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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1880, p. 4

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CAN~'\DIAN STATESMAN, rl01VMANVILLE, FRIDAY, ALIG U1'.d' 13 l H'O. ---~ -:¢' CDAJ'\GE lf:-n lllg CROWD OUT THE ' DIME NOVEL' boui,{11t out tho · · !\. Harn es s Business The PAIN-KILL.ER Is recommended by Physicia»s, Jfoiwtors, M.sswnaries, .Managers of Factories, Work shops, Plantationsr llurses in Hospitals,-in short, everybody r:verywhere who has ever given 1t a trial. TAKEN INTERNALLY, 1\ enres Dysentery, Cholera, Diarrhcoa, Cramp ond Pain u1 the Stomach, Bowel Conrpla1nt, P:nnter's Colic. I..i.ver Complaint, Dyspepsia or Ind1gestion, Su<l.dcn C.Olds, Sore Throa.t, Coughs, &c US Ji'T> R.X.rERNALT ·y , it cn1 r-s Boils, Felons, Cuts, Brmscs, Burns, Scalds, Olli Sore3 and 81Jia1ns, Si\P-ll ngs of the Joints, Toothache, Pam in the Face, Neural.. gia. and Rhcumatisn~ Chap11cd Ha.nds. Frost-bitten Feet, &c. U\ D HE H'Y lllARl\ ESS, COLLAW3 WHI PS, 'IltUNl{S, VA r__.1SES , &~ S 1.fCHELS CUH.H.Y co:;w. s l3H.U SJ{J\R I ;\'UKE .I. Sl'ECIAL1 Y OW COLLARS S\l'ISFACTION GUARA.N'fK.l:!:D The I'AIN -RILLER is put up m 2 oz and 5 oz bottles, retailing at ~5 and &O cents respcct1vely,-large bottles are therefore chea.pest. --o-- PERRY DA VIS & SON & LAWRENCE, PROPRIETORS, Ho.&SEY 's I3LouK 1880 MONTREAL AND PROVIDENCE, R I. 100 l y .A.11 kinds of Repaning done d,s usual NEW 20 60 18 ~989 HOUSE! - --o -- Sun11ner Goods! I now nn i>-e specia l att;;1ti.on to my new stock CARRI...~G-E PAINTING. Ont Pt11ntshop IS under the 1nanagen1ent of 1'11 Tl1 on1as Bu11t).,., \Yhose \\Olk "11! comparn favmably with thnl of the bLst citypamtc1s Parntn.l'o 111 ing m1d Va1111slnng done .1t lowest puces T1eat your cauiages to a Tummed Bonnets and Hats, F eath- coat of pwnt, n . · 'lhe SubMcnber has now 1ece1ved a large and well ass<Hted ero, Flowers Silks, Oinaments, etc nepv1i. fo1 the M:as,cy Manufactuung Cornpany'K l'lfachrnAs constantly stock, smtable for the present and commg ~easun. W(JOL, 1011.hand MILLINERY ANO FANCY GOODS. nnd o.rc conun J llL at BERLIN I s1,676 Dalance to credit $687 EAf'lI UREED BESJ SCl'l'ED BY PARTICULAR SOIL !\ND CLI~fA1:W Still further Tho fa.ct of Enropo be1n:-{ mapped out very denrJy in a l t1tucJea: and geugra.ph1ca.l areas by those breeds of sheep th .t ha\e, as lt were, or th en1 sP-lves rn ade t11c su1vey fot then· own sp001a l wants, should o" a lesson to ns n chootl ng 1ocal 1ty fur "hat is known to Blnt lhetn be8t there is no 1r11stak1ng tho a ctn LI ca~h value of H·1s point, and 1t 11:1 one w1th wlueh too few of out' leading rnen aro con versant ] f a farn1 consists of soute\\ ha' heavy soil fr Jm [tllnv1al Jeoos1t npDn the fl.a.ts of our province,and IB sih1~ta d at less th<t.n 200 feet above .sea or large lake lt:i' 1 1, it would be, at, uunatnra.l to expect the be~t 1eaulLs from tho introd11ct1on of the Southdown, bllt on th e other ln1.1 d, where a hghler char \Cler of soil p1eva1ls practical ~ncstwn How many cnltivated acres arc 1epmed to produce enongf, uu.ntam this !luck' Tl.e cise '" really one of ordt>HlfJ mixed fur.ruing and not nccessnrih one of oheep because to try th 11 1uab rng of peuna.u11ut purchae ing a.JI the e::ttra food, ascert:nn what auy co1n n1nn f:nmet tn aJ do w1luout n1uuh oi any oubnJe help, the cnltn .