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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1880, p. 1

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~ 18 PUBLISHED Et'ERV FllIDAl:' lUORNING, -BY- l'.11. .A . .J ..A_ l\t.IES, A'l' THE Ol·'ElCE , Po>:lt OJlice BloeJ,; , S t . , Uo\\·1nan-,rllle,On f, tan .c - ,·' - - - - --· ---'--- ~-·--- TERJY.J:S: $1.50 iu~r ~1111111111,01' $1.00 If tJnidin udva.ncl~. Payment, H1.1·ictly in a.1lva11 ce required frmn - - -------- -·---= ~ - - --~----- -~ ---- --·· -----· _ _ . _ ·--~·--"~1 TERWi:S: $1.50 per Annum , or $1.QO if paid in Advance. 1\" ·.E 1V S J.1ltlES;} N11111he1· 1co. OlJR TOWN AND :O II~.TY FIRST; TH~ WO.RLD AIITl outside of the couuty. 01,d~rs t o discontlnnr. the paper rnul-lt b~ o,ccornpat11ed hy the amount, due, or the paper w1.ll nut Lie sL01111e~I. Subscribe1·s arc raspou;,iblc untll fnll payn1cuL is BOW.l\IIANVILLE, FRIDAY, JUNE THE DOMINION BANK1 I BOWl'!IANVILLK YV hole Colu1nn on e year ... .. . ....... $50 oo! ~ctv.i ·4 " R.\.TES OF A.Dl'J~H.TISlSG: 1~~ 1 . Ff1L1f Colnmn on e year............... :m IHlf-.. " lialf year. .. . .. . . . 2U Q!J!= One .. . .. . 12 uO One liuartcr. .H alfyea.r .. ..... . .... 20 OO! t?z:::::::i aQ OO: ~~~ Cheap Clothing and Dry Goods. THE COUNTIES' COUNCIL. I Quarter Column one year... 2!1 00:READ OFFICE, .. ·· Half YCl1l'.. .· . 12 .. .. One quu.rter ...... .. 8 ooi llttA.NCIIEs : t o the late F. Y.. Cow le, E sq.,) . Six lines and under, first insertiou. 30 50;0RII~LtA, OarrAwA, ' \T JJ;ach :-;11bsequcnt insertion . .,. .. . 0 i:r 0 0 ' ru1no uucc t l1at M r . Ell ' ·1 ' HI 'rllY, " urw, B eg- 1JO .l!'rom six t.o ten lines, first insertion, 0 75 .... · . 1son 1as J' USt re t urnc d f ron1 tl1e n·1a1·l,et.s .. n U Crouter, Bl"iglitun; Olarke,Oruhame;Ohu ·h j j f .oOWMANYILLE, XllRIDGE, j Each .iubscquent insertio n.. .... . 0 201-lU '\Vlt a arge st.oc r o · - ·Haldim8,ud; Colville, Clarke; Carveth, Cla.:i-. O\Ter ten lines, first insarr,io11,per1iue, 0 osj.... Each subsequent inserl,ion, " 0 02! · J 'fhis Dank, in 1 1dditionto ransacti:ngthensua. Campbell, Cavan; DinwJodie , Oampbellfo~ 0 the public aUhtbe ad . En<'lesou, Ham1.lton · Th e nu m Ler of lines to he reckoned by,]'· .!. 'V enldngbnsinosss, ~ffer·r' nst.1t.1n.1on, , E··ll1·o t', Hope·, "raurl " ' · :b vantages ot a. a v1ng-3 wit these ., ~ ~ u t1ie space occupied, mear;ured by n scale of 1_:__ 1u solid Nonpu-reil. ~or· tl1c T111loi·1"nct Dep"~· ... n1ent curity of a l arge paid-n p capi tal, by the rneans Man·,; Ltttt1morc, Cartwright; Mnck1 1 l· <- · t:i uJJ. v · of a S A.VINO S D~ PARl'MF.N 'J'. Ad vertisemcnts without speci fic directions .Interest alJO\\'ed on all deposit:; of One Dollar Ho.ldimand i .i\fnllory, P ercy j }.fcNaugh t will be p ublished till forb and charged ac· The liberal encouragement we ·have re~ei ved in this branch in pa8t and llp~ards, n.t tho rate of ~.,OUHjler cenJ.- -Ncwca.f!tle; ~fcQuoid, Murrai· ; Porter, Bo cordingly. . d j t l t ] . .l . l tl . . annum. All advertise1ncuts from transient peraons or l Dcpostturs ca;n \.vith~\·a,v eit.lter ~,he w~ole o'f ma.n villo; Poi.rr, c ._, .utwrig ht; Head, Clai·l.' strani;era, must be paid :!'or in a.tlvtt.nuc, or a yeal'S las 1n llCR( us o llUL {e e:x ra lcavy pure 1ases) vr1t 1 1e intention sufficient deposi t. n1ade .t o secure the office of still .further t b c clothing but,incss. \~'re al\vays believe in ~~~%Jg-~:~~i~~l.r depogitsatauy tl me,,vithout RidLel, T ·fam ilton; Rundle, Dn.ningto a gainst loss. of low 11rices as a ineans ot efl'ectincr incl'eased sales ' we there- \Vlt.hnoticeof ?pecia~rateswlt.hilrinn=tl. of in allowed upon deposits Siiowden ·,- 8~al)les;.