CA~ADIAN l'REVENT!ON 0 8 CON S\J Ml' rION. it to \,e -right tv refuse my vr olessional· 1 -- . BY HENRY· I. BO\_VDiTCB , M. D. ; c1'1ns1:::ut. STATESl\iA.N, BOWMA T JLJ· CH T~ =~~~~~==~~~~=~~=~-~~~~~~~~"""""""===~~ '11he rljsult was tha.t th!-\ united \ pair had 81-' V~ ra.J years of moat 1 ha.p py~ life. r -1\-ly pa.tient, however, everitnally d ied of (F'rom t he Youth's Compa·i~·io n.) i constHnptton. Mea.n while, two children "He lives tvi.thout a phvs·ic1:an, but not 1 were born. oi;e died before a y~ar o!<1 ii;ithoutme.dicint~. 'U :ho lives a ternperate Ufe ." of tubercula r .{,11sea!!e. The other h vfld till · SUBSTITUTES! g The public are cautioned again st a custon1 ·which is growing qui.te commnn of late amrmg a ce1ta in cl:is:-i of medic;ne dealers, and wh-cl1 is th is : \Vhen asked f'lr a bott le of .. ~illP-r, they surldenly discover tliat they are "sold ou t. ". '~!mt have.ar1other article ju <: t as g()od, ir not l wttcr," which thPy will supply at the s::ime rc.i_9e. 1'he nhjt'cl of th~'I decepi ion is transparf'nt. Th e"e sul.'-f'ti+utPs an~ " 1n:-> '1e 11n to sell nn th~ .vre<tt re-rit1tati0n nf H: It> b he was a.bout twenty years old. B ut inTh~ abov~ motto was. ~ivcn t.o a young steacl of keeping him at soh1e ·a 1 11pl oymcnt man l! l _162G , by Fabr~~llH'I II1ldan~ s. as req 11 ir iug out-of-door life and fu ll of man ly conta·1n1ng the rule o f !n e for ~ha gu1danc_e exercise, he was placed; when about o~ every reason abl e human btHng. Fab n- se \·e uteE:n or eighteeu of age, as u d cle rk in a large establishmen~, where 40 cn1s w;~~ the Ja.the r of Ge tman snrgcry, a_ ~t tho t.1n1e he wro te the s.bov_e, \'Vas res1~-1 was constantly bending ov er his de~k. u1g at, ~e rne, ~t the .-ige of aixty-s_tx, fu1l After a.b·J Ut tw o year~ of this coursB' lie · of honor, la~1d Jn con ~equ euce of ~n~ great was taken snddenly with Coqgh,. a!ld died . mer1 t ,_~10 .d1 og th e tttle ()f phys1c1!\n ex i n a few '"l:H~ks, of a.cute cons umption. tra?~rhnary to n1an y of tha crowned heads 1 Had a different cour' e be:en purs ued, I of r.~nrnp~. . . . . t lun k he might now be alive. 1aken 10 1b1 w11iBat sense, 1 ~ is a: n1os ~ One fudh er remark I would make. If tit,t1ng co:n1rnen cemen t 0 tlna st:n-te~ lJf the same amount of di sea5e . had been papers, intentl.t:d to aftord, t he rea<l~rs, founrf lh the y o unt?4womall that I found y o ung. and .old, o f tho Y o1ith s Contp~nion,, in th l:! young m a.n , and he had bc_ cn so me id~a_ tn regard to the prevention of he al thy, I co uld not haver gi,·en niy advice r:onsumpt,1o n . for the n.;arr ia<ro · for l believe that ·it Ten1pera.nce Jn llll things dnring every wOuJ d ha\'e be~n 'd isastrous to her. : p~1ri ·-d of life will be fotutd , jf I ni~sta~e 2nd. Because I kn ow it to be u f~ct thut 11· ·t, (ltle of 1he ~ nr2st \~a.ys o! prnducing_111 in s onH~ cases o( undoubted d Of the in -~n a O·)jlfY .ttn~1 on ,. which wtl_! b~st rcu'st lnnp:s i1. one or both of the pareutA, theil' t~e 1"1,p1·rnac~ or various chronic <l 1si;eaf>e f'I of phi1dren , by persistent and \Vell directefi - t.llf' li in·~K, . inc!udod under th~ general hvcr icnic meas ures carried out from birth ~ <"> t w1· II ·k nown narue o f (: consnrup f ion. "· to be beyond adult life, have not on ly· n o~ PR E\'EN·rroN OF CONSUl'tlPT lON. h a d c0nsu1nption, but liave been stronget" Who can p<·e,·ent conslunption L1 any and in bHtter · genera l hea.1tJ1 than tho giv 11 case 1 I kno w of no wiznrd who al- majority of th e childrr n of their neighbors, I . I i\Torks, VILLE. :i11s - --Ji'OR- - - LU COL I l\11 ! patrons for their favors/PURE DRU GS >ee n in business in this A" u · facili.ties for turning out CHEM I CAL S T. n th<'y are to-day. Our [J. All of our carriages AND UNADULTERATED H 0 RS E A f~ D UA.'l'1'LE JU EDICIN)J2.1 , go to of our carriages is thor;iven to fitting every piece > FoR CHOLER,\ !lfOKJHJS ·. CRA;.!PS, A :-1 1> ALL . I SUi\IMER OIZ DOWEL COi\IPL\ Tl\TS IS tJNF:QtJA I r;u1.