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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1880, p. 3

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FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, JH80: CANADIAl\T STATESl\!IA J\ , BOWMA .NV1LJ.JE, r - ¢·t ~t ~ Jlr01 .J'j anadi~n ~" . . ,. ' ~ ,.._~_,,~...,-... Whitby S,ilu' da11 N1gld says the D onnn ----.,--...-. ,.._,-.._-~_,..._,__,....._.._.~,..) ion OtKall Bxnd is 1;; nu of t he beat 111 the 1 - j ' tat~~,man ~ 8ec what W. 3-f c)1urtry auuo u1coa l ~TM,~ r,:TH PROVJNOlAL EXHIBITION !)~) 01· l'HE 't ~ ~ ~ I I Qll[ [iflVeft Stllg' C01Ullll18 \gricultural & Arts Association FARMERS Will fincl a complete stock of ~uch SPECIAL REDUCTION SALE -AT- Tho inst du ty of every fJoFHlel' after hur. vest JS to lJ~t.Y }us su hscnption to the A F;u t Slntel!m an. "Don't yon fvrget it !" The :::if'A'.fES~L\N offtna, the cheapest ndvertL&'l'h o s·cJ.lll rs 011 tbe lake were carrying mg n1edtum ln the County to all udvcrhscrs their colors at half n1 ast on l\'1unday and ' BOWM ANVILLE FRTDAY, Auuu sT 20.1 provmce OJ<' 01'1/ 'I'A.RlO To be held articles as are commonly kept for sale in a gencial grocc1y 2tore at CASH STORE I In order to make room for: fall goods and keep our stock ahray· fr1!6h and "attractive wo ha> e concluded to offer HAMILTON - ON THE- Con~~ .. nug Its enormous circulat.iou its rntcs Tuesday in n1en1ory of the death of the 1,~te C Shet'wood. ,\re lower than n.ny othct local paper. The Tnulf'. A good sermon by a respectable lookin g As the fall trade is about lto 11eg111 , bus1nes:i yo u ng n1an w~is g1vP.n1n front oft.f r. Ha1nea' \ n1en should prepare for 1th.} h<t\ Lng th en a fl veL' c:a.rr1age shop on Tuesday morning last. Lumrnonts early m the S'l.AIE~MAN. Notlung H e was bo~h earneal.aud 4"loquen t. w1ll pay so "ell. Q uite a. number of old accou11ts wore scol·c A.nolher fot·Uo"iu .nndJ(. , o n the 1Yo!setna1~ on Tu i:isday .A. vv·e Jearn that Tuir Jas. Mun "ho took such rev fBlt as if their ooots, " ere to go into a good i:osition L.'l. first class honors in M -tLlu~- the barga.1n but t hey did nt. mo.tics and modern languages, at the Jute Un t IYir 'T1ot te r<lalo entertain ed a uurhber ot ve1 ::n ty exanunation has been ap pointed 1\fathe fn(;llldS' at auppet on Tuesday eY ~n1ng. m,~tiua.l master 1n B~a.d~o1d High School. Invitations were sent to a large nu n1ber l·crxonnl~. a goodly cornpauy were present. D1. Davi dson pnld a vlslt to the to wn on \tfon'\Ve decided to give the ST~rESMA.N day. He looks well. for th e balan ce of 1880 for 35 CEX rs. Onr Tule,,.. ~rs. 'l'hos. Patei<ion and G Porte1 left for fr tends and present icaderi:~ w,ll ;Jbhge us Chu.:ago on l\fondas last, on a plca.snre tour, by 11111k1ng ti118 oft'er knov. n and by send in g ir, F . 