Postage Prer)aid by the Publisher-. ¢~m ¢anailan$tati~man ! . IS t'UBLJSBff,D 1 , 1 I ODDFELLOWSHIP. An nual Meeting of i he Grand Encampmen& a nd Grand J,odge of Onturio at Guelph. E'iER'li FIUD.t.Y l'IIORNING, JY'.L A. "J::\_MES, . /,. .AT TRI!: Oll'E101t, , J>os& om(',e ?Uock, Kini( St., Rownuurvillc,Ont I TERil'fS: $1.50 per, or $1.00 if paid in Advance. XE"lV S :E ltIES:} Nnu1bcr 109. } Payment stl'ictly in ·advanco required fl:om. anbscr1bers outside of the C O Llnt~~. Ord~rs t~ di.aeon tin ue th e p a.per 1nuE1t he .'l.Ccon1pan1ed bJ ; the a m ou nt due, or the pa.per will not be st .oppe~. Subscribers arc responsib1e u 1itU fnll payroent is 1 $1.!}.0 1,erauu 1mt,~r $1.80 lf~·a1dln 1ulva~ce. ) TER3'itS: \:>Ult TOWN AND coui .. AN D PlLOPRI Bl'OR. =================== ~~-=o . c.=· c===-=~: BOWMANVILLE , SCOTT'S l'OLt:ME XXl'I N11!abcr 5. made . JtA.'l'l!.511 OF AD"l'Elt'l'ISING: " Ha.lf year .... . .... . ... .. " " " One quarLcr ............ Quarter Colnnu1 ono ye11r . ....... .. " .. Half year .... .. ..... .. ·· One quarter.. .. .. .. " ro One quarter. ....... 20 00 1 ~ Half Column one year .. ...· ·· ········ 30 ~I" " 20 \Vh,~le Cl~~nlnn ~iSl;~~r·::::.: :::::: $50 3 0 00 ~~~ 12 20 00 _ 12 60._ 8 O'J _ 1 oo .... : , . !%:"' 601= 5 Six lili es and under, first in~CJ:tion . . $0 twhscquont inscr~1ou ··;· .. 0 13 1irrom six to ten lines, first ~n aert1on, 0 '751··- JO E ach ~ubsoquent 111se;rtion ···:··· 0 20.0ver t on Jines,first inserllO~,per.~me, 0 :mbsequcnt in:-1crt1ori , 0 02, -'l'he numLci· of lines f,o bo :ruckonerl by j·: osr-- 8t . 0e. B00t &8h · = . Ore !o .o::i . ' 0 NG !~~ CLOTHI CLEANED OR DYED. ~ -i: ~ .C ; :: l&illlll · · ""' ~"' d Ladies' and Uents' 'IIVINE. I T he G rand Encampmenfofthe I.0.0.F. rne t :1t Gue lph on Tuesday, 10th instsnt. D uring th e year three ne'v enca.1nprnenta were instituted-at Collingwood Walkerton , and \VinghanL 'I' here wa~ a. ~mall fltw rease in 1newbers hi11 since last year. The prosent membership fa 1799 ; nnnual receipts, $5,036.70; relief paid, $ 1,12L68i Tue Gr~nd P a triarch in his address called attention to the advisability of forming an I endowrueut scheme, by which a.ta oon1paro.· tively ligh t expense to msm bere, the sum of tli40 or $50 no'.v paid to widows could be increased to $1000, which wo uld add greatly t o the nscfuluess of tho order. Officers for t he vear were elected as follows : John Uonugh, 'foronto. Grand Patriarch. Dr. F . I tae, Osha,va, Hr and :High Priest. W. D. Gordon, K ingston, GrH.u<l Se nior Wa.rd en. M. D. Dawson, London, Grand Scribe and T reasurer. II. Urqnh~rt, 8tratbro;y, Grand Jun ior 'Varden. J. Hain Perrr, Whitby, Gr11ndRepresent1tth·o to t he So ver eign G r a nd Lodge. 1: ~ solid N onpare11. Advertisernents vdthOlLt f.ll_Jecifio directions \Vill be publh;hc'd till forh and charged ac· t] 10 occ11;nied, measured by .a scale ofj_15 FOR J(hl Gloves cleaned and dyed.C ~ 8 0 Sec nnd-1m.nd cl othing bou ght a n d 1 _. ] ] s old. .All g arn1cnts 'lvarni nted to ~ ~ be as tJJ.nding color, and so t11ut 110 1 ~ ~ ~ . ~ 0111~ · w ill knO\V them ftom n ew. If ;;::: ~ ...::l th ev shou ld fail to be so I will not ~ ch a.rge one fa rth ing.f or ID~' tr ouble. b E--1 :: E '!'HOM.AS l'l£ATE, ,111i . .., Clot hes cleaner n.nd dyer, sign of vi · g, the t~alf-faded coat no.vmanvipe. C Bownian"l-ille, Jup 4, 1878. 45-tf c .5 rc-ilyeil " 'ithout taking np.a.rt.~~· M ~ ~ F"a U.ers cleaned, dyed and cnrlod. Faded Garm ents brough t to their ·~ ~ I nat ural color, Ladies' Dl'eas OoodS c on t he 11.uth· 'ninister : A ~ b tng in . . ·land, and a urso 'its v n he as 1 1J1e ll -. 