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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1880, p. 4

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-CANADIAI\' ~TA1E~1VIA~, BOWIVJ AN\TJLLF, FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1880. CLARKE COUN l'J CL. Regular meetmg May 26tl.. all present. .. Mcmbet s INTEREST ON MOR'!GAGES IH.E <' HA NG ~ IN TH E L.A W M1nnt e1:1 of fg1rHer 1nee t1ng r I read and c~ntirmed Pet1tluns were pre · - .. !!.ented fr om 18:.tac Be5t, \Vm Luxon, and others, f or aid to aso:i1st in cott 111g Uo\'O 111 l1 oppos1te lot 18, 8th con R eferred to :n.1r. Uarvet h Fro1n Geo. P atter son, for aid to r epair hlll on s1d e lln e betwee n lots No 4 and 5, in the 6th con R eferrcJ t o Conni.Hs1oner Div No 4 Ge o "\Vh1' e was ~ppo1 ntoct pai hn1a$!er in p lace of Tis B ractlc y on bt: n.t No 93 $10 was gran ted towardf\ g1a \elhng tn beat N o 12 Pa.thmasters co nn ected with t he takin g of aravel frorn J ohn C arson's pit a'"e r e qu:s t~d t o attend the next 1ueet1ng of Council Inst1nct1ons were given to move the ea.s t fence on s1<le-hne between Lots 26 anfl 27 one rod east. Henry Pe~rce 1s permitted to occn py tha.t n or t1on of sid e hne belonging to this Mnn:c1pohi y beh\reen lvts N o 30 and 31, from t he L ake S h ! re to r ear of lot n ow oceupted by said P earce un til req111 r ed for ut>e by the To \'· n sh1p Oon1 lhlrov w a s deputed t o let a 101J 1n c 1nnect1on with a niembet from H ope Oouric1l, on the bounda1y hne between Clarke an d Hupe, adJOtn1ng the 8th con of Clarke, Com R e id was dep uted to Je t a Job Vi ith a Cnmm15s1oner of flope Ooun c1l, on the boundary hne aclJ01n1ng the first con of Clark o The pathnumter of beat betwet'n lots 8 and 9 111 4th con was u1stru cted to ope n statomedt the cuh·ert in the rear part of the con 3 N o fine or penalty or rate of interest Orders ,-;erP. pr ese nted for p a:, uu:ut o f shall be stipulated for, tak en, reserYcd 01 enac ted on a ny ,~ r rear of pr1nc1p al or 111the foll owmg Wm Retd, gray elhng , $2U, Vl H lte1d , terest 'vhKh s ha1l h av e the effect of in rep~u1ng bncl~es, $5 , \¥ L Broa<l, pa rt creasing the chRrge on any such arrear be salary $100, Wm. Kelly, ccdat, $1. 70, y oud the rate cf interest p~) 1bl~ on pr1n,J 'I'l;ornton, plank, $4 76 , W. Little, c:iple m oney not in arrear Prov1dP.d alst,umi.nng, $5 , G . P a ttersanJ roao work, ways th at nothin g in lh1:;sectton contained $12, Jn o V111 sou, wo1 1,r, $3 50, D Allin , 8hct1l h.: n e t he ti fl ect of prolnblt1ng a con coffin for CalJyh . -in, . $7.50, S Ilowo11, tract fo i: the paym ent of in ter est on arrE,u .s repa1r:.1 on bridge, $5 , T P.itterann, work, of n1tercst or prrnc1pal n.t any rate not $2 , M. Argall, plat,k, $3 37 , Wm Mc- g1Pat H r .thon th e rato pavable on pr 1 nc1pl e Leod work and 1naier1al, $19 45 , D A. n1 oney n ot in a1rear Ga.m~by & Bro , luntber and posh:iJ . 85c , 4. In case a ny s nm HI paid on acco nnt \V L uxton, v.ork , $4, T B1 own and R of any inte1est, fin e or penalty nut ch argeVannato were allooed $2 50 and $4 75 able, payable ut r 1:1 cov1:n,l.ble unde1 lhe respectively for sheep klllerl by dogs, forego ing section s, such sun1s may be reA By law was passed to p1eveu t t h e covere d or pedncted h on1 a ny other placlng of obstructions on the public 1nlerest j fine 01 pe nally ch,,rg eable, paytravelled roads a.nd }ugh.,.; a.ys 1n the Tow11- a.hle or reco\;erabl o on the pnnClple · slnp of