· "' """'"" "' """' """' "'"" """' """'""""!""""""'"" """' """' """ """'"" """' "' """' "' """' """' """' """'"""" "' """' """' "" "' """' "' """' """' "' """' ' """'"""'"" """'"""'"" """' "' """'"" """'"""' """'"" """' """' ""'i "' """' "' """'"" """' "'"" """' "'"" """'"""'"""'"""'"" "' """' "' """'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"" ::c :: ::== "' ,, '" ""= ,.,.. ., ""'"'Zl' """ .... " ""'""'""""""'""""" ll!f""" ""'""'"'"'""'"""' "!"'""'"""' "' "'"""'""="""'":""!l "" """" """ """'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'""""!" · CAN \!HA'. sTATFl\AJ\, B0\\'1v1AVJL1.E, FRIJlAY, Hav1ng bought out the JU.NE 11, JHSO. PRlZE ESS!Y, sr-ucx l'llOFITS FEEDING OF CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL C07\fP.A:RA'fl\TE :tlLLAGF. (OundZn.eu f10rn the ODmier) GOOD NEWS FOR ALI.... . -=-'!_"'- "!!" .... ... ..,,. ,.. ..... ................... . .... .... .A..T eUbJ e ct like t} 1 s ?.1th1n a few colu1nna, gr;1ng it thti 1n1po rt u1t and de .1.tled d s cusMon which it de man d s 1 I can there fore on ly speak of it. in tf\thc1 a gene1al It Is exb e mely <l1fficult ln tre at of a i and would pre1n1se that the1e arc so many r n cumst an ce s ?i lnch eflct the re su1ts that no arb1tratory rules or 1uethod of pr o cedure oa.n by a ny m eans be hnd way, c The n1ernbera of the above council met at the Town Hall, W 1Jhamaburg, on Mon d,ty, 31s t ult , ot 10 a 1n 1 a n d l1avII'A su bscr1bed the nece!! sary decla.ra hon Prg.111zed as i o n t of 1ev1s1on, the Re cn:d u1 tho chair, to revise th e assessn1ent roU of the n11111101pl\hty for lhe present year to har and dt.c1de auy appeal t hat llla.y ha' e b en ruade, and to trans.i.ct a y other arrival c Harness Business I take tlns opportun1ty of anno uncmg to the inhab1tai:.ts of H 1 wma nv 1lle and sur roundu1,.{ { oun'lr..} that l mt<'nd to car1y on the business iH Of MH F :VHSON", Keeps constantly on hand a good stock 0f McMURTRY, URE DRUGS n J,IGH'l'·,\ND HEA.VV llUti\ESS, COLLARS WHIPS TRPN!{S, ALL rrs BRANCHES, VlZ GROCERIES, PROVISIONS Crockery and Glassware, Canned Goods, Tobaccos, Soaps, &c &c Bo wrnan v 1 le . Octobe1 L 1878 DRUG SlI'OI-lE. one thousand oolla1s, wn1ch, d11ductod fiom the two thous:unJ,-leavAH him with one 1 hon sand do llars to p:.ty l un and his I tlo not m 1ke au.J esti n1 ate 01 fa nn y a llo w aU) v al u e as a ret\.J.rn Ill ac tua l inuu ey for the s traw, as tlns w11l n e cessa rily be mannr au<l re' ur ne d to the be 1111do The es tnn at e of t w enty bushels to l»nd tI1e flCr"" rn<iv 1t1 s.1me cas(ls be couP.1de1ed a \nge oue ' and Pt other s a small one tl11s of oou· se d8pends upon the na tur:i1 B .it \\e ha ve to cun fern tit ff.