1\<rr A1 thui left on 'Vednesday for the 1n uew names. .sem~ide a.t Poitl~1~·- _ __ FArAL AccIDEl\'"T,-On "\Vednesday la...,t, A. I selul Gt n. a 11oy, in Brookhu, na.r.aed Cha.rles Frank A dinner set, tern p~ttern. consisting of 90 1sh, twelve of age, while pl ayu1g pieces, nod a dozen Ivory handle Knives anrl lacrosse, was struak by the ball and in quantity of pla.ted fork s 'verc left a.t the sta.ntly kil!ed. residence of thf\ Rev. :M1. Little on VVednesday Lt 18 because he has he,u·<l that clus evening, a. KI(t fJ om tne lad ies uf the CongtegD. tfon. Hts absen ce at Mr 1\.1cClellan 8 socm.l was attentio n to httle tlungs n1akcs a succesr;;~ tal;;e u ad\:antai;:e of by tho unostentat1o us ladics ful bns1nt=>ss r..:1 't l that the y oulJ g clerk on to caJ"ry out thci~mission______ 8outh tnJe of K1ug Street. pays such cl~se 1'oro11 t@ .lixhtblftou, attention t o hts n1oustache, U1 t1w!ls cuns1de1· o ur exccllcrt syste1 n of 20TH SEPT. TO OCT. 2ND, 1880. $18,0-00 OFFERED IN PREMIUMS. Enti ies L--:tust oc mado with the Secretary at 'orunto on m· before the undermentioned dates, IZ, FOR - THIRTY DAYS fo1medy McCLUNG BROS., all of EXTRA, DRDl, NARY IN: DUCEllENTSI · ~tap le I I . / 'l'hc gan1e la\va of the Provinco. a~ nmcnded at the last sesawn, provide that Ihe season fo1 hunting \Vood-cock sh all open on .:\ngust 1st , stu]le, lJl ur k ~ui<l g 1 fl}' dur·k:., wood ducks and wild ,.;('ee3e on A ugust 15th , part1 idge and h a.rm; o n September 1st, and, deer on October 1st. The pena1t1os fo1 dest1oying gan1e out of season ate vei·y heavy. Jtri1islt Dclc.gntcs. A number of British dole.gales aro now rn t11c Don11n1ou spy1:ng out the Ja.nd. 11; 11:1 their inton i1on to 1 en1a1n in On ta.uo 1m\11e tlu ee 1nonths. 'l.'lus " 'Ill afford theu1 a.u opportuni t.} of \1s1t1ng tho fall Exh1b1t1ons, w he1e they will collect the most i:u.luable in fo rmation , 'l'hr ee of the rlelegatea h ave gone to Manitoba. lvlr. Donaldson, 1mmigrat10n agcu t u.t l 'oronto. \\tll accompany the delegates on then· tour through Ontano. Fnlll<'nlr.oi sht'et-wf1ter1ng tho greatest 110011 of the day. If it could be exte nded tluongh Suuday ·v11ho11t v1ola tJng the sa11 ... llty of the day the lnx l1ry wuuld be con1pl ele H1ucc.rr nY LIGIITNI!SG. - Dunug ,1 heavy sto1·111 wh1..,h paSi!ed over Tirooklin oo "edneadtty, the bl\rn and st:i je o f l\'lr. '\Vm H oar were struck by lightning and de·tt-oyod Loss $800 ; insured for $400. ToRON'IO Doa" Suo1v .- The amended pnze list of tho forthco rn111 g- dug sho\\. to be held 111 T oro nto, <l uring the n1onth o f Septo1nbo1, has been tsaued. Tho entneB, it IB )I.fated, will pos1t1V"ely close on the 2lat. Au~usL A crirnmun1ca.tton was presented from he St<c1etal"y of tho Boal·d of J!::dncat1on our 75 ct. Linen Front Dress Shirts, our 05 cs. Linen towelling, upwards, We sell a splendid 'fea r, Aug. . 16. I our 10 ct Lustre Dress Goods, · Should procu-re / our 22 ct, Table Damask, .uant to adJonrn- 11 !ili!ill'Ul. '!I mmlli! 1.ID:I!. lJ::Ft15J'iI5111 lll!!W ~ at 50 cents. ,,~-ent -The ~1"1yor, I .Ea 'tl A~ EtS.U!tl~-!r& ~ 2fi\. -!J!~ fnt.aam ~ i our 50 ct. Regetta Shirts, , fr Ssrs. Piower, S. Bur· And see tl the action of' our 10 ct. Dress Linens, ,'/.{, c, Rice a1n T . Burden .1'°" l£".li fP.!. V'~ "~TA 1 E IN>:U!:' COFFEE GROUND TO ORDER. our 60 ct. Corsets (the very best in town ,) .:1ad and uo uu rnl"d [ ~~~i.A I ~ W; KLae ='1E. our .'50 <'t. Kid Gloves, wo1th $115, Black and Col'd., un1c.at1on watt p esent~d from ,.. iii ·t.·1 1,tn , asku g rerrnJne:t,°'ti<Jn for Is what your complaint requires. our 10 ct. Brown Holla1r:ls. -\ n.s cons~P~ b1f' IiaJd vn the ta.hlB. VI l AT.