Clarke, and p.,.otecbtng tl10 s a.fe 5 Whenever any rr1nc1 p1e n1oney or travel ov e r the s & me 111t erest seuurud by rnortgage of real est.ite This reµ ort is condensed fro1n the print- n not, nnder th e tern1s of the mvrtgnge, payabl e till a tim e more t han fi \ e year s ed minutes - Ed after the d~ite Gf the mortgage then Jn ( OTIRT OE REVISION. mu:1p of any timo aftet tho exp1rahon of touch hv e years, a ny p e rson liable t o p ay At the Court of Rev1s1on held dnrrn g or entitled t·1 r edeem the m or tgage , tendthis session appeals fron1 \.Vn1 and John ers 01 pays to the person entitled to re. Elhott were sustained-$200 1n the form ce1ve th e 1nouey, the amount due for er and $300 1n the latter. Theu fL >lsess pnr.c1pal 111oney, a nd interest to the time men ts to be $2050 and $1800, respectively. of pay ment as calculated und er the fore Thcso \Ve1 a the only appeals. Tho Roll, go111g s ect101I s , together w1 lh · thre e as rey1sed, was declared to be t he A.!!!! ess - months' fu1 ther interest tn h e u of notice , ment Roll of the Township of Clarke fo1 no fu rl hl:lr u1te1 est sl1al1 be cha1 geabl e, pa.) able or 1ecoverable at any hme ther e the yrar 1880. after on t he prLTJClpal mon ey or inter est dn a und er the mortgage. The fulluv. ing i:s the new act reiahng to 1nlettist on moneys socnrer1 by 1no1tgag e of re<~l estate, assen tefl to l\'.f n.y 7111 , 1880 Wht-1eaa it u1 expedien t to n1ake certain provls1ons conc,e r111ng 1utc:1est on n1 on eys securerl by n101 t gage uf 1cal es tate the1e fo1e h e l maJesty, b~ and \\Ith the odv1ce ~nd cou cc nt of the Senate an d llou :ie ot Com1u0 1is u f U n a d~ , en ac t s as follow s 1 \ Vhene:ver .u1y principal lr o 1cy i11L~rest i:eunt>d hy lnortgage of raal c ·s t :1.te 1s by the Si;t,.ffie n1ad(:} payable on the sLnlnn g fund pl an , or on any plan under \\ lu ch t he p 1) men1s of prmc1pal m on ey and 1n tere 1:1~ ar e ble ndP-d, or on any p lan "'h1ch in\ olves an allo\\ ance of 1userast on st1pul.: i t ed r~pa.rm ents, uo 111te1est wh at. ever shall be ch argeablt", pa.ya ble or recoverable, on any pn.rt of the prtnctpnl ruonev adv,u1ced, unless t he n1ort c )nta~ns a stn.tcrnent shown g the amount of H 1inh pu nc1pal 1 non ey a nti. 1he rat e of int erest chargeable th e1eou, calculated \' e ~n ly o r ha1f yearly , n ot in a dvance. 2 Wht:-uever t h e rate of u iterest s how 11 1n the staterncnt r e ferred to 1n the nex t preced ing section ts Jess than the r at e of interest winch wo uld be cl1 a rgeab1e by v1r tue of any other prov1s1on 1 calcul a.tion or stipulation 1n th e mortgage, no grentor rate of interest sh,ill be chargl·able, pay iiblo or recoverable on the pr1nmpa1 money advanced than the rate sho wn 111 the sn1d \ ()!G A RS a s h e h as th e bes t llmnufach u 1.:d, IIe has a lso a fine as<:.01 t meut of Buar Pipes l lic ~ ~vo~~A: ~2~:!:~ ~:~IlN~ do~~,~~ ~e~ ~~c~s su: ~ ~ ~-~-~ ~- -~ - CllA1'1t1'E Oi-' RUSl~F:ss ! JOiiN McMURTRY, Keeps constantly on hand Spring Goods . re in A.nd are co1 n1 ng i n a t ----~ KATH ARION. facf>~t uburnt, 1ou gh or co' c:rcd with pm1ple ~ t Q one t'.lr lf your -- a good stock of Of ~H F MASON, tO C Ul"C b ottle of J{ath anou, whicn 18 s1ne :'!! ADE A ND SOJ,D HY I tako this oppo1 tu1 11ty of an no11nc111.-. to the inha.b1ta1.b <. d'. Bow1unnv11lc am\ sm r ou ndrn .; count1 y t h a.t I u1t< ill t o catr.; un the business J ll ALL I'l'S URAKC H},S, "" LIGHl' >llV D liE,"'1\'. ll Utl'JE~S, I ! IH~!.~!-;'S I .