~ I! PUBLtSiIED E'i'I RY FRIDA.Y !UORNING, BY- l'vf A JAMES, tan OUR IOWN AND COON'l:Y ]IR.SI :f+.'.I light a-com name Hallowed bo ThyDead ;,; nely Jo has at last foua<l the llght and ?bBt he so craved No more n O\ mp; on Oh co ild he but return, w at a glad story he would tell uo of the rest aud peace so daar to him As we turn the pages we feel that we have k own him and cl~1ng the volume we know that not t ms do we nrop hlm out of om l vcs -A th s Home Magaz " A JAMES EDITOR AN D PROPRIETOR --= BOWMANVILLE, FRIDL\.Y, AUGUST 20, L880 Ladies and Gents l } "tOLIJME XU'J Somber 4 DOMINION BANK, BOW111ANVILLE Ira1sed h13 rifle to ht· face -~- $1000,000 HE A.D OFFICE BRANCHES TORONTO Os11AWA I FOlt Y\ HIT.BY {JXIJitIDGE LEVI MORRIS, _BARGAINS. RAILWAY BO" MANVILLE STATION AND nME GENERAL OONTHACTOR AND BUILDER He has the largest Stock of Boots 11<l Shoes rn to vn, <11 selected fiorn tne best Canadian and American manufactur· 1 fhe "hole stock has been purchased for CASH at greatly reduced rntes Men s \'\omen s l\lis~es and Clnldren's sold for half the regular prices Prune Ila THOMAS BINGHAM, Notlmzg but first Class Com pames 1 epresented Cementrng done properly on hand GIVE Trunks and Valises constantly OALL UQilUiillf at the lowest ~@ ~@Air Hil\1 A. Bowmanvillc August I le.BO 105 tv For sale at...... D STOTTS DRUG STORE BOWMANVILLE .A.lldress all orders FARMERS, DOH T READ THIS I -'I'C>--- PROWER'S WAREROOIS, where you can find everytlung 1n that hne always on hand and sold at the lowest pnces A rap1 l glance along the ghstenlng ba r els o. simultn.neous report of two rifles and the .. vage be·at sprang upward mto I N MY GARDEN tJie air then fell back upon the ice au l rolled over and ove1 ,an the agonies of death With tho d scha1 ga of their rifles the brothers bounded to th e spot and th e little one reached his hands toward hrn elder brother saying rake Jne Johnny Is so cold I d d come you poor l ttle lamb su. d the great strong fellow uft og tn' Jtiny form i n hLs arma :vhtlo the tea s strearn·a down h s cheeks He unbuttoned the warm wolf skm ove co~t ar l I oldmg the shive ng ch ld Jn my ~arden are 111 es I know agaln·t n1s warm manly breast rebutlon \V th bosoms of !rag o.nt snow ed It over him thou turned to hia other And hear a like a golden star There are hyac nths r ng ng their p rple bells brother who had dropped upon his knees hymns m the book many iue old and 'I here are s eepJ' :popp eo o.nd asphodels on the we I omong 1l o most prec ous u the whole '1 ere are m orn ng glo es of evar:v h e Como Tom let us haoten and rel eve rai ge of l ymology while of the new WI ere the dawn has sta ned them t hrough the a.nuaty at home hymns some are beautiful and almost all through But tho intense strain upon the boy s :ire i:oo l T he mu;o; c too 1n generally There a.re nol est dais er.; and ~o et6 sweet ner\ es had. been too m uch for lus endur ot a 1 gh order of rnerit Indeed taken .And hear seasc bloom ng beneath my fee~ a 1ce a cl 1e was several mome ts before 118 a whole wo know f no 0 her book 80 But the a ea .est bl1J s nor all t i a g ov;a he ;lfB.8 able to rise excel e1 t for tl e Su day school ser vice of Is ny