£~F. do0s not requue change of diet. Our Tailoring and Gents' fumisl1 ing dcpai trnent is not su;·passed 1n ct,1nrnun1c ., ·1ou was aJs 0 p"'eserited Vt'l. :t.LINE does not, 1nJu1·e the teeth. Marg i.n Da'°fo"', aslllng fot the cn n4 Vr r .ar,INE is pleasant to taKe, Bowman ville. Our price8 the lowest and fits perrect. of the finest brands nt.r of urn ofi1ce l'-'ase at the t~rid of the VrT~\.LINE lE! $1 per bottle. A full line of find knitted B orse Covers. jo~t month . R""fccred to ConinuHee. Sold by D. STOT'l, Bowmannlle, and all Lace Curtains in great variety from 75 cents per pair up. p ~ p h t n.rug,g1sts. ut__! tc roperty :tort en· report at nex Tl!E GR.Ay :MEDICINE co., An excellent choice of white Dress Muslins at cost. Jet~ng of Council. ~ Toronto, The extra stock at reduced prices. A nu1nb1-n· of accounts were presented __!~~ -----.·~-----------· nd r ete r1 cd to the l)na11ce Co1nm1ttee. _ii. JfIN"E LOT OF Please call and examine our Stock and Prices. / - v'ou ~i; l Atoa~~[el I llorses, l'att?e, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, .Agriultt ral ln1plement~, on or before Sat urd9.y, 1..ugust 21st. Gram, F1cld Roots and other Farm Products, faclune1s and I\!Ianufactures goncral!y, on or efo ui Su1-u1day, August 28th. B.01 tlCultuuiJ Products Ladies· Work, Fine its, etc , on 01 Uefore Saturday, Sept, 4th. PrLZe Lrnts and Bl a nk l?orma for makrng the J11trios upon, ctui be obtained of the Secretaries of all Agr1cultu rnl and Horticultural Societies ,'11tl 1\fechan10o'I11stilutes throughout the Pro· v1nce. JORN R. CRAIG, Secretary, Toronto, J .C. RYKER~r. M . -P , President, which will be sold at lowest cash In all departments of our cheap and well selected stock of Janey dry good~. prices, ~ A Splendid Assortment &ml LADIES Are respectfully invited to try our TEAS. We have Fine Green, Black A full assortment and Japan Teas of all the choice ·1mging in pnce from 25 cts. brands, 1 of Dress Goods at cost, of Hats and Caps at cost, of Parasols at cost, of Alpaca and Linen Dust ers at co~t. of the patent adjustable ATHLETIC SUSPENDiRi always on hand. I ter Askto See fl I J 1 I I 11 'I 1 l EXTRA BRIGHT SUGARS i of sn11onnU111g tO\Hwl11p agricultrual societ1Ea wtll pl ease sen d medicu1es, p e1 fu rn.cs, pnltlls, 01ls , to1let1 eoaps, brushes, co111bs, etc,, in the CC't'!_nt y us the date and place of thei r exh1b1uons "ill he f on nd at J lligg1 nbot h.t rn's I h u g YVest Durham, Bowmanvllle, Oct, 12, 13. South Ontario, \\'lntt.y, Sept. 8, 9, 10. Stor e, How1nan ville. 108 tf \ Prov1nclal, Hamilton, S ept. 20 to Oct. 2. lV[1ss L izr. ie Staples, el :le::it d augbter o~ IndustriaJ, 'I oronto, Sept. 6th to 18th. Pickering, Brou gha.111, Sept 28, 29 ?.f1, John S taples, Ba.ltunoreJ and a for1 North Ontal'lo, Uxbr1dg-e, Oct. 12, 13. mer pupil of tho Baltin1ore 8chou1, ob ta1ned the lughest stnndn1g n1nongt 'rhose \Vb.o have fnrms for sail". or \\ho intend who w1ote at the rccc11t seconU olMs te duung- the .l!'all to .tJ.nve auction sales should be che1s' exa1nn~a.h on tn Cubou 1g, an d the careful to aeleot tbe best advertis1n~ n1ediu111 of fo re l ece1 vtid the Lorne l\Icda.l. the du1t.rict Don't waste your ~dvert1sements The be~\.ut1tul and commochoua hall i j by put ting them ln papers wh ers they will never be seen. ...