·C11.van ·, Str.on .· .0 ·,.Brig · htoJ ROOll A.~'D .J{tn Ptt! S TING executed in the power , b l' ) the inost modern styJes, and o.t t he lo\Ycst living fore offe1· AnH\l'lcan Currcncr and Sil Yer ta.keu on de- 'l' ~ ...1nbl)::i·; ?ope; '\Va.1ker, IIope; . _ V{eb prices. posit. "~ 11 h Grca.t.fl , Uni-.1 YI Bri g ton; .\Vessels, Murr~Yi tert Si.ate!';, and al pa.trs of Caniulr~. . lout I b c· lb W' d tt D r ,. . .it.. -:tr Depm1i1 8 canb e1·e mittcdhyn1nil , iiddrcss- . -"'-~ -~ .. l·· _0 ornc; lll a · a.ring ~n .. GRAND TRUNK All Wool Tweed Suits niade to order in good style from $10. OOup <:>Ii.0to the Oo1ninion Bauk(1·cg i&tf)rc1t>, when in a.ll ~ .'),.f~er tho rGa(liqg o! ~he minutes, notice o,~ e a Pa.H~-Hook receipt will he sent. by ret11ru t llc by-la~.s were given :-To rai BOWMANVJLLE STATION AND 'l'IMll. rio1=-5 ELI.ISON & CO., I · (Succ~ssorn n, V\188 8. . 0 CAPITAL, PAID UP, $1,000,000. TORONTO. a I The ,for. a se,sion 0! the Counties' Go u] opeuoa on Tues day, the SLli instant. 'J Warden, E. Cocltrnn.e, Esq., in the chai'::/ Present,. -BanHn,I. 80utli i\fo11agt\ ll; ~ <lE.<u , BowUJ. !~nvillo; B edford, Seymo~u; B \ Seym ou r; Boyce, Percy; Brio bin, Alu wi~ B iug hnm, Dal'lingtun; Bu.rnum, H aldhna ~ d Cl th S ·& V'F:T orst 8Q c oat· .I lflgS · Merrs':R eady Made Tweed Suits from $6.75 up. "li l 1 GODl'Q JI:AS'r, OO I~G "\Y.ILS'l', F.xp ross · ...... .9.01 l .1ixed ......... 2.05 , Local ..... . .... 6.32 Exorcss ... .. .. 8 .4.5 [ Local, ... ... ·.. 7.17 p. n1. 1 ~~press .. ... ; 9. 2? p.m. IltfDc:ed ....... ..J.55 p.m. 1 Express ...... 9.07 p.m. n.rn. a .m. u.n1. ~~u1fn~~~ !ixtdru'lx~. · -~~ 'v"J"../ '-'~ r- ~~..,..,,. We .b!lvc a large stoci< of SPRING OvF.RCOATS, wl1 ich will be offered ch eap. We g um·anteo those things, vi z : l'erfict Fifo, F irst-Clus8 Wvrkinanslcip, cind Low Price,,, In General Dry Goods w e hold a .very large and select stock, pm, chfl.scd wi th great care. We call specia.l attention to a few oflhe leadi ng departments: p ) Stl!. funo,.;fug J. A. CODD ..d.girnt t-1 H «'°1 -....... 1- ·l. ' ". JtlcJ..augblln, JI. B., t OEN'flATE Oll' THF. H.OYAl .. IJO.T~LEG.Ill _; of Phvsicin.ns an1l rne!nber of the Hosra.l College of ·sur!!'eons, Jl;ilinlJureh. Ofll::e: MOU.ltIS' BLOCK, King-st., Bowma.nvHle. J. J<,11~1,!IHNG, DRESS GOODS, BLACK CASHMERES, CO LORED AN O llLACK LUSTRES, PRINTS IN GREAT QUANTITir·:s AND nEA U Tll~u r. STY I,l!:S, HOSlERY, CLOVES . . OORSE'rS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, LACES, IIAl\OY SHJln'INGS, SHEETLNGS, T ICKINGS, GREY .<.:<u WHITE COTTONS. ~ L... .J f:tj ~ · U lU. D.~ J.V.l GEO.XS, England; Licentiate Royal College of Physicians, J~dingu1·gl1 ; Coroner. &c. Residence-Corner of Sliver and '\Yellington 8ts., Surgery, Corn er Chlll·ch and Tcmperancl~ Streets. Dr ··t..~BEI'fll·, 1~KEY!1HJH O}" RllYAI, COLLEGE Oli' Sl'R Low prices have al ways been our rule, and will continue in force more deci<le<lly this year t han ever. For the sake of mcreasing the l:iusin ess we have decided to ask but small profits this season. · @"N. B.-Butter and eggs, etc., etc.; taken in · exchange, at higl: cst rates. Parties are rec1uested to call for butter tu bs. tJ> U I e--1 1 '1tc llolu1:111 I.i,'C·· aod St.0 1u:·ch 1:-utl cures fur public sch?ol pur_ jJoses a surµ eqi1al . t~ tl~ Le~isla tivo gr1.lnt fol' 18~0. To r ai se a. rat 1 ll~1: Qo nn ty purposes, and a specia.1 r o.Le t 1 m eet n portion of the iuteres~ upon tho de beoturcs \ltJe by tho Counties. · I rrhe \Va, rd en then~ addressed the .C.ounc~ , The aJdress~ Wa.s pub'iiahed in these cOium d~ two week fl ngo. Moved by l>Ir. Windatt; by James Barnum, --That the '\\~11rden's addre ee.irefei:red to the followinp; comnuttee, vi~ f\f c ssrs.