- tl o s o l 81 lt'r on"' \ery ttJporta11t item-tl1e lnan u10; the d1-1111 n1ds of tho gr ain, whe._t and nd bJJ.r!ey up( 11 the soi l are \:ery great, art1fic1al in a nu 1 es rnust be bought in orde1 upon thA cc1et of thec_;c tn satisfy them htnLe'-1 1n ,., great measure the arnuunt 1.._ f pr)tit , if tlie cos t of these b-1ngs the don To o ns ider the fir.st -Tins I 'vonld d ioalJy, bnt .. fine as the r a un n g of gnnu pnrH of course root$ and other prodnct9 a.re us uallv cuns1dered, 01 ra ther 1ncluded under this name-Out on the mflJ r1 ty of fanns grain 1a tht'.l crop "lnch de v oted <Jf co uts e , 111 lhe for sale 1s gruwn be neiohl>urhood of c1t1es other crops gro n with protit such U.8 potatoe"-,c1rrots, a nd othc-ir roots-but at a drntar ve fron1 c 1t1e , tl1ese crops, unless u nver exeep t1ona.l c 11cu 1n st a n c es cannot be gro w n as and fc r two rBasons, profit \bly as then· f reqnent their bulk n a 1ne y It a f n los fro1n non keeping quaht1 s. ine-r ha s a farn1 of one h u nd red acres Hl as a r u le get 1. crop of t wo l\hea t, he thot18t1.lld bushels, tlns \\Iii be v;orth to him say one dolta.r a bushl:'J, 1n"l.k1ng two thonsanrl doll ar s , now ftvtn this we ha,ve to dcdact the coat l f lab or rnanure, seed, t e r g !r:: proper to add two li:us, to which it is hundred dollars for co11tinge11c1es, making c SATCHELS VAJISES, All kmds of farm prnduce taken in exchange · Undoubtedly the place to get is at NBAns', as he buys from noHc but the most iehable houses, and mannfactmes all the irnport,mtPhar rnaceutical preparation, lumclt The public need h.ivc no fer,1 of nn punties l 10-1.f PURE DRUGS to tillage, ca11 A SUCCESSFUL YEAR -- 0-- l gr.un, au<l Toilet ft'i1' I 8oh1nercs an d .Marinos of excellent value a11d lo" rn p11ce. Pa i as : s and Umb1ellas, at al l priceo. T" eeds Picludes some choice Patterns. 1\Iy laige stock Fine l'V orsted C o a t i n gs 'ery chedp. sliottest n o t 1 re at ]o.,e<t prices S111!s made to CHSH PAID FOR HIDES will WM, MORRIS. 1"0 NEW Bo" manville Murch 31st Hm'"Rv's BLooK lltr:11c::, : : 7l:11tr only l , and into OF 1 guaranteer. I \'ill n ot cnun1cra'c 11nc s. bit earnestl)-s olidt a call from MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. those \>ln wa1 t Dry (food- t-o rxarni11e my goods and learn Trnnrned Bonnets and Hat", Feath- 1 ei,, Fkrnc1, S,lk", Ornaments, etc my prices. fits oideJ on the of o - ( I Sp I no'"' 1nv1te special attAnhon I lllg G00dS f · ,. -- to my nc1v stock Our Sprmg Stock is now complete in eve1y department Our ass01t\Hll lw found the followmg. ti ie is great ei 'onr s tcck I atger'our i<tcl' i' i' l tie, and arrangernents 101 Imported I r1 fumes rn bulk 01 m,mufactme of ordered clothmg rn Letter imcl rnoie ample than ever bottle, the lath·1 mcludes Urn "Bubefore I quet and" Sweet Uye ar'd Bye' FULL LINE OF the sweetest, tamest anrl latest ont . Y-ou should ie J e and lmv thorn l ment Om venture Tne last y< m hao been with us highly satisfactory. mto new premises has been a decided success, and m 'iew of a f uture m merease in busmess and an expected advance in puces, we were lead to buy eaily and in largPr quantities than c\er before We are deteunmed to give our pa.hons the benefit of our early pmchase MY STOCK IS COMPLETE for Scotch & Canadian Tw ds ee - i ==""=="'"""""'"'=====.,...,,,==..,. \ND .ALL \VHO NEED 88 tf \V m. M "'rURTRY READY -MADE CL 0 TH ING, WORSTED C .\.TINGS, O PATI'ERNS IN THE < NEWE"T , :-; _ [ compose th_f'..follo>,mg lmr:,--"'_<i cl S HME RE B UN-XLD, wm TE c-1R11LE, f y soap, donJestic :nid irnpol ted , _ 'J' OQUEIIA i; R BEA -Vlie1s :!sd-Hou;e. Brnid", !