\t10i. not to overluok the "ants C a1 pets- .T Ute, U mon ,iud A 11 "' Ou l of the honseh J]d In planning tlua t 1\ o seasons must be covered, as we carry on Colou1ed and BJ,wk Gros Giain Silk our lan1bs up to shead 1ugs upon the pre v1ou a year's cropa, o. nd ha\·1ngthercforo to haudle all thes~ crops. part of wlnch ruust fable Li nenR and Dama:> ks be g1ven to tho ewe a that arc gctt1n1J. anolhe1 batcn of lambs read 0 , hw1llmakeour Large Lot of TweedR balauee rd1oet ,)earer lf we accuunt for the t \\ o 's crops 1n place of tHght een n1ont lu1 Basing upon the average of pro Black and Colored Cashmeres duce of the uro' iu ce, 1t w1U be found t h ~t we m1rnt cultivate 26 acres (lf peaq, 2 of Wlute, Scar]Pt ,rnd G1ey Flannel b,iJl e), 7 of root"', 2li nf h:'l.y, 52 of paatu1e and 6 of green foflder-n1 all, 119 acresFancy Flannels anrl Shirtrngl:' an immense the e:xtra pea8 being exchanged for btan \V el l inau :1.ged pastu1es, \'i 1th the help of Trunmrngs, a very full stock. bu sh or otht:i: outside runs, will rna1nta1n 3 sheep per acre for tho &easc,n Leave tlu· mean!Ime, and note tho ' ery '"I Though good s have adv<1nced awl still coutinue to advance Bia1ds, Flo,,.,, C'anva.,, Hair B1a1ds I in pnce, ow mg to lus havmg bought lnrgelv Ill ant1c1pat1011 and Switches, all of winch I mtend I to sell cheap · l ie Wt I[ Oi 11 I" t Jd · o t' a nse, er tnany ineo a o p11ces, an d Jiavrng MRS A S. ANDERHON, determined to rnlnce lu'l enormously !urge stoek, he will sell Kmg St., Bo" manv1lle nrnny at le<s than old ldtes thus offo1ina i11ducement to those · .. ' b P S -IIats n1ndo o~cr in the NeweBI who wish to make font doll al S do the work of five. Styles ~OR.R.IS, HIL L~'S A.11 the ne>-1 est and nobb1 cst style,, i n Bo,~ n1 u 11\1lk\ 1Vf"'J 1R, 1S&t Proprietor. 953m &,adics', Gents' & Chiihilt'cH'~ D1·y ~,; GOii,., JOHN McMURTRY, K eeps constantly 011 h~ind Suits Made t o Order! GOOD Fl'IS t SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO u1rnanls Bowmanvll e Apnl lst. 1880 a good stock of " " 25c 15c " " I-louse G RC) CE I lI JES, PROVISIONS Crockery and Glassware, BURK&"JONES. \ Canned Good~ TobacSTRAW CO ODS in the latest fashiou5, v.1ll be sold nt lmrn cos, Soaps, &c, &c. <)FF ICE than 1t cost to n1al1 e thmn 0 Bank~ng No. 1 Te1npera11ce St., IlO~M.AJS ,\1] kmds of farm produce taken m exchange ' l~ ' Bow1uauv1llo. Octobur 1878. lO-tf IWe are great Oil the 20c " VILLE. vnriety, Hosiery, · on personal aud colLite1al sccuui,) ADVANCES llifADE M c C L E: L L A N & C 0., DEALEH-S IN "" dun't orde1 your shtrLs fro 1 n Tu1onto B11nuu1:ira, spend :yonr 01011ey in y o1.r own town, that will l: H lp to rnak e ci:;s1l snnir THAD.~ . 