00 .Tif~J~~Lisements from tro.nsient per.sons or strn.ngere, mu!'lt be tor ln advanc1::1, or a sufficient deposit. to 15ecure th& office against lose. . ROOK .AND .101; PRL~'flNG executed. in the moat modern sLylee, and n.t the lowest living - - - ---·- - - -- · - - - - -- - a the THE G"RAN D LODGE. ;nd: , r r ho Grand L odge met on "\Vodneaday. \s- Between 800 and 400 delegates wero pre·0 eut. The Grand ?;Jaster repo rted that d uring the past year hA had gran t ed dispe n$'latl0 ng t.o three new lodges. I I e also oallcd atten tion to the proposed endowment ~he n1 e . -The 0 1'der generally is in a prosi·o tf" a condi tio n LEVI MORRIS, 'I q ~ prices GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE S'fA1'ION AND THHJ. 60rNO li:AB'r. l (QJNG wmeT. = BARGAINS. He has the larg((sL Stock of Boots aud Shoes in towr!, ., DJ selected from the best Canadian and American man ufactnrl' ~'l. .The whole stock has been purchased for CASH at greatly reduced rates. · "·le11's, "iorr1e11 's, :\iisses' and Children's· Prnnella Boots ll' ·t sold for half' the regular pnces. GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BCJLDE!t l.\fn.nufH.ct w ·er m o ul <linf...'1:!. or sash , b l.1nds, doors , and ) t Pla11ing·1 ~latching, !'i!inviug, tHl<l 'J'11ruh1g. 0H.::.iA1\tENTAI. P1QKF.TS , I"N' EVEUY V~') LU E'l'Y. SCROLL SA WINC> . 'Phe Gran d Scrctory rovorted the total caipta · for the year, to be '$7,478."21ance from last year' 85, 79f). 99 -in all IJ.58.20. The expenditure was $9,443.· leaving a balance of $3,814.21. The nber of lodges in the jurradictiou is 188 nd the total mem hership 11,871. Benewere paid to 12'i6 brothers and 204 )WS ')f e very description done to or dor on t he sho r t - were r eliev od . The a.verage amount Express ....... . 9.00 J\1lxed .... . .... 2.00 J~ocal .. . ....... 7.10 Express .. , . .. . 8.42 a.m. I Loc:\l. ....... . . 7.M a.m. p.1n. p.1n. p.m. 1I1xed ........ -i.~ p.rn. Express ..... · 9.0o u.m. CLOS~ IE~Pl'ess. ....·. 9.20 a .in. est n otice. S hops on L"ibel't y Strecl:., North of th Eastern I-louse, Bowrnauvillc. 78. Bowo1unvil c , .Jan11i1l'Y 22, 1880. THB POST ot· ucE AT 5 A. M., AN D OPENS p. m. at Until further not!ce tho be closed this: oflloe as follQws: AT 7 mail· will THOMAS B INGH AM, Fire, Life, Marine, Accident Insur ance Agent . llfotliing but First-Class Com panies npresented. K<ill~1@lf ~1i i~~:~:·::·:·: <;:·:·;::~i::·::·:.' ~~::::· :;::J:fU:~: .. c·nt·,andto anypart ofCailadafortwocents ·The m·ils fu1· tho North ·re [;J osed atl0.30 ··"'.': Ordered work promptly attended to All letters for the old Countvy must be prepaid fil e ce nts. Postage on. letters to the United latest anproved stv le. Repa1r11w neatly States must be prepaid, tli.t·ee cents Canada . , J ~ postas-e. All t ra. nstent, newspapers must be prepaid wlth a one cent staD\b, Money letters . · are regh1t.ered to the Unit e{t States fo r five C ·t ' l . 1 'f l I I .. 11nd made up in ihe ' done with despatch. an d Va j' lSeS COl1Stan ti J ' lief paid to each brother was $12,07. relieJ and oharity in all $26.075. 76 l paid by subordinate lorlgea-inoludsick benefit·, 1115,382.81; r elief of wed families, $6,296 .U5 ; bu rying the , $2,202'48 ; special relief, $2,193,82. n1t expenses aba_prjJQ_sL $87,416.69, urnit.nre, regitlia, &c., $17,362.32,the expenditure of lodges being 't hui$81,7. The widows' ·nd orphans' fund lges arnotmJ;s to $92,172.01; gjl!l.lll!!'.1!!~--,;,.;;;.:: of lodges, $257,650.35 ; -w ntii:igent of lodges, $3,518.54-total, $357,· 5. The officers elect :for the current IT. Cole, Brockvillc, Gra nd Mast er. f. M. H u.Lton, Chat ham, D. G. M . ry Robertson, Collingwood, G4W . es "°'"oodyat.t, P, fr. M,, Bra.n~for d , Grand St!DbLti,re, re-elected, . Hadonach, 'l'oronto, Grand T r easurer; 'l'oronto, Grand Secre tary, re~ .re: =======,.;;;.;;<.;;;==== LJC~JNTIATE J. ;r, B. FAIRIB.mN, Po$tni.aster. on hand emen lllg · {Olle p1oper y. . fllll{S ~!!