\.dvcrhse in the STATESMAN, i:vh1oh Bl"'n1ey's bn1ld1nq, whi ch h as been fitte~ roaches a lu1ost all the 1nha.l}1tants of West Dur up fo r Cormthrnn L .. dge, No. 61, J 0 1 ham. 'lhis ad~ we n1ay be worth $25 or $100 to Secretaries and 11ianage1s '\Ve wo uld ad vise any who want cheap boots and shoes to call on.Bot'land in N ead's Dthv Block. he ts bouud tn clciu· Ollt his present stock at cash bn.r~ains, in orde1 to makf} ioom fo1 laage fall purchases Try l)im ' He meanEi b usi'Je8B N 'JI .B rl'HIS. Oue of lhe l)]Of'lt aelecl (an d at the f'laroe t1mo tho niost reasouable in price) stock of chugs,, p;:i.tontl or the t cnv11 1 a.lvu:Png the Oou11c1l th.,..t -OFhe 8 1n1 of 85,818 ?illl If'l)U t ro to he \.1u ~1 ican. 'Engll~l1, Swisi;, Ifaln1n, F-rctu h Cnnndla:n, :uui ot.11e1· i;ooucr.r, i ncl u~ltng atScd by t ·xat1on for School purposes. {efsrt'ed to Finance OornnuLtcc - v1ewsinMr l">urter n1ad(' a verbal re1jort with TIOWMANYILLE C'EMETEHY, &c., efere-11 < G to the. cli~Hus of l\frs, Fletcher FOR SALF Al'THliJ .nd B 'Verry, ford unages, aud asking an :E"~OT o JR. lxtens1011 ef Lime till next ineet1ng. -OF}ranted. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, SALT! Liverpool Salt, FOR DAIRY PURPOSES, ~ TER..Dl!l:S CA.5~,. S. MASON & SON. Bowma.nn11e, J uly 8, 18 O 102. l\1r Rice, in absence of thu Chairrrui.u, MA11KEf SQUARE, BOWMANVILLF. )resented a roport fron\ the Poor Relief -ALSOJon1nnttee. . :i . doptt d The Chairman of the F'1nauce C.:nnn1ittee STERE0SC0PES, CHlWMOS, iresented the estimates fur the yn,ir, ,1nd l'IOTUltE FRAMES. . by·lnw ha.scd thereon, prov1<l1ng fo1 .:i,y1ng the ratEs r~qu1red fot' the present oil~ \.LL 1nNDSAND sTZEB. ·c~r, whwh wero pa~sea. FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. J\-foved by L\'fr. S ~ .Bu1don 1 8ElC011ded by 1'lO ULDl.:'.itlx8 l·Olt SALE l·Y 1hc t oot 01· stlel{. '1r Prower, that t1S'1al foe for the uoe l N 'IHE PHOTO LIN.E f t h,e Town HaU, fo1 a concert by St. ! '\'u make tho 'l'ublcts, as well as all other k inc18 ohn s Church, ho re1 n1Lted., excep t $1.50 fron1 the trn~ J,ocket picture, up to full life snm, H, C. TAIT & CO'Y., I _J A SPLENDID LOT OF !he CROCKERY WARE AT BO'l'TOM PRICES. t113 l -the price of light Oat"ried . p k R JI', .J.l' rower n.a e u the oada 1trt1ets Co1n untte!' h,\d dcc1ded to repn.1r he BH~e wn1k. on Silver Street near lVlr a" 4 JOll, pondent of the L ondon Dar1y News, has con sen t Phceinx I~odges and 1.:18ittng brethren fro1 cd to n1ake a tour of the Un1 ted State::i and \Vh1tby,Brockhn, Bown1:!-n v1lle, aud olhi l'a na.J.a during the s ea.son of 1380 1. Ile has been most su ccessful in l!:nglu.nd as a lecturer, places -0-:;hawa Refo"! spoken upon the I\.usso 'l'uakish war o ve1 200 tuue s and hai3 JU St finished a six: n1ouths' t onr w ith his lecture upon the Zulu war. Ile "'iV1ll give an cntirc1y new lectu1c here, en L 1t1c1l ··Royal people I have n1et," he1ng graphic ske1ch I cs of the 1Htnetis and puten~ates of yariou" co 11n t1 ie:,:; whotn he has seen unde1 singularly vau ed, critical and fncerest1ng circu1nsttinoes. 