wonderful beaut ful rose I Don t tell mother how near the I ou , 00 ~ ·· this nor so ~dmirably fit ted for came to gettrng Benny it w ll be hke a culhvatmq what s greatly needed m all nightmare to her for weeks lo C)me l!a1d our Su ay 8 hoots -a Jove for really the tho 1glttful boy ·· ti ey cl!mbed up good mu, c >1 0 note as spec nl feature· the bank after Thom&s s strongth I ad baen 0 commm d eiu bt m 18810 aiy hy mnasomewhat recovered two of them l om~ m s1:nonaey -and ten of No bGt I sh·Il dream about it my them appropr ate to teachers meetmgs self and tell 1t m my sleep pe I aps for ,\. aerrn 8 defect of tie book w ich ought I can never th nk of 1t without a shud not to be repe > ted sub·cquent ed1t10ns der replied the other 1s th e omtss on of the name· of ti e authors After Benny h d been placed 11 his of the hymno and tunes a the pag61 mother! arma a.1 td the genera.I reJOicinl! w! ere tbey are found and the printing of of the fam ly and tho I oys bnd part ally them or Iy m the mdex Let the children rested from their rap d walk they private at the sarr 0 t me they learu the hymns, ly nformed their father that they lad learn al·o the names vf tli.e a thora Thia seen the mountain hon and roq teste lhnn they w 1 be ce tam not to ao wl ere they to go with them to find it Re readily h&ve to tu 11 to the mdex to find them complied and they wore soon on the way In firmness of paper clean ees of type lo the river and beauty of bmd ng the work ls equal ADVENTURE OF BOYS WITH A Why th s 1s the dJrectwn m which ed by nothing m its !me It IS,. model you fouud J:lenny said the father m a MOUNTAIN LION startled tone as they neared the stream YEB fathet at d if the mere tho ght THE TURF of it frigh ena you imagine our fe~hngs when Vie nad to shoot the hen to save ilhe l?.~hel4ter Driving Plrk Maud 8 a:ad. him rep ted John Thoma.a came as t!lot Jnllen neat the Dest Tlnle on Record 1 ear f&1otmg ns great strong boys ever do and how we ever !Stead Led our nerves en o igb to take .eo sure an aim la n ore than I can tell God surely he] ped you father ao he paused upon the bat k and It rned w bite nt ti e thought of his ch lid s per1l as he beheld the carcas of the beaat lvrng upon the ice where they had left J11m It waa an a lima.l of unusual a ze and made· soft and bea 1t f1! robe which wa· presented to Benny in remembrance of h ! Provide lllal deliverance -Arthur · Hom· liaq&.Wle MY HEARSE AND UNDERTAKING BR \NCH IS IHE BESI rn 'r_HE COUNTY attended (day or mght) p1omptly orderl5 and qmetly at prices t 1 smt ernry 01~e extra charge for attending Funerals in the country w1th1n ten m11es SATIS:B,ACTION GUARANTEED Thankful fo1 past patrnnage I still solicit the same R ROBERT A R.JIOITlt EGISTRAR WESI DURTIAM I~SUEH of 1\f a rage I cenees lla r:ister a nd .A.ttot"' n()r at La 'ti" a nd Sol c tor n 0hancery Money oancd on Real E2tate Office on Ktng street Bowmanv l e -~-~~-u-:1=1N=,=rn=1=(=HT=-~~~ REME oll3Elt " l"E I LACE AND ATTORNEY A'I LAW BARRISTKR Solie tor n Cl ancev &c Port llope Gifford's Old Stand, King-st West W. P. PROWER. nowmanldl March 1880 9 l=-fATS T HATS r HATS 1 Encottrage Home Manufacture' has iece1ved the LARGE::;T