~~~l~~!O ~r~ ~:, ·=Bo~w~m~au~v1~ll~·>~A::-:r~il~29~,~1s~s~o.==, w. ncJ,aughllr1, ~·· R., OF THE I\\JYU COLLEGE/ . rro NEED COME ONE AND ALL W r ~ '.. , GI , ..., Y ,, HIM '!OJ l\!J@Al~ A CALL. at the lowest rate . of i!lterest Office iate!y occ u,11.ied ~J Y .Drt BEITH, K I Hg St., Bowman:VIUl!l, Bow manville, August I. l e80. J05·ly. d. ~te<l. ~ . King, ~Jl~h~t%~i~f~··:~~lB~~1rg.::. t:::::~1FU ,f, Fl·}LDING. 1'l , Jt., i=t NIT URE · LUDICROUS STAGE SCENE. :d. by a Joke '"Ith a 4lectdedly IJnplM·· ant .E1uUng. fA R MERS, D O N'T READ THIS ! - - ~,iEMilER OF ROYA!, COLLEGE 01!' SUR· l"t'_ OEONR, Eu gland ; Licontiate Royal Col1~1 Jf Physich1.ns, Ed ing~rgli; Coron~r..,.~c. It~ i denoe~Corner of Silve.r Rnd ~ ei.ungton Sta., Sul'gery, Corner Church and Ten1peranoe -· - T <.>- ---· Streot s. Dr, A .~llEITll, - ----·---- \~ Sfi'Y. Physician, Surgeon,&c. Otlloo King Street, MORRIS' BLOCK, R riw manville. n RADUATE OF TIIE TOTI.ONTO UNIVERDJt, ,J, C. lllTCil.&LJ,, E1\1BEH OF COLLEGE OF PIIYSICIANS andBurgeons,, Qoroner,etc. , 0.ftlce and ue81 d ence, Enni§killen. 74. ----- -----~ .l. :HONTGOR!ER\'; JU. D, 1 I . 1 ER'S AREROOIS. 1 ~:nc~;.tcl~<:.::V~,~, f M R ~DU \.TE TOROK'Uo '"l!'RsrrY I .:__-~~-'·~-·--.._~-"(~Lfcenti~te of OF Royal ·Cull eKeUN1'of Ph~~i'!ians; '. ' '-. · -·- 1 ------- 1 c.., J\:dinburgh. Office and Hes1dence, W1ll1an1s· 1 bur~h . Ua.rtwright. 76. l A NDJtEll"" 1100Jt1!; lU, J). J~raduate nf Que yn's Collijge, I{ing~ton, DIJYS ICIA~, SURG~ON ~ .A.CCOUCHEUR, · also of th e1\tiht ary: Medrnal llol.1 rd, .AJ ba ny , Ne w ·York. 1.)ftkc anO Rea.i~...u:~;;;::}Y"!Htams~u rg, ~ h i the housfl lately occ up1e a l1y Dr~ ~~w rig h t. All Fa llspromptly f<ttcnucd. 01-Sm. Funerals I I uND E .RTA KI NB , _ n·l1ere · you '-' nan find e:vervthing in that line always on hand n .J ._, ~t th' lo \"est pr1'ces · ] . aUCl SO l ( <· e " . ' . . MY' !:IE . AR .. SE AN. D - j od be bol1ght,, vrh ich will be s old. chea.per lJY a lug dsth:u1you can buy else where; l ,nu also Ta.Kes this n1ethod of thanking his n nn1erous customers for tMir past fav ors. hopiu" L O merit a conLinnan ce oft.he same , a nd ~et you now 1 ,ha t I have got a ln.rge stock of Clocks, Watches to'" have h ard times as well aa other , aucj th e expctience of the t aleu\ed Masher proves it. It seems thot he > .l ayingIn.a piece which required him, very thrilling point, to pull a hondker· from the hip t iocket of another actor )resent it to t.~ heroine with some glowing wo r ds. '11110.,p tbor actQ.r, Mr. r, wa· ·omewhat addiCt~ to the uae " _uor, and Vi-·hile dressed for the per~ ~ \("E too foll and went to sleep. .T ewelle·T, &c., of che best quality Lllat can carry on tht~ 1n unu fo.cturing. or th.e s rt ~n ~. All rep airing ttntl·us t.ed to me ·will r eceive 1:> t n ct n;t· tention anti best skill hit.her to u natten1pted in this pa.rt of the co11ntry, as you '"'ill seo b~' some ~d B~811 certifl: utttes frorn. sonic of thewhicl· laJ"gUst ops ·· of i u my Cauada 1wd tl\c United 8'"tes. I sh h ave had praciica.1 experience in. I amconti(Lent thnt o.nY t hat wHl f;-,_yo r l!le ·with will b @ruCLst o1· ot i: hc sit uation. BRANCH IS THE ---- -~ I N THE COllN'r Y · J~ - - illo Age~t for Lho Brlolul and West or ~'\1"vrt.gage a nd ln Vjjsl.ment Company. Mon ey loaned B BLOC}{ up stairs, Ktng Street. BO\\'man S!HA:C'.l' s.!i;: Sltl ITH, D. JlUJtU.:E Sf_ Upfo!,o'1, AP.RTSTEH., SOLICITO rt, &c, MOR.UIS ~ ... atten:<l erl (clav or n ig h 0 - pron'ff)"tlv - 01·de · J · · , "'J ·"'".t .. ' · (lllletlv- at prICOS to SUit c·verv QllC, J' J v nt'tr~est_:ttt"CS.,~ -- N 0 extra charge for attending Funerals '1es. country wit h' 1n ten. ml · Ill the )-- DARlUSTEHS A:'.