· Postage Prepaid by the Publisher. EDUCATIONAL C0LUMN ) JS PU BLISIIED C nh lb- tt1o ns tothis col111un~h )nld l1eist:nt fo EdU01 Educ ttlonnl Dcpnrtincnt. Rox 21.s ~, R nv1u lUVIIlc ?>IA.l: SOHOOL RRPORTS EiERV l'RIDAY MORNING, -BY- ~Nam es arranged n order of merit J'v1:, A. J r\.J\1:E8, AT TEIB 0 ElCF. Post om~e Glock Ji.Ing St nount tn" 'Ile Ont T E :R ])I.[ S TERMS $1 50 per Annum or $1 00 1f paid m Advance OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST NEW SERIES I\umber !}S l f BOWl\iANVILLE, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1880. ~JSE! _ _ _ - - - -- - WATCHES! solves Any lady would resent It as -- --- l \ O'Ll llE :XX"'9 Numlcr 4G HAMPTON J UNI lR D1v1~TON- CL \.SB 111 - Frank La\'V Alvan Pete1s 'Vru Bant Cr ASS 1I-SEN101 -Annie CaleJ Louie Th iuts Annie Stoneh 11 e CLASS II- J t ~IOR -.Aurue VV1Json Jane A Wnrd Jabez Ellwtt Cr ASS 1 - SENIOR -Ida Scott, David Parish Samuel Jacks MARION E li'IoTLEY Teacher T.n o fo11o v1ng test1u1onu-..Is speak for ti eru ] nu sk Hen April "4th 1880 g:hi cf n uch my oldfash Hugi an Dear S r rhe gold '\Vatch I bought froa you last summer las L rned o t Just a!:! yo rcprc sente l T co ld aot :v "!I a beLLHr ' atch Your s trulv ROBER'T' ARMSTRONG ~P I l~th 1880 'Pardcn he ·aid for Reggie saw but SE:r-i IOR D IY~SION the Jowhest ma.y ktss the foot a. queen CLASS v -Elmma E!hs Amte Cryder· But he held Ins ha.nd up to Trix s s ght and she saw that blood had dropped upon Johns, T it from her foot Tho rocks-I needed to h lrrv stan 1nere 1 bl lah1ng and conf sed bnt 111 all he1 1 fe sh e never forgot ]us gaze :i.doration It rn 1 oth 1ng 'Il10y came to Jl ml elds tna.tter Foriest St John she aa1rl to hor I ha\ e extended tl e hosp1tn.ht10s of m5 home to you 4!or years bJ conrt~8Y It she ters you no longer ] v;1ll not abide a mnrdet er under my roof Cr ASS IV - E Hewitson S Motley, Cowed he went forth an d in spite of his fierce VO\\S to heaven Trix ma1ned Bertha Mo tley CL<ss III-SENIOR -Edith Reggs Pa ll Le Rion l CLA SS III-JUNJOR -E Haycraft S Mo Ne l A Mount1oy The Grand Proce·srnn and Great Show CLASs II-SENIOR -Mmmi McNeil N Rundle M Ashton of Ji'orepaugb hug al tdes - -oO - - F . BOJrtlr...JB.A..I'J'D He sa.w 11 bJazo upo 1 tl e treea onJ:; sign 'I hat narked oat the d re.ct on of ovr OYill E Con IMPORTANT fi.NNOUNtMtNT. IN I l i t ; - - has Jnst opened up the largest, bt :st assor ted and che 1pest <tocl· OJ Boot< and Shoe~ 111 liow manv1lle Ifa ny on~ doubts this ass rt1011, gne h1 n a ca.I nnd exam 111e his goods aud all dou bb will van1s 11 Specnl hoe:; 111 Misses' Prunella, ( ongress and ch1ldien' fin,. Balmor 1ls sold at half pllce 0 ess on L ne Aud when to go to m 11 ¥. e bad to 1lllderbruah a road BOOT and SI-IOE l e a.ndno"' 16 tie time fo 1111 vho want on.n be put on so as to g e a.t efaction lt pa1r.i1i,.. 1nom.1btly nui ne tUJ tluue GOOD BOOTS & SHOES L o Jay him o. V1S1t You all knO\\ that. for c sto vook SMAL.l:D is not o be excellecl, either in fit materin.l or w orkmansh n I I1 1s Mot o is small p1ofit~ au l qutcl. returns, and ~Fl.EC.AS~ Our Prices are tu s uzt !lit tunes, and our Goods au lo .iut t ') ozt JET E~ERYBOD1.'. REMEMBER THE STAND-NEADS' NEW BLOCK, next door east of Lee & Edsall's Hard· ware Store 'IYRONE Cr 1ss IV -Susy Hooper Selma Hooper ·nd ~hz.be th Reynalds eq ial Wallace Staples CLASS :u1-SENI It Pr1ceHa. Hughes Harr et Eule Flora Bea.co Susy Hughes ' Cr >SS m-JU'!I< R -Ida H ighcs, El12 abetn Virtue Flossy Bro"n M J Sproule Charlotte Hooey Edward Yir ne ' Cr ASS II- SENIOR - W H IIoopcr Maud Spro lie Mag~ie Jl!foOormack Eliz~ McCorm ack Sus} Hooey CL >SS II -JUNIOR -Ehz·beth Sproule Sam 1el Hughes Georp;e Earle Carri~ McCormack Average attendance for the month-40 A .BINGHAM, Teacher PLE SE NO'lE SMALE'S SPRING .L'\.ND SUMMER HATS ~ .. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. I1'.IN G n..d:A.. "'YF~R.. --o-- s rn EE.:.T N EXT DOOR WES1 OF LYLE &MARTYN S ha> iecen ed thL LARCESr 81 OCK of Ft lt md St nw hats ever sho\\n m tlus county Jn Silk Hats the l tteot and best style alwa} s kept, [n Lelt (soft DI hard) the Bio vn Connaught 1s a heaut) the Metz 1s a cha1 m the H gm Id (black or 11alJ) Mr ton Atlantic and the Paik cann>t be beat In STRAW HATS iote~ rrii st be. settled al o ice } ou will find all! mds from ten cents up and m st5 le to smt y oun 0 01 old bo\ s or gn ls clerg,),inen u la) rnen In But t some.u.ow often happe.ned 'I 1 on tl c days '"e e !e gtnenln(( fast II a.ta 1 hands "ero nY ted to a pat called It J:l then before ma 1y da:rs WATSON leaoher SitLt.RT .11 SiillTU !..RRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW Sohc1 tors in Cl anccry and Insu:ranc; Con veyance:rs Notar es Sol citors for tl e Ontario Bank & Money for nvcstm ent at all trmes on most favorable terms Port Rope Ont B I ha' e 1ncreaoedmy staflofwotl~ men so as to meet the demand for ordered wo1 k and repanmg which will be promptly attended tv .JOH~ Si~ i\. i, E. Bo,~n1anv GENTS' FURNISHINGS! the best rnnety of Sh Hts TtP.s an l Collarn llo .ApriP2J. 1879 9 80 COME A lOtiG AND EXAMINE MY STOCK & PRICES. JtOB::EltT AR"ftIOlJll oaned on Real Eslatc :Bowman ille EGISTRAR WESr DURHAM ISSUEH R or TularrlB.ge Licenses Barr stcr and .6..ttor ney at Jaw and Sohc1tor in 01 ancery Money 0.ftloe on K ng street DAILY LINE TO ROCHESTER. S S NO 9 CLARKE CL<ss IV -Tena Squair Jns Colville Mary Cdville Anme C0lville, Jennie Chapple CLA.'8 III -llyron Bowen Etta Middle ton Tena Colv11le Cl as C Gibson Jas Chapple CL >s II -Adam F1Bher Alex Colnlle Anme i.\foffatt Anme Mnson Martha Colville W C ALLIN Teacher El'FIELT> - - - - Jon:iv \lB iGllT .J) Solie tor in Cl ancev &c Port Iiope 'OARRfoTEH AND ATTORNEY ~Tl A' GENERAL HARDWARE STOCK 18 Very Cheap and Very Complete A LAHGE STOl K OF ENNIS KILLEN -Vi !\fill· Reatrwe Swau "\ tc ona Howard E How:ud and J enne McLeod CLASS m ~ENIOR -Henry McLnnRh !in F Howard Lrnz e ll1tl s Martha Wadge Cuss ur JUNIOR -A!l'11ns Ho·ken W 'llcLeod Lula Hutchison Geo grna Knox " Hosken A L '\ ANsroz.; ~ Teacher Or 1°s I LO T H I N G Spades, Shovel, CLE \l'ED Oh DYED MONEY1'0 LOAN investtoe1 ton Farm Pro1 e Ly for long o lio&s, ltakes, Arthur short terms to suit borrowers at the lov. est rate o nterest \pply to ~ fnn ls has been placed in my handH for A CONSIDERABLE SUM OF private Barbed and Lewis Pas TRACHER Annealed Fence Wire Just Arrived DARLlNGTO:N John D BURKE SIMPSON Sept J9tl 1870 i 60 so Ji()' Ge11Uen1en oC i' ash· rnn, not so tast. PAINTS, OILS, &c, BOTT OM PR.ICES. - - o-- Frank N ot1ce the following from among recent letters THF. PA R.$01' AGE SouTH C \T.EDo:N --->OR--- bega to feel Us benefit and have no doubt from ts 1:L ti n th s far that I shall soon bo perfect ' \'ell I wo 111 not to day take $00 for it if ] could not get another Respectfully youu GEO A LEWIS PURE DRUGS AcN D This Great Household Medicme ranks amongst the leadmg necessaries of Life EX ETER Ang Zo 1879 CHEMICALS A.ND UN.ADUIIERAIF.D T H 0 RS E A. l\ D l1A.T1'J,JE l'l!EDllCINEl! go to J 0H NH ICGINBOTHAM'S. A ( HOICE ASSORTMENT OF PERFUMERY TOO rH NAIL AND TI UR BRUSP'ZS JUST !RECETVF~D ADDRESS, 12v BowroanvUle, September 4,gl 879 Wit " ~farch ·7 !SSO SJ 39