptly to tUl orders in the above hnes, and to delive1· artwles in all parts of the town. The Wghest price paid for Lnniber, Wood,etc, "re buy for Cl.A.SH, and aell fol' C.ASU. d'Offico and Yard-Corner ot King and George Streets. AND F.XCIIANGE BOUOH'l'. ORON-0 BANKiNG- HOUSE. MONEY LOANED. NOTES DISCOUNTED. DRAFTS ISSUED on all Branches of the ONTARIO B ANK. SEE WHAT THE CLERGY SAY· Rev. R. II. CRAIG, Princeton, N J , says: J_,ast sun1 n1cr when I was Jtl Canada,, I caught a bad cold in my throat. It became 50 bad that of en in the middle of mv Sftlnon rny throat and ton6ne v-ou]d be°'corue so dry ] could hardly .sp,1k. !\'Iy tongue ,Hts covered '\Ith a v.l11 1e paTched crust, and n1y throat \\ns mnch 1nfl,1med An old lady of my congregation advised me to use the Shoshonces Ren1edy, 'vl1ich she was then us11Jg The first dcse relieved me, and Ill a few iny throat \Vas nearly well. I d1scout1nued the nse of 1t. but 01y throit not being entuely welJ, bccam~ worse again. I procured another supply, and I am happy to say that ruy throat 1~ entirely well, and the ~lute cru~t has entirely disappeared. I "1sh that every minister who suffers tron1 .::ore thr?at would try the ~reat Shoshonees Ren1eay. Rev. (}co '\"\. GR?UT, _Stirling, Ont, sa}S 1\:frs Geori;.i:e Fr.n1c1s was S(;verely [ afHtcte~l with Kidney, a11d had been nuder the care of three phys1c1,1ns without any benclit:ial result. She has s1nce taken fonr bottles of the Shoshonccs I Re1nedy and now DJOYB the best of he~lth Rev. T . C. Brown, Brooklyn, 01 t . says, My\~ 1fe was very low "1th ~ui.g dtseaR~, and given up hy her phys1c1on I buu):!ht a bottle of the'A Retnedy, and at the end of h·~~ daJ~ ~he was mnch better Dy cnntinu1ng the Re1nedy she was peifectly restored Price of theRemedym pmt bullies,, illl, Pills 25 cents a box. Sold by ruedtl1ne deal .. ere. 00-2m. ...- - - Th~ "oltalc neu co., lti.n·sJulU, ;,11c]I. V\'ill send lheu· cclcbru,ted Electro ·voltalu Belts to the affiicted noon 30 da\s' tr1AI. Speedy cuTes gmuauteed 'Ihey mean wlrn.! the" say, \V,nte to L11e1n without delay. 701~. Gifford's Old Stand, King-st. West. W ~~· PROWER. I NOTESANDACCOUNTS COLLECTED. BANK STOCKS, .AMERHJAN OREENBACKB .TORN McCLELT.AN,} _BONDS, WILLIAM CANN DEBENTURES, - Bowman:nlle, April 17, 187 ·, and MORTGAGES f <.!' McCLELLAN & CO. 8 ) BOUGHT AND SOLD. INVES'I'lliENTl:l llfADE. Do\,DlanvUle, U'eb 12, 1879. 29 !y, For Cheapness and Quality, go to I A MISTAKE! ro THINK THAT l'OU Ant. l~41'Ull:ABI.E llRIOCI IRIS.,, We are in ieceipt of large shipments of goods, to ieplPnish for the coming season, the various branches of our increasing trnde, in which we feel confident no othe1 house in town can app1 oaeh us in quality or pi ices. Come and see for yourselves : All om customers are delighted. I Bank Stock l\fortgages, &c., bought nnd sold. Also inone~ loaned on ieal calah-i s Rc1111t:y, re- pa~ment at to Teasonablc rates, and on tcnns of suit borrowcr::i. \V. \V. TRULL_ Oronn, Feb. 18, 1880. 82-lf. Gray's Vitaline ! OF THE OLDEST /\ND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF NO Never fmls tP. rohevP., snd with proper use '"'Ill ('nre a'l diseases ar1io:i1ng from impurity of the I Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of the ! I blood Glve \II a Al~!