< D ATT O R~EYS A'l'-LAW, V Solicitors in Chancery and Insurancy. Con· v eyancers, Notn.ries Solicitor s fQI' the Ontario Bunk &.c. Money for invef1 tn1ent at a.11 tirneei, On mOst favorable torn1s. .P(lrt Hope, Ont, SATISFACTION·: GUARANTEED. Thankful for past patronage I still solicit the same. ~ ·- -----ROBERT A.Ri.loURt EGIRTJU , R , WES'l' D TJH ITAM ISSUER . of !1-I arr L!C'..e~scs,_ llarrist~r and Attorn ey a t L A.:w u nli S olirato!' m Uhancery, Mone,Y' tJane1l OJI Hoa.l lllstnte. Off!oe on l\.ing:strCot, BQ·~vm nnv Ille. J 4'-"!IN \'t"UifHa·r, R REMEM Blm 'l'f iil: PLACE : \~ e t;;:i~~l~1e a e u rc l n- reco n1m end1ng .J . B . T.e.1 a1' a 11r~t da:: s l'forkmu.n, ha ~·jng wor}o,·l fol' w:; fo1 a l r.11~ t1u1c, d ulng w ruch h e d id all our ilne a nd d1.tlie ultj,)b.3. n.nd w e iuust S8.i< t h at we hav e ...nevc1 had a chance to till h1s ' v1tJ1 a 1 nore p ~actio· l lle .>H c"m~et~mt or d o1 n ~t U1c 11:ncst a nd mHlcuit wµ~cJ_t-1~p~tning t hat don e in Ca,n ndo..,01' th e ~' 11 1t~cl:::l1ia tcs. lie is a bon1. r.h e onl>" 0110 t hat hoH1::i 11rst-class res tim011hil::; . A , & J . KLI Z11jR, Toro nto. 1'o whom it ,;il;iy Conccm: Thtsis toce r t try t h<J_t, J .B. ' has 'vorl<:ed for HEl fol' two years at 1,h o jcwclrY bu ~in.ees ,and ·w e t'. h in~ -that he tcut of il-0ing ilny - job · thatrtrnye<·meuo<lerh1snotice, Youratrnly, __.._ -H~ "\,\r.:fi S1' Efi l\'.f,:A~.New Ha ven. J .B. Tait wol'kc d for n1e three ye~r~. >:1u~ing " ·wJ1icl1 Lime h e gn vc n1e 111'8t·c1a..;s saL1:"Jfaction , both i n the i·cpa.irin .~- or watche!-1, clocli;:s and jewelry. j ca.n r oconnnend him to uH Y perscn having ,auyth lng to do in his line. Yo11 r~ truly, J. H. JUNES T e rn, h a ltt, ,.,.tchmakcrsr.n ce. l,d f~r bC, 01<, ,, . 1 ~~~~ - ~ B _ A !UUSTER AND A'l'TORNEY·AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chancev, & o,. Port II01;1e Gifford's Old Stand, King·-st. We~"t. W. P. PROWER. Bowmanville, March 9, 18SO. .-- ,- --··- -"'-.-.- 'l 'hi3 is to c ort.Jfy tha t J . B, Tat.e is a Jll'Bt class w·a tchuw,ker a nd jeweller. He worked ff!r me 18 n1onths, and did .the n1os t di fl'.ic~_ult joll;i in tlie \'l·ay of . . -vetch n.n d .1ev1:olry r epairing. t ours, ~ . '·" H. CHO N CF., Pitt.ab11r,u;. :~ flr s t-class " 'atchmaker, as 110 has \Yorked for I ha\'i\ n 1 '11 \ iL is THE ~ I can hi g h had g iven icine, a n cl 1 'ery fa'31,, :~y ·~[l\5Sr, korchief from n1s--fWQ_1E.e t, and , cutting· 1' in hie pocket, drew a uornar of ~r~ ~ ·'s shirt into it. It was a, pecnlianty ·. -Masher 'vhcn he aeted he ;Mi in earnest that nothing could &top .nd ><hen it camo to the haudker'cbiof ' ~ , rnd he rnshed up to the only half- ._.. ~ Snigg, he grabbed for the handker .. ~... and found it didn't come, but ha:· ""-:~to notice i.he sit uation. The piece ·1't go on t ill he produced th e hand· ief, so he gavo anotbel"desper ate tug.. _ n ly was that a wild loo~ caii:ia Mr. Snigg's eye and he t ried to ·Or to Masher that t here was eome .. wrong. B nt. Masher didn't t.nder. The people wCre t\'aiting f ol' hi~ ; :i an nwkwar d panse. - - 1\f"Jtsh er was A of great strength and he. gave 1' la·t n·ate t u a at what h e beheved was the ke-rch ier I t ca,1ne, but wi th a soun(l ,ring, llnd Snlgg wawyanke~ quit~-.:_i>L et·- fand his eye s nca.rlv burst fl'O m th~iit 11s r ... 0 1fr tl.c 1 .ilas:i.ire~ on hie_ thfo~~~ , , , ~eckband "bl't1ke. JYToo11 0rJJ'f_>_ of tbe garment.... e.:s. cep }. .:t"iii} s1eei; e- 1,. he si]dclen· tt:i:Sr,.o i).i)ea':rance Of Snig~'s boWm Created m uch exoiten1ent hi ndi once. Even then Masher did'nt, a wl1at he had done, and rusl hJ ,l:! .rd te udered the g11rmen t to th~,. ne. Bl)t she seres.rued and f..tinted, some ~~~~ ~ctor.s removed ~h!' that got result Y I tako pleasnro i n recom n1 endi ng J. lL 'l'a l.e a s _ ....... --:JoJ;n Keith G.n.'f hrJ\Uh, SOJ.:IOITOR, N otary Public, &c. Ofilce-Reed s Block, over '.C. etore, Kfn!:f Street, Bowman- 1 ville. !