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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1880, p. 4

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C.\.NADIAN STATE8:1\1.A ~, 130\\'l\rlANVJLLF, FRJDA Y, f.EPTE'. 1'V1 BdR 17, J:c,~O. 1 T;o ac1es Turnips, "tewed in field 2 Ha 1 f acr0 Carrots, do 3 Half acre Mangolds, do CLASS A. -HoRs~,s. $6 4 4 $4 3 3 $3 2 2 '1 HIPS, 'illUNlt.. S, -· 4 Drauqht Brnod Mare, accompanied by Foal 0 5 do three year old Filly. . .. . .. . . .. . .. 6 do two year olc\ Filly . . . . . . . . . 7 do one year old Filly . . . . . 8 do Ent ire Colt, t wo ) ea.i:s old. . . . !) do Entae Col t, one yea1 old . 10 do Sucking F oal .. . ....... 11 Ag:r1uultnrn.l Brood, accu1npa1ued hy Foal JZ du three year old 1<'1lly .... , . . · · · · . UJ do t~o ,ear old Filly ............ l4 do one year old Filly . . 15 dn Entire Colt, t,110 years old 16 do Entire Colt, one old 17 do Suckrng Foal . . . . . . . 18 Carriage B1ood 1\'Iare, acco1npatHt-.d by her Foal 19 do three year old Filly. . . . . . ........ 20 do two year old Filly .. .. .. .. . . 21 do one year old Filly . ..· 22 do Entire Colt, two old 23 do Entire Colt, one year olil 24 do Suckmg Foal 25 Sp1.n Draught Ho1ses, in II:i.1nt'ss. . 26 Sp1n Agr1cnltur~tl Horses, in Ha1 ness 27 Span Roarl or Horses, in h,, over 15 h,inds... . .. . . . . . . . 28 Span Road or Carriage Horses, in hn.rness1 15 hands or undei . . ., .... . .. . 29 Single Road or Horse, in hn.rncss, --over 15 hands. ,.. . .. . . 30 Single Road or Car11,ige Hon~e, 111 harness, 15 hn.ncls and under. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31 Saddle H orse ' 32 Horse.... .. . .. .. . .. ......_ CLASS B.- 4 4 4 4 '1 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 1 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 Cr. \ SS IL -GRAINS AND SEEDS .o 75 l 5 (J 2 2 2 177 1 178 · 1 1171) 2 180 2 181 do 2 lSJ do Oat, , 2 183 5n e<i,1:s C:u1n, strung l~ ro-\\ed, do 2 184 do do 8 10wed, (10 do I 183 One hu;.-;hel [·Ltx Fleed, Jo <lo Tm10thy S< cd 1 186 do 2 187 do Cl over S eed, do 2 188 do Alsika Clove1·, do 2 189 do Tares or \ Tetches, 2 mo 10 lhR ·rurn1p Seed , 2 191 do Carrot Seed, 2 192 do ].'.Ian gold Seed , ~ 1 lD3 100 lbs. }?a.Jl Wbe,>t Flour, 3 I 1U4 do Spnng do 3 l,ASS I.-Fl{LJ I'S. 7) 75 75 l 1 1 50 5( uo 5( 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 75 75 7LJ 7fr 75 1 J 1 l 1 5V fiO (J(I ~::C ENT S \1 75 75 ill p:-iy for lha 50 Ju ,tl 1 it al r .unJ1es p· .i1nntly atte11ded tn Ull i rH rno~1 J d1tr ,ti t el n El. 1 hope l·v st1 1ct t t t '-'11ti< n tot> s 1ntH>1 to n11-"11ta Lin sl1::i1 e of jOUl pt tron . g~· 'rER.M1l 50 I l.J 111!:.._tAI, 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 4 1 l 1 1 75 75 75 ~~S TATESMA N 50 f,(J fti!!i1· CHSH PHD rnR HIDES \Vi\fi. fl.iiORRIS. Hoits .EY's l~LOCK. 75 75 Bff\\ man v1lle. l\fnrc:1 31st, 188:.:<.co. ::: _ __ 5 5 2 2 2 2 $1 1 1 1 1 75 75 75 50 50 from nmv to NE W I c75 75 c 75 75 ~g JANUARY NEXT. Summer- Goods ! I nO'I [1880 NEW SUMME]{ L188o 5 5 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 ~ 4 3 3 2 2 l 1 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 2 2 1 1 CATTLR. 