4 0. l?,, was ded1cated 1 on J\<1onday 11.fter noon, by P. M. N. G., Dr. George Wrigh ~ t:onling to Cnnnda. of Toronto, in the p resence of alrugo num' Mr. Arclubald FoL'lms, the famous wa1 corres- ber of the n1embe1s of Corintlu~n / CORRESPONDENCi DESl'RUCTIVE FIRB. 4 Jlollel ischool~. A 1\-Iu.rlin~. Sec. of t he EducatronDepartmcnt, has issued the followwg cnculai , The first tm 111 of the <.:ounty 1'1odel Schools will beµ;1n on I\iiondav, Aug 30th, and end on SaLu1d1i.,.y-, Octob~i 231d. rhe closing exa1n nH1.t1on will hegm on 'l' hursday, tne 21st Octobe;1, or b~.uda.y, the 22nd, at tbe option of the several County Hoards of Exa.m1ners. 'Ihc scconcl term of the l\loJcl 8 chools wU! beg111 on Monday, October 25th.and -......,_,. .end on Sn.turdav Dcccn1bc1 lStn. 'l'h o closing1CXa.tJ.1.n1atwn will beg in on Thur,..,flay , DecP1nbe1 '.!.Gth , .er }.,rnlay, the 17th, at t l1e op tion of the ~fl\ 1:1 l'al County Boa1d of Exa1n1ners found 111 those a rtwlos> All should 1ea.d them '"llojal Excbungc " Sold T ne N ewcastlc Woollen l\1.1ll rnght to ta Hy co1u.1n111ed by fire. The was aroused by cries of '·fire," the iuHnng of Cht1rch bells and the ,' wh1;::;thng of the Rn.1lv.:ay engine! Fact n1y being situated but a short~ f < I ·) Th. fi ] rom lrie ra1 roaa . e rst n a 1 given abo 11t J2 o'cloc k and by 4 a. / structnrA had succllmb~d to I / n an incred1bly short time a.fter the wh.o1e 1nale co 1.nm un1t~ J*rr.vcnf:lon oft:ousu11t11riou. the scene. Nearly all the made ~j \Ve pnl.i 1 1 h thrn ~eek on tl1e fotath pago of con~nstlng of clo t hs, flann e)s, e{ t bis. rn,.:;ue d .e fi1st of a. ser1 c ~ uf pape1s on thi:-; sa;ed . but all the machine1.y. ,-t / a u bJe-:.'t 1H~ a,11 e.ntn e nt. <\.rner1ca11 pliys1 c1a.n Dr t f h l +rl J3owditeh, these p.ioersareappea1rng1n cu ri ent LU il o '\ Jen '.\RS !rnw, w ns ' 1 1ssues o r 'l'he y · o,u th's aonipan1011, p n blished lll tt oycd Sa.'\ic tna.t i t started Ill / Bosto1·, Mass. \\Inch 11:1 a. s\1 H ic1eut guarantee mu~t story, Hutb1nu is known l thn.t nothn1g ob1ect10nable or unsui table for tho tirei Titerc n;o insur!Hllr' f.un1ly rsad1n~ \\lll be con in tbc arttclea · ~ Uuns1unp11on u1 1nak1ng snob rai:n.gcs in Ca.nn half the \,alue, v1z · $ 20,000, 11 <irnn hnJJ;;;eJ.old s that too much attention can not 1ng con1pan1ee · -Viostern r bopa.1d i o l!H pnn·enlmn. ' V"e s':i:ongly ieco ni A d D 'A meno. to pa.rents a c.l.reful per11Hal of thew pan1eui; 1 .1..n OI1Hll1UI.L. I pers,n.n~l et~n aosnre onr young rearl.ers that much of people .1rc thro~ n wnt of s ound a.dviso and useful 1n forn1a.twn will be / waJ / I >ercy 's re~1dence. '!'he Cha.rr~nn h,Lt the Cnn1m1ttee had not decided what Bow umn\1l (', ·'nw 12, 1><80. . onrse to take m the matter. TEAS' TEAS ! 'l'EAS ! :D.!r. Horsey rniaed ao1ne objechon aa to __ _ he clu.racter of deed obtained from fon. J Snnpson fur the cemeteryzround, I · wrl H ~, rben it was BOWNlANVILLE, Moved by Mr. S. Bm<len, secouded by' Sl "N 3 and 4 MARK'F.T ~QU A R E . 