\'Ionr-Y to lend ... 1ne and pro·t ed to be a good workm ti11 . Any giving hlm a job will p~·ove him t bc rm m·e. one B A lll<J~'J'}Jl1, ATTORN.l'JY. - - ·- - .1. m,:;;;;:.;;;~--- -- ! . "' NS1;ItANCP J AGEN'l' FOR SEVEHA.L first chu;a cmnp~nms; also ag~u t for Ontario L ottnand Sa"" 1gsCo;u;pl\l1f, wh1chlendamoncy <>n rent " ' '"'eat lo w rates. All business oonfi· cmtial. Eor particular· addi·ess .r. Bl:--i'O HA.i):I Tyi·ono. 'l'illia1n ll;u· on, I HA TS I HArfS I HA TS --o-_ :I\/.£.. l\.~A. 'YER JD Yours tru,ly, ft. SfIOAP. All Ol~hany: Stg·n of the Big "\Vatc h, 1'.lng Street. Bowman v ille A~,~u et I~~---· - .he !t.ndienca b egan t o yell , a n d Sni,!.Lg ~ ig r~co\"'ered h\s breath, ~ec!\1ne1ly nuid s.nd made a rush at Mashera. ,property sword nnd ·eh~tied him Encourage Home /Vfanzifacture I · ha" r ~c cived the LAH GEST · STOCK of F olt and Straw ha.ts ever shown I ' · · ' 1 L ~~!~~lP. ~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~: ~-~~~~~ - - - - - - - -- - AIJA.,'tt rE'l'Ul~~, 1 this count.y. In Stlk Hat;; the latest and b,e st style ~l ways ker)t . In Felt (soft or hard) tho Bi·own Connaught is · ~ ._ , heauty; the Metz is a charm; tho R1ginold (black or ·· ["l 1 d l p ark cannot b e beat. (Jra.b); ·· IV l ton, At antic, an t le 0 , ... N ew w 00 Ien · , . fi~' ll IVll s In -~ ' ·les~aro i ;, and the stag.o mafl&ger, who w:l<s y. "ild, jllmped in and doclnreu Uiai er had disgraced hia holH!d, n.nd then u.rhtin went dowJli .and a lit tle 1Vhilo the m v .nager o:J.n10 t fl the front of It a black eye and diswis9ed the ri.ndiSniO'g anJ Masher now both waut. ~ions ~nd en ch other's go1e. -Bo.stoh, --------·-'--~ A UC'l'WKEE !t. AI'PRA"ISER AND LAND· LOHD'S JM litr. New"".sclo, Ont. 11. T. In_ STRAW HATS lyou will find all kinds from ten ccnfo up; . · ' LI~f]"~,~~.,,;'us;:r~~o;.;;~;R1/~ite~Jo2.ountyl Address-Hampton l'. 0. 59. l'f. LUflA.S, run,i,u-11 l I G.E· NTS' ~· 'URNISH . r·N GS e I and in style to suit young or old, boys or girls, clergymen or laymen. In c~{~;:~l~~,,x~~~~F~~bi:ia~~wil~~il'.~~.·rk, lVIONEYTO LOAN L iG'Jlii> RED tAUCTIONEER FOR ·TITE so COME ALONG AND EXAMINE MY STOCK &PRICES. I P. S.-Highest cash price paid tor Raw Fur!, Bowmanvillo, March 25th, 1880. . Lhe best variety of Shirts, Ties, and conars. ..Lo · r . · ha 'l'ho subscriber a t conHH ler~ble e x po1,se, 7in g iust completed 8. "'-1 00T.E: N Mn.r.1n Loskart_l, a w3.nt long fe lt in ClarkeV.nd West. D nrha m, l R now prepared to ex~ecute all kinds of Custom \Vork, l'luch ae · HOLL OARDJNG, . CAHDING, SP.IN NING, WEAVING, · FULLING DR:B;SSINO, COTDR!X G, &c. it@-1"1arket price pkiid for 1,.\'ool delivered al. th e lf'actor~·. ~ yon gr ow old yClur _ hair becorr1el'I :olaome ; it ill continually falling out. nner's fast is aot origmru. Th e old: eman) Noah, lived f6rty d1\ys on 1 ·- PET.ffiR SCOT'£, Manager, JOHN CARVETH, Proprietor. WOULD ALSO i NNOUNOE THAT . . M..\.R~J:SMAYER. 38-60-87-tf. · fn nds has been placed in my hands for fu vcstn1ent on F a rm Property, fol' long or short terms Lo snit borrowcra, a t the lowest rate of nteresL .Apply to ACOKSID:ERABLI~ SUllf OF private D, BURKE SIMPSON. Sep t. 19th, 1879. a ll order a u.t tho other l:nil ls ";ill b o punctually ntteudcd t o as usual in FI..Ol!R ~t.N !> J<~J.:ED, LUIUE R AND SIIU!GLE'1. a:n"'Qrders solicited. "" . ~OHX CAHYETH. May 25th, !fi~. 