-~Pnrr, B arnard, Ilrisben Elliot A facklin, and the .mover and seconder , wit ins~rucl.ions to report thereon. Carried. T he Council then adJorued until ibe seco~ded M l nexl ELLISON & CO., Eownu\.uville. April 1. 1880. wit;hout. medicine. day. 1 WEDNESDAY-A.1"IEBNOON 15.ICSSlON, HONES'l', EFFECTIVE & HATI.MLESS, a uLLoriLies. RADUA. 'L'E .· OF THE TORONTO UNIYER· G S ITY, O_ffice King Stroot, MOllRIS' BLOCK, Bo\vma nvilJ _e_ . __ J'b~·tdcian. Sur~con.&c. (Successors to the lattt Ii', Y. Cow le, Esq.) 8-tf. rhe committee nppointed to dran a . repl~ 'l'his t.reatmcntEis no t only endors('d by thou sands of people, both in ftlld other countries to tbe Vlarden 's address, reported a s fol hut is being en dorsed b y th e highest incdica DR.. .J, ,:, illl'l'CllElJL, ]\1 and 8urgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc, E~lBElt OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS 7+. ~101\ ~TGOJIEltY, SPRING Al~D SUMMER HA'I1S ! --o-- For sale at D. STOTT'S DRUG STORE, BOWMANVJLT.E, A dtll'c ~s Office and Rcsiilence. Enniskillen. .1. all orders : . ille. ...\.eent for t.he Bristol and \\rest of England Mortgage· a nd Investment Company. m' 'IOHO'N'l'O IJNIVEI\SITY, has recei ved the LARGEST srocK of }]'ult and Straw hats ever Hhown (-,HADUATE TLi.centiate of Royal College oC Phys icia ns, m this. county. In Silk Hats the latest and best s tyle .always }!jdinburgh. O_ffice and ltesid ence, '\Villi~msburgb , U:H·twn,;:ht. 7a. k ept. In B'elt (soft or hard,) the llrown Connaught is a D. l ll'llKE SiiHl"SON, heanty ; th e Metz is a charm ; the Rigmnltl (black or ARRISTEH, SOLICITOR; &c., llrnmus <lrnb) ; ]\:[ilton, Atlantic, and the Park cannot be beat. ) BLOCJ{', up stain;, J{ing Street, Bowman- lU. D. HOLMAN LIVER PAD 00.i nox 4!'1 , September 18, 1870. lh1w1u ;u1 T~ Ell\, 60 ) I. O ?1'1 oney loaned at the lowest rates.'i S'lA R.T & Sil~I'l'H, Ir1 ST R AW HATS nank, &c.' Money for investment n.t ~ll times, on most favorable ter1ns. Port llope, Ont . JtOBl~RT '\.RRI8'l'ERS AND ATTORNEYS A'l'·LAW, yon will find allJ>:incl s from ten cents up; and in style to suit young or JJ ·Solicitors in and Iusnrancv. Conold, b oys or girls, clergymen or laymen. ln Yeyanccrs Notaries, Solicitors for the Ontario A.ltJJOL"U., HOPE FOR CONSl'.TMPTIVES. see w-ha$:Phys .icians ahd .the Peeple · a.bout SCOTT'S EMtJIJ810N ·F , COD LIVER ·OIL AND HYPOPHOM· PHITES, IUi a re:n1edy .for Con1ump1:ton, Scrofula o.ud -wasting aJl'eciionl!I: NB.)' ·GENTS' 'FU-RI\fISI-IIN GS ! the best variet y of Rhi rts, Ties, and Coll.ars. R of l\ Licenses, Barrister anrt A.ttorney at Law and Solicitor in Cha.nccry. !\'.Coney oaned on Real Estate. Bo-w rnanvillc. Office on King ~ s treet, .JOllN l-l'-.BIG.llT, TWISTilAR, WEST DUrtllAM ISSUElt Octolwr 20, 1878, Messrs, SCOTT & Buo wxm : SO GOME ALONG AND tXAMINE MY STOGK.& PRICES. l\'.IA RH:T: !S MAVER. sion of Cod Liver Oil, etc. , in GEN'·- 1 ha\ c pr eEor~bed Sco ~ rs 7 1uy pni,cticc, :.i.nd EmuJ. B J Solicitor in Chancey, &c .. Port Hope ARRIS'rER AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, P. S.-Highest cash price paid lor Raw Furs. 330. it be<rn. ulle of its paLi.La. hl en e~s -anri. the goo d results !,ha t. follow it.K 11He. I lia ve fou nd it very serviceable in sc1 ·ofulous tli:iea scs and v nlmonai:y used it n1 n1y fami ly. T a.cnzrcat.!y pleased \vlth ----- - ......---Jolin 1'.eiih G<i raith, V') ARH.ISTER, A.1.'!