\ 11 the n c \\ e'-' t and nobbiest styles 1n COLLARS. SATCHEL~. \\ Hif 0 TRUNK8 VA LISES &c .AJl krn ds of fatm p1otluce taken in exchange. Bo wn1au,\ 1lle, Oct obet 1. 1878 lO-tf CURRY COM GS, D . :u lic""' Gen t..'&:- ( 11!. h l!"e11's D1·y Good ~. BRUSHES, 5 i I MAKE A SP ECIAL'IY 0 F COLLARS SAilt'iliAO'IlON GUARAN I.BED Suit s M ade to Or der! GOOD FITS' R E P ~ 1 R 11\' G. In .tll 1t1' br::i ncl,es pr om p ll) attended A SUCCESSFUL YEAR --0-- j S111 t~ lt~.Ul l' !Sox, {,,. ~ O \C~, J U.uh· f nood ~"ylc . ind F i t., ll'dh <Jol lai " .uu l 1 · ~s U1ro\YU UL, .fol $ ~,'jj, I · I to on th e n1ost hberal terms. I hope by stnct attention t o bns·nesR to me11t a fa.1r of yo ur pah o nag8 Carriageworks, ~- CHSWM~ rNJ2§.~B~~~Bowmar>\ ille, l\farch 31st , 1880. 'r l'RMS LTRF. R. I B O VVI\41ANVILLE . · NEW ! In 1eturni11g thanks to my num e ro11s patrons for their favors dnrmg the thIIty ye a is that I have been__ii? busine ss _in this InowrmitespecralaltAnt!ontom) new stock I town , I beg to remind thc\m that my fac1hl1 e s for turnmg out MILLI N ERY AND FANGV fir st class Wl1rk w as n e ver better th a n thPy are to-day. Our wagons never fail to fl" Ye satisfacti onc " are made of the very best matt'nals Summer Goods A L:\..RGF. T~ I N E 017' Tne last y en1 h as b een with us hig hly sa tisfactory. Our v entm e rn to n ew prennscs h as been a decided s ucceRs, and m view of a future rnc t easf' in busmess and an excpectP-d a tlvancc m prices, w e wern lead to buy rnrly and m lar ger quantities than ever before We aie deteunine<l in tLe latesL fush1Jn s, will besolLl ,n lesa t han it cost to mak e t1 1em to g1ve our p8 b ons th e benefit of our eaily purchase Our Spring Stock is now complete in eve1y d epartm ent Om assort- We are g re at on tho SHIRT TRADE, ment rn great er , our stock larger , om facilities and mrangemcnts for the don't order y ou r shirts fto m T oronto. rnan ufachu e of ordered clothmg is better and more ample than eve1 B u m 1ne1s~ spend you r u1oney i.n yonr own town, th at " ill help t o make c sh before n1 ore pl en tif ul A F ULL LINE OF I STR A '\r'V COO D S All of our carriage s 'l\immed Bon nets and Hats, F eathcrs Flowe1a, Silks, 0Jnanrnnts, etc J\ 11 wood- u sed in the constructio n of our carria ges is thoroughly seasoued, and special attention 1s ghen to fiLting every piece Braids, l!'Ioss, Canvas, Han Braids properly in its place and Switches, all of which I mtend t o sell elr eap We solicit 01cle1 s fo t Wagons, T op Buggies, Phacto1rn, Buggies, D emo:MRS. A . S. ANDER:::JON, crats etc, assmnw th e puhhc tha.t for work ma.nslnp, qnahty and style K 1ng St , B owrnanv1lle. our wmk cannot be sm pa' scd rn tl11, clbtrict P S.-Hats made over m the Newest All kinds of R epairing clone a s usual Styles Bowmamrlle April lol, 1sso 27 57 88. RE ADY- MADE C L 0 T H I N G, BERLIN WOOL, f WORSTE~ COATINGS, · I , Scotch & Canadian Tweeds coons. I rn 'l'HJ<; NEWES'!' PATTERNS CALL .AND SE E {1S, \' e ca u cu1e ynu of going to th e C.J,1e1:> to spend yo ur sur- plus cash Yours r espectfully, Bow m a n v11le , A pr il 15 1880 ' ' N ote the followmg p1iceH and yon will be convince cld that an eaily cal and a la1 0 oe purchase will be to ·uu1 a va.ntaire: .; <..j HatR,Caps,Gents Underwear,Sh1rts, ORONO BANKING HOUSE. Collars Ties &c MON EY LOANED. TES DISCOUNTED. N O DRAF TS ISSUED on all Bra nches of the o~ I !