<'loss, Canvas, Han· Braid, and Switches, all of \\h1ch l mtend to sell cheap MRS A S ANDJR::>ON, P s - Ha s mauo o v e r Krng St, Bowm anv 1l le m BERL! l\J WOOL, 1 a FU lTURE --Tell -- .Note the followmg pnceA and vou will be convinced that an early cal and a laige pmchase will Le to your advantage HatR,Claps,Gents'Underwear,Shirts. C 011ars, T188, · &C " " H TRANSPARENT GLYCERINE SITLPHLR, SILYER, CARBOLIC, which are 'ery ne,,, 111so Sty es l t the Newest Ilov;man\ille pr1l ls:t ______ ___ 1880 27-o7 SS " 1 ceu 22 " " 85 H ::J5 " 10 so " 10 " 50 $ 8 up. 10 up. u;i. and the mdinmv toilets >\lucli ate tho dim est m town BARBER'S FAYOR1!'1£ 8HAYING, whe1e yo u can find 0H'Qthi:1g in that line always on band and nld at the lowest prices. A.REROO 8 AND Banking ' BURK&JONES. ()Fl:i"JOE No. 1 Temperance St., BO 'Vl\1AN VILLE, " Call and examine, no tronble to ehow goods " " " " COSl\iIETIQUES of the leading st3 le" always in stock of all bi ands TOOTH WASHES AND PASTES p MY Bo'V'imanville, 1\la1ch 18 1880 S. MASON & SON 38 56 66 86 promptly, ordei ly and attended (da.1 or 11igltt qnietly, at p ric es to smt eve1 one. R'tANull IS l'Hb BE8r lN J'HB CuU.NTY. A ) I B of a ve1y great \ ,111ety, but want of space p1e1 ents cnumerat10n Although not the sole agent for "Dick," "Thm lcys, 01 any other kmd of Horne or Catt];; rnl'dJCmes yet 1 have a full supply of each of these and a va1iet1 of others on · Land 1nl'SICIA_)I PATENT FtEDICI,IES ADVANCES JV!ADE on personal and collateral secmity. M c C L E L L A N & C 0., D E A L E R S IN prnpa1 (d with tlie grnatest accurac:r PlUtii<tRP'l'IO:S REM EMBER 'II-TE PLACE di: Il:I (EIPTS NOTES DISCOUNTED. 5/0 mterest paid on depos1Ls ot 4 and up\\ aids. I CO.A.L, WO 0 D, LUMBER, Shingles, Lath, Posts, & Square Timber; SOLE AGENTS l<'OR Express Office B ilding, in the DRAFTS ISSUED on all branches of Bank of fontreal m Canada, New Y01k iind -FORLondon, England. Doors, Sash, Blinds, Pickets, Mouldings, &c. Private and Em ldJ11g Society Funds loaiwd on 1eal Pstate at Y\re a1e prepa re d promptl' to till orders in t:r e nbo-\e hnes, and to deliver Brticles in n.ll parts best rates he et p1u e p aul fo:r- Lumber,,Vood,etc \V'e buy for C.ASB, and sell for CASI! of the town rhe hlg :::a:_ : E_ RATE:E : UN & SON:i MARTIN E. NEADS, Graduate of Ontano <Jollege King St Rast, 13owmanville u of Phar nmcy. 18 1880 NO Bown1anv1lle l\Ta1ch · -= .., ,,,.,., _.,.., , = ..,. ....= ..,,.,., .... .,... .... ,_..,. . ,.,..,., ..,,. ... .,,, '= ;. .,,. .,..; ,__ _,.,, , ,.. [1880 NEW SPRING A.ND SUl\I;\fER [1880 Gifford's Old Stand, King-st. West. w P. PROWER. NOTESA1VDACCOUNTS ..t'£"0ffico 8.lld Yard-Corn er of. King and George Streets · DR .TU ST ---10 BF orn 00D A.RRTVED A'I-- BANKSTOCKS, , BOND.S, "' DEBENTURES, and MORTGAGES coLLEcTED. JOll?