£'0RNJ_iiY. SOJ~IcrroH, D N°<'ltary Public, &c. Oihce- Heed s Block, .over 'l'. Battings store, King Street, Do\\o-:man· 'ViHof'. Money to leud aftcct10 ns. Rcsp et;:tfn1ly yOurs. IHA 1\L LANG, :YI. D., ... - 279 East B roadway, :r. Y. --------.J . UIYGHA.JI, eJ;.t."lt> LOUTS \' I I. L i t<; , KY' .T::i.nun,ry 3. 1878 · G ENTLti:;M.h:N-For 1he fiftee n u1onths I h nso usad you r Cod J.fver Oil T~~mnlsion, bot h i n Loan o.n<l S11vi11gs Company, whiGh lends 1noncy on real p,staLe at lo w 1·ates. All bW:liuess confltintial. E'or particulars address .T. HCNGH.AM , '£ y1·one. . .A.GE::-.!'!' FOR tlE.VEB..A.L I N.SLHANCE first companies; also agent for Ontario h ospital and in pl'iYate fll'actiec~. an(1. have b0en g· vlr~aMed with its cffet.:Ls. It id lwtter borne:; and can be t.ukPH for a louger Lim e than ____________ __ l'filli1un Bar on, AD,i.~U P.~r1·nrn, r any ot hPt' p!·epa.rat-ion of Coa Linn· Oil Ju Con sumpt,ion and children 's disea ses I found i i, esp:Jcially valuable. · GENERAL . .JOHN A . OCTERLO:-IY, Scarr & BO"\YNE: Louis ·tillc City Hospital. M . D., \ Ti:J. Physician, :rtfG<isro;;. L ICENSF.D AUC'l'IONE~Il. Sales prmuptly attcntl<.:li.. EnniskiJJen. P. O. - - - --- - --- -----.. -- .--------- -·... T . l"JliLL l l.~ A PPRA!SEH AND i\ LOHD'S Bailiff, Newcastle, Ont, · UCT(ON1'ER, LAND· HAR.DW ARE STOCK IS I ICENSED AUG'l'IONEER for the County _, of Durham, Sales promptly attended. Address ·-IIam pton P.O. 59. '\l'. I.£C.l8, CE NSED tAUCTIONEER FOR; /.'L'HE I J 'l'1JWnsh iJJ of Cartwright. 'l'o wn.slup Clerk, Com. in B. H.: Jssuet· of:.\Iarriage Lwenses. J Very Cheap and Very· Complete. A LAHGE STOCK OF I have giycn your remedy of Co d Liver Oil &c. a fa ir t rial , and am glad that I can say I 1hh~ k it is 'l'JIE remedy for weak l ungs nnd bad coughs. .T cau highely rcconunend jt. \Vhen the doctoro 'had given me up, I commenced using l'O Ur mc · .1icine. and I am gainin g health an d strength very fast., u.nd thinl{. I sha.11 soon be ·well. Yours Truly, G. A. Ull!'l'.AO'l'. Galveston, Ind, Addrc!>s- -Cartwri~ht P. O.. MONEYTO LOAN invest nu~nt. on Farin .Property, fqr long or ~ hort terms 1.0 suit borrowers, :~t the iowcst ra.te of ..nterest. Apply to A CONSlDERABLl!1 SUM 011 prirnte fnnils lrn.s bequ plttced in l!IJ' 11andf:I for Spades, Shovel, to let you k now the ber-efit ha,·e derived from the use of y01n· 1l:muls:on. l hu.d a very b; cough for year R, anrl on co n~ ul tiugDr. J.E. G:>rb11ch of this cit y, - he in fonn ed 1ne tho.t m y left l itng \Va.s diseased, an d pr2se dbed 8 cott.'s ~-: m'r1 l Hion \.\' i l,h 1 fypophos1)hitr>s. A.fter tgkin~ two t uUles, I beµ:n Lo in1prove ve.ry rapidly, and con Li n11ed 11;iing it. I had taken t en bottles, and now ;un llS l1 f:allhy n nuu1 as t here is in the ciLy of Balt.imo1·e. ' Vhen I began using it.1 weiglwd lJ.5 p.Junds, I now weigh 189 pounds , YoorH, Oct. 3, 1879. SCO'l"l' & EO\YNJi: : I felt. it. my dut~' D. P . FARQUHAR, D. HU IUIB SIMPSON. '5ept~ J9th, 1879. _ _ ___ _ ·17·0~~ ~oHl!ol Genuemcu o:f iFasl1· ion, not so fast. I have \Yritten these few lin es And ~tll l have to s&y~l'lHLt you can find me "til1 at, .i' a1n not gone away. so aU iny kind old friends mn.y co1ne, And a ll the young ones, too, .Aud get their ga.rments nicely made~ In fashions that are ne""'; b-Vhore old and y o11ng, rlear friends, may meet. \. weloome e:reetini:r. bv R. PEA'l'lt: Hoes, Rakes, Barbed and Annealed Fence Wire. Just Arrived. PAINTS, :OILS, &c, AT SCUl"T & no1VNE : GENTS-1 thought I_ 1-vould wnto to you, as I saw a noti<;e npon your bottles of late upon its long conLinued use. This h11s proved true i n my en.Ht'. l was give n up to die-lust, Match "'ith co ns nmp1 ion; the best in cdical nid m ~~d e no use of any ti·eat1n ent. 1\1.r husband applied. for your Einulsion of Cod _ L1 Vcr Oil : he ha.o . bought. twenty-six bottles and it is restoring 1ne to heal1 h beyond t )lc c4pcctntlon s of hundreds cxl)CCting t.n hea r of n1y i:leath every d11y. I 3bould like t.o take it for a year, ·when, I think, I will be perfectly cured. YO'Jl'S -..vHh r espect. Mrs. ELDHJDGE. Fol· sale b y Druggists o.t $1.00 p er bottle. 