\.H.IO BANK CARR IAGE PAINTING. - ---- - - -- -- -- IKID Ot Our Paintshop rs under the manazem en t of Mr Thomas Bmley, whose woilc \'ill compare favo1 it bl v with tlmt of th" best citv painters Parntmg a nd Va1msln ng clone at.l owest puces Treat y O'm can iagcs to a coat of pamt Repaus for tire l\:hssey llfnnufacturmg Company's Machines constantly on hand. Banking House TJIS BURK & JON J:!J O'B-..FICE DRESS GOODS IN ALL !:>HADES LI NEN 'l'OWELTNG IIEA VY ~· 1 BLI-~ DA MASK · ... GLOVES COLORED AND BLACK . CAi:lH111ERES " " LusTREs .. " CORSETS .. . . . .. . ... . IBRO WK HOT,LANDS .... .. HEAVY OX FORD Sllilt'l'S (w1thcollat) READY MADE surrs . . . .. . · SUlT 'l'O ORDER . ........... .. ..... . Ca.ll auU e 4am1ne, no trouble to sho w gootll3 fl om 10 cents ,, up. 35 35 10 ,, 30 h 10 50 " $ 8 np. " JO up. {I " " 5 22 " ,, ,, " ,, ,, ,, Alao D1af ts bo ught and s old on Ne \\ York and London, I~ u g allowed on Dep o~nts NOTES and ACCOUNTS COLLECTED, Ba nk Stock , J\{ortgages, &c., b ougl1t and sold, .Also 1noney loaned on i oal estate s ecnr:it~, a.t r easonable l iLtes, uutl on t er ms of re pa~ 1nent to suit bor1u\'l' er$ 1' . v.KOR..R..IS, Bo\'< m a nv1ll e l\Ta ;1- l fi, 1"80 No. 1 Temperance St., BO~~'.l.A.NVILLE. Bow1nanville, A 1arch 18, 1880. S. MASON & SON tC 38 56 GG 86 \V. "\V. TRULL.. Orono, Feb. 18, J S.SO 82 L f Proprietor. 9;.i3m ADVANCES lvfADE on personal and cullat ernl secun ty NO COUNTRY ROAD l\lAKING. (), 'l'h1' act shall apply +o all mon eys haps, the best a ud the only available one and c1gh ly Our 1nun1~1pal and leg1slat1ve bodies '\ e re ~-· ---··---not then e xrnhng, or 1n thu1r i nfancy, an d ill utton the liieat for Farmers the har:ly settl ers kne ~' it '\Vns prc-e1n1nently t o their ad vant age t o bu1ld th e The cheapest meat f or tho farn1 is n1u t roads ad fast and as well as poes1ble B e· ton. It mny eafely be said to cost nolhs ~ dcs this they cou ld not h aYe been made by a monPy tax. on the settlers, as th ey rng, ,,. the fleece from a sheep of go od w0re t oo fe w and t oo poor · but now , in oreed amply pay for it· kccpmg Ther., the old e r secbons of On tario, where the for ad d1t1on a.l profit, thi:>t e 1s a lan1h or two, the pelt of th· arnmal if !, tlJed at l':l.ud has been tluckly settlecl ctnd irnp ro \ for tnany y e a1~ t his system 1s no 10 1ger home, th e excellent manure from its dropptDgs, and the l l(l d ance of t h a pastnres found to be the best. Onr statute labor, ftum \\ eed·, tu whwhsheep are dernuct1ve t hc u2h a large a1no11 ·1 t ts .isu povsed t o h ave WHh the cx cepllon of poultry, been done, a1uonn ts to Vf' ry httle 111 com fo es p~ll s )n to what it wo uld ,f all we re to pny n1u tt en 1s a.1 so t h e u111st cnn.,en 1cnt m eat loi a farmer A s·ieep 18 easily l,llled and a - d t iix In p "c·por t1on t o th eu arp.ount ot '~\ t u t,~ T his co lld then be ex· drcsrnd by o ·mgle hand m au hom, and pi-:nned bv t he coun ci l ln each r esp ec t! \: e m th e warmest weather it can be readil y sec tion wh e1 e r..l ost need ed , aU Job s b e 1n!! <l.1spo~ed of before 1t spoils S cience an d let by t ender . A. g reater fl.n'1 o unt of work cnu lil t hu s b e do ne f nr t11e saine expe nd1 t ure, and 1n a be t tei' wny As t he system now exists, men, 1n a nHl.JOr1 ty of cases, g1 on t he ro:id s bP.callse the law cun1p ehi them, ~n d they p nt in a fe w d ays as ef\s ily a~ thG y ca n Besides L n is , pn.thmast{7rs s re_ uJt.en changod _ eve ry ye. at , &'ld wh r1t o r e 1n ay hav fl d on e t his year, nex t y ea1 s pathma.stt:l rs r.a lf entirely d asapvr ove of, a nd h aV(' done <·' er agn n Th uoi:, t o n gie i t exren t , ayc ..r 1s work 13 losL ·.