9Hf. 17-60. " 1'Hl£ MAGNETICON." --:o:-~ LIFE INSURANCE PROFITS DEMON STRA TED -RY- ~o - C · '-' . A.ii:! N DE'. N, L. D S ACTUAL SETTLEMENT MADE I N J.880. , \ . few lines oTHE PARSON.AGE, began to reel its benefit and h a ve no doubt front P olicies carried 'l 'EN y e ars w i th return of a ll And a ll Ihsv.c:ro .say-it11 &a tion thus far t hat I shall .soon be perfectly p re n1iums and interest thereon . Tha.t yo u can .:fi.nd tt' ...e ~till at home, SoG'I'ff CA.LEDON 1 Aug. 25J '79. well, I v.-·ould llOt to-d§Y t ake f50 for it if 1 I aJo not gone aWfl.f", could not get auothc1·. Greater Profits paid to P olicy·holders than 130 all 1ny kind-0ld friends may come, now deplar~d by any othei· Company, And all the young ones, too, MR, ·raos. J, MAsoN, Reapectfully yours, Aud get their garments nlcely made The follo\vin g a r e il lns t,-r a t ion s of a ~tu p,l se· In C a.shions U1at aro new·: De·r Sir,-[ am glad to report that the j' GEO, A. LEWIS. m en ts now beir. g by ~th e \ .V hcro old a.nd young, dea.r friends, may tneet. Nia.gneticon obtaine d from you last 1\{ay has \. welcome t.treeti1uz. bv H. PE.A'l'E been of immense service to me. After wearing ExETEil: Aug 25 18"'9 thn a:rrpllanoes three days there ~a!'.I a marked ' · ' ' · improvement, a~d in aQouL tw!l O! lhree wuekii Mn. 1.'nos. l\1A~o.r-.· ·~"m·ancc socict~ of the tl~e hn.d qu1 ~e ceased. Since that ttme I . . ' -~·· J have painofanymoment, althonghn1uch Dear S1r,-I u1for1ned you smne tirne \Yith individual policy-holders, sh o· the in the s a.ddl~ a.nit exposed t o thi,i ~eather. I si nce of t he benefit I had r eceived from the 1115-0 a ctual cash 'rdU1'1t s on Ton tine Policies: look upon th1a c ure. as. ren1a.rkable, being n very of the "lVlagncticou" clieHL protector v.·hich you ~evere case .of S01at1ca. of oy er two an,d a half lsent me from Enghuu1, nnd ha-ving now .... iYcn j ·@LICl' No. <13,VG3, j ,'j.'Hl0(! .ua,,· 25, 18~9. .i'ears standing. Jleart1Jy reco1nmend1ng _the lyour belt a. thorough trial, also I am fi·e~ and n I· · ·' :\fu.gnet.ioon, I am yours truly, !pleased to ackno"'·ledge that it has quite relfoi: ed Amount... . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . .. ..... . ..... $10,000 00 · r ·· !p · Id 11 ) 5 ·g· fi O ~ F D ANCiS \VRIGLEY . of the weak~ess am~ pain from ·which I had o~ remiunls pa years · · · · · · · · · ·"' ± Gr adn;ite of th <'- Royal College of P· ' so long sutfered.1n ~Y i·1ght s ide. \.Vhile I have 1 'l he assured is no -v. en titled to d r a w, in ca sh Pas tor South Calcdon Copgi;cgationa.l Church. been th us experienmD:gthe benefit of thefr gentle, S urgoons, Ontario. l'Ot constant, ~agnet1c currents in rny own ca~rn. "$0,4.55.80, h aving h a d besid es $10,000 ufassu:rance 1 , O lS"" m 1 I havo been with almoHt equal interest watching for cICYOn years. 115 per cent. of premium"8 1 OFFICE O VFR ALEX~. l'DER'S STORE. .J..ORONTo, ."1. Ug. 2 , 19. 'the effcc~ of the ~jlltliances upon a large uuniber 1 ofothe1·s, X.nown to nlyHelf, who hnve paid returnable in oasll. GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. l\fR. T HOS, J. MASON, been and arc u sing the1n ; tho n1ore so because l ' ollt".yNo.5S,1'13, lssnc tl nee. ;_;0:, 1870. En~ . . I in every instance the "Magnet.icon" ha~ appca.r'Vork executed in the latest and most Denr S1ri-Sometlnn g 0 ~'"er a J:'~R.t' ago cd to bcao perfectly al,apted to the reqLtirem cnts do"\1'01ent 20 ycon-.~. l 'onHnc 1~~1·i9d J O ycn r s. straine d 1ny . by a hea v~'lift, \VhJChrcsultetl of the, has been so natural in its uction and Ainonut ... . .· , . .... ...... . , . .... , ... .. $10.00C 00 huproved style of the Dental A1·t. · 1n con~ l.:!:..tion c:r t b e kt<lne:i_'"8 an d ine asi~e 0onvenient in i.ts:appHcatiou. Amon~ the iu- Total ptfm1ium s paid (Len yeur:;) .... .. 