'nore plenhfnl CALL A ND SEl· PS we can cure vou of go1n_g to the c1L1t>s l-0 spend you1 ; lrplus cash Yours respectfully, rIN lL :UALANUE S:HE"Er ' G% inte1c"t paid on deposits oi and upwaHb. COAL, W 0 0 D, LUMBER, Shingles, Lath, Posts, & Square Timber; SOLE A(,ENTS FOR s. F. GO t1 pon any of our lnuestvne founat1ons at an elev-a.t1011 over 700 feet, then t heSouthdown nl:tJ be expeoted to n1a1nt1t l.1 its pecuh&r1t.u:1s, the very aspect, c0lo1 and stnell of tho soil h aa to do with annnal aucce~s Su then we s,1.y tu ths gonera.1 fn.rmcr chorn~e the breed tnntable to yonr placPs: and to the sprcu1 f eeder, chi o«e the place fltntable to you· pA.rt1oul<>.r ob Ject as all the ohs.ncos will be 111 favor of [1 \."\i~ e Cal'h credit for two season:-i $0,SiJJ ha\e tnen b4.31 per annum fro1n an lar,g~r profits ong1nal investn1ent of 8800, which cerUnn \\"e arc prcparcU p 01nptl y lo ~11 orders in tbo abo' e lines, and to deliver articles in all pa.rta ly ts l granct outcornC', lf true lts trnth of the town The l11ghcstpr1ce paid fo1 Li mber,""' ood,etc, We buy f()l CASH, and sell for CA.SD. tnay be q1H·st1oned by the regular account« OJhce a n l Y !::-d-Corner ut King and George Streets ant, \o,;ho argues that we 1nust deb1tevt.ry· DRAFTS ISSUED tlung tccl and nll la bor employed, whether .1:1\fERICAN GHR 1"NRAf KS AND E X CHANGE BOUGHT. NOTESANJJACCOUNTS If any on" do ubt" t his asse1tion, give him a call and examon a.11 Branches of the ONJAh.IO BANK, the hands of the f :i.. tmer 111rnaelf, lns son To ar; 1\foC1w.1 L\N, l COLLECTED. McCLELLAN & CO. or the hued n"'an There can be no ob rne his guo <ls aiid all doubts will vamsh. .Also Drafts bought and sold on Ne w xo1k '\YUJl<\M C.ANN I 11;0chon to th 1 s, if on the other hand, tho Bff\\J1 1~n'1lle, Annl 17, fo7 and London, Eng 8 Special !mes in l\'li~ses' Prunella, Congress and children'P BANK STOCKS. actual p1l~<.:ent and future V<llue of the n1a1n1re c.:'\n be ascertained. l ha'> e en fine Balmorals sold at half pnce. BONDS, n.nd deavorcd, in the repo1ts of t111s fann to .illowed on Dcpos1t.s DEBENTURES, Ol:WBlU,D WOH.K IN FlNE GOODS A SPEOlALTY. slio\V this 111 1ega1d to cattle, but thero ts not only the l:reatest ddliuult.} of el'ltuua.t lt~ i~nu·1ug l'l on 11 1n~ uul ne.ttly tlon(', 'I be on!~ place in town '\\hero cemonted patches t and MORTGAGES NOTES and ACCOUNTS COLLECTED tng <inantity fro1n sheep, bnt to a.llow for <au he put on eo as to gt ve sa.trnf~~ct1on I the greal(;n provortiona.te < heunual val11e His M ot·o is small profit~, and quick retumR, an cl his terms B 0 U G II T AND of their dropp. . ngs "' c a-10 not, IlOW-:1 day s, to be I eld to so n1uch por load He MADE. who ch1:.1cl,s In s p1 by sc1eut1tic he lv Bowmanv:iUe, li'eb 12 1879 shows t11 at \\ ith the facts of sod fuo d, and th at plants requi r e so inu ch of tlH·m to Orono li'cb 18 1830 produce certain 1es111ts and 1..:e1t.nn cond1 t1011s \'re nHt st respond tv therr teach DONNELL;"Y~ 1ngs, an(l ti..ll 1i", 1a. ue accord1naly for nny Ju rin of nad1 1d~ wl.1 h are kHO\lll to Has Just r ec01\ cd a large stock of vossess s) iuuch uf t1Je propertl~ a tha.t ~o FRENCH .AND AMERIC.AN ---- '~---to su ~oils and build up crop8 also of kno wn \a!ne ILLIJ>~E \Ve Me rn 1<ce11'l ol l,LJ~c lnpmcuts of goods, to ie1lcnish for the comIn Bith J1 thnK .