- J0H N HIGGIN BOTHAM'S. » PERRY DA VJS' PAEHGLLER IT ClJf.:.:2S .AL.\InST 1 NS"l A N"TLY. T l:c P.\I ~ K!! .L "R i" p11t HJ) i1, ::i oz . ~nd 5 01. , bottles rct.1iling at 2.'J and 50 Ct:lllS rt:~pecuvely,--l<inze bottles a re therefore che;ipe:.t. ict. Ph ,t ' B . D A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF Les, ae ons, uggics, RFlJ:rtiERY TOOTH NA.II AND k:manship quality and style PE · ' - ' ' - ' cmo-1 ' · HAIIo BRUSB~S JUST -REOEJ' VED Bo wn1anvillc. Dec, 17 1879. Wfitt~~~~~~a~f~'vL:· divided into several \\'1su~~dc~~~B :~~~e~:f~i;:·;ert;n~i~~)~t~~nt, I c1 a se~ according t o thei r tenden cies to and full of hnpe for e.11 others. I have 5 in rny 1 n ind 1s ey~ a t this m oment, in which two wand p arents were more or less t»-inti~d 8 CL~A·s -~ c==-o - wH =-ou· s -· SOLO nv AtL MEDICINE DEA LERS. ::=:u::E=131~Y_,,,, Summer f · ~INTING. ~ 1Summer Goods! are in and con1ing in at . consnnlptio n , eitho r f rom hered itary, 0 r from_thejr own j nd1vidna.l folly 01." fate. Among these classo·, I <lee m the folluwin~ to bo, perhaps, the n10E1.t marlp:·d : ~ 1:-it. J}lnny individuals see1n prep I no w invite speoia.1 attf>.ntlon to my nc'v ol!~ rJ o,,tined to t ho diseaso by two or three aenerati<)llS of conBnmpt1ve ancestors, and this i· ·trictly true, a · r lh in k, ll l)less parents d 11ring the yo uth oftheii·children 1 and' the chil·iren ·when assuming rheir own oelf-comrol, endeavc-r not only to resist snch tendency, but to avoid every ronrse which will teud to lessen th eir vitality. 2nd. Others inheri t brolrnn health of vari ous kinds·owin.~ to the imprudence or "ices nf their predecessors, many of which predispose to rnrinns drneases, and pree ininently to conann1p li0n , in their the desceDdan t.s . 3rd. Some of their nwn personal habits, wit h the dis ease. They had six children, --:o:-twen ty-n ine p;rand childrcn, and nineteen · great-gN~IHl children , bnt not a t.!· of Trin1med Bonnets and HatsJ Feath- \ conmruption .has as yet ~ppeared in ·ny The Subscriber has now received a large and well assorted e rs, ]flowers, Silks, Ornaments, etc. of these doscendanls. to k .t .bl · tl t d . \ I kno\v no m ore valid reason for this s c , Slll a e 101~ le presen 8;Il commg season. 0 escape than ~be dt'teriuinecl C<\rrying ou t, D y the miginal progeoitors and thoir do Though goods have advanced and still con tinue to advance Braids, Floss, Canvas, Hair .Braids I scendtmtK, of _the main features of _tb e -in price owi ng to his havin" bought laro-elv in anticipation and Switches, all of which I intend r~iles to b e laH.l down tu th11! comm_uru?a- I f , . .· ' l 'JI _. · b t· Jdb :· . . . I t wo. Tho rul es of health, of exercise, · of 0 a l lSe, le Wl offer rnany llleS at 0 ,pnces, and 'having to ·sell cheap. B· diet, of clo th ing, of st11dy, etc. , were com- detern1ined to reduce his euonnously large stoek, he will sell MRS A ANDER'-'ON _I mence d by the great -grandparents, and l , h Jd , h. ffi · · d l . · · · · "" ' never given up during tho earlier y ears many at e_ ss t an o Iat es, t US o errng 111 ucernent tot 1ose King St., Bowmanville. of their children, u ntil the rules had be- who wish to m ake four rio!lars do the work of five. P. S.--Hats made over in the N ewest come, as it were, a e:econd nature in the Styles. farr1ily. It is evident that very similn.r Bo...,·manville.Aprllli-st 1880. ideas have prevailed among t heir descend,;. l1>0 · MILLINERY AND FANCY GOOD t of Mr. Tho!nas Burley, whose the best city painters. PaintTreat your carriages to a )ompany's Machines constantly HILL'S A.11 the newest and nobbieet styles in BERL! N. WOO_ L, s 1 DR.R.IS, Proprietor. 