98. OANAND.\TGU.~, Balt.imore, 1\-ld. Scp ten1ber15, 1877 lows ; The sper.ial co m Tuit~ee to who1n the \Var~ dcu'a addre ss wa,; referred, beg to report n.s foll ows :-"Vtrith regard to the fir st clit.11s0, your riommittec ·a.gree with the \Varden tha-t the· 1 \i·esent i s a. convenient tin10 at Whioh · to call the Council together. 2nd.-·- lu regard to equa1iziug the Rolls, yo ur commit tee .ate of opinion tha t tho sp eci al committee np~ poip ted for that pnrpoF;e will d jsohnrge its duti.c_ s c~1refully and in suc h a n1i:p1ue t· that nO injustice will be done to nny pnrt of these CO UllLies . 3rd. -Yo ur comn 1 iUee are pleased t o learn th at th o Au(~itors haVe discbargBJ tbGir duti(JS and tbnt the. finances l).re jn a h ealthy condition·; nlso that the l ow rate leviecl l astryear hns been sufficc nt to meet tho ex;:>euses O f las t year. 4th. -Your oornru: t tec are pl eased to know thaf, thfl 'l're,un1rer iii iu [!, position to m eet promptly the hnlf ye ttrly interest due in England on 1s t .July anJ with the '\Yar<l.en look foL"ward with no s1uall degree of pleasure tt;i the time when tiiG taxation necessary to mee~ this liability s ha.J l cea8e, aud tlrn last v eRtige of Our Muuj.__., / 111 cipal Loan Fund debt- shall· he wiped o,'.I~' 5tl1 ~' ln:t ··ve · heen g~V.@& of By~Jnws to levy r.ouuty ~pech.l and sch ool rates. Ylnu committee 1\ocl we presume tbO Conncil, will be tJhmsed to see the statement called for by resoluti_:>n No. 100, laid 0 1_ 1 tlie ttl.Lle, ·and be~ lle\'e tli ai t.he com1nittee en contingeucies will alteud to the tender for printing. 6th.You r oom1nittee are plet\sed to learn fl'Olll tho add J"ess that the comrnUtee appointed by resolution No. \JD , through thefr chairman, are preptireJ Lo l'~port , and a.lso that the cl:rnir man of the fGn.o l nnd RegiBtry Oflice committee: will be able .to reP ort this session th~ co1nplctio11 of the nec essary repA.irs to the nbo\:e institutions, ~uid tbat the Inspecto1·,Mr. Langmuir, is porfect11 Sfl.Hsfi ed with t4e imp rotremen~s made , and are plfm.:ed to leat"H fro::n the adt1reSs thn.t Joh11 G, ITagonunu hns cheel'iully rendered such va.l uahlo aid to the 'above con1roit tee. Lastly-Your co1nmittee aro ple:a.- ed to firul __tha.t the committee on Legisl ation liav9 faithfully u(lended to their duties u.u<l. that valuable ameudm ents Lave been made to tlle statutes rog l} 111ting sch ool matters, pedler s, licenses, e'tc. Your committee deen1 the ·\Yarden en.titled to the bt~6t tlia.nlrs of the Council for h is able address, aucl reCcnn1uend t haL..J t be printed wi th the i;niubtes of this session . f.VE NINO J er)ftt~thC' '--1 I ~ 0 sEssION. T ,ODG Council _ 1 niZ t, the \Va~deF iu the c1rnir. Uommunications werl r end, one frQm Mr ·. J . R. Barber, Snperintendeut of tho Cobourg, Petarhoro' nnd IYiarmor11 Railway, and' anot.110r from ·1':rr. H. CAloutt, proprietor of Ualcutt's -lio e of ston1nm·s, eittending an invitation to the Council to vfait thl' village of Hastiuga . On motion ~he invitation was aeoepteC!, a nd t11e clerk insLracted to not iry 'the above gentleman t o that offcot . The Goal 1111d B..egistry Office co1nmittce re~ ported that the contract for repairs ortlered n.t the goal had been satisfnctorily completed. 