-. fetv hgure~ upon tlus au bJ e' t I vrefer the plain rule arrn: ed at mg ~Pao<m, tl10 va1,ot1> branches o[ 0111 inc1enslng trade, 111 which\ ve feel and is 1:io1mcl to sell the111 al p1JL~es Ll1 a l lrn. 1 on all b1 an ch es of Bank of l'IIontieal m Canada, New York and Lond on , England --oOo- Private and Bmldmg Society Funds F .. BOlA.L.AN"D loaned on rnal estate at ba~ JU St opened up 1he largest, best assorted, and cheapest best rates stock of Boots and :-\hoes 1l1 Hownianvd le. & DRAFTS ISSUED Do~ mall' ille April lo 1880. Doors, Sash, Blinds, Pickets, Mouldings, &c. MONEY LOANED. NOTES DISGOUN1 ED. I For Cheapness and Quality, go to .&R.E C~SH I ~N~ESl'MENTD REMEJ:,JIBER THE STAND- NEADS' NEW BLOCK, next door east of Lee & Edsall's Hard· ware Store. 01., .. MRS. 1 W. E, PETHICK'S BARBER SHOF 1V1 RY fro1n 1 ei;en'L co lcluston~ here and e1se where 111 c ~ttle feechog, that tlie 'alue of th e n1!)nn1 ~ du1 1ng the feeding process 1s confident no uthe1 house m t owJL c.ut ar, p1oach us m qnahty or puces Come al1Ll see Iu1 J ou1 ,elv es ' All om cnstomern me delighted. ne1 er been offered in the town-Of Bo\\ llla ll \ ille l he stoclr cnnnot be ~u 11H1.ssed i n equal to half the value of the fim she<l anima l ". if \NA<lING A J!LOCK Ol i...hOSS·BJ.MEDS. (), UALITY AND CilEA P'NESS . Ca.11 o.nd sec fo ybnrsch P."'. J, )'.(. PBRITITACOilJI.BE,I lt lq ~ 1t ~ 11 i~l r1s:r, 1rC then, on the ] s~ of Oct iut r, fleck nf 100 common Canadian ewe8roo1nv, wc 1l woo lJed, heal thy arnd 11 ~ ne , ver 1 'nee shear - that co~t 'tt7 each, to these we put two pure b1eed ,sheirhng 8111t lt wri IRmi'.\ th it cost $50, ewes get J'"~:'.-!S. only, th e rams soine mc1l \: y s pecuil a1t,\n ge n1ent , ull are how~ e<l for tne y; 111tcr, on 1st No\etnber, lll two la1ge wi;,ll \en11 1 at.ed sheds, with open conrts nt t a.che1J a nd that are free of access at ad tune>\ food, 11p to first of li'obruary, con s1at~ ( t hf),y, pea sttaw, turnips, pea mo·,J , ~ncl bran, wlth plenty of water aud salt , February should gr~e more inangolds thfln t11rrups 1 so as to eucoorage 1n1lk J la.n1b111g b~.;i ns 1n an r..<lJ01n111g co rnpatt 1n1:"111t on thr· ll'.lt of 1\f:H<l,, and now prlC ttoal l< J11Wledge guides 50 per cen t of the \\hole underta.long. S ,1ne deaths ot ewe8 and la1nbs will occur, whatever the na.ttu ~ of the m;:ina!_,em ent 1 t 1s pre:nuncd you know the tac b of every owe, that yon are well up ill the u1d1cat1ons of " tHne "and lantbtng, that you have the contn\on sense \Ve hr. p therefore we ohbun a h an ds ome r et urn, e\e 1 allowing still f11rtl1 er for t 11e valae of the vast ure. It wou ld oceuµ y too much of your space to go rnure into thrn q n est1011 of 1n1J tton prodnct1on but snr(' lY snoh facts ought to unp1 ess themsehes aud bring about a speedy changt"'.