05-3ro. 1.adies', Gents' & Children's Dry Goods. Suits Made to Ord er ! URTRY, l a good stock of GOODFl'l'S ! l!lnlt11 neatly Ma(IC, Gootl Style and F lt, "\\'ltll Mox, Gloves, Collars nntl Ties thro1vn In, for $2.'2'5. A. LARGE LIKE OF SP!l!'!"CIAl ATTl:'!."NTION 1$ CALLEO TQ liceutionsness, drunkenness, eto ,ruin their ants. Snch a caso as thiiS should affOt"d us 01rn constitutip ns, and open n freer way · astronghopothnt, ifthe same course be to consumption for themselves and their follOwed iri other instances, the sarne Carpets--Jute, Uni.on and All vVool.. .... .................. 50c upwards Coloured and Black Gros Grain Silk .............. ......... 50c Table Linens and Damasks ...... .:........ .. ....... ............. .20c Large Lot of T~eeds .......... .. .. ................ ..... .............. 25c BJ a ck an d C o Iore d C ,ash meres.................. ................ 15 c ------ - - - -- - -- - Banking House 01' rlesoendan tB. 4th. A still greater number, without a.ny vicious propensities, are yet so neglectfnl of the laws of health that they also.are carried down by the d;s0ase. ln many of of these Gases, where the patients have been, by this neglect of healt h Jaw, recan prevent the u I tunate·y a a1 re.u1t,auy more than we can chango on e of Nature's Ia.w 8 by o. more persouaJ whnn, Rome of these,, however, by a radical cluu:ge of }1ahits of life, may rAgain more or · less of good health , and n1ayt at, e111cape conaumption. ·-' 5th. Thero is a large ciaos of consumptiveS \vhu ~re n1ade so, not by any fa11lt of their or t heir a.ncostors,but fro;n their more or less inevitable exposure to evil induenc~s 1ltb h· PPY r 0s 1d s mightdohoour. h 1t ·1 10n 1 e note ere t at consumption sorrietimes seems to paB3 over one generation and fasten itself ·1pon the .'(randchildren . Hence, it behooves one to remember Vi'hat his tende ncies are, not only through his paren tage, but also " " " BURK&JONES. 1 OFFICE 'RO.VISIONS STRAW COODS Glassware, in the latest fash ions, will be sold at leas ;, Tobacthan it cost to make them. Scc, &c. We are great on the SHIRT '!'RADE, 'Change. lO-tf dueing their systems · for · y eat·s, f t no pow er faftht:ir up It ·11 b the ancestral b tl -line. t t t th , w1 e 'een Y iese s a emen s a,, ltnderlying the hereditary natnre of con ~ sumptiOu, are deep laws, at present dimly understood i but which, in t he light of rnodern in~estiga.t1on, will eventu A.l ly be " " No. 1 Temperan ce St., BO-W1'14.NVILLE, don't· order your shirts from Toronto. Bumme rs, a.pend yonr money 1-n your own town , that will h elp to moke cgsh more plentiful. OALL AND SEE US, w e cB)l cure you of goin,g to the cities to spend your surplus cash, · Yours re sp ectfully~ . White, Scarlft and Grey Flannel.. ... ... .... -........... .... :. 2oc .,, ' \i more thoroughly known, and brought Fancy :Flan nels and Sh irtings an immense variety, Hosiery, Trimmings, a ver:v full stock. ADVANCES 1WADE on personal and collateral security. . N & C 0., [N within the ranAe of a . high er m or ality th an the .vorld has at the, present time. lf these hygienic laws ho obeyed, consurnp tion will become, we 1nay hope, much 1nore rare than it is now. CHILDHOOD. ill TBOS. PATERSON. W · E ' PETH 'IC K'S BARBER SHQ p' . . To get your H/~:IR- C LTT TING and SH_ -\ VING done . .At the same tn1c got some TOBACCUES CIGARS, a &he bas the best lnanufactured. He has also a. fino asaortr~1Cnt of Briar Pipes l Oo ----·- -- ~-- -~~--~-~ -·---·~·--~~~~- ·~--·--- NOTES DISCOUNTED. 