\_n d ofte n m e n are chos e11 a s pat h n1aste1s wh o are n ot compet en t to d ireot tho 1 n alnng of rhe men are t hus se t to a aooa road . r w~rk a t a. d 1Ra:iva.ntago or to do wor k ,Yh1ch 1s not n eed ed, and .nuch of the year's wo1k 1s wasted There is an arau in Bint used 111 favor of the presedL system, \'lZ, t he coun try be in g rl.1v1cl e<l int o sect ions, e ach rnnn works in the \ w1111ty of h1s own farin, and the better the r oad s are made the more valua ble 1~ Ins prup ertv This should b e as incentive M llfll c1e;1t t o ca use the n'.l to exert t h en1sel ves lo their utmost, but experience has shown that the r Cvel.·se 1s the cot.Se J\>Ten, as a general thing , n ever do s o httle work u 1 a day ns "hen doing s tatu te lab or Some of t hP-se meu who n o w do rna<l work ar e tenant fa1rners, \\h os e leases are of sh o1t dura.hon These lnen cann ot b o expected +o ta ke a very d eep 1 nt~re st in <Ii \ tcinil y where n1 all p1o bab11Ity, they w11l n ot Ue ln:1na 'more than four or ilve yea1s 'Ye qehe~e onr present systen1 has outlived ita nsefullness, and thn.t chan ges shonld at once be made, part1culatly 1n th e old er sections of the coun try -l!'a1mer's .Advo- When the oount1y was new tho plan of ted a f ter t h"'-fir st day of .1 uly, 1n th e y ear making r oa.cls hy statute labor was, pe t of our Loni one thousand m~ht hundred secnrf' d by, inortgagc on real cs t;\to execn GOOD N EWS FOR ALL... 0- · M c C L E L L A N & C 0., DE A I, ERS IN AUCTIONBETTER OF HARNESS! Bargains inH a rness -· __ 'l'll:\N .A.T T llE A \'EU A G E ,\ liCil ON~ . NOTES DJSCOUl\rTED. exper,ence hoth declar<· 1t th e healthiest ktnd of meat, a ud a fooh ' h preJUSllC e alor.c prefers po1k, which, "he·her fresh or salt 18 tho un healthiest of 111 -·-· - -~--- ELECIRI CITY I TH O>a s ' Ex:cET ,IOR Ee G oI.D ~Pain C'1. nn o1 s tav where 1t 13 used . I t 18 the cheape"L m ed; cine e\er n1ade On e that cu res com mon uuduc On.' W cmm IN T>::x Tr11i<s n s vV · 1\ f 0 1)1lJ 1~ TRY .JACKMA N D ARC H Shingles, Lath, Posts, & Square Timber; Would n garn iespec tful!y announce to the public the arrival DRAFTS ISSUED will sell harness for th e n ext of ~ t o lk d nt " ad s easo nable Dr)' Goo<ls, suite d to the SOLE AGENTS FOR f f "0 · d 'fHIRTY DAYS on all branch es of Bank of llfont1 cal \\ants o all . An expcnonce o over '-' y e ars 111 p1ov1 rng in Canada, N cw Y ork and dt v ery low p rice s. Dry Goods for the 1e"idents of iVest Durh a m enables me to ~FORL ondon, England. selec t J·ust s uch g o ods a s the p e opl e want, and mv customers Our h a rness i s fi rst class in J Private and Bmlclmg Society Funds Doors, Sash, Blinds, Pickets, Mouldings, &c. eve ry re s pect and n ot ma de to may 1e ly on getting the v e ry best value for their money. loaned on real estate at S peci,tl attention has bee n given to the selection of Spring best iates I We are prepared prompt ly to fill orders 111 tl·e abo'\ie hnes, and to deliver articles in a ll parts sell-but to w e11r. f 880 d ·} d of th e tov;n Ihc lnghcetpncc paid £01 Lumbe1,vi:lood,etc. \Ve buy for IC.,\SU, and sell fo r (lASB. and S ummer g ood s fo r the season o 1 ; ~n 11otw1t 1stan in g the great advan c e i n all Dry G o ods, I shall be able to sell NO TES A ND A CCQ U N TS I "'1!"0flice and Yard-Corner ot K lllg and George Streets. Al\!EHIOAN GHEENB.