-Yours faithfully, W B.Ro\\ N ligr1cultu ral Oollege, Guelph Jn any foun, 1g P u1]01 hr s t loot oilUtudoch Uzor,' C:roceiJ Sto1e K1n5 Street I-3ow1nu.n\1 lc 1 .tarsend 50c by nloll and 111 ctu1 e ~ou will rece.n e a bottle July ZJ 1879 02 1lV~st u.t lus Sh av i <.'ffe1 s pec1a.I ha1ga1ns, ]J,.1v1ng bought la.1gely ~/ELVJ~TS, F'H,INGES, pricos- arnl aie n ow offermu Tea fully 20 swr1mms, ., · .,.,,, · · · ·1<v~11~1.·,; ""'"" to 2) per cent lmR than then p1cscn t market ~alue. BHAIDS, - - - - - - - - --~ I Gtecn allll Black Teas .1 0 cts per It , fulh \\ oi th G5 cts Omen and HAm ORN.HtliN1S, J _A--W- Black Te,is 70 cents, woreh to-dav DO els~ an ex:ecllcnt bevernge One LADIES' I. \CE OAT'FS, I. \CES OF ALI, K JNDS, ' to.11 will sP~111 c vour hie long pat1ota,;-c Om Japan Teas are unexVEU.INGS, AGEN 1 1 Ut: I · celled m flavo1 and stren"th f(· r a·. 1 ·l'!"r;') ~ 111 ous ox.Ide t:u~ ).clutdn , 1 re ~1 o 1"r"'""'· .N IUtLYl\"\ lNTl"\l \ 1-.-i;:-.:1TltlfN(jj ) -.- Ibe(o1c the recent advance rn J Dnt1e1 Ln1s hc(ul ~ T-c;; A S ...J::!.J-l::.' rriEAS ~ - MllA,INERY, s1sts of 'I h e stoek con SlLhS, \VC can R SH [ 1880 NEW SUMMER L188o DRY · JUST .Al<lt!V]'l_J) AT GOODS S0 L D A 1- - - sult me etthe1 pet'SOI : t.l l} or b} lctte1 befo1e mdcrmg ;vrachrncs · A gent for tbe l,:1.11de1l nanl<mg & Loaning l J\'lassey Manul"g Cur; lteapcrs ."10\\ er.;, and 1 Rakes, l\fasr:on 1\i.t.11 ufucl1 u1 ng- Cos Supm ior ~ 1n5le 1 a.nd comh111 t'! d seed n n11~ 'Iolton B1os' Pt::.1 )fa r \ eFte1 j ..:'UL ::.VIACI:TINl!~S \'i \HP \N Ll! D l'a1rner 0 1nll finrltt I n tl1w rntereot to con IIf c O.ii.088 _pp I D ° FRILT,JNOS, 8 c , &c H ~I S ) Sugars, Fruits, Etc. F1111ts of all lnnd, at exceedmgly low puces TIES, CO~fl:!S, 'I LAIJ1E8 A)lD GEt:H S Ql , ~~A N1"D ! vou want a choice cup of Coffee ' tlus is the IJlace to gl't it Suovarn of all uiades at lowest p11ces b .A.ND HE 811.A. Pli.:D DowroaD\tlle, Apnl 8th, JSl;SO 61 ' 9 lf Pumps! Pumps! Ilaving comn1cnccd to n1ann factn1c NO RlSK. 1 humo.:/ li,cle li lr: Otl ' J iVrn th 7..1en ds fj; ughl 1 i 1'unr~ Uoi.d Dn tlnng of it" lf not, 1:t i., knoll any time yon did. 1111n BATTING'S - --10 B E Co Ham11tou 1 HEPAIHS for all 1nacl n11e~ sold , kept at l\.lr 1 J l\.l orns Co.rnage Shop ! I w1ll be 1n BowrnauHlle e-.; ery Saturda:-; Orrlers by Mail promptJy 11ttm dPd Lo H T SHHV 1': o. Rox eceniber IU 1819 to let well alone \Vhen well is being done, and yet the ::.1.ull to know what to do when Be 1 eg llated by the weather a~ 1eg~rds confinameut of mothe1 and lamb, a 1d by the strength and d1spo s1hon of the former as legard.s 1nd1vidaal crib conlineo1ent for a few daya to give the la.tter a etiltt. Continue previous d1et, "ith n1ore n1angolds, and iJcld son1c bo1led bailey. Shortell t.tds ind ca~t1 atP. when a.bout twelve days old , \\ heu three weeks. old let lambs hftvc a place where they uan get their own ahare of e verything, remember we are looking to force earJy maturity, and muat not le[!,ve all to the nnlk tn such a climate aa j}fatch n.ncl April G1\e early f1eedou1 to open air son , 0f Kunda, N Y, \'rites -"One on fine days, but do not put to gt ass too ornail bottle of your EcLELIHH 01r, res early·, ,so that the search for a. living runs tored tha. vol(~ \vh cne the per.son had not awa.y with the previous