'l'he.Y reported the gaol require'.! sl.J~~gliag and other slight +epairs 1 f\ll~ recommended these to b ~ done. The by-1&-wa of wl!lch notice was given, were rNid a first Lime. .'rhe tJ~,nuoil then went intn~Uon1mittee o lloe Whole on Mr. Bedford's by:\iiw to dis penco with the t a.x 011 dogs witbiu tbC'se count i-es·, in troduced at lns.t Bession. 'Jhe· by.Jaw wa;:i lost on a division of-16 to 17, on a motion for se cond reading. Moved by Mr, Ridrlell, secon<lerl by Mr' Col vi lle, -Tbnt the !P~<!'surer's accou n t of 11 . t rl 0 · iditur"s fer tho "t.'t'.lar lG rccelp s nn ~;}~p .I " . " ending the 31s t Dccoruber, 1879, nn<l reported on by the audi t~: rs, lie now finally audited nud pa-o,,;ecl ; -and that the same, tcigetherwitll Ct)U tpe\V HO)\' :r I AJ1, ant.h t;, DENTISTRY. c. HARNDEN, L. D. S., OVFR ALEXANDER'S STORE. Grndoat'3 of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. 'O ';"; CM BOTT om :PRIC 'E S. Dowmanville, A pril 16tl1 , 1880. ~Lf. Ii ving'boIIlfl. change yon~ ' heavy inea.t._a allow. Men and consequeu cold weath er ti\ ane physique o ~ who in sntnmer. t~ eat he:l.rtily o_ two or three tin1eR, irlg a onpe dlni1y \ cous1·cviei.tly,_ Fish·, P"nl try· n.ncl t n1uch anit11al food · H14 .,·al i<l can use t? -~_:.1 \·;1 " .- - : o : - - 1nnc UOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. Wor1'- executed in ih e latest and most .J mproved style of the Dental .Art. , THt: Let ~·pi·1·1 t1 1r1n;i · Jiq·;or~ Notice the following .from among J?ARSONAOE,~~-~illft recen~ letters: I&~ , I~I~·1~~~~~~Ill ~ A II - 'began to feel its benefit and have no doubt from 'l'EEtit J;;X'rRAC'rED WITHOUT PAIN, by the use of Rib:ous Oxiile Gas , '\Yithout iujury o t he patient. SOUTH 0.A.LEDoN, A . ng. 25, i ;D~ well, uction I would thus fa not r th to-day at I shall take soon $UO b'C for ! perfectly it if J i~s could not get a not,l1cr.";- st iru1i!a ~e · fo r a few n~ syst c1n t.unst ?.:Ork- extr. them, a.G it a.l \Y ~·Y3 i:$ d \ Bathed iily, for tb c anj "Respectfully y o u r s , ( B Dear Sir,-I a n1 glad to report th::i.t the O·EO ....4... LE\VIS. Particular attentiou. piihl to the regulation of l\lagnet'icon obtained from you last l\Iay has ThGrea t .!.".i.OUS0 YT h 0 ld "" been of imn1ense servicc...,to me . After 'vea.1·ing . EXE'l'Eil 'Au11. 25 1870. IS .1.ue d'l c·me C III J,D REN'~ '!'~; 10' IL the urpliances thre~ days"-..t.hct·e \Vas 3 marked, ' n ' ranks amongst the leading l'.nen t, a1 .1d lll about 'ttW? OJ three \Yeeks r1ilt. 1'nos. b-1.A~OF, necessar1"es of L1"f'e. pr.ALLI WORK W.ARRANTED,~ imprOVC the pain i1ad qu ite ccused. Siuce t hat time I I ~· .. . ~ . h a.vo had n o of any n1om e nt.:'although m11 c h Dea.r S1r,-l 11:1forined you "son1 eJ time " P. ·if, tlie DLOOD and in the sadd le awl. exposed Lo tJ1e ·weather. J ,since of the benefit l had received from tJ1e use Ihese famou s 111B pur ~ . · ' the ab8tract sta..ter?ent ~nd school .ac cou~1ts, look upon 1.}tis ..:U,!C, as. re1uarka~ l e, h .'~g a. ye1·y :or the ".l\'~agne~icon" chest protcc:tor ·which )'OU ae.t n1ost.puwerfu lly, yet soothm;.1! on tlm )u b1ishecl with tbcmla.utes of tins session. severe case. of ::;01at1ca. of ovLr Lwo a""l\d.~ a half sent me from Englanil, and b.av~ng nov~· gn·en . · Liver Stontach f'i_ zdttP.'VS bo 1 ~ year s st.a.rnhng. !Icart1Jy rccouuncn iuir the lyour be lt a rhorough trial, also I an1 free and . ::.\'I%,'11Ctiuon, I am yours truly, pleased to {\ tl1a~ it ~as qui tp1·clic1· ert and D0"1-ELS iving tone, mierJ,."Y; a nd viµ;or Uurnecl. '· . .