5%interest paid on deposits oJ: $4 and upwards. th ei r trJ.dee , or aay busineas 'rhia may be legitimately called their fate, these, too, at tim es, like the others natned, are . al roost irret rieYably swept away. As in the pas t, so, I fear, in the far fu ture, these variouscanses,as I deem then' of consumption, will operate. Each man .and woman , Cach hoy and girl, will usu ally lell:1.'n uuly by his 0r her own exp edea.ce a.sit has always l)een from ea,rliest time~. Of ~:hat u ~·P 1., then, <lisst':rtationa for the preYent1vn of con~tnnphon 1 How cn.n we pt-6YBnt i t with such obstacle?. in our pa.I h ? I\.fy answer Is as follows: If I could pcrs11 :-LdR ·a n hum~ n_ h ein~.'I h) hehav~~ re'isnnnbly and un~ <'ltishl y, Jn other i,vnrdiil; ie1nµ & r a1ely, in a.II-things, an d wit.h conatant watchf ulnes<; in l1ygienic rnles, for t hA no t only of th eu!aelvea, hnt of t h01r n:ei~ibo ra , thei r servants, ur aHsistari ts of a ny kio.('.1 1 I helievo consun1ptio n "'"nld hocnme n1nch. l@'s;i f requent tlu'.n it · R nt 11reRent.. ln ver:r many individu.:;ls .-.!:... ·li s r-a1:ie W" nld b 0 11reventrd f1·01n ap~ _, -u·jn~. I~1 other cr~ses, wher e the 4is,en.ffe ro;l.V ba,ve beg nn, rest () rr.tion to health Cf)nld be f;.t·o oght about hy the u~o of a.ppropriat o lDtY&n.G o. nd ren1ed i~s. 1 earnestly hope th;i.t r. few thought.", bnrq from 1ny expedefl:CI? of llearly half a ci.;11tnry, will help parc11ts jn the trP.atn1en t of their children t o as t o p rev.ent. eonsnn1ption. Perhapa, tool I may aid ~< ·t.:...'e wbo IDiJV be now in d oubt as to a pron6h' con rao.. of con<lu1..:t., ·)ll t.h eii· own confirlingthern within doors, or fro1n their poverty pr eventing propP.r food and cloth- ing. There is one general rule to be foI.lowed with e\!ery child . Let everything be don e to promole perfec tly robust beaHh. Let the b oy or girl be as free as possible fro1n all restrai nt,save what is a.bsolut t:!ly necessary for inorality a nd intellectual and physical hoaltll· 1"'t the food be very sini ple,",tlntrit1nua , r..nd ab nndnnt., Let th e clothing-he appropri::iM t e for the aeason anU suffi cient; n eithe.r t oo much in summer, n or t.00 liLtle in winter. Let the!n h ave air dailv eve n fron1 earliest vears. Let then-1 p]n.y anti sleep in sn n-ba'th ed rooms, the wind ows of' which should be daily opened, and fl'ee vtH1t il r.tion ah.onld alwa)'8 Pe careG for at nig ht, as well as during t.he day, even in the coldi?.st -,veather. Child re n accus~<)IH6d to walk daily in the air oot of doors, if possibie, are less h ablo to conL?hs and coldA, and beco m e more rollust~ than thoee w.ho are · k6pt in close, witr nd y-heated apartments. ·- I their studieM be light and n')t weayig on10; [or we rea\ember that a 9hild needs in uch of its n ervous power to moct, dema.nds n pnn it for. the growth of t)Je b,·dy, and hence vury little" intellectu al work shonld b e allo\ved. AH pr ecocity of mlnd eho L~l cl, if pog~ihlo, be kept in subjeotion ~ not by gev~· i ty, but by gen ial and healthful ~pol'ts:, ~ .At the peri0cl of second d entitio n, '!>. c., a bout. eigbt yerirs of age, qrea.t c11.1·P. and f orbe arance mu st, in son1e cases, be used. The chilcl under the lier\rons at imulue of this procePJ s eems to lnsc his previvus good and hea.lthfpl way~, a nd for a year or nlnre to be of a :wh.oily ph~nged nnture . Ile hs h·etf11 l, and irr!table, and oft~n ,,_,.,_,,,_.,_,,,__,._ ,,,_°'_ , - ,.;, _ _ .,_~_;.,.._,,,_,.,_,.;,,_=·-======--"'"'-"'-"-""'--"'-·....= =""-"'-....=-""-""-""-"'-"~---.;.;...,,.,. _=set= "" Bown1anville, April 29,_}880. 1-92. DRAFTS ISSUED ! KATHA~ IO N. 'i· or co\·er~d w i th Pimples, 1..ry one ,bo ttl~ of I{atharion, \Yhich is sure j!O ~urP-. !Jt!i"rT r: yonrface is 81.nburnt,rough on all branches of Bank of Montreal in Canada, New York and London, England. Private and Building Society Funds I loaned on real estate at best rates. of I :II LUMBER, Square Timber; · :7 S. F. HILL. Bow1nan \· ille, .... A..pr_il2._5.