100 0 ' 1r R.ce, that the n.tte11t1on of this Uoun1 1 hav ing hoen called td so.110 obJect1ouHaving made arrangements with h1e clauses ln tho ce1uetcry deed , UP-· >lv._,d -th11t the Cemetery Oom1n1ttee, Mr. M Davis, who gets 1th th e Ilio..yor 1 be askf'd to exannne the "'Hor and iepott .:bt thu 11ext mcct111~ of TEAS DIREO'l' FROM CITTNA, HI? C11un01l, Carried. we shall now be able to offer to the On 1J..10tl·· n t'10 Cuuncil adJonrned. as ours. Brmg Ill ;}OUrsehes any Photos you 'IVish enlarged, and n ot pay a higher price b) gn ing rhcm t o travel l1ng agents, and patronize h )lllC talent t::ef' . P liU'fll liH s11·01,onED repi1ed :a:. C T A I'l."' & 0 107:1t anll as clieap as a ny one mak ing as good work ° PORK, the W l!".1'DiT""""AIN & CO FLOUR&FEED ALWAYS ON HAND . I R. 'VtNDAT'.ll T. c "'11 ~·c:ctcit un tu 1 o'cloc./" v.-t>i. every Thursda11.) llY J. & D Mc DOUG,~LL. ---------- I DI~ \.l'i:'i<; \.HEl __ li!esgrs:. Jf. nnd R. Both, of "}'nn1te 1 d' Farm !1a\e sol<l i11e..t ihorough -b1cd11npo1tcd ,C i}clc~ dalo sti.1ho1.,"Royu,l Exchange,' to J\fr. J Lmd· s ay , 1fa.cC oo·n11, J\{1H'.-J1lo no;.d1 Go, Jll fm the 1nag-n iftt ent s un1 of$ 1GOfl 'J'!11H 1s nne mute of tho be,.,t druught horecis 0\ ( r uu1 1ortcc1 111to Ca nilda that 1111.:J g-uuc to fo.crewso;, th e of g-oo(l 1Jors0s in our neighboPLng P..epubho. 1\1r, :Lind l WEL{ OM s a-.; 111adc a.' ...,r~ tompt1h R' ofl'cr-S500 1u gold- i Tl D , for u, fillv lmd s1 1cd by "·Royo..1 E xcliangc , bu~ ~ ie om· 111 011 Messn1. BeitJ, \\ould uo t aucevt it. 'l'h 1 s gt 11Llt· I the t:->tl eete on 1\1 1n11n p 11 1 cha ~l d a:vl1t1,lmv. Hfa.fln n got by Royal 8011 ,e excl\ll.ent p· Exchan g-e,' f 1 orn Rich Q.1,Lha rn, of ( lii.1rn11Jnt for $700. It 1~ a j!f'P-HL pl!\ Lliat ~uch a.n horse ns - ---"Hoyal Exchn1 1'2;P.' shoulrl he sn1d ont of oui: F country, \\ hen t here is such a demand fo1 p11mc L t S bb .stock. a.i; ,t i f,t\ 01ed In h I Thet e is constdl r able taJ dbappo<J.Iancc of John El/ empl()yer 10 clays ago a ] d f ·It 15 sa , i i,; 11 ~ ~incc. l a SUl\fl t·o~c anc was. ni;A s1::arcb gaug I ... b en1 1 pose to scour the sur· BISCUITS, OUltRANTS, RAISINS, PRUNES, public, Teas in ,) and 10 lb, boxes, CANNED ] O per cent lower than we have FRUITS previously sold at We intend to MUSTARD, make SOAPS, BRUSHES, BROOMS, J£SSENSES, TOBACCOS, iCOAL OIL, LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, BURNERS, LANTERNS, PAILS, MATCHES, PICKLES, CAPERS, SAUCES, SARDINES, SALMON, LOBSTERS, COCOA, CHOCOLATE, 103. CORN STARCH, BLACK LEAD, BL ACKING, LOOKING GL ,\SSES, RICE, S,\.QO, TAPIOCA, MACOARONI, ARROWROOT, CORN STAUCH, Fl.OUR, OATMEAL, POT BARLElY, SPLIT PEAS, CRACKRD WlIEAT, &c. TEt .... S A SPECIALTY! It is with no small gratiftcation that we contemplate the success "\Vhich cro-\vned ou.r efforts in Buying and Selling during the season just past through ; and it is pleasing to know that the patronage accorded us was n.ever so liberal as it is to-day. We have been bestirring ourselves, and are in an excellent poflition for meeting the increasing demands of our customers, whose approbation and good will we intend to retain. W e are determined to enjoy the HIGHEST HONORS, to keep the Lead, and to take the FIRST PRE.MIUIVI for serving and pleasing the PUBLIC. l WE SHALL - r 1 be satisfied with small profits. study the want~ of our P-Ustomcrs. visit the markets every week (at least). havo New Goods constantly aniving. secure the Latest Novelties in eveiy Depa1tment. L convince