· · Postage Prepaid by the Pabhsher EDUCA!'IONAL COLUMN t:ontr.1buti ll lJ t othts colun111 sl1011Jd bes~nt to Editor Erl ic1 Uonnl Dc1 ai L111ent Hox 232 Bownt tn1'i1Jc 8 UBI ISillliD READING E'tl RY FRIDt.Y lUORNING, - BY- M A. J AJY-1ES, .A'l' TifE 01'E CE PostOfftce Block Kiug"t RO'\l'Dl tn~111e Ont TERll.a:S NE\V StlKl.ES :N1 1111 e1 97 or $1 00 1£ paid m Advance EDITOR AND PROP.RIETOR 5 ~ XXV f lOUJME Na.1uber 4G THE FINANCIAL ASSOCIATION OF ONTARlO ti.A.PIT \I }0 000 SllA_llES OF $~0 00 EA<.:D IU A.D on' ICE LO~DON ONT THE EDITOR S SHOES BY R 7.ARR.R amount of deference to personal opnuon has made them noticeable The Prmcess Beatrice it ts l!a d prefers a stngle ufe and the companionship of her mother as long as the Queen 1s spared but 1t ma\ ho that rn a short t me stato reasons w 11 induce her to alter her mind There are two few young lad es n the royal fam hes to day to ad n t of her bemg loft long uu sought 10 marriage bj some pru ce whose woomg may be met favorabl~ MARK TWAIN HE K EARS <\. TELEPHONE OONVF.ILBATION IMPORTANT ANNOUNEMENTi - IN l'HE-- bas JUSt opened up the la1 ge<t, best a>:; ROI ted and cheapest stock of Boots and Shoes 111 Bowmanv11le Ifany one doubts this a,,; se1t10n gne !um a call an<l exam rne his goods and all doubt,, will vamsh Special Imes rn Misses' Prunella, Congress and clnldien ° fine Balmorals sold at half pnce ORDERli D "ORK TN FINE GOODS \. SPECIALTY .Kt 1nurl 1g 1 ron11;1t1y 11111 1 e 1fly 11 can be 1 ut on su as to g ve sat sftt.ction t BOOT and SHOE I ne n,ndno 1e rhe o l) p ace ill to n whe :e ce ncn.ted patcJ C'S the t n e for n. l who ·want His Mot o 1s sma ll p1ofib; anti quick 1etnrns and l11s terms GOOD BOOTS& SHOES You a 1 know that for ot o be excelled' .A.Fl.EC.ASX~ Our Prices are to szut the IZ?nes anct our Goods au to SUit }OU LET .t!:Vli R. BODY PLEASE NO E RE.MEMBER THE STAND-NEADS' NEW BLOCK, next door east of Lee & Edsall's Hard ware Store SMALES 800T AND SHOE STORE, I~IN ~EXT SPRING AND SUMMER HATS I ohas recened the LARGEST STO CK "f FA it anJ Straw hat~ ever shown m thrn county In Silk Hats the latest and best style always k er t In Felt soft m hard) the Brown Connaught is a beauty the Metz s a cha1 m the R10 mold (black or <h ab) l\hlton Atlantic and the Park cannot be beat 1'1.1:. l'\1.1:.A. -Y-ER. G STREET DOOR "\\E~1 OF L1'.LE & llf !\_RTYNS In STRAW HATS ote s rnust be oetUed at o e you will find all kinds fiom ten cents up and m style to smt young oi old boys 01 gnls clergymen or laymen In I have mcrnasedmy,taffofwo1 k men so as to meet the demand for 01deied work and 1epaumg wlncb will be prnmptly attend<d t0 JOUN S~li\f,E. 9 GENTS' FURNISHINGS ! t he best va11ety of Shirts Ttps and Collars SO COME ALONG AND EXAMINE MY STOCK &PRICES. MARK-C::SMAYEH DAILY LINE TO ROCHESTER -1880 SITE.A.:tv.rER. 1"80 'T'~E ~ ANNING'S GENERAL HARDWARE STOCK IS me It .e:eema Very 01 C~_ .Jap and Very Complete. A LARGE STOCK OF THOMAS BINCHAM, MONEYTO Fire, Life, Manne, Accident Insurance LOAN Agent Nothing but Fz1'st Class Com panies 1 e presented at the lowest rate of interest OH1ce lately occupied b} Dt· BEITH King St, Bowmanville Spades, Shovel, :MIQJJ!m1f ~@ ~QAlW Hoes, Rakes, Barbed and Annealed Fence Wire Just Arrived PAINTS, OILS, &c, AT BOT T 0 lYI PR I C ES. 1'HE MAGNErrICON." - -o-- N otice the following from among recent 1etters R rJRE FD RUGS Pumps I_ Ha' ing commenced to n anufacture ANU ·-- C HE M IC AL S A'IS D t NADlJLT.EE.AT.ED T WOODEN PUMPS n F llcra Old Hui d ng OPPOSIIE TRELE' ENS SHOE STORE I aw prepared to turn out Well good by Good by ' ti en- Ill bo H6'RISE A f,D CA TTf,E I IRS I' C l,AS!S P lJ lll PS !!i."'EDICINE"' go to Jo HN ~ttlCGINBOTHAM'S. AND ~ DENTISTRY. C HARNDEN, L. Graduate or the Royal College or De a l Su geo s Ont11r o OFFICE OVFR AIEX '.lNDERS STORE 7 and 7~ .AT GOLD FILl. 1 NG A SPECIALrY' v.; ork executed in th~ lntest and most mproved st} le of the Den ta A.rt TF:EIH EXTRAC[ED WITHOUT PAJN by tho u se or N troue; Oxide Gas without UlJutY per cent o the patent Part cular a.tte t on paid to the regt lat on ot CHILDREN ~ ~ ALLJ ADDRE,,;S EETH WORK WARRANT ED~ .Bowmanv1!le, September 4,gJS79J Whitby, March