~CKS AND EXCHANGE BOUGHT. l l J l · I h ad th e goocl f or t une to }iave L -. CT'D me :second to non <J. t 1e presP.nt st oc ~ at o c p n ce s . COLL.t.:. .cD. J OII K 1.f< CLELLAN. I~ J\foCLELLAN & CO. Y\.·ILLIA-:\f CANN I my stock of GH'Y and Wlute Cotto 11 s, Duck s, Denims, Tick- BANK STOCKS, OAll T A N NED H A R J'\ E SS rl SI>E (,'li..L'f'V. B owman' 1lle , A pril 17, 187 8 in <rs S hirlill<>'S S h eetm o-s H ollands and othe r Linens purchasBONDS, ~ ' o '. . .~ ' Farmer s will c ons ult t heir I ed before tbe nse Ill p nce s _ , DEBENTURES, m te rest by g1n n g us a call. I l\Jy sto ck of Prints and general Dress Goods IS large and ~ d MORTGAGES · h . . d I d h an ( 1 very c mce lll qua i ty an sty es an very c eap, _ _ _ 1- One d oor east of friayn a rd'1:.---- Ask t o see our :arga a swrtrn'lt1! o L.Lac e s,-ind ~Ang--:Nial· B 0-U G H T A.N D~ ~ 0 L D. 0ldStand ,Kin gSt. B o wm ,tn v ilt§. ":: '-.,.::,_./. tese, c Jtjn y, B reto1ie. aifd" V al ence111 1e_ s. Bowmanv1lle, Apu l 8, 1880 89 3m* INVESTMENTS MADE Ft i ll ings, Ho siery, C. lov es , 'ITmb ro1dery lnsers i <? ns, Toilet r.%interest paid on deposits of $4 and unwa1<ls. COAL, W 0 0 D, LUMBER, & E::_ B_ RAT.E[EUN & SON:. OUR C OLLA RS For Cheapness and Quality, go to ' V1 ra n r C overs, Ca rri:i ge Duste1 s , 'l' ovve ll" great veriety . . Black and Coloied Caslune1es rngs, C ntt (H1S - etc_,_, etc., Ill '!'I · Bo\\ m Hn ville. U 'eb 12, 1879 2IJ l y. sore throat, cl11l 1s F ifty cents wor th h·1s ( t.Jed an One bottle hn· c1red brou A old standrng cough 1t positi vely cures value a nd low in p1ice. Pat a fio ls and Umbrellas, at all priced. catarrh, asthma and croup 1'1f Y cents M y large stock of Tweeds i1icludeEl s ome choice Pattern s. worth has cured crick 111 th e back, an d thP ._,. same quaut1ty lame b"ck, 0f eight years' Fine '\V"orsted Coa1111 g s ~e1y c heap. ' - 0 standrng The followmg are c'tracts S 111ts made tu order on the s hortes t nolice at been recen ed fr om diJlerent parts of Ca· nnda, which, we thmk, should be sufli c1ent to satisfy the most sceptic 11 -Jno Oollarrl , of Sparta, Ont , w11tes, " Send me 6 dozen Dr. Thomas' Eclcctnc 011, nuw, its curee are tinly w·ondetf'll " -'\Vrn. l\fcG u1re, of Franl).hn, i;>;11tts, "I have sold all the agent left, it acts ltke a charm- 1t v-;a~ slott at first , but t<~k e s sple11d 1d ly uow - -H Cole, of Ion a , \\rites, "Plea;:ic forward 6 dozen Dr, Tho1na.s' Eclectric 01J, I am nearly out, notlnn g eq uals 1t "-- -J. Bedforei , Thain e.svillo. wrhtcs, "Sen d n10 at once a fur- 10 1111 NK ""lf JN C'~RARLE Gray's Vitaline ! rnn Alrn M~STAKE ! Has Just l ecei'i cd fL laige stock cf F'RENCH AND AMERICAN MILLI NE R Y! .,.. · a ntl is honnrl t o sell t h e n1 fro1n a fe\v of the n1 an y le tters that ha ve "\l e ar e in 1ece1pt of 1a1 ge slupmenLs of g oods, to 1epl enj8h fo1 the co1u- n ci.: e1 bmin offe1ed 1n the town of Bowrnan vi11e 'fl rn s tock can n ot be surpassed i n an ts gu a rante e · , . bl~~~c vrrAl i Ni u. fa n hml , and , 011 ,vill be ing sea son, tb e Ya11o u s b1 ancl1 cs of o ur iuc1eas1ng t i, rn \.vhich ,ve feel QU UITY At;D CHEHNEl:ltl. I will not enun1era te priC' e s, b 1t e a rnestly solicit a call ' from conv inced th Lt thlS l S a \\ on de1 ftll remedl'· Iconfident no othe1 11ouso 111 tu'i\ n can app1 o.teh u s Ill qual1t:y 01 pl ices Call and see fo yourseh es. The stoc k Coil those Wh'.) want Dry G ood,, to ex a mine my go<Jl!S and learn Puce $I 1icr bottle, ~" holtle" $a Comp and 'ee fo1 \our selves .All om custom ers aie delwhted. s of S old b y D. S'fOi.'T, .e;o n i.1.u1vlll e, a nd a ll b MlLUNERY, Druggists ~ my p rices. SILKS, d fi cl N ever fails t c 1eli e\ 1~ l'm1l " 1th proper use w1ll c u1ealld1seascs a 11s1 11g f 1om im p uri ty of tJ1e n.t p1H es t h a t has I S 87w! HE Bowmanv11lc, Aprtl l J 880. G R AY MEOIG~~R~~{(). !' = DENTISTRY1 ther supply of Eclect1.c01l, I have only 1 cate · The Kmd of Cattle our Farmers Should Raise. 