__!.~0. 90-tf. ·~N & SON ORONO BANKING HOUSE. s; Mouldings, &c. e:-;, and t o deliver articles in all parts ~Ve b 11y MONEY LOANED. NOTES DISCOUNTED. DRAFTS ISSUED on all Branches of the ONTARIO BANI<. Also Drafts bought an d sold on New York and London, Eug. :M ADE A~D SOLD RY jW. E. PETH I CK, lat his Shaving Parlor, nnt 41001· l1ve11t o-f ~lurdocll .Dros· Grocery 1 S t oTo, Ring Street, Il.owman ville. if.rf.f"Rend 50c. by, an d n 1·etnro ;you will receive a bottle. ' July 21, 18i9. NOTESANDACCOUNTS I COLLECTED. ~ BANK STOCKS, BONDS, DEBENTURES, and MORTGAGES l I for ( lASU, and eell tor CA.SU, ete, IA.NGE BOUGHT. cCLELLAN & CO. 8 FIVE PER CE.NT Int erest allowed on Deposits. .... : .ty, go to NOTES and ACOOUNTS COLLEO'l'ED. Danl{ Stock, M ortgages, &o., bought nnd sold. ~~ lso money loaned on real ustate security, at reasonable rates, and on terms of re-payment to suit b9rrowcrs. \..- - 52 NEW SUM MEH l l 880 , i DRY G 0 0 D S _ JUST ARRIVED IBO-UGH'l' AND SOLD. ! INVES'l'MENTS MADE. I Bo Vt n1an ville, Feb. 12, 1879. 29-ly. W. vV. TRULL .. Orono Feb. 18, 1880. 82-tf. lVIRS. DONNEI,L Y Has j nst receh~ed T T IN G'S - , -_ - -:l) D ENTISTRY! in WE I a large atock of FllENOH AND AMERICAN 0 fl 0 L D AT--·- l:vf ILLINE R Y f Bown1anvil1e, April 21, 18 61-tf. Wll'll TEE'rn · . ot h,, rs ~]ready !l: t]'n!jt;;ling wif h it, 1 and l"Ubn1is~ivo <'5 ho wa3 pro,;ionsJ,J. No If I can lead aven a very few young ·OlH~ in th e- fa1nilv ssen1s t o kn ow how to ma.rr ied _poopl~ to co11si~G"I.' cn:~·;.fully, a1~~ snit h iui, The P:-u·cints ar c often .in <leep ro act w1sely in the duh:is wh1cn tb. ey wt. l d esr air, and children arc sent frOm h om0, owe to t,he children, which mi:.y jn f uture flo m et.imes, froln the id ea. tho.t it wi ll be ~)e born t.o t hen1; it . .1 : ca.n pre1;>e:>t th ara bet ·er for ·th em, a11d certninly for. t11e -0iti1.e 1· fr011' lead ing their chi~d!'8Jl, or . al- i·elief of the 1nothBr. · Tn a child preOhJowing them. to ru n blindly, under in - posed to ·uons·1m11ti11n. this period shou1d . fl n~n.)es, ~.1: h1ch tend to d eyelop. consurnp- P ' ' .~ to fight, off threa tened ~liB<-as~.p ,,ssibl y. I m~y 1.i,lforfi sotne assnst.~~·.1ce to pu'¥11nci 0ttl. iustoad of being ~entl e q111ot co1 J, 1ish for the comin which we feel ·uality or prices. · delighted. a nd i1,1 bound to sell them at prices that ha never been offered in the town of Bowman ville The stock cannot be surpassed in QUALI'l'Y AND OREAPNESS. Ua.U and see f o youreelves. sists of Tho stock ccrn N EARf,Y Itr. J~A~T~~~.~~~2.,MBE, I 1'WE~TY .I u YEARS E){PER!>JN CE. i MlLUNERY, SILKS, I I n SATfNS, VELVETS, :XUrons Ux.hlcGns Ad:1liu hJc1"cd fol· Palnles.8 ) 01J trn tic)f>!'l. \ (>jt'j-'JtlE: l!gct:J.rNIJi'~ . ULOC'K. : heft 'ht largely folly 20 BltAIDS. FRINGES, SWJTCHES, be w.atc}u·d tion , my work wiH n~t be _ in vain. After a -ye1j.t'i more or 1~ss ~ this phase F or t h_f' purpose uf 111~k_1ng my rom:"rks pasliOB off, i;1.11d agaio the aarue regul~r,out:: m· ire de fi nH.e, 1 iih a.:1 d1v1de the snbJ ects of-doo r non. Jaborions life should be under db:ers ~ headit.1gs, "'onnected wi th pursned until puberty. eon1e of: the more eviden t ca_n ! . of t h e )Voe to the parent and child alike if the di~~~flC. Thna the pap~ r w~ll be. n'.oro child, 011 arrivin g at this turnin g~ point nf from ~v1~ry other~ BlJ.d :r1ll1 of itself, form a anh1 ec t of constderat.ton. .HEREDIT Y AS .A CAUSE. 'J}' with. gret;1.t cl)re. R_ J _ S=:ErA -W-:1 AGENT FOR OF l.