... CAN ADIA '.'i :s1 ATESMAN, BOW M <\NVlLLE, FRIDAY, SEPTE~1BER 17, J GRAND DISPLAY - -9 F - BowM L'n ILLE FRIDAy FAMILY GOVERNMENT This quest on is fore ng itself on pub he rn d to some extent at prese t r o s reasons be ng ass gned for t Wl t ever may be the cat se few there are 1 o a.re t ot co v i ced of tho necess ty fur a sub cct FALL AND WlN TB R DRESS GOODS --A'I-- I ALEXA CORRESPONDENCE TRIP 10 MANITOBA DER'S Noted Cash StoI'e T 200 PIEC E S! Opened out fiom th .. Two HUNDRED A MTDDLE iGED WOM".N H_ gen ra h o He Y.ork A 1 pya ha offi e FOlt See om all wool Ca"hmmes at 50 cent pe a d m all the Ne v Shades "ith B ocaded ;,; lks a i l \ eh cts to u atch Eve y lady should see the munense tocl at a nn al fam Iy U?Lf ~ervant \\.anted ALEXANDER'S C ASH S TORE. Bo ·manv lle Septembe· 15 1880 READTHISAN DDON:TFOR G ET TH AT F". BC>R.L.A.N""D Hl\s opened out tl e la g st and ch rLpcst stock of Boot ur 1 Shoe that er er came to Bov; manville Co ne and sec his Menij s Boys and 1' outh s C lcbiated Rock Island Hand Made W ellmgton Boot tl c b t ind cZeapcst boot i 1 tie Dominion \\omens Mrnses and Ch ld ens F ench Kid and Pol 8h ed Calr but toned boot" and balmornls a speci alty Full hues of Womens M s,es and Uh1ld1er " P m ella (ioods sold at and below cost A mce lot o:t Shppm< also m stock Ordered work m fine goods a speci alty Repamng neatly and prom~tly lone Cemented I a tel es put on properly and va ltnted t st cl Be s ue and give him a call and get oa1ga ns ~ · STAND-Neads new block next a L FO~ C AF~ F.-3f.* 1001 5± east of Lee x::: & Ed all s 89111 CA LT, B B anv lie Sept 4 1880 ~T = s ADBBAW NEADS' DRUG S TOR E i Farmers will please to take no tice that tnere 1s now a fre e and open market rn Bowman ville on each a11d every Satur day No fees charged except for we1ghmg rhe market will be conducted on a proper prm. ciple and selleis of all kmks of produce, cattle sheep, pigs gram fltc will find top prices here A pnce list will be placed m the Market House every Saturday mornrng a s ;:, guide for both buyer and seller Makers of butter can get h1gheRt prices for l"JUUd rOJlS or prrnts WHERE YOU CAN G ET THE Bo 1 VERY BEST VALUE FOR YO UR M ONEY m all the Imes of goods ke1 t by him fo1 sale such as W BR I TT~~"~Jn Bowman ville Sept 1 1880 110 3n MRS DONNELLY Has Just rccc cd a la ge stock of Soaps, Perfumes, Tooth VV ashes, I Hair O ils, Dyes, I and R enovators, j Combs and Brushes, Cosmet1ques, Spon ges, a nd Chamo1sz Patent Med1c1nes, Dyestu ffs, Fly Po 1 s on, etc ~ I have tl e largest s tock of Soaps m town and very cheap FRENCH AND AMERICi)_N $150 00 3o0 00 4(J(J 00 225 00 WANZER SEWING MACHINES I MILLINERY 290 00 360 00 4o0 2 0 1100 275 430 150 260 250 92 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ~ M;y stock of Perfumes m Bulk and m Bottle s v or) con i Iete an l of the I est Engl h F1 encl and Am ican m 1k c tl e 'l ual ty of wh ch is unexcelled W' See tl e Ball Room Boquet and Sweet Bye and BJ e m Bottles the tamest and sweetest m the 1 arket W Don t you forget the place ~ SILKS FRINGES HAIR ORNAll<U:N1S LADIES LACE CAPES L,\.CES OF ALL KINDS VEILINGS :ERILLINGS LADJRS 61 89 tf