> ]i.'IQCLELL.A?i. i ' WILLIAM C.AN?i Al\1ERICAN GREENBACKS Al\D EXCHANGE BOUGHT. Bowmnnvillo, Aprrl 17, 187 McCLELLAN & CO. 5 8 Bargains iniiarness JACKMAN & DARCH THIRTYDAYR THAN Al AUCTION Of HARNESS D ET TE R rnl!l A VER cl.Ml ! AH HONS, next For Cheapness and Quality, go to O SiB Ur:v::BI Bow1na1nille Feh 12 1879 ADE 29 ly ING'S TO 'IHlh. TH\r 1:01 A MISTAKE! i.ltE URllCH BR --""""--- S11,,1f;; ,' are second to non<l. 0-A.K '1 i\NED HAltSI:S \. SPECIALT\'. .... dt ve1y low prieec. Il'iCUB:t.BliE Ne'i er fails te 1 ehe'i e snd \'1th proper ue will cure all d seases ar1s1ng fro1n impur ty of the blood Gt\e tlli.tll,1:1fa11 L11il !ind YOU "Ill be COtl\lllCed that tJH"' IS...,\ 01 l vlfUJ Iemed) P11cc Gray's Vitaline ! l per bottle S1x bo'-tlcs I D1uggiBt8 &..,,_..';,,, Sold b) iJ. !i<I'OI'J', U(lft'llPU"\Ilh, anr1 al $'l Farmers will consult their \Ve a re m ieceipt of large shipments of goods, to 1eplenfoh for the corn mteiest by g1v1 ng us a call. mg season, ilie va110us l ranchs of our mcreasmg tratle, m which we feel conticlent no othe1 hu1rnr. 1n town caµ approach us in quality or pnces. One do01 east of liiaynard'f' Come ,w1l seP for J om selves I All our custorne1;; arc delighted. THE CRAY MrnmAL co., DENTISTRY! OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF - --- Under this head wo can 0ffor special ba1gams, having bought largely before tbc 1 cc cnt advance m p11cos-and a1 e now offermg Tea fully 20 to 2'i per cent less than tlie1r prnscnt market value IOUQl\'J O. I 1 'J::1EAS, TEAS. /' Ol<lSt rnd J\mgSt. Bo1· man" ille. MRS. DQI\fNEL,LY G1een and Black Teas 50 cts pe1 lli, fully worth 65 cts Green and ifnack Teas '10 cents, woieh to-day 90 cts , an excellent beverage One Om Japan Teas are uncxtnal will sculle ;voUI h±e-lon,; pa11otage 1 ce11ec] 111 11 J1av 01 and strength I Coughs, Colds, Moarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, lungs, and Chei;t, including J, !fr, BRIMACOMBE, I H :l\1hous Oxhlet..-ns Aflnunistercd f'(rs J-",llnl !S OpC'ratlon. OFFICE1 Mel I l:\!G"S CLOCJ.. C 0 :ffiees, you \\ant a choice cup of Coffee, this rn the Sugais of all grndcs at lowest puces S ugars, F ru1 ·ts, Etc place to · I I " d 11 anu JS bOun t J "'C then1 Ut lJlH f'S that httS ne\ er been offe ed Jll l he t own of Bov,: n1an"V11Je lhe stock cannot w· surpassed 111 I Call -, M :l J LL IN E RY FRENCH ND H'"inst iecM ed a laie stock of AMEHll'AN get it (JlJHI1Y AND CHEA PNE8S and Eefo yourselus, Tho stoc k con1 s1sts of l\IILLINERY, SlLJ'>.8, BAhLY FR:l( Ti( AL DETIST, T'"\E?;T"£ "!.'.II:AR8 EXPF:RlF.::-i(Jf.. Frnits of all kinds at exceedingly low prices VELVETS, BRAIDS, SATJNS, FRINGES, S V\lTCilFS, " 1 does not dry 'Pa cough, and leave tM cause lehnd, a i the case with 'irtost prepai ations, but loo&M1S it, cleanses the lungs a 1d allay·.11.1ri... tation, thus 1emot:ing the cause of ccmipla1nt.11 A WELL-KNOWN PHY81CIAN WRITES: CONSUMPTION. R J _ S:::S:A : -W-, .\G 1£Nl' FO ft \ , Tulascy lfanuf'!g Co's. Reapers Hakes WIS TAUS BALSAM. O WIL D CHERRY, wnh the R gn t ure _Q[ 1 I_ BJ:i:TT§" on the ' rapper .50 Cents and $1 00 a Bottle P1e pared l)y SRTU YV Fu\'\IIE & S o );S Doston, 1'1as Sold by druggists and deale1s generall). DO NOT BE DECEIVED by articles bea11ng a s1 m 1lar nan e. Be sure ) ou get DR :i l\fasson J\.1anufactunng Co s , Superior S1ngle an'l Combined Seed Drills Tolton Bro8' Pea liar.,: ALLMACHINESWAKUANIED, I -Far.meru; Will fuld..1\ to l]wu '::!ult.mt e1ther personally or 01de1.u1g TuTa1 lunes, ester ' HAlR ORNAMJ:NIS' LADIE8' LACE ('APE8, LACES OF ALL KINDS, Fall and Spnng wheat In tl11s bianPh of trade, wo defy competit10n VEILINGS, Flom,-best hrnnds Gibb's patent Flom Buckwheat Flour Cracked FRILLI.l'i GS, vVheat, Graham Flour, Cornmeal . 