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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1880, p. 1

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Postage Prepaid by the Publisher. I cut out the dreoses and put the aewmg I machme at "ork on them, thou 1{ I felt 1 iny zea.1 lagg111g I wo lld n1ake an errand lb PIJ Tr~ I:n'. aero·· tho street to eee Mrs Daune work Ia few mmntea Ef'IERV FRUJ\'t: lliORNING, - liY- I mg day, as she called 1t :l\f oot I UL{ es oe tore I I One mornu g I happened m on a"stoclt. Sho had a col· 1ect10n of old stockmgs of various sorta 1 antl sizes "h1ch she was cutting down and piecing ont w th new h eels and toea until they were about as good aa new for the Fall campaign I asked leave to add t > her collect1on and the offer "as thankfully accepted I to k \e1 .l\U ::q ion f 111 winch she assert ed ' o I d keep the ch1ldron well oupvlied I w1nte1 I had no idea there was ao n 11 g o<lness i 1 ( lcl st cku1gs I al "ays C"'m e hon10 \VLth enetg1es brightened i! \\ l s sharpeued "')that rny work seem ed vory easy and pleasant One day I told her how nrnch g · d I waa gettug fiom her example of steady 11 tlustry and the htf]c. woman JUSt dropptd her work 1n her lap a.nd covered her face with her hands laughing and bluslnng The idea of having an 1nfiuence \Vas very odd to I her 1 ut that was JU·t the nelp that carried I me througfl the Fo.11 ~ew1ng and I believe u1 givu1g honor to whom honor ia due 11 Lois IMPORTANT A~ ro FARMERS D LITICIO-US INSURANCE COMPANIE~ CHEMICALS T BAR C:i- -':\.INS. He lrns tlrn largest Scoc i, of Boe ts rnd Shoes 111 town, 1· selected fio111 1no best an clrnn a. d AmPllcan ·nanufa c turi AND U~ADULTER\TED GHi!.!iD TRU.NK RAILWAY B JW lH N VILL1' olArION AND TIME DISTRICT Oi ALGOMA AN lliNGLI SUM \l\ S ADVICE 'fO AI HOl\lE JUSr HEOE TV"E..D Ch1ld1en's Prunella Boots ar, rn ~n<l are cotmng w - I~ Goods ! 1 ~ Rt z Ordered wo1 k promptly attended to, rnd m cie up rn the lates1 a )p101 ed "t\ le Hepamng n~at 1 y done P 1th de-paten Cement111g do 1e p1opeuy 15 I I~ tJ:i Trnnks and Valise:; const antly ~1 r:q on hind GIVE HI A CA.LL 92 tf All the ne west nnd IJobbicst sty cs tn ~ 0 l,80 ~ :ulJic!ii', {.euts' & ll'hdliu' !li s n. y bcod!!!. f, OOD IT" s I Suits Iv!ade to Order! FUR PRO -wliere )OU can fi nd eve1ytim1 g Ill tha.t lme always a'td .,,ol l ac the lowect pi ices 011 1iand s' I tl o l tes t Lsluons, will bA sold at less than t coa to m ~ Ke theu1 tho S HI RT 1RA.DE , MY ANl) I BRANCH CS rnE I3:r'S[ Df THE COC N'l'Y Bowme.n\ ille \"\ e can cure ye u spend 'our Si r S. f. Hlllm 01dmly arnl Tha11l,ful ro1 past patror age .i still soltctt tlie ;;ame Gifford's Old 8ta.nd, Kb1g·-st. West -rT V'I. · J:>. PRO \VER,_ Bowman v1ll March 9 188( HATS r IIA1-s __ , r IIATS I 1.\1.1:. ~A -y-.E.i:R __ JOHN OARVE'f.R 9o tf c1veu th e LA.RG~ "l1' S IOOK o' l<ell an l St1~>1 hats e>er shown m th s count:y In Silk Hats t he ]l)test and best style always l cpt In Felt (soft 11 ha1d) the Brov; n Co1111 «1ght is a heauty the Metz rn a eha1 m the R1grnold (black or f11DNEY TO LOAN, PRIVATE i'UND!!i, .A..T' 1lml·), Milton Atlantic and the Park cannot l>e b~at 7 and 7i per you will find all luncls f1om ten cente up and m st~ le b suit young or old bo)s 01 guls cle1gymen 01 laymen In GENTS' FURNIS:tlINGS ! the beRt 'a11et3 of Shuts T ies and Collarn Should i roe ue A 'HTfAltiH~im lPAl!JllflH!la!llff ! BURKE SIMPSON :Sept 19th 18 9 47 60 cRAv~s fv"a'fA°l,J NE I I s v.}la.t YQ 11 compl{untr~:iull: s "\ IrALtNE do a not re iu1re change of d1ct VI'fATI~E do es not ljure the teeth "\ IIALIYE i pleasant t o take VrTATrNF. L~ $1 per bottle \SG H._,l Gentleraeu ot' I'ash· rnn, not !!!o fast. Has rcce1~ed, and opened out PO '\'l PA DOUR PHINTS , Beaut1fol pa1terns pnee 8, 10 11, 12t and 15 G( nts Also a Jot of PHIN'l S fo1 7, 9, 10, 11, J 2~ cents, tifot r<ite value WHITE SHIRTJNGS for 8, 10, l2, 12! 14 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 cent,;, the best value 111 to\\ n COHSETS for 30, 50, 60, 75, cts, $1, $1 25, the beot make, c. HAR.NDEN, L. D.S., SHEE fINGS, 10 up to 25 ceuts Graduate of the Royal College of Dentn.l HOT L 1NDS from 10 to '30 cents, ti lrgeon.s Ontal'lo GHA Y COTTONS, lo w <1:s usual OFFICJ< Ov FR iLJ£XANDER S STORE Sl' AM LESS BAG:s, the be~t rrl<1ke, at low prices, GOLD FILLING A SPEOIALTY '] O\\ ELS, f1 om 5 up to ::iO cents, l'owelhng at the lowest rate '\\ 01 k executed 1n the latest and most J l ro'i cd st~ le of the Dcn~al A t WINDOW COhT HN S, at low prices Office lafel;1- occu1ned b;1- Dr TU/ill :i;;XfRACTED Wllf!OUT PAIN 1 lot of DHESS (TOOD::::> at cost to clear BEITH, K111g St, .Bonrma1n llle, by tl e use of N1t1 o lfi OX1de Gas "ithout iDJury 'WHITE DRE.;;:S :SHIJlf". for 60 75,90,ct- ,$1,$1 25 $1.50 UowmanviIIe August 1 1880 10 ly o the pahcn REGATfA SHIRT", f1om t>O cents tip to $1 25 Pit wular at.tention piud to tl e regulation or Full lines 111 COLLAHS and TIES, HOSIEHY, etc, etc, Pumps! CHII DREN 8 TEETH iueet W. McMURTRJY Sold by D S l OTT Bowmnnv Ile an<l all Drugg st~... IJIE GUAY b!EDIOINl 00 103 Toronto THOMAS BINGHAM, DENTISTRY. I.IRS WARJ!E l'l S HEL:P ER ---·------· Pumps ! p·ALI MORK WARRANTED~ THESE GOODS ARE SPECIAL VALUE.. Rrnngcomme~ $100 Reward. CALL AND SEE THEM. WOODEN JOROMTO Oil COMPANY, 2i> Sberboutn St , Toronto WEST END HOUSE. Bowman' 1lle Aug J~tb 0 ' TYLEl{ "6 97 ll !880 M~-1~ J

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