ma.nage1nent spoken d,bove a wlusps:a: in lfJVE YE.A:fi.f; " Change change when on pasture, as Rev, J Mallory, of Wyommg, N . Y,, we must not forgot that ·t rn vancty of wr1tes "Your ECLECrRIC OrL cured me grasses l\:B need in Ontario rnora than the of Bronclnha Ill uae "eek," It 1s composed of Srx OF rHm Br~s'l <{Uant1ty of one thin ( J\:e~p your ElYP. ou scours and foot sore, aufl do DOt gJ udge OILS lH \.'I \Rlll KNOVtN lt rn as go0d for some meal to lambs Cull and dispose int~rnal aa for external 11se, and 1t is besome of yonl" 1vether lambs, should thJ lie' ed to be 1mmensnrably snper1or to any market tempt about the end of May, and t hin g evAr Will sa\e you n1n~h \\·en.n about the 1st ,July Dip lam bs u1 sufieung a.n.d m~ny dollars of expense BE W.A.Rt Otll hnTATl ONS -A!'!k for D1 some cleansing preparation so a.s tv clean wool and ak1ni remove or p1evt!nt \erm1n, Tboina.s 11.clectnc Oil, See that the s1ga,'ld give everytluna a. healthy to11e Put oaturA cJf B N Thmnas is on tho 1'rapper, ewes to poor pasture for a week, a.nd +he a.nC: the nan1es of Northop '~ T.yma.n a re lambs upon the btIBt cJovel" runs, "\\1th a blown in the bottl{', and Take 'H tJ oihe1 P n cc 25 srnell of meal aa befoI"e , should pastur e Sulc! by all mcd1c111e dealc1 s g"'t bare, treat t0 a run 1n the orch" 1d, or oent· NORTHOP & LYM AN, ToroHLo, to a ~ut flo1u any of the g;rcen fodders Ont , Proprietors fot the Dom1n1on Nor.E -Ecled1u:.- S3lccted nnd E'ecvon should ha\·e for 'soihng 1 bulls, ca.lyts J 01 e-o w-2U1 a.rid horses Never stint., n e\: et ,1llo w to tr1zed. go back , an eR.rly fall of snow w1J1 do 1n(>re ha111 1 lf foggage be gov<l, but 1t u1 c~r!;Jt1n that late housing inen1111 ] 0 per cettt less progress ...dur1ng winter Feed c1nr1ng the second winter auu1la.1 tn the first, but in la1 ge1 quantities proportionate to age, and clip about nuddlo of .April Of course the most careful 1nust be p1tipa.ted for <le~ths ~ any time, but on an average it n1a.) be taken as a safe figure tha.t we hava n ow brought thrrugh J ~ lambs per ewe that will weigh on 1st llfay JIOt less than 180 lbs. each as shearlmgs help is needed Pain cannot stay where it 13 usecl It rn the cheapest n1edic1ne ever m tde. One dose cures 8ou.E rHROA'l'. One bottle has Fifty cents' worth cu1ed nn.0~0Arr1s has cured an OJ D SrANDIN<r Couarr One or tw o bottles cures bad cases of l'ILES 01 K1r>:NEY TROL .BLBrs. Six to 8 au phcat1ous cure ANY CASF. OFEXCORlAf"FlD NIPPLES or ll"l: LAMED BR EAST One bottle has cured L HIB BACK of eight yccrs standing D,n11el Plank, of Brookticlr1, "I "ent 30 r,.oga Cinutty, .P(~, ~ays nnl e& for a bottle of your Od, wh1ch af fected a WoNDEUFUL CURE OF A 01toOJ{ED LIMB, by six a.ppli cations "--1\nother who has had Asthma for jears, says -"!have half a bottle left. and $100 wonld not buy it if I couJ<l get no n1ore "-Rufus Robin- '°" mnvn~"'"me. '. :U' In thi s branch of tmcle, we defy competition. Fall and l b t l G l' Fl B k ] ,2-1 - l=>RO~VISIONS. WOODEN PUMPS in Fullel a Old JJui.ldi.a J OPPOSITE TRELEV.RNS SIIOE SIOHh:, I au1 xepa1eU to t urn ollt ~ I