CANADJAN STATES1"1A.N, BO\VM"\N Y1LJ_.E, li'IUDAY, JULY H, JH80. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. TO BE HEAD FASHIONABLE WEDDING \-c.oun IN THE FAMILY No NEADS'or;-~1b~STORE !]Pure DrugsG~~Dyei -Stu:ffsl WHERE YOU CAN GET THE D. STOTT'S DRUG STORE. 00 - ( ) ( ) 0 0 VERY BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY m all the Imes of good, kept by him for sale -;,uch as Nuti.,:e The last meeting of the Young Peoples Agg r mation 1n connection with the ll C Churcl prlor to the s m mer ;; aco. hon "ill be l eld tl s (Friday) even ng commcn01ng at 8 o clock It is expected the exercuses w ll be of 1u cxc:eed ingly mteresting chara.cte1 :rhe u en bc1 s a e all expected to be presoot d1a.lly invited lhe pubhc a r c cor Soaps, Perfumes, Tooth Washes, here I X>.B~OTT~ Hair Oils, Dyes, N B hose who l a' e coloung to do should give us a call a we have a lar~e aseortment of and Reno~vators, careful}). selected Dve Stuffs of lill colo1a "h1ch e sell cheap \\holesnle or rctnll I and Brushes, NEW [1880 Cosmet1ques, Sponges, and Chamois, ' JUSI AltRivED A I Pat ent Med1c1nes, Dyestuffs, Fly Poison, etc. Practlcnl l lu n1u;t n ul D1ugg1i'it :ronn If tll Blot Ii.. no·wmanTlll· ~ We keep constantly on hand a large stock of all the Popu· lar Patent Me<l1crnes of the <l 1} and e\ erj thmg nsnallj kept rn a iust cl ass Drng Store Every article is wa1ranted pnre and sold at lowest pnces. Another lot of that \ery cheap soap T1y it -'I - - - - ~- 5 :Z:::::LliES DRY - GOODS S 0 T D AT--- BATTING'S -lO WI hMe the largest stock of Soaps m town and >ery cheap @'"My stock of Perfumes m Bulk and m Bottle rn vet} complete and of the best Engh,h } rench and Amer1oan makes the quality of wlnch is unexcelled @'"See the Bil.II Room B oquet anJ Sweet I've ind Bve Bottles the tomest and sv.eetest m the mail et ~- Don t you fo1,;et the pl we- BE EXPRESS OFFICE BUILDING, King St East, Bowmanv1lle. B own1anv1lle Juh: b 1880 JY-C...A.RTIN"" E_ Ar N""E...P:~DS. 102 SPECIAL REDUCTION SAILE MASON'S CASH DELIVERY OF REAPERS. THE MART{ET SQUARE COVERED WITH !liAXWELL M \CHINES ST~DRE l alwtt.}I stock of staple and Assortment of Dress Goods at co;,t, of Hats and Caps at cost, of Parasols at cost, 900tolOOO a neogre.1 hy of Alpaca and Lmen Dusters at cost aoRO J tment of tl E I atent adJtrntable al I\ ays on hand ATHHTIC Sl SPE!'iDERS 9 00 to I.l:OO a m Algebra Ask to, ee 05 cs 10 ct _2 ct '0 ct 10 ct 60 ct om 10 ct our 10 ct Lmen Front Drns, Shu ts T men towellmg I ustie Dress Goods Table Damask Hegetta Slnrts Diess Lmens Corsets the' eI} best m _town) Kid Gloves w 01 th $1 1) Black and Cold , Brow n Hollands not smpassed m It is with no small gratiflcation that we contemplate the success \Vhich crowned our efforts in Buying and Selling during the seas0njust past thr.__ ugh; and it is pleasing to knO'\V that the patronage accorded us was never so liberal as it is to-day. We have been bestirring ourselves, and are in an u excellent po~it1on for meeting the increasing demands of our customers) whose approbation and good will w a intend to retain. We are determined to en·oy the H I GHEST HONORS, to keep the Lead, and to take the F'IRST PREMIUM for serving and pleasing· the PUBLIC. WE SHALL lllJ Prices ~ TER.l.US CA.SJEI. S. MASON & SON. 102 LOOKr IN AND YOU WILL ~f FARMERS Will find a complete stock of such M t1cles as am commonly kept i01 1 L sale ma genmal ,;1llc1y stoic a t Ladies' Attention. THE STATESMAN WOULD LIKE TO SEE -An abundant harvest -Farmers lookwg cheerful -A hose t< wer bmlt tor $250 - Bownuinv1lle free of loafers - A volunteklrctha.t don t Bl\ car -Ten days of tine ha) weather - The Ree\e on a hon1e stretch D. I BEI~rH'S, will be sold at low est caHh founeily McCLUNG BROS all of IT I that Goons that the R rnouN"s ahead , offered a1e hut the FoRJrnuN )I ERS of others yet to come. that our storn is a TREASUI Y OF Cirn~rGoons SPRINc. 8 L M11rn1 MISS McTAYISII wlnch J b~gs to announoe to the la.<l1ee of Bowman ' lie and ucm1ty that she has u1 ened out I a ~enorol assortment of prices Remembere ~ l I J and t1y And now for the LIVELIEST our I SEASON 111 Seven Yea rs. We have Fmc Giccn Black we re the n Lock wishes to -The TT D N t"IJ the truth Dr Alhson on the street again i few town roughs salted down - \big crowd m town on Tuesday -rhat ht!le bill settled this month -Fewer babJ carriages on the street - \ prettier town than Bowmanv1lle -Pooplo m1Qd1ng their own -Our 8 hool Compend111m once more -~o buncon1be at the Co11nc1l Board -The stones picked off the Front Road -Merchants close their shops at 7 sharp -The tnan who borrowed our umbrella -The P rt Hope daihc~ more regularly _ Tess expense 111 the 'Fire Departn1ent -Ernrybody pay their snb 0 ~ript10n for 1880 - A crossmg opposite the Uomm10n Bank - ~ll t he la\\yets rn town on friendly term1 PUBLIC NOTICE. west of M Butcher W c sell a splenchd 1 ea COFFEE GROUND TO ORDER. BRIGHT SUGARS of tho finest brands --1~ TIIE-- BOOT and SHOE and now s the tin1c for all who Y1ant -The st reet lamps l1gh!ed on Sunday The I:lorhcnltural Soc1etl s Exhibition mghts will be held m the Drill Shed, Newcastle -More wo1k and leas talk at the Scliuul )n Friday July 16th Doois open from Adm1ss10n 2 to t> and from 7 to 9 p m Uoard Entrws -The D1oram1c shown1an for five 10 cents children half prwe m 18! be made to Mr T L Strowger, m1nutci:i; Secretary, on or before the 15th n1st For - The milk nan that sells p ie uulk further parti ~ula+s see bills apd prize than Cotton lists -A large attendance at Mr Mcll1·ntry s on tho 16th mst l"IRONE -Strawberries auld by the of the e~l'.:"s by the pound - f l e school teauhero m the dish ict put m a happy 10cat10n GOOD BOO TS & SHOES ---·--- JE'l ,lo;\J.:; °lllUl~ l l l:' A8F. ~OF 111!. hTN<~ STREJLT LADIES! :rv.!:0~--:EY T O X...C>A.JST A L LEN &, CHRIS1IE EX l DOOi \\ E I Ol! Lr! I & MABIY1' S Castor ne is guaranteed fl ee ol l gum which ha.s provca so dc:.tructive to mach ner v Duy your Wec\(1lng - - -- nng at ll UC:HA:N' s · ,