you that ourn arc the very Bott<Yrn Price,, "ce much to admire in our l'ITilline1y Rooms , >'11ica contains elegant and recherche gooclR. be st ruck with tho cheapne,s of om new Dress Goods be shown a choice and new stock of Spring Hosiery, Gloves, 'T'ie", &c. be delighted with our Ca11)ets-handsome new rlcsigns be pleatied with om tasty assortment of styles in Finw Scotch, English, and Canadian Tweeils commend our stock ofLaceCurtains, Counterp(lnes, eto, find the TAILO~rm: DEPARTMENT to be sustaining its reputation LOOK IN AND YOU W IL L ~E l to one of ti Jn ou r i<ist b8t1.0 refetence wa~ m:ld e t o t h e th .d, ci t y ctfcots of the lightn1ng on the and tele YVild pre phone instrwneqts ln town, dur1n~ the storm t 111 ge au BUTTER AND EGGS, I And all uthet "Produce take11 at rnarket price in exchaJl~e for Goode. !i1;rtn 1fl1;J;~1?;dcxf~~J~Jd~~~~l a;:h~n~~~~~· ~~~l'l~ tlic evr IT v-:as ca ised, \.lO Hment1sts sa:. by cJ1e.nges tn the could .earths magn eti~ m. a nd a Jt hougb. not perceptible roor ta tHH' sense , it haa the etfect ol' cau!)fng varfa. l tio·n; Jll tJ~e compass and like rcsnlts w hicn ore er vecv lt\tc1cst1ng to scientists. Tho &tor1n, is re- 1 p !JJm led a.~ benng one of the intense that has J to 1t, )\.bout HI G'ulock on those ev1::1nngs thr v 101ga e nc 8t1ea.mers ol )H;ht stretched up almcs/ t o the zen1t.b , 1vl11le the tremulom~ 1notiou of th light \\a\ ~:G c1 ossing the Skv t'ormed a spectacl not often seen in thnse la.titudof:i. ..~n unni;;:.iall 1arge n11n1bc1 o! shooting were observe 1hu._g a cross tho mnvcns during the eve;:!-llQ-B of last \'leek. .,. j D. Jng '\.\7edn <·sia&v 1'tl'il Thu1sday I Our aim i~ to sell Lh e Best Goods. Remcmbere ~ j will be [ that this SPRING and been nolieed fot years. the ln!lhant a.u1'01a du1- "HEADQUARTERS" for GooDs. that the BARGAINS already offered are hut the FoREHUN.NEBs of others yet to come. that our store is a TREASURY oF C1rnAPG00Ds. SUMMER even1ng-swt1..'-> dttr> 'fo sell them at then actual YllhW to the consumer i 'Iio sell only such Goods as "re can iecommend; .I To please all who favor us with theu pat1 onage; To represent oUJ.C-Gliods only a~ we believe t heni to be ; To se ll the 13i-e'\tcst quantity that' .r~at And now for the LIVELIEST SEASON ir1 Seven Years. o. 11:. J ,x( urs l-0n 10 ll:()cbe st~r. Jtuost orderly exmn s10 11 that l1as left our poi ior eome yea1s, The band had the steamf .J\lor~c.m,a:n chartered for the occa 81on, v·h1ch - ~ ~on1for'table \ essel, ca refu ll y :t11d skilfn l ihand~d an(l \'<i 'l 0red lt to )Jill ('OnC!.'l ned Ih ,~ 0 innnt\f'o...,ctu} ~~i!d. and t h a il K a'Jt ~ tl i.c cotn~or o d \ etY 1 nuch 1n a t e utlon.s cocrt~l~~~~~t to the ex01us1ond ~°e pl easnte a n l f hi.._, a 8 o n boar a o.s oll the lntm&n re1g hes as they -prefc1rel in ror cn3ny1ng thems~h a11d a. lo.rg nurQ!2. 'J.: he ti:1p wakver~h~o~ifeurs1onlsts l dl1d a~gt-m~ ~e 1 c seae1c · t l neven ocOC(, · h nyci.n 11ochcStel' nnt 1nine o'clock, ar11Yinµ; 0ji of rhe1n le! I again a \Vedncs1lav morn1.ngd 1\C a11out 10 o }l~~~r~d and one ln1nl1re;l ;\~ce~ It.\\ cen o~er to vnnt the p'dnc1&~cus wh1c ~~~~~:and sec thct G~~~t 1th~ ;ocess10;1 ·ls 0-s.e of tbo b Rs · rvve roi;.cht Just sa} 0 t w-<11-i:rnlea long f the excursion ..._ %~!tmana~"[ { 0:;~~~t;~u6h good pre~a~ t10~ scr"e c1cchL or ed t he en 10Y1nent o ffie1 ,.