STOCK of Felt and Straw hats ever shown m this county In Silk Hats the latest and best style always kept In Felt (soft 01 hard) the B1 own Connaught is a beauty the Metz rn a charm the R1gm ld (blacK: or lrab) Milton Atlantic and the Park cannot be beat New Woolen Mills m leskara 1 Tl e snbscrtber at cons derable e:xpenso hav ingj st competed a \VQOL:j!jN M Ll. in Leska.rd a 'Vant long- felt in Cial'kfl ttud West Purha-m ls now :prepared to exeeoute all kin ls or Ouatom \Vork s ha.& HOLL CARDINO CARDI);G WEAVING FULLINgRESSINO COLORING &o Jtdf"Me.rket price pa.id for wool del vered at the] aotory In STRAW HATS you \I 11 fin 1 all kmds fi om ten cents up and m style to suit. young or old boJ s or gnb clergymen or laymen Jn 'lV LllC:::AJ' GENTS' FURNISHINGS I the best vanct;> of ShJTts Ties and Collars P S-Highest cash puce paid ior Raw Ji um Bo >1nannlle March 25th 1880 L '°":.ike!!!t.J.~_~f:h_r~_"6'"_K· L ICENSED !AUCTIONEER FOR ~THE Townah p of Ca:rtwr ght 'lowusWp C erk 1 Ll-cen··_· PEfER SCOTT Manager JOHN CARVETH, Proprietor all orders at the other n ills will be punotullllY atte dcd to as usual n ---- ....._____ Fox lhe In,dlan woman aged 3o h .. died m Eiantford from wo nds milwtod w tt. an axe by her mctber aged 86 Tne. motner ta at large n the woods MONEYTO LOAN lnvcstn ent o Farm Propert.~ for long or ehort D BU&KE SIMPSON i7 60 SO COME ALONC ANO EXAMINE MY SlOGK & PRICES. I MARI.CT S 1'1:£AYER 38 60 B'rtf WOULD ALSO <1.NNOVN CE fH <I.T FLOlfRAND FEED A fnnds hu.s been placed m my 1 ands ror 1879 CONSIDERABLE SUM OF puvato terms to a t borro ers at the lowest rate of nterest App Y to " TH1£ MAG NETICON." --o-o'IH'E p .ARSONAGH CALEDoN ==== LIDIBER A~D SBINGLES 4'41"0rdcrs sol olted JOHN CARVETH ll!ay 2,,th 1880 91H! ----~----·------- LIFE INSURANCE PROFITS DEMONSTRATED -BY- So Ho' GentieDICJl of' Fash· rnn not so f'.u1t. I have written these fevo 1 nes N ot1ce the following from among recent letters SouTH Aug 25 79 ACTUAL SETTLEMENT ll!ADE IN l.880 That you can find me st111 at home I am not gone a.way so 8 1 ny k nd old fr e ds may come i\.fR And all tl e young onee too tA.nd get the r garments n cely made In fa.E.hions that are new \\\i here old a.nd young dear tr end~ may meet. A. we come 1.1::reet nir bv R PE.A:.rE And a.U I have to 1:ut.} Policies carried rEN years with ret; i.rn or al premiums and rnterest t hereon Greater Profits pad to Policy holders tban now dee a ed by anv o her Com1 any The fo low TI"' are ill s a ons or ac tal settle he ng made l y the EQUITABLE LIFE 4.ssurance Soc1ety of the U S DENTI~TRY. c. O HARNDEN, L. D S., Surgeons Ont&r10 E OVFR ALEXA~DER S STORE Grad ate of the Royal College or Dental GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY 'Vork executed in tbe latest and most mpro ed st~le of the Dental Art TEET! EXTRACTED 1\fiHOUT PAIN t. Pat by tI e se of N trous Ox de Gas w tho t iDJUTY The Magneticon appliances are sent by post or express to any address on receipt of price ADDRESS THOS J MASON TORONTO OIL COMPANY, 25 Sh<irboucn St T~ron\o 97 Bowmanville, September 4, l8'f9] 125 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO · ll:J.·3' ' W G PERRY <I.gent Toro to