· . FRANCIS VlltlGLEY, me of _ the_ '"'eaJ..~ess a~l1: pain f~om 'v,hioh 1 had to 1,hese }{reat 1ff1N S PH.I NGS OF' LIF.m. 'l'h1~y Dy resolutio.o perm1s810u wns g1ve n to the ; ao long sutrered.1n 1!1Y rig ht side. \.\ hqe I have are conl1deu tly i·ecoUJ mended a:s a ne v e r faili ug. . Paetor South Calcdon Congl'e~atio nal Cb nrch. bepn th n!:l expenencn~g. the be ne . ~tofthen·gentle , d .. cnsos ..,..,·here th e 4 ~onHLiLr.iLiou fl.·on.< \ tow11R.h1p of Hruniltou . t o open a road 4';}. ~ b · · ·1 ' 1 h - - -- ~ret consta.nL, lltfl,gnetic currenll'.11n 1ny own ca.Be renie ~ in a11 ~ f] , 05 1 26 ' i: have been \\·ith tt.1 mo 8t eqnal interest watching. wh a t,e\~~1· ca1lS~ , 1 1as ec~rne 1 m,1.i';l·~'.·e.l.. or 'Y~a. <· feet wide thl'oug parte: o Ob~ ,.. anr in To1tor-.-ro, .L'\.u g . .20, 187D. the etrec!, of the a ppliauces upon a large number e~ed. _ l11_cy .o.1 e wond~1full.v Lf~c,1c1ous n1 all A 1lf oL h ei·s, persona.Uy known to myself, ,vho have ailme n t~ n1c1rlental Fcma.lcs o~ all a1 {es.,, ; ~n~l c·once ~~1on . 1\1( R. T nos, J . 1\1 ASON, been a n fl are using t hen1 ; the more so, becam1e as U. GENERAL J< Al\1.ILY l\IIEDICINE. aie l~ o v e li by l\ir. Co.rvcih, sec~ndcd by P..f:r. . . in every instance the "~fagneiieon" J1as a p1.1 em·~ un surpassed. l ·k 1 . t d Dea r S1r, - Son1rtl11ng o~·~i" a . ~:ea.r ag-o I ~d to be so perfectly adapted to~he_re°q tBn Ls Eagleson, - fli~.t thfl c ~t Je_ 1eques e to stra ined u1y b,ick Uy ti: hc'.t.'"r hfr, ,.,.·~ 11cll rci:sul~cd ofthc·c!'se, ~a s ~>c9n so _nat~1ra.l 1n its action a~1d t., furnh; h to this Coun cil at its December i n co. ngciJtion .or r.lle kulncys and . laid inc a.side Jon ve1ucnt nl 1ts.apphcation. ..:\uion~ t.he 1n_ - "' d' . b - - - T i ' O lt - -rr oin work. t:) i11ce that ti ~nc I hu,ve 8cnrcely ~tances thus noticed been t,hrce cases of session next, the Amo"J.Ut o1 oxpen lture Y known whut it. is to be out of pam. l used a.U util'\' OUS and c011stitut.ion l\l weakness ; t hree It.~ ScarchiJig a nd lle:·ll ng Pru lH~t·tics .;u.·'1 this Couueil in the fo llow ing ca 8es, for a.nd t. he st.< '-noiqrd med ical prep :Lrati o ns, a n·l nf."n rl.r ,:a.scs of wewk and atf~cted lungs; two cases of kn~nl,L tbrougbont the _ \ t'ot·Id. ever.~· t1 1ing th io;,t n.n y one tnld me w:is gnod, 1rnt neuralgia; two cases of bt'o nchitis ; two cases iror the cure of BAD LEGS. Bud BreustP, cl nring tll~ years 187G, 187 7, 1878 and 1879, could «ct iH1 prn n1li.ncnt relief, ttnd 'll,loughL iL ~)f swelling on tllc knee; fo\U' cases of l111ncd I 1· f ·' J f ·1 \\' as n~ u·. > ,e Lo tr\· n.nyr..hin~ rn1i1'P- · . T lh~n .cnn . hncks, ·rbemnatis1n. &e... \\' 1th ench of the perOld T-f/ozt1tds Sor~S ancf U!t.t1"S, n:i mely: Co~i::trnc ·1011 _o roau~ an< _ n H ge~ A . .N D ' in tlles e uuiteU. counties; th~ir repf!,1rs, p~~ 811 It ed annt.he :· elcctrica.r1 1n the c1l.y with t11e .c>ons th uS attlleter'l, I have hart a pers onu,l irtca of using 0 11 e cf hi3 bcl to ~ b11L 11nd1_ ng Llll' Y :u;quaintanco and in i:;J most every case has i t is infallible ren1rnly. If effec tually rubbed Qll ha d to be 6 aturu. ~cd '\\~ii..h v 1n e...u11· a.ud wi~ l ei.· bee n a dc~ided cure. l bave inuch plea sul'e in the nee!~ and c l1e sf, ~ as salt. into mc~t: i t Cure, peu scs ottcpj].an t., aupenuicndn.t;!C9 p,r comtth n\. f S befvre p u t,Lingth em on, which wo uld _ lie \Lhus bearing testi mon y to tho ·val ue of your son..ffi 'I .flRtJAT,D1uhther1a,Bronch1t.Is.Cougltss I . .; . also wh e;re spch ex.p e Hd i ~ ura has veiy unple aHft.nt a nd i11co_nvon imit, I'.:all l:'.d ui:og lapplianccs, a.1id a.n1 very. truly yours, Colds. and even ASTH:VIA. F or Glnndula1· llll S S~Oll, A'K'O UXA DU LTE R .'