as yo your home and however ru~es may be you free yo rselves from a. tremendous respons b 1 ty n assuming tl e haad of tt e hou se in ma1nta. n ng its al thor ty a d dem nd ng mp! cit obed ence thereto EXPRESS OFFICE BUILDING, King St East, Bowmanv1lle :::M..A.RTIN ::El_ NE..A..D S Bown an 187 52 2o 00 R B THORNTON Orono Se1 tembor 1 1880 SPECIAL REDUCTION SALE 1123m COUNTY &VICINITY GLlLANZD FROM OUR EXCHANGF.f:.l $ 6 00 6 00 187 oO 6 59 89 00 G 00 JUST ARRIVED - -ATlHE- - MASON'S CASH S TORE ! I T::S::IS J.v..[ON"T:Er., FOR THIRTY DA YS In 01de1 to make room fm tall goodo and kcP-p om stoc1 alv; ays WI tby has a dearth of servant girls Tl e le y n 111 dland le n the dollar The Hall Works are b 1 ldmg clover m lls Ihe Osha" a Cab net Factory 1s resum ng work Ca npbellford has only s1xtoen wido "" Br ghton has forty Napanee has finally fi xed its rate at two cents o the dollar S dewalks ate to be bu It to the d ffer ent chnrcl es n Bethany M ss S ng acl ool teacl er Bethany 1l! gorng to the North west Holmes Burleigh Falls hotel has been doing a big b s ues8 tl s summer Harvest s over rou d Bethany and oats good not so ' ith wheat Lumberme are scarce at Graveuhu st and "ages are I gh m co1 sequen e A Fe clon Falls correspondent thua ast c in fa.vor of R ss al wheat Lmdsay has thousands of dogs farmer lost s xteen fine sheep tl e night Over eighty boarders are already reg s tered for the opening session at Ontar o 111 89 12 oO 70 16 17 00 SOOT & SUOI EMPORIOUM WATCHES I 11 e following tes lmon a a ~P ak for tl em selves Ennisk lion Apr ! 24th 1880 Mr C \V I\.! Itughan Dea:c Sll' The wat h ha.t was bt;\ught from you ast summer by m)l t Jenda n Enn sk I cu for me has k ept excellent t me I take grco.t p ensuro n recommend ng you to ~1 on e wa n nga.goodtimeke p r l:oursrespect!ully D !.. 1 ID FERRIS Hughan Jre<l 1md att act'ive wo l1a< e concluded t o offer 60 Cases Boots& Shoes 10 00 EXTRADRD~NARV ~N O CEDl1Ei~ ~f Sf In all departments of our cheap an<l well ~el ec t l stock of st pl fancy d1y goods u Boo 2 oO and ftT A Splendid Assortment of D ress Goods a t cost of H ts an l Caps at co ~t of Parasols at cost I I The go d watoh I bought from you a.st summer has turned out Just ris Jo re re iientcd. I could no sh a bcttc watch Yours t;r1 y ROBERT ARMST R ON G' Pa lington !..pr lStJl \880 of) 11 ac 1 and Lmen Duster" at cost full ass01tment of the patent adJustable AlH LE lIC Su si ENDER S al" ay s on hand ~ Ask to :::;!ee Shn oS gba Dea,r S TQe vatch l bougJ t from you last fa. I has g ven me perfe(lt sat ala t:ion I th nk I can are y say t s the cheapes an:l best wa. ch !eve ov..-ned Yon s t l \\ ILSON POWER Ladies' Attention MISS McTA VISH begs to announce to the lad s 0£ Bo· na ville and v c n ty that she ha· op-.nc Io a ~ ~ neral assortment of S p embe 8 18SO Black and nut sui1 a se I r pa cost P11ces u ~J / SPRING AND SUMMER T MILLINERY and will be pleased to receive a call fiom he1 numeious fnends and all othe1" wantrng anything m the M1lhn"1 y 11ne w RUSE, MF TEH.D:l!S 8 18 0 C_i~ ~X-Z~ S IvI ASON & House -- MANTLES MADE 2 ORDER. vor Tb wife of Rev W the other d~y l ne fell backwards ng h er neck