lVEVV' ,HARNESS SHOP ' ·r1101n!i~ nu1u.PHn~Y,~ \1 SOAP -Om ho1 STJr'fDRIES. y and Amber bm Soap thiows all others THE Collar M~~'i:;· ~":,,,,~, 1 ~~: started busmcs I Sp1mg wheat L 'ou1,- es J1ancl8 w" patent our uc-wrnat Flour. Cracked (clKST Cl,ASS Pll 1n F'S. Pumps repaired on short notice Wheat, 0 1ah am Flour, Cornmeal_ I sball still continue the bns111esa of Ca1pcntc1 Fish of <Lll krncls Oatmeal a specialty and Contiact.oT" "'\. shaie uf patt ooage sohc1tAd W. C TYLEH Bowman\ tllc, Jan 7 1880 ~ fi I I I I Boot Shoe 8 tOre , 1 m the ;:hade - The ];Ject1ve Soap rs nowh e1 e compa1 ed to rt. HaHng wo,;red with M1 M Poiter for twenty / BRU SB ES -Sci ub,Stme,ILiir,Cloths,Boot Brooms,Pmls,ancl\Vashtubs. I five' ears and 1ateily fol tv;o yeaI S \\ 1 th ].Ir SAL'I' ~ Tn Bctl 1elR and Sac1<s Fine L1Ye11)00l Sn.1 tK Ill baas Vlei rrh1n l ~. I1:fason snpe , the Colla1 Depart ~ 'l ' , l ' o' b g rnento' L<0busmess 1rebpednct y 06 ns, li2 bs,, 224 lbs, to smt th e convemence of the purcb asei,- speC1,1lly 1mpo1tcd fo1 dany use H e rn prepare d t o ma k -e a co 11 a1 I , t cl fl d COAL OIL u 1 I 11 e Le"t <]lMhty Om Headlight is w01 thy of a tual and warran e sa e an easy. · bound to gne satisfaction 0 1 GRAYS' SPECIFIC MEDICINE. I 1 ' FOlt I ~~~~~~~~:~i~~~/~~~~~n £ttl~frs~~l~~~to~~ o~kr~a~ 0 1~ I sutlrc1ent rccommondat10n. , 1 COME \ND SEE OUR GRAND DISPLAY DI - ----- Will keep constantly on hand aru11 a8sortment of every thing 111 lus hlle. '1 B.i-\_RGAINS .. · Pricest0Suitthe rin1es. 1 He ltas tt10 la1 gesl Stock of Boots and Shoes m town, '"' : TEA, JDINNER AND CHAM1$ER SETS. selected from 1he best Canadian and Arner1ean rnanufactuf· -,, nearly opposite the Registry \ Ofijce. j A choice a ssortment of Chamber SetR, Ill \\lute aud F~ucv I 79-tf Jan 2'Jth 1880 The whole stock has b een pm chaFed for CASH at gi caLly Bo\\m.rn\1lle, __ _ ___ _ _____ _ Pattern o, 01 A l quality. We ltavfl lately imported direct from reduced rates . I Pans, specrnlly fo,· o ur X mas trade, a fine selection of TEL\ Clnn a ; th!:'o;e :-ire really unique, dnd a1e Men 's, \\ OllJt.:'11 ts, Mi::rne.:/ c1nd Ululdren'B P1nuella Bouts " J.~1 IJ lJ' ".!!:TS, ol best F1e11ch fd sl bern g drnposed of. I sold for· half the regular pri ces. BOWMANYILLE, A large olock selected with g,-eat care, Ruitable A g enL and dealer in a.11 kinds of the lat cRt and 1 Ca1nage Harness anci Cell1 ars a Specialty. Thi8 de partment i:s well s to cked, regardle,.,1< of expense, 111: Remeinber the Stand: cludrng GHA\f lTE WAR L, m vauous s izes and patterns; Crockery . Glass Lamps and FElilCJ,-T Goods. r , ' ' R W JA1:fv ~ best improved a" S~\ Ordered work promptly attended to 1 wcl latest 8 ppro·'ed sty le. done propedy. GI VE made np i n the de~patch, ing, Knttt111g 1:P1tl \VashJ\1nu111nes \¥ 11Dge1s. &o, &c for CHRISTMAS AND NEW Yl'lAR S GlFfS. Repairing neatly done with Tnmks and Valises constan t 92 ti. v 1ng- Hilli A CALL I I 1 REPAIRS KEPT ON HAND. and strict attention pa 1£1 to start1nu machines prornpt.l~. I Bow)IlanYille Oct. n, 1878,

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