'Ve r e ad in the Stralfo1d B eru:on an itern gunng details concbrn1ng a sale of soven fatted cattlo by l\'.Ir Geo. Hyde, of Hyde Park, for sh1pu1ent to England There "ere fi\·e Dnrhatn gr~ides and two thorough-breda One of them- a cow, turned the beam a t 2 ,(40 lbs , another nt 1,840, another at l ,610, a hetfe1 at 1,510, a pair of 2 year v1d-steers at 2, 750, a small cow n.t 1,210- o.n aggregat e of 10,990 lbsr F or n1ost of the anim als he r eceived 5 cents per lb hv e wc1ght , an[l fur some of t hem, 6 cents, the av era.a;c Pfll' head bemg $80, 01 $560 for the lot Tim bears ou t. all that "e have s aid in these colu1nns abou t the pes1rab1ltty of our fo. r mers h J Vt llrt from fi ve t o t en fin e fat ca t tle for sale -::ia.t thtR period, F a ncy a h :t 1f bot tle l ef~ [ never sa w a ny thi ng sell so 1 well and gn e such general sat1sfact1on "J. Thom pson, \"..-oodford, writ es, "Send rue so m e u1n11il E cle ctric~ 011 , I ha.vo sold enhre1y o u t N ot h1ug tak es like it"--l\111ler & Reid, 1Jlve 1ton, P Q , writes, "'11ho Eclcctr10 01l 1s gottlng a great r epntatio n here.and is daily ca11ed for. 8end us a fu1 th e1 $U_pply with out delay" B E WA RE oi I M ilA rro.Ns 1 AE!k fo r Dr. rL1homa s Ji:clectr1c Od See th a t t.he s1gl'atnre of 13 .lV. 1.'lwniao ts on the wrapper, and. the names of N ortbop L~ Lyman are hlown in t he hottl e, and T ake 110 other Suld by all medwme dealer· Price 25 cents NORTIIOP & LYMAN, Toronto, Ont , Propr1etors for the Dorntn1on Nom ·-Eclectric- Selected and Electrni:ed. 91 e o-w-2w. COlVIE ONE A ND ALL "\VHO NEED --TC>-- ER'S AREROOIS, whe ie you can find e v erything in t hat line always on hand and sold at the lowe st prices. 1 J, M. 1·1tAu11c .1.L nENT t.T, "EARL' 1wENn YEARS EXPERIEN CE. :Sit1ons Oxul' t ... :ts \d1uu11stc 1cd Ctn 1·.tu1less OFFIC E: MY H EARSE AND UN 0ER TA Kl NS BRANCH IS 'IHE BE bT IN TUR COUN'l'Y. Fune rals In this brnnch of trade, we defy competition. Fall anrl Spring wheat ::i Flout , -best brnnds Gibb's p atent Flour Buckwheat Flom. Crncked ti>' IRS 'I' C 1,/\§S i" U JU! J' s. Pun1ps ie pau ed on short n ot1ct> AGENT ] on · Wheat, Grah am Flom , Cornmeal. I shall s till co11t1nue Lhe business of Carpc t 1 , M assey l\fanuf'g Co's , Reapers, Mowerd, and l f" ll ] d 0 ' and Contractor. n c \ Hakes /"IS1 o a <tn s atmeal a specialty .A. share of patronage sohc1tcd an~J'l)gfnnb~~'!{g;j'J!ii~1'],o'"' · SuperioI Smglc ~~ Bo~manv1ll0, Jan 7. 1880 W' C. 'l'Y LE~. ToUon Bros' Pea Harvester. ~ --, J ,,. I - - R - - - J - !Coffees, Sugars, Fruits, Etc. BR IMA COM.BE, If Pumps! Pumps l I low WOOD EN PUM PS PROV ISIONS. Gl-3!1 tf WJTROUT Fm .NC.ES, Und e1 thi s h ead we can <:>ffe1 s pecial ba1gams, having b ought lm g ely ;-.VVl'f CHES, Ib efore the recent adv ance 111 pncos-and a1e now oflering Tea fully 20 BRAIDS, Ham ORKAME N'l'S, to 2."5 pe t cent less than their pteoent market value. LADIE15' LACE C \ PES I G1 een and Black Teas 50 cts p er lh, fully worth 65 cts Green and LA CES ol!