\'~ Fl f,ur h1al, and you will be lh t ! Ihm 1s a wom1erful remedy. P11ee $1 per bottle, Six bottles $5. Sold by U. STOTT, lhrnnuulville, anti all Dl'UggistJHE 88 7\.\. AUCTION BETTER OF HARNES S! BargainsinHarness JACKMAN CRAY MEDIGAL CO., TOJfONTO. TEAS, TEAS_ & DARCH will sell harness for the next Throat, lungs, and Chest, including DENTISTRY r CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES' " It does not d? yup a cough, and leave the beh1nd1 as is th~ case with most p?eparations, lnd loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allays u·n· tation, thus iemot·ing the cause of complaint." DO NOT BE DECEIVED by arliclea bearing a similar n:une. Be s111c you get DR. Under this head we can _ cffer special bargams, having l1ought la1gely THIRTY D.\YS before the recent advance in pricos-and are now offering 'Pea fully 20 dt very low prices. to 25 per cent less than theii present market value. Our harness is first class in Gieen and Black Teas 50 cts. per lb, fully worth 65 ct5. Green and every respect and n ot mad e to Black! Teas 70 cents, woreh to-day 90 cts. ; an excellent beverage One sell-but to wettr. trial will secure yoUl' life-long patiotagc. Our Japan Teas are unexcelled in flavor and strength. WISl'AR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, \nth the signature of "I BUT'l'S" on the wrapper. 50 Cent· and $1.00 a Dottle. Prepared by SETH '\V. FowLE & SONS, Boston, Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. J. r.i. BRIMACOMBE, \If you PRA.muu. DENTi-T. NEARLY TWENTY YEARs ExrERIE'1CF., 'VITIIOUT TEETH, Coffees, Sugars, Fruits, Etc. ) 1 · OUR COLLA R S are second to non<J. OAli I A.1\NED 11,\ltNJ:SS i. SJ·ECIAI.1 1'. want a choice cup of Coffee, this iH the place to get it Farmers will consult th eir Sugars of all grades at lowest prices. interest by gi_yi ng us a call. Fruits of all kinds at exceedingly low prices. 1\1 ii rnn~ Oxhle Gas Ad1niJrlskred fo1· r.1i 11lesis 011era1ions, ltlcCJ,1~(,,-'S BI.OCK. -.:::> .- ...I::l.1- U s~ A ' T T .L~...c:3.. .VV " AGENT FOR PROVISIONS. SUNDRIES. One door east of Mayna rd'11 OldStand.KingSt. Bowman vi i le. Bmvmam1lle, April 8, 1880. 89 3m* ~ n"f:k~~~ey llfanufg Co's., Iteapera, Mow or·, In this branch of trade, we defy competition. Fall and Spring wheat Flour,-best brands. Gibb's patent Flour Buckwheat Flour. Cracked Wheat, Grnham Flour, Cornmeal. and 1 Fish of all kinds. t Oatmeal a specialty MRS. DC)NNELLY Ilas lUSt recen:ed a large stock of A Protected Solution of the I'rotoxlde of Iron, l'ricctl Butter. Dairymen often w antler how the1r more fa vored comre1JL01s get such high pnce8 for 1lu--:1r butterthH)earround ltisbv al'i\.t)H ha\Hlll' the uniform gilt edged artHle I Cl put. tl1e 'gilt edge' 011 when the pastuies do uot <lo lt they use "\Velis. fflcbrn d~on & Co's Pe1 feccted Color, livery hu ll er nrn.kc1 can clo the same. Sold eve1Jwhere a11<l "'Aa1~antedas hnrru· Ill~h I ' Is as easily digested and assunilated with the blood as the simplest food. When the blood does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, the deficiency can be supplied by the use of the PERUVIAN Sl'RUP. It cures a"thousand Ills" Slmply by To:SING UP, VITALIZING and Co111b1ned Seed Drills. 1 Tolton Bros. Pea Harvester. ALL M .