-HE OLDEST AND l\1 0 ST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR Rak ei:i:. .l\fassey Manut'g Co's., Iteapers .1\ . .lowerd, a nd · " HAIR ORN_<\l!U:N'l'S, LADIES' LACE CAPES, ~n and LACES OF ALL KINDS, One VEILINGS, FRILLJNGS, mexTIES, COl\<IBS, &c., &c . LA})IES' AKD QEsT·s HA1'8 C LEANED AKD RE-SH.<l.PED. , I Bowma:riville, April 8U1; l 8SO. ea.sily reR.d. E nch d1 vu11.on '~ 11~ be distin ct OOYSUMP'flON~ life, has b 0en ill tr~i.ned to rules of health; so that the individn:\l, th ~1s gaJled to at ]east r,artial aeJf.grJvernn1en t, has no pro-Par THE - CURE Of. principles and rules within himself or her: self for tho right gnida'loe of lifr. h is of the greate·t importance to hold Uu ~il puberty there seerna to be no call this fact in mtnd, not only with reference fo1· special or d ifferent lines of treo.tment to ourselves as, but it should of the boy. and girl. After t!)at ' be e ·pecially remembered at the time of begins t he rea.l buginess of life, ma.rda.,s.-i:e and at tho birth of children, and [will consid er, in snbsequent issues of during th t?ir growth, faom earliest to adult the Oompanion, same cf tho niore ohvious life. · causes or promoters of consumption of this Of two hundred a" n d tein phyaicians Inter period, t).\testioned on the sn bject, only on.a answered that he had not sufficient evidence to convince him of the transmission \llOW J'f JS DOYI>. of the disease by hereditary t aint,* and The first objAct [n lifa w;t.IJ t)J ~ Ameritwo hundred and fiv ~ beHeved in its trnth. c11. n people is to Hget rich"; the l!IMOl}d I think t},.t tho fact may be conside red how to regain good health. The first can ""definitely ect tled. It ought, therofore, be obtainfid by energy, hones t,y and savto be of tlie i11ghe·t inoerest to every boy i n g ; the ~econ d (good health) by u~in,g 1 or girl, y:;.:iung nuin or maiden, father or GREEN'S At:GUS l' lff,Cffi'R!t, Shculd you mother, in tlie ]and, How sha.H oach one be a despond ent sufferer trow n.nt o~ t~ e of these p ersons co11duc t himself or herself etfcct!s of Dyspeps ia ~ L iver, Injn or·ler to avoid this rniiht.y iufine1.ce 1 diges tion, ,~c. , such as Sick Hl:JS;dache, MARRIAG"F..-PAitHNTS- 0£1.ILDRE N. Palp1:atinn uf the Hl:'. a r t, Sour Stomach, . . ' I-I ab itual Costiv e ness , Dh~ inesa of t.helTcad, ' Let me ~_eg1n ~·1th p are~ ts and those j Ne r\.'OUS P rostra.t.i.on, Low Spirit_,,,,, &c., l abont to be n:;.,arr1ed, and hable _therefore, I yo u need not suffer anoth er 'day . . 'tlwo to bacome 12ar~nt6. I hay~ a t hme.s been 1 dot'les of AUGUST 13'LO\YER will reliev e y,ou · -kod the significant q u estion, Onght r to at once, Sample Bottli?s 10 oents . . Ueg!ln1arry ! I ~Hl.\'H a congh , and some s~y I Iar size 75 cents. PositiVely .so1d by sJI have In ng d1sease. Wh a.t do you nclv igo.1 first · D rtlggists. Coughs, Colds, Hoa rseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough, l\11thm\l, end e.very - affoc;ion of th ~ · incl~ding 1fasson :M a nu facturing co·a., Superior Single and Co1nbined Seed-Drills. 'l'olton Bros'. Pea. llsrvestor. AT,L MACHIN l·:S W A.l\RANT1'D. FarmerR' will find it to their interest to cons nit me either JJersonn.lly or by letter befOfe ordering ].._f ach in es,? ' AgP-nt ~or tp e I-landed Banking &;; .t;o4ning Uo., II11.n\1lto:p., "REP.A.iRS for all rna11hine$ sold, kept nt ],fr ~ If l?umps ! Pumps~ Having commenced to manufactur e Throat, Lungs, and Chest, CONSUMPTION. A WELL·KNOWN PlfYSICIAN WRITES: 11 It does not dry 'UP a cough, and leave the ca: use behind, as is th~ case 11.,;ilh rnost -prepa,rations, but loosens 1.t, cleanses th~ lungs and allays 1 ·rritalion, th,u s removing the ca1tse oj" compla1 ·nt." DO NOT BE DECEIVED bv article· bearing a similar name. B e su re yoll get UR. [>'.JST4R'S BALSAM OF W I LD CHERRY, w1ih tbe slgt!at1n" oi "J, UUTTS" on th e wrnpper. 