· ALL KINDS, Black Teas 70 cents, w ornh to-day !>O cts , an ex cellent be vernge One VEIT.IN GS, FRILLI NGS, I t rial will seem e yom life-long pat10tage Om Japan Teas are unexTIES, I celled in Ravo1 an~_:'t' ength COM BS, &c , &c LAJJl bS AN D G:F.N'i'S HA1'S CL~..A. NED AND R E SlI..APE D Bo,\rnannlle, Apnl 8L h , 1880 · l'J:.1EAS:1 l'"l"IEAS. VELVETS, '.l .S:Jt: rn, y ou want a choice cup of Coffee, thi8 is the place to ge t it. Sugars of all giades at lowest pnces. Frnits of all kinds at exceedingly prices 1' Having com menced to ra1nufa"l nre i n F u llc1 ';:; Ol d Bu1ld1ng, Ot·'ions. ··· ·JcCUM,'§ JU OCK. 1 - - SH_A_-W- - - - - -- - - - I OPPOSITE THELF.VEN S SHOE STORE, l a n1 P.L opated to turn out UND RIES. dozen ~t $80 t.teh I Mt Hyde used to be a n extens11:c impor ter ot An1 er1can co rn, bu t since tha r i11ey tarr1ff cnme in to op e1at1on h e h as u Jt µurch ase 1 a b ushel , and he h as h ad to use p eas, o '.1 ts a.nd bl\rley 111 t d A 8 the de man d for fin e o;ittle for S e~'\ · t sh 1pn1 en t t o t he old co nr1try JS grea er t han e\"'e r n.nd ti:.. ls h kely t o be s i e.11dy Th Mont'real Gazett e that for the week e 1 ending J \F Je. 9 th t\\ elv e 1arge st ~an1 crs left t 11at po1t "1th 3, 630 head of ca t tle " ] · b , t""08 and -"',090 s 1eep, 1e-p1ec:cn ...i ng a Oll op..i 1000 In v a.lue I ' f>l , ·eo i ~ l n regard t o the n1ethod o ~ colnrmg 1rn!, Tlie 'rhe th P.OI ~ 18 th at CO\\ S w h 12n we ll fed and cared for , \ 111 make J ello\\ butte1 , the rad J !i that th at llOt one m ten wi ll except 1n tunes ur f1 1 1sb t)as t m e 'l'h1 s 18J URt t he l"ea!'mn that thP vet} ch 1 best dan ~tm en 1n t his col1n try use v;rells H.1 a rpson &CoRPerfer:ted RuttPrColo1 \'V<~,, a 1 1.tntn t oad cl a tl(!ast !l vP ce nt8 oer pnuntl t o the i.: alue of ..., h1te butte1, a re tu 1n ofnnP dolla r f or e\ ery cent 1t cos ts Iluy i t at tile Dr ugg1st or Grocers 99 1F ~1 c ~ t 'JJ No extra charge for attending Funerals In th e I I country within ten miles. bar Soap th10\YS all othe1s in the shade - lhe ElecLrve Soap IS nowheie compared t o it. A g en t 101 th e Lana e<l B a nkmg & Loanmg I BR U S IIES b StOle, H a11 · ,Cl 0 th S,B 0 0 t B :oooms,p al 'lS,andvv n r 1 - S Clll, Co,IIanulton \:. a') I1t ub S 1 an<l ~T HEPAm s lor all nrnrhrnea sold, kept at Mi 1SALT-In Barrels ar ·d S 'acks · Fme Liverpool Sa.Its' in bao-s atte nded (day o r night) promptly, Or,le1·ly . ._ " M o1rls' Ca111age Sh op. · · o "' Iw1ll be m Bow manv.ile every Sntmday./16Specti,ely 56JtJ<, 11 2 lbs,, 224 lbs, to S\ll[ the COllVemence cf the purquietly, at prices to suit eyery 011e. l Orders by Mail prompt!) attm. ded to I cha ser ,- specially u11p01 tccl for dairy use. ouleung~fadnn e ,' 1 ~~tl~~;~ 1 .tob~f~re ! SOAP-Onr Iv?~ a1;d .l~n1ber 8 ~1'i1'1~1:~;:h'e1;1 ;~~~~~?IJ~hg~ 0 .ALT _, 1\iI AClJI NES WARRANT KD . I GRAYS' SPEO'.tFIC ~IE DICINT~. p, o. n., H J SHA\V 104, ecember 10 1870. nomurunme. COAL OIL of th e best quality Our H eadlig ht JS vr o1 thy of a tual and 72 l . ) bound t o g1v e sat1Rfaet10n. COME AND SEE OUR GRAND DISPLAY fN · SATISFACTION GU-ARANTEED. Thankful for past patronage I :NE 'VV' I still so!Jcit the same. HA 1~ r~ ES I I HDP ! REMEMBER THE P LACE Gifford's Old Stand, King-st. West. W . P. PROWER. Bowmnn v11Je, Mai cl\, 9, 1880 ~ [1880 N E\V SPl UNG AND S lTMMEH Lrnso y Bow1nan \ 1lle, A p nl 21, 1880. GOODS 61 tf, Bowm::i.nv1llc, Jn.n. :::Vth, 1880 79-tf, ·

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