7,.5;.!9 iiO fron1 wurk. l?H:ioe that Lnne I havi:i acarce1;; l'itnnccs thus noticed. been three cnses of The asHnred , on Urn a.nrii vers1Lr.v of Lbe nolic), 'fEFJTH :B;XTR~CTED Wl'l'HOU1' PAIK, know11 what it i s to be ont. of r used all nervous and co11 s tllul.10naJ weakness. three the 5ta.ntlai·d med ical prevanl. l.iOnH, a 11<l nca1·J ;r~ Cll.8 0$ O f. WCtl.k alld aifect ed lungs ; t,wo cases of will be enlJtled .to <lraw, in Ca.Hh , $9,03.1, 12!) 1mr '·y the 1,., 0 of Nitrous Oxide Gas, without injury eYcrr t hing that a.ny on e t.011~ me "'as g ood . ht!t 1ncura.lg-~a; two cases or bronchitis ; two ca ses cen t , of t.11~ pren1iura n, ~ u:> coulcl g~i uo penTtanent; r elief, JL~ l.d · Lho,1~ ht lt jof swellin g on t,h c k11~e; four cases of lumed .o the pati ent, wi.H:; nP u :::ie to a,n}:Lh111~ 1no re. ~ J U1~n cnH· \bilcks, rhcun1at~sm, &c. \.YJth each of tho per· 1·01,14 ' " l\'o, ·ll, ·i'll. ! !'S~ 114 ·t1 .:unrdi $'f, l 8ti 9 ·. . . suited <Ul~ther e~ec tr1!"'an 1n the rnLr ~Y~Lh ths 1sons thus a1:1i1c~d, T have J1ad a personal ,Particular attenUou paid to the regulation of ldca: of using un o of hn1 }1ell.'3\ "tHtL finding- f her lat=ql.Ulintn.n.oc nnd 111 almost every cn.:,ie there has . r:\tnounL ... .. . ·· ·· · · . .... , . .....·..... . .. ~ 5 .ooo CO had Lo b e su.tut'ai:cd u'll,h vin egar a.u d \.\ateL· n, d ecided c tu·e. I ]1 a ve 111uch nleasnrc ju Tot al 11.; cmium s pa id.·· .. ·· · · ··· · , D 08 U5, CHILDREN'& TER'T'lf. a lwa y811 Hforeuuttingthe111 on ·. which wo t1ld be thus bearing t estiu10JJ.y to t4c value of your In L h1 s case, tl1e a f:sur e cl w iLhllre w, in cash \ · RR NT"D ver<l nnplcasaut a n d 1ncouvci11ent, I~alle d u110n applia nces, a,J).d am very Lnlly yours ' $ 3. ~ 12.45, b eing llU per c on t, of llL'rn n imus ~.AL.L JVORJ[ W ....4. A · 1t · ~ { ootlanrl as~·our b~1tf3 1'e'.~uir.ednoprcparationann . S JAS AI' I LN Lai· gc numbers at policies will thus be set.t led 4 .J - - -- -- ·- - - -! yreamnchsupenoraxL1cle1nev e1·y,l\·ay,~pro1.mr_. · . 3.d one at $0. In a few days after wearing it T B, C. ltlinister. the year, showing o.ash rcturu s of from - - : o::- 100 to 120 per cent. of pre m nrms pnid. ...W-Every policy con tains a clause n1a king J,111~ W e offer the above reward to any person who b~ san1e incontestable afte1· 'J'HH.EE years. will "fu rnish us v.-ith sufiicien~ evidence to con. .J.11.L 'l'he net new business of the l!:quita ble Lift'. '\-·jct the parties ·who arc selling, or offering tv . , · t- r . tl l -t 1 selJ,ot heroilsunde roarTrade l\lark-'·CastorQ Q Ass urance =:iOCl e .Y or le a,,; e~ey e n yeac» ine " l'te are sole }Ianufac turei·s and Pro~ 1 · e x ceeds that of any oLher c ompany in the wor ld. pr i&t ors of t!te Oastod~e~l\1achin~. Oils, and ADDRESS, R. \V. GALE, every barrel ts b randed Caiit-Orino. . D a encr a 1 " . .1.1.1.a~ager, ominion of Ca nada, J25 CHURCH S'rREET, TORON"I:O Montreal. Ho! Geut1e1ne11 oC Fash· ion, not l!IO thst. w t"ttteti~ :iese Notice the following from among recent letters: 1 ti J:'nn;v e I I E Q U I TABLE L IFE u. s. DENTISTRY. 1 F I This Gr eat Household Medicin e i· ranks among~t t~a !eacling ' necessanes or Life. 5 Th ese fam ous Pills · p1u·Hy the BJ,QOD, and act n iost p owcrfull~'· rot{ingly on t h e l g unhappy marriage is like a.n electricr ine- ita makea onA dance, but :yun let ·go. e baker's bu·ines· should be prollt: a good part of his stock ls rising ~ he sleeps . w~n1an oa.nnot become a snccessfnl ir. · She is loo fond of giving her on without pay. Vhat on earth takes you off to the ei:,o early every morning late1y1!' o.R~0d ~ an of her husba.ncl. "Cnrr_y,.h o3s1ty ~ 1 eekly r epl ierl. tnker does nnt k now :whe l her t!1 ttstra.tes al'e early risers or no t. bnt he1D bRfor e a n18oistrat e twice last w ~ ck . :fhi n~{ wrong l~erc . · ·bi n snn (after a . long l':hist b vn& at cluh)- 1 'l t's aw fully late:, Brown. t will yo o say to yonr wife T' B l'own whisue r)- 11 0h, I shar.'t sny mur·h, know. "Good n1crnh·g. dea r, or .