50 Cents nnd $1.00 a Bottle. .Pi:c· pated by SETH W. Fo,VLE & SoNs, Bo5t0n1 bfass, 8old by drugg-i~t~ R nd d~alers · ge n~t&l ly. J , 1\1ords' Carriage Shnp. ) I will be in Bowmanvlll e every Saturday. 1 Orders by .Mail prouiptly atte1tded to. H, J.SHAW 1·. o. Rox 104, IJO"\nuanville. eoe1nber 10, 1879. 72-1 · 10DEN PUMPS in l?'ullcr'a Old Building, SITE Tf!ELEVll:N S SHOE STORE, I am repared to turn out :ST Cl,A.SS l'll JU.PS. 'um~ps repaired on s hor t notice. still continue the buSiness of Carponte1 tractor. c of patronage solicited. LnviJJe, Jan. 7, 1880, -----·--1 I - --- · --.. -- -- ----------) ~ 1'TEVV Fi W. C. 'l'YLER. '7 6 HA'RN£SS SHOP ! TDOlU A§ lHJiVIPJIREY, S '}'HE Collar Maker, ~1 as at lfl:Sl started busines ~ll f!o wmnnvill e. Ha.--t-ing worked with l\fr. ~l· Porter for twenty~ Bii five years and la~erly ~or two years V.'ith Mr. I S~ F, ~a.son , !"5'-lPermtep.d!ng the Collar Depart~J . ffient Of ltis busin (!;SS1 re ,ys· SPECIFIC MEDICINE: 'llARK.1'he G·reat 1;ng· TRAD E MARK, "' _n,1o lten""" ,An Bernmal unf1-1d1ngeutefor " ~tf'J 1 cy, He is 'prepared to make a collar J 0 ! w:nranted safe and easy. ·I I His long cx perienoe in the business, a nd well ' . k nolYD reputation as a fi rst-.clnss ·workman is , ~mg1oss a nd a ll D15caaes that fol l ow a s:n sequence of Sclf._,\.bufe;as Vleakne,sB, Snpennato1 rhea, Im po- o EMcmery,After Taking:; No general reply can ha rnade to this inquiry, and a most seri ous and important, one it often hecomes. If slight dise ase 'J'lle'foltaCc Gel.1, Co., ..1tlnrgl1nU, i.11c11. only can be found , if th ~ hell.1th be not \Vill ~end thoir cclcbru.ted Electro-"\.,.o1t a:.c Belts to the at:n.ict:Al upon 30 days' trial. Speedy Seriously un jermined, I have not felt com - oures gullJ'anteed'. They me11ou ~yhat they say. peil~C:,v~o :~1:\tt:·op!ni0n because\Vritc to them wit!~_:~~~--701y. l~t. Some after 1n1.rrin.u-e d o get. well. A. CARD. O hen~ , if not recnvBring entirRly , enjny 1.'o all who arc suffering fron1 the errors and nl-:\liY years ~1f h 1 1ppv ma. fri ed life and jr, indLseret.ious o.fyouth, nervous ·weakness~ early "!Orne in~t fl,nc ... s, 1lf l I Will , snf:ficlent recommendation. keep constantly on hand a full assortment of everyJhing · in his line. I A Protected. Solution of the Protox!de oi Iron, ls as easily digesteJ and assimilated with the piood tU! ~hp rfn1nlest' food. "~hen the blood does not coni;i1n the u sual qq.a.ritity pf Jr on, the rlefi.CicncY can be stipplied bY tti~ uSe of ~he Prices to Suit the Times. I j I GraYe. · particulars in our pamphlet, which ' to send free by n1 nil to cverv one.ific ll.Icdioinc is flOld by all a·ru_g_ gista: package, or six packaqcs for :fO, or int free by mail on the receipt of tho r addressing m1atu1·c I Lnssirude, Pain iu the Back , Dimne1:1s . Premature Old .A..gc, and man y otLe1· t.hat !earl to Insanity or Consumption l'HE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto, Ont., Canada ·. ol esale and a.1H1 r r.t.ail d. rugg-ists ~ rein in Bowmunville hy all dr111-;·gh-1ts, an d1 Canada ·anl1 the United States, 132~ hll.rm rPsu lt.s to then1- f' ...eipl decay, loss ut hood, &o .. I "'u; send fl, re· t.lrn.t will .cure !'O U , EHI£1£ OF Cll.A HG}!j. Carriag-e Harness an d Colli ars a Specialty. , T .::<>l .. t ·, eir children l f r,hey hav;-i ;;i,11y. · · · d · A t· ·R· -, , P OI ··t· C11 lllP, "< to my tu 1nn an it. .~ verj' "" ll i£!!1~st vc in it.s \1aried cour-ao. It. :try in South An1erica. ~end a r~lf-addr.s,':!sed enveloue to t,heREv.Jcflh!PH'l'.L\/N..\.N, SlaJ,fon Thh:i g-ren.L rcmGdf v; LS discoYerect hy a n' i~sion · Ren1embe:r the Stand:· 71/.tf. D. l'{e.w Y ork Citv. ehiJW~ that a hn~hand roa.v not. s1 1 il~r ;tftP;r marn:~~e j t. d id n.) harm r.nd pe,rh:-Jps lt dis ~asP of one li1ng-. He had 1 _ - · · · ,._. ,~ - --.