'l:IES, COMBS, &c , &c "}tlo\.\ero, and F1sl1 of all kinds Oatmeal a specialty . JPROVISIONS. SUNDRIES. ,C 1 lfi8, LJ Agent for tbe Landed nankmg &; Loanrng BRUSHES -Sm ub,Sto1e,H:m loths,B0..Qt Bromus,Pails andWaRhtub. !Jo Hanulton ._ ' · REPAIRS fo1 all macluncs sold kept at Mr 1 SALT-In Hanels and Sack" Frne J,1vcrp-ool Salts, m ba<' o s, W-eighim· o JM01 ' "·c aruag e Shop respectively 56lbs , 112 ll1s,, 224 to suit the convenience the pur1 O\.\.manv111 c c er y 8 I ,..,1 1 1 be u1 1 d c iase1,- Hpec1(111y 1rnported fo1 dairy use Orders by 111111 promptl) at te1.i e d to rntereol t o con lette r , before I 1 SO I LADIES AP -Om r, ory and Ambm bar Soap throws all others shade -The Elect1ve Soap IS IlO\\.,.he1e co1n11a1cd to it. no··ma.n11llc, pul , lll AND GBN'r'S HATS ANFl ltB SH.· PED CLEANED 8 h, 18ti0 Gl8.9 tf -- -- the ecemheT 10 1819 p, O. Box Ht<, llonmamille , ll J aturrlay , of SHAW 72 I quality Our Headlight l COAL OIL of the bestbound to give sat1sfacti0 0 ll JS w01thy of a trial and I 1 HARtESS &HDP ! THE C olla r l\1ake1 has l'1'E ;.i.t 1ast COME AND SEE OLR GRAND DTSPIAY IN 'l'UOlUA S lllUJti'JIHlEY, in Bowman' lJle. Y for sta1ted but-;1ne>i twenty 1Ca'i1ngw01J.:ed \11th Mr five vea.r:; arnl Jate1 Maso n F 1\1 Porte1 fm He is p 1 e p ared to make a co ll ar n1cnt of Ins bus1neil, supeuutf uilrn).{ the Colla.1 DPI art tv; o ) cnrs with J\Ir This department is well stocked, regardleiss of expense, m clud1ug GHA ITEW AR I , 111 v a rio n s ;;1zes and pa1terns; cho1re a'sortrnent of Chamber Sets, in \\ h1 t e and }\wcv Pattern-. uf A 1 qu,dity. "\-e have lately 1mpo1ted direct fro1;11 Pans, specrnlly for our Xmas trade, a iuw select ton of TE\ '-E'I'S, of best French ( hwa; tbe;;e aie rnally urnque, c1nd .tlt Jc1::;t berng rlrnposed of. warranted safe and easy. 'l,EA, DINNER AND CHAMER SETS, J:Yill keep corrnf<tritly on h,md a foll aRsodment of f'\'81 'i '1nng m lu:s line. · A larg<' stock selected wrth g1eat (aJe, 01.itdble fo1 UHIUSI'JIIAS AND NEW l:L \R 0 I And all diseases orig1nahng in a bad state of the blood, or accompanied by debility, or a low state of the system, Prices to SuittheTirnes. RUVIAN SYRUP!' CAUTION.-Be sure you get the "PE Sold by druggists gener ally. Pamphlets sent free to uny addre·· by SETH W. FOWLE & SoNs, Proprietors, 8? Har moo Avenue, Bo·ton, Ma$s. Re1nembe1· .BownHlJ1'Jlle, Carriae Harne" and a1 s a Specialty. Coll nearly opposite the Registry oovr:n, to supply 0111 cu,tomers \\1th goods not in our li"e, havmg p10duec to dispose ot, can do "'to adrnntage. Office. Jan. 29th, 1880 79 tt. Bowman11lie, Decemb<r 18, 1879. the Stand: NOTICE! Thelh1ghest pnce has al ways beeu paid by M urdoc h NOl'IC:E ! l:lios. for all,kmds of farm produce. Anangeme la1 e been made "\\ith some go GJFIS