-....., .and thllS sec-wt fnl a,nd efficient n Jeast. as far as cri.tG The th ird annual oxcursi on of the D~ 0. I to J:ochcstcr, to ok place on Tuesday last, an1 '\\ e mnst roy ihat it ,.,, as very sncccssfnl e.nd th I BROS. FOR ft" fo1 Utc rn <:ent1 ~I ~·l ngl· :ll'es.ie1·n. n:. ' we can, so that with but -a smal I U · .'J.'1t·li:cts ,.~ '} H P11re Drugs and Dye Stuffs! ' GOTO "l ;tlh~J ut1011al S l ~anIBh il) lhJte !St.1r f' magin of profit we may " Live and Let ],ivc." e4 amine goods and ode tbi D. STOTT'S DRUG STORE. 0-0--()()--0-0 1 .DOUld dO it_.--·--~- LO~A.L AND OTHERWISE. TO l r£ '.RH:l\D We keep constantly on hand a large stock.ofall the Popu· Jar -Patent Medicines of the day and everythmg us ually kept y ou will find it to your j in a first class Drug Store. Every article is warranted pure and soldT at lowest prices. atI van t age t o b uy "' 1or cas h f rom h · Another lot of that very c ea p soap. ry rt_ ;..i.~IN rn E FAMIT~Y· __D. :SEITH, GENEHAI1 Pr-a ctl~Ll JC)}~ STOTIT~ Chen11Sl snul Dru~gil'it, To,vn Un.U Block. U0'\1- u1.tuy ille ~ . ll~ -;:oats aud shoes n B rla.nd 1$ se inr.: ' greatly Uti:(> N B -'rhose who have color1n~ to do should RlVC us ft. call, as we have a large aHsortment of carefully selected Dye Stuffs of all colors which we sell cheap, wholosale ur rela1l. o "Castonnc · ac mlVhlnery. 1-> f · urcdrugs a.nd rei1abl The h~ad qu:.u·tet B ~1 P i·edu ced prices for -cash. ")!! hine on for all kinds (; Dle Stuif~ JH ];). s;~taho-w their gratitude f~ }l'at'rners ¥:h.ou . the arrears on t h e1 goo<l crop· by P·:flllg I ].J~per t:.ecd free f1om gull' ~· CaHtorinc ,. is gu~ti.u.etive to machutCIJ wlnch has pro:ed so be held thls yea BLACKSMITH. = Jee C1·ca1n Parior. ~~ = W . RUSE, soleagentfm thecelcln&lcd W hitby l< · " l~-Sept .-8th, 9th an rearher than usna ... ;l vtcinil) t1\11t ~he has opened h~rlce C1eam 1.. :\. ~ ... :Parlor for the season. Ice Cr oon1 served u p. for tho to?lnshipa of a.lao sold 1n an} q uantity to perHOHH 'Hslung to take it to their horn es. lee for "a.le. Len1on DARLI NGTON, CLARKE, & C1i Rl 'VRIGlf'J.1. Ade, Soda, Ginger Ale, a1nl an o.sso1t __ ment of Confeict1onery always on hand. fCT d, I RS. W. KEYS BEGS 'fO ANM nuunce to tbe ctli·ens of Bowmanv·lle and DOMTNIO:'< ORG,\NS AND PIANOS I Bo11·manvme. Apn l 29, 1880. 29·tf. Encourage 1 otne J n U!try . 10th . . 11 be held this ye" Oct 12th an Bowmanv11le Fair Wl d Qtl T l1 esda y and "rcdnes ay . 13th. ~ eived a. bca.utH1 C. V.: .·!i'1. llugho.n~)~U3dl1~~~~efi on\ the Pn1t c 1 :9ssor' n1oh n~ fucselling very che a.v> 1 ~ta.tes · w 1c · d f giving e'>&"i Buy your instnnnents f1om u10, and duties, fretRht and boxes. LOWES'I PRICE S AND LIBERAL ~'ERMS, 1:10'l'T0-"'SMALL PROFITS & QUIOK RF.TURNS." hfh; Send for new oat:llogue of sty lo and prices to W,lUJ~E, We thin1' that rn·tea o b hod belt< h '" is due, the cas ? to w .o~ '.;,, 1 t think our b usiness men. 101~tf. Dominion Organ and Piano Co., Bowman ville.. lie )?aid., " ia _U_s_e_D _,_s_t-ott'o DeulP'!llc~ ftn<l pre~erve you~· teethi ,

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