--eng!>'!Oed for se.-eral years to a ymrng $50,000.00 of English money tp ! 1'"'·'m . ~nd ~h"Y were ae,-ot.edly attached. I)an at a low rat.e of interest. Ap-.1 1 e 'nld ha ve wi·!).raj that. they had never 1 t Th B' o-h H h ' h e » ·~ united , '111\ »f\fjr ·!sting my P_ Y 0 OS. m,,, um, . ug, ans . 0 ;,,i,.;;, very pl»illl v, ol :··.· J.i;p,ggrs thao , ,I".wellery St9re,Bowmanv1Ue. ul tf , ·1i· 1 :t ;;,ccri~e to him, if carele?S ln his · ii:--:rlnn~ Dr~e. selling: off Lheir i;ummer l .·· ;L ltal relations; an:! the dangers to any :oN~~(CowaAtagreat tt; Give them a offspring that inil'h~ arise, I ~O'!!d no_ t ~~pl _an. o.ud ¥~~,e a,df""" !'t half price. ' B t 'b h f 1 nrny h ave d nne p-oou . n · ot fl 1 1e ~h il ··lf· ..·n rest~lting fr_?nl lhi>i inarriH.(~" clied f nrsuinp tion O ne of th<>n l - ho we\·er o c 1 · · · ' '" i,_.- hr. h:> v "' . 1.een 8~rpil if th., sl m pli->st 1. yo-1 e · w: t-:ch .}: n ld have hf'en -· ": · h 1 I l ' w-.. 1 Jn ~ - · ~e w1t . ~nr, 1 nn Hfft!hJlary ?l t hiJ.ri nr 1~ OP.Cl) ('nt1rely f.orgotten? A y 'IPtg iU~rr:hant C(\nsulted -n1e, and ! If r.ou are <:t ll t~ering front loss of. ?- PPfl llte, n:<1,.ked of n1e simply the c1uesticn n ·n1ed ! PX!'er;s10n o fSplr1twof'Genen~.1 Delul 1!.f. D.Stolts ~. "O· ht l t. · !" I f .l' Gr~a.t 'L,iwer Co mpound a.nd Tonio B1ttet·s will n.°"')ve, 1g o ma1 ry oun e CUl"O you. Tr3'" a. bottle, N d . ff at k , 'L I ~ o n1ryrqan can a ior, o ma e anl 1 flP 11 w 1 11 c I butter. People.,\\'ho buy bntter want 1t ye.How, I H.Ild _will ing to P8:Y ~eY~:ral :ents p~r poun~ I iug IDorofo, it.tha n t h e:i,; '"o ui.Ufu1 the 1R.1dy Jo~k~uj.f th i:,r oft.en hR.VP. lo t!Lkc... By trnrng 'Velli;;, lttc.ha.rd~on & Oo' 8. Pcrfe_ c tcd Bu tler Color. sver>y dii1ryn1a.n can have the golden color <:>f J nne the sear ro"L"nd . I t is sold by drugg19 t 8 a.nd 1nerclu1nti; fol:"t:Gcr3Ur~ , , - ~ so ~1 ,,.e-.. - 1-, -,-e-n,-,,,er. 1 V1T~T~i~1~~ ~ti~- ~Y~~:r::g, , '!'PE> enri~h ed and v~tnlized blood permeates ~very pa..l't pf ~h s body, repa iri ng dan1ages and ~~st~ ! se&rcl}ing ou t n1orbi<l secrctioµs 1 and l e~i.v ipg ~µthing for I t cures n "thousand ills:' simply J:>y ToNlNG- U r , lNYIGOitAT1NG, -and PERU VIAN S YR l!P. ii~arly - opi;osltc the :\ieglstry . · Office, A Pa I djsc ase to feed upon. 'fhjs Is li·~- ·ecl'et of tha woq.derful succasa of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Boils, Dropsy, Chronic Oiarrhcea, R. W · JAME S , BOWMANYILJ'..E, .'\.gent and dealer in all k~tnu ates t and , a oi. · t he 1 Pal ~ N . .'. , l a Nervous Affections, Female And iiJl d!!e;is·· ~f!gln11Hmr i!l a ~ad state of t!ie blood, or accompanie<l by Qebll1ty, Pr a lolf state of the system. · · ' ' ' .. · CAUTION.-Be -sure you get the "PL' Rl!V141'{ /;YRUP." Sold bydruggists gener ally. Pl).lllp!!l9ta seµt fr·· to any address b: Ss~a W. Fowu· ,§; So11s, froprj~Wr~, 8~ H~r rioon Avenue, Boston, M111s. no ' ·-·-4. " mp'""'"'· """n ma.rkbd > ! I ! RE~~I~t~t~~offi?~ .!~~D. btow~ Ac R 1 ouL rutRAL lrAPLEMENTs, And all the best and most useful in1plem en t u~ed in t4fi honse]:lold d.eparl;tiJfp t , auch 0 · -aa ,· · S~""W ing, ' ing Mt1:oh'i n et1, Vi ringer~. ' · · KpiLLiof} and' W&Sh- .... ·.:\1 (j ~ ~ i;;.co r r1lu· a (or \'7hite '"'). Pain:f11 ltI~n· 1, l ilceraHon of tltc 1·t ci-11s, Onu·ia n "" o ' and a ll diEcasc-s known .ale VVeakncss. ']'hey are wil,h the ~reatcst care un der t he SU" of a physician 1-'»ho has female ..vnson'e lt'Iyslio Pills are e:ol by TOTT, BowmanYUlc, and all at $1 per packug-e, or six packag68 for be sent b y mai-1 on recefpt or money -sing · 'l'BE GRA~ JU1DICINE tco., specio.l study for many [ears. - J. ~AOh~nes promptl y~ aYl · 'l'orQn to, Oµt C"nad~j . Bo wru· n ,.me Oct. 22.1818. · ~-~-----~-~