\.'IED euu u.nda~ yonl' b?lts re~un-.ed 1101wPp '1.ri:~t1on ano. , S J ;\.S A. T LIN"i Swellings, Abacease~ Piles Fistulas 1 beeu inndo. The nn n.1 bor of Snporior n.nd yreft. much 8 1 1 pcnoL· article 1ne \·t1l'YWay,~pro~·l11'· ' ' · .J .. ) r I Co unt.y Courts hld d b ·f d ad one at $6. In a few days aftt"r \\· earing i.t J .ll. 0 . l\.11n1stl:lr, OJtt, tl-CUJtla,.zsm, e ' an nurn er o gran 0 R I§~ ,i L fill @:ll'I"B' ~·: ----,-_ :o: And every kilid of SKI N v;SJJ;ASE, it Jws aud petit jurors s nmmo ue<l Lo A.ttend !'.Did J'!iEIHC l ~:Et, gu to never been known to fail, Cou rts i amount of paid them, Num!]_ ' he Pills and Ointmen1 H ,re l\fau uf!tcttn·ed . . . E th e agne ·1COll app lallCeS S0ll pOS only atC>33, OX~'Oltll 8THEJ01'. I.ONDO:\", and Ler of crnmnrrl prn<ecnt10us, xpen ses ese aro ::iofd.9Y-all ·v endors ?f J\If;!dic:i!IeH throughout , counties have beeu subjected to on account the 01Y1bzcd World; woth dn·eclrnns fo r 0180 in I .. . '\. . · n:ost every lanJ<nage. th ereof, and the munrcrpalrty that sent each .A. UHOIC.E ASSORTIIIENT OJ+' ADDF~ES ~ S, RarPurchaser sshoultl. look at-the Label on the onse or cases for t rial. The numb~r of re.. PERIIUMElW, TOOTH, NAIL AND P osts and Doxee. Tf U10 address is not 533, . . . h . pnStintatives sent hith er ft·om enc minor ::;treet, Londnn, !:hey are spLrious. HAIR BRUSH>;S '. 125 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO '£he 'l'rad e :vfarks of my said Mcdtcines are m"nio'pslity, and r.mounl of mileage received "'.: registered ln Ottawa, a.nd a lso at\Va~hingtou . b tb {) · d J U S T ! IREC E:T" VED .$pwmanvlile, Sept~ml>er 4, 1879 :?1-;}9, Aprll s, 2sso, 88-lf Y em. nme ' .J3t wmanv ille.lDec,l17, 18.7.9. THOS, Mn. J, MAsoK, J·t ~ I I ·' ' ' I . excreta p: s-:1G·J t hY'oll gh \ prof nm~ perspir:1 ti.;J1 ia ~\ the rer.s 1~1 ch'\nge nu\ stockings d ~ ily i.f p,Hs ibi e, ~\ ~·ci pollr th at you inust wash self. If yo11 have no o ilclvthi_vn th stickfl, ca.nes. or le.::s to raise t he _e dge~, w11l sul>s litute i a nd a b:1sin full . d !1. far more O'ood than no wat b a tlaM of Du not ,hurr.Y, ur_ilesa a n1.it1nt~ a is wortn t en nunutes late r in for it will have lo he patd for "'that r&tn. Ii'orswear P.Xci lemen, I ". I. , early to bE.d, for .s1c0p after sunriseworth much in ~11.-: h wea_ t her. T.J: Holloway's OintmeJ1. PUR. E DRUGS CHE1\1ICJ'i..LS 1 e, I · . drinks al~ ne l yol\ aro 1nore cornf~ while psr8 piri11g th an whoo perspi\ bas been ru dely chec ked . Do not i, 0-f exr:rei(.e, for y on <"1nn.v t be \, fortabl~ w ithont it ; bnt i i: )lcnt exe.i\ is n_eve:r; benelici:d. I\ l D"'r' all }h!\ :\"Otd n1 entnl worry, for t h i'> is the m\ ex t.ravagaut and de struct.i '.'C (·f 1111 dissi1\ tii.Jns. aJrn thoug ht wiil atli.t\ 11 <lw~ir·ab\\ ends n1C>re quickly than fretlin~ r:.t t.11 0 . high( st p r i;iasurc! . ~- -· ---'4111!!;~·- ·~ ==- n G R' J0H N HIGGINBOTHAM'S. l" t bY t " t· are Th M · dd . · t f · Or expre ss to any a ress on rece1p 0 price I Juhn O'B.ourk e, of tho no~t<'n B:J..::e ~ B all Clnb: attemptin g to n1ake a diilicu1t play in tho Troy-Boston ~ame, ran a gainst a. fence. I-Iis thro at is cu t five inches \ long, bllt not dangero tu~ly. Mt The roronto T ele9ra 1n ::id vises Sir J uh ;.i to re.tire in tirne_into the 1·e. pose afforded by the gtibornatorial ch1ir of ~faedonald THQS J · MASON, 1 Ontario, bec:iuso th e chrincl::\~ are ta.n tq one ag·ins t the tori·· eonyi~~ the next eleotivn ~ · ~ ·

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