·A.CIIINltS '"".A. RRANT~D. I Facmers' "ill find ll to their interesl to COll· 1SOAP,-Onr Ivory and Amber bar Soap throws all others Ill the and 1s boun1l to f'ell t1·ern at pr1ce1:1 that ha.s never heen offe1 ed in the I ov.. n of Do>vntanvil1e. MUlL mee1lhe1 personally or by letter, before shade -The Elective Soap is nowhere comriared to it. oidenttg Machuies . ~ ~.. .~ _ ~ _ ~Tho stock cannot be surpassed in Agent for the Landed Banking & Loaning BRUSHES-Scrub Store Hair Cloths Boot Bro(mrn Pail< ancl\Vashtubs 4-;)UALITY AND-- CHEAI;:NESS. Co., Hamilton. ' ' ' ' '"" "" Call u.nd see fo yoursohcs. 'I'he stock con· REPAIRS for all machines sold, kept at llfr 1 SALT.-In Barrels and Sacks l!'ine Liverpool Salts, in bags, weighing e1sts of ,. J. Moms' Carnage Shop. · 1 56'b 112 lb 294 jj t 't ti · f ] I will be 1 n Rowmanville e"\ery Saturday, respccf1ve y i s., s,, ~ J~., o su1 Je ~oi;iven1ence o t ie pur- J\ULUNERY, ],fasso~1 Manurac tnring Co's., Superior Single I FRENCH AND AMERICAN MILLINERY INVIGORATING, and Ordcrs by )fat! prnmptl) aue,,ded to. less as salt, and _perfer t; iu operation. The horse trade, \v1th the n1agn1ficent we a ther we are having, and with the 1na11y J\ilmse YlSsonary, \~re aH know now ih woudeis. More recently phnrnuH i:.-itoi B< indica.t10J1fl of rct 1rn1ng prospenty, h~s the Iden. that Castor 011 coulil be made pleasant taken a decided tutu for the bette r, and to the taste, b 11t 11e:::sr~ ~u~u d: Rron 11 1'> 1tl1 Pnln1,t1ilc t'a'-lfor Oil ha·c 1:mhcd tlu· at the rec011t fa1rR at. L1ncnl11 and other then· p1oblom 1.\ib1ch is H Ieu.t in med101ne u.lmnst places, of a good stamp ha' e real equal to'that of P,..ofcsso1 :=-.t01 i;:;e It rs not the ir.ed t10 top pt tees, and olea1·enctis have nauseous ('af'-lor Oil of otu clnldhood s dayF 1t is palatable and ag1eeable to the taste. Price been effected to au ext.ent not equalled for 25 cents. two or thr< c years p:.-u;i,t J tlnnk, there A"llu. fore, that a few consignments of onr Canad1an c1.1rrnae horses, which are rnuch sought a.fter"'here, \\ onl l now be prorltable, if c.irc were taken only to send the very bes~ I're\ IOU'.I experiments have shown tha· secnnd rate ar,1ma!s sent here are onlp a delusion nnil a snare. Let your ex· porters' motto then bC', "The best or none " Se'i Oa11aa,ans engnged in the trarle are beginning to understand it thor onO'hly · and notable l\.fessr8. Hendrie & n:i1gia~ a1e both spirited and lughly successfnl in their ventures. If 3 ou a1 e sntler1ng >'>1th u L'nugh C'olcl, AsthThe horse trade ~cenfrally is one in lll'l-, Brooch1trn, Hay lfeve1, Con"11mpt10n, los;.; of voice tJckllng in the th1oat 01 iLny affe< hon which Cannda, \\Ith ordinary prescience, of the 'lhroat or Lungs, use DR, KrNc7 s XEw ou<1ht to h 1ve a large share. She has DISCO'\-ERY for Cousumptmn Tlns ~s the g1eat ~ h b] t t d Ji t ·l 1 ren1edy tlrn,t 1s causing- so rnuch excitement by provoj er capa I 1 Y o pro nee re ·c ass 1 t 1 fnl cm·es mu1ng thoU"'ands of hoJJc anuuals 0£ th3 lighter kinds, and there IS ' te~s'6~~~~-r 1 Over on~nulhon bottlcsotDn..ItrNG's d reason why she .should also pro- ); r' vo D1scov.KKY h.1ve been used \Hthln the last no g 0 0 l h ear and ha\:e g1ven perfect sa.t1sfachon in duce the lHH\.VY and powerful c ass of or. ~ver; instance. 