~hing of that sort. She'll ~ay the ~· ·L?. Z/f:!1"'1 ·~'!0:1114.clt, l.-(_"'£dnP.1JS, ~ lme ' unl."I ".o l",' 1 a n d BOVYI£1.;::.!, i:;1v1ng t'1 n e, eHer!ly, a n ct Ytgor 1 t o tlt~~sc g1·cnt i\· 1 A 1:\1 S P it lN G ::l OJ.!' L l l1~1!;. T h ey are oo ufideutly reco mm ended a s a n eve r fa iling rem etly·in a ll ~~"t;'JCS whct·e the oonst.itntion , from \.Vh1ttl\\~P,r c ;H,f.i(I, J1r..s lh.'Come in1p a ired er weake ned . Tlier 11r0 ,,·011d.orfully ctticn.cious in all ailmcutc. i nui<l en t.~1 :o F om'J,l C::S of all a.g(,!(J ; and 1 as a. I JJ;: i\l'_.: ft:\.L .P_,\.. MIJ-1Y MEUJ. C J X~ a rc 1 ·., , '1°0, V,'ay ' t·l 11 .. 1 j Oi1i1'~m·e· i~ . l · trr U s g·.! ii ·~;;r :iut ~ z~ eaUu~ ~ ' ~· o iuwn ~ ,i 3i'(' ~l t>_l~' :; U:··~~i : ;r~:<Hli I.ii'!~ 'V o rld. ' F.)r th e c nre of 13.,.\ D I~lGGS , B ;ul ill'east 8, ~1· 1 b con 1 $100 Reward. du~ing I f l-~11t1uis, i t i'i i11 f!-\..l1 ·Ll('. l'C1tl('G.Y. I f cffcc tu a ll v rubb<=>d on c tile w :cl-. n.11fl d1c~ t. H S S<J..i t ia'to 1Hc11.t , ite Cu r e , S OR.E ' :' ! U1d A'l',Dit>11th1; t·ia,Bl'o;1cliitis.Conghss C ol~\ ~ ~ a.1: '~ ('~('a .. ~~.s·~~l M.\~ ·~ I·.,01· Gl:ind 1tlar Swel 1 .. ng"> A b"oes.,c,_, I Iles 1: btulm:1 Ol(i .S'r.Jres a.n{l [l!cers, , G( 1itt, /{ h eztni aiisn-i, Th e -1\1Tagnet1·con appl1 ' ances are sent y pos t t dd · reCelp · · t f prlCe. · Or expreSS any a reSS On TORONTO OIL COMPANY, 25 Sberboutn St., Tvronlo. 97. THQS J MASON ' :Bowmanvllle, September 4, 1819] )ll-39. 00, YV. C~g~~~ :!!~to regi:;~1a8:n1:::twu, an d alRo at,Va~h ~~~1n, And c' C,'\" kin c.L of :S K I~-< DISEA.SJ!l, it has never bccll k n own t.o t ail. The P il ls an d Oi ntm e n t ~ are 1\lanufactuxed only a.t533, q_XFOUD BT HE E~' . .LO N DOK, an d a1·e sold by ai l Ve ndor,:; r.f' lV!edic1nesthronghout tbc C ivili~P; d ' V'orld; wH h cfirections fo l' use in n:ost eve1 'y J a n~uage. . .taf'l'urc bri. ~ ors sh ou :d look at t he Label on t he v Posts . a nd Roxe>1 . l f th e a ddr ess is not 533 ~ Oxfoi:'d S t.r~et, Lonn.on , Lh cy are spu ions. ' ,\ 'J1he 'J'pa..-Ie "\1:i.rkf.i of my said l\Ied1cint'8 are I .Tohn Ir win was :i fav orite r.-ith go Ill., \Yhn onoo observ ed to hhn ~ e.y .tell m e. ~ Sir Job n, t~fl.t y on 1oJ!9; a. ... 1 of wine." " ~l1hose," replied Irwin,. .o so informed your -Ma".jesty 1 have ~ n1e a gr eat injµstiee : they shou 1d } said a bottle. " n old Indy recently viaiting n. prison ~d onn of the attendants why the prisonreceived such coarse food. He told it, was to keep their blood froni ba~onl- impure. And whe~sked what they 1ld do if their blooiNwas impure, he ly resp0nded, "nreak out." goneral, sitting in front of an hotel .irne of wa?, heard n. llti<\vshoy cryin~ p apers, " all about tho bat tl e. " The era! bought a paper, but conld n ot find account of the cugagcment . TuTnin~ ;ho newsboy, he : t r T do not see 'battle." "No," said the boy, "yon ·er \Yill if you ait here ! :' \. pedagO;;?;Ue 'told. one of his sehola_r~, a of fho Emerald Isle, to sps ll lw.,f4.11iy. 1-o-r-s-e, horBe,co1n1:ncncad P at. "Not 'se-tility," said the tPacher; "but ho.~s· ty." " Snre," rc p1if d Pai, " a.n 1 flidn 't. tell me, only the. other day, not to sn.y ., ? Faith ! its wan thing wid ya one :,~a~d another tho nixt." L .~CARD. J all w h o o.rc suffcrin r; from the errors H .nd scre.tinns oJ'youth, nervous ·vea knesR. ea.dy J..y, lm;l-\ or n1i:tnbood, &Q .. I wHl sen·u 1:1. r~ ·t that will cnre you, ERBJ:C OF CHAllGTt.. ~ gres.r. rem edy \V&S discovererl b y 11, mi<'siou in Don t h A 1u erioa . Send a r~l f-ad d1·p..ssc1l !>l ope t.o t.he R ll!\ JORE P H '.l'. INMAN, S latiou, 7· \:-e w 1'0 rlc C il'Y· s 1 ll, ~e D, Stott'e DentrlH.ce a.nd preserve youti /