'Yecn.nunhes1tat1nglysaytha.t t1us 1s really the only s'urre curt for UirniLi, and 11 es requi -ed for the tremendous traffic of ' h t L d d th ·un"' uffectrnns and can cheer full.} ieconunend Ltverpoo I , JI:.a.auc es e r, 011 ohn an O etr it tO all. Call 8.ud get a tnt1l bottle free of <;.ost large centres. It is 1 l ope1ess, owc~er, o or a.: regular size for $1.00. For sale by "\\m, jlXpect to produce the very best class- Woon, O·h·wa. alooR, Fothergill. Newcastle. 1 7 Et1nal to T~Iegraphy. It is not so many J! ears ago '\hen Teleg1 aphy was looked upon as a chnnera and Professor I I 1 the system. The enriched and ' v1lalizea ,blood permeates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secretions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon . This is the secret of the wonderful success of this remedy in curing ecemher 10 1879. Jt. o. Bt~X 10:1, Bow111nnville. n. J.SHAW 72.1 . ) chaser,-spec1ally 1mpm ted for dany use. COAL OIL of the best b quality. Our Headlight of a trial and VELVETS, d · · I!. · is worthv " oun to SILKS, SA1'I NS, FRINGES, S'! ~ g1 ve sat1s1act1on. ' ::N"E~ I COME AND SEE OUR GRAND DlSPLAY D< BRAIDS, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Bolls, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhaia, Nervous Affections, Female Complaints, And all dlBeases originating in n bad state of the blood, or accompanied by debility, or a low state of the system. CAUTION.-Bc sure you get the "PERUVIANS YRUP." Sold by druggists generally. Pamphlets sent free to any address b7 SETH W. FowLB & SoNs, Proprietors, 8~ Har rison Avenue, .Boston, Mass. ,HARNESS SHOP! THE Collu.r ]flaker, has at last started bus1nes Crockery, Glass, Lamps, and Fancy Goods. TEA, :DINNE1 AND CHAMBER SETS. HAm ORNAl\U~ N TS , LADIES' LACE C 'i.PES, LAC.1£S OF ALL KJNrs, VEILINGS, FJULLINGS, TIES, LADH,S CLEAN ED .::·\._~ 1~n 1 :iI-""1ESt in Bo"manv1llr. Hav:1ng worked "·1th -:\Ir 1f Porter for twenty- This department is well stocked, regardless of expense, mftve years and I iterly fo1 L"1.' 0 ) '\.\ ith l\fr. cluding ·GHA 'l"ITRWARE, in various sizes and patterns; F, :Mason, super1utend1ng the Collar Depart- 1 mcnt ofh1s bus1ne:: S, JOHN McMUR'fRY, Keeps constantly on hand a good stock of 1 GRP CERIES, PROVISIONS Prices to Suit the Times. Crockery and Glassware, Carriage Harness and Coll- NOTICE! Thefhighest price has always been paid hy Murdoch produce. a1·s a Specialty. Canned Goods, TobacRemember the Stand : ~cos, Soaps, &c, &c· nearly opposite the Hegistry A11 k'inds of farm produce taken in exchange. Uowulinville, October 1, 1878~ He is pn·parcd to make a collar A choice a·sortment af Chamber Sets, in " hite rrnd Patterns, of A I quality. We have lately imported direct from wnrranterl safe and catoiy. 11 ~~~~~gJt":l~.;',:'e.;n a liers~~~~~·;; 0 ~~~a~·1;' Paris, specially for mfr Xmas trade, a fine selection uf T ~;A snffictentrecomrnendatton. -lETS, of best Fi:ench Chiua; these are really unir1ue, all l a]( Will keep constantly on hand fast being disposed of. a full assortment of every thing A la.rge stock selected with great care, 0 nitable in his line. for CilRISTlliAS AND NEW YEARS GlF IS. LAMPS ! ' ~ -.Dffice. le.ti Bo?,rmanville, Jan. 21Jlli, 1880, .._ y l I I