33 Thorough-bred Short-horn Bull 3 years and $3 $2 upwards . . .. . ..... . . .. . .. . .. . .... $4 2 :14 Thorough bred Short-horn Bull, 2 yearn old 4 " 1 2 35 do do Bull, 1 year old 3 1 2 Bull Ualf 3 86 do do 2 37 do c\o Milch Cow 4 1 2 38 do do H eife1, :l yc11rs old 3 1 2 39 do do He1fe1, 2 yem-s old 3 2 1 Heifer, 1 J ear old 3 40 do do 1 2 41 do do Heifer Calf . . . 3 .f.2 do do Henl, Bull and 4 Diploma Fe1nales . . ..· . · · · · · · · · 3 43 Thorough-bred D evon Bull, :') y'rs ('\:. upvht.1ds 4 3 44 do do 2 _)ea:rs old ...... 4 2 45 do do 1 year ukl 3 2 Bull Calf. . . 3 46 do do 3 do 4 47 224 Greateot Yanety of Fnuts . . . . .. do 3· 2 48 2 223 Dest v:.ir1etJ (not exceeding 10) of Apples, na111ed do 3 49 2 8 do 50 C1,A~S J. - VLGI' f'AHTXS. 2 do 3 51 and 4 do 52 Diploma 2 3 2 3 2 1 ] 2 1 2 D1plo111,\. 2 1 3 !l 2 - 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 do CLASS l ] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 75 75 75 75 75 GO 1uv1tespecial nt tf\nhon t o my new stock OF 50 50 50 5(1 75 75 75 l 1 1 1 73 75 70 75 R &. R 13lih 50 l 75 1 75 50 1 75 50 r.o 75 l e73 50 $2 $1 50 l 50 $ 1 c75 75------1. 50 i ;;o 1 on c75 1.00 75 oO 1.00 75 5l· r;iy ~~C ENTS 25 -- MILU~ERY ANO FANCY GOODS. DRY GOOD .TUST ARRIVED Al' Trimmed Bo,m0ts and Hats, Fcathero, Flowero Silks, Oinaments, etc. BERJ_Il\I \tVOOL, Braids, :B loss, (fa.11va~, Hair B1 aids and Switches, all of which I intend - to sell cheap .MRS. A S. ANDERt>ON, 1 T TI ---1'0 DE SO LD Al'- -- Bo"·n1anv1lle, .A.p1 ·il 21, 18 . RI tr. Ku 1g SI ., Bo\Yn1a11v1lle P . S -H<.t.ts Sty lea. O er in the N ew e~t 27 57 88. I = 1 1 1 75 75 75 lifrp,>PS W 11l c · lt ~ s1n·d oy r' H.o\ ti\.n g1 , ~5, ~3 ; 1 l 75 75 75 ===.-...-'===;;;;,._..;;;;.;:;;___-· ··50 50 50 Best Mal's Colts, $10, $7, $5. 83. 1 1 1 1 1 1 SUBSTITUTES! Bt:'.~t t!1f" followh1 g p Y1Z0, R (lll llrnse Co1t, 8 10, $ 7. · -"==~' - - - ~~ ~~ ---~ ----- I .......... Banking House OF BomuanYtllc. Ap111 lst 1880. JOHN Keeps constantly OH hand a goo<l stock nf' 75 75 -I 7'5 75 · tiO 5l 73 2 81 50 SJ 2 1.50 l I BURI<":& JONES.i 0 F Fi' ICE G ROC_E R IES, I No. l Te1nperan ce St., PROVISIONS Crockery and Glassvzsre, Canne d Goods, 1~obac cos, Soaps, &c: &c. TO- tf I c75 cOtl 7J .All kind s of farm procluco talccn in exchange 75 75 75 w ADVA1VCES JWADE on pernonal and collateral secuuty Bow mnnv1lle, Octobor l . 1878. 5 0.)(1 &O 7Zt 50 50 25 2.) 25 25 25 NOTES . DISCO UNTED. 5% intercAt paid on cl epos1ts ot $ ~ and upwa1ds. · I McCLELLAN & CO., DEALER S IN 50 50 50 50 50 COAI..u, WO 0 D, LU1\1BER,, Shingles,_Lath, Posts, & Square Timber; SOLB AG E.NTS J<' OR DRAFTS ISSUE D FoR CHOI ERA 1'-iORB"C S , CH.Al\Il'S, .A :.llJ ALL. C.- - StiEEP. :!'3 63~ Thorough· bred Leicester or Lincoln .iged Ra1n, ~4 64 Uo do Shearhng D~lu1 . . . 4 82 2 1 do do Ram Lamb 3 do do oged Ewes that 1 2 11ave J'i-'1.lSCcl ],Hnbs thrn season · , ·· 2 1 G7 Thorouvh·laed Leicester, pan fihen1hngs 1 \l 68 °do de) p~u1 E"' e L ,nibs D1plo1na 69 Pen, 1 R,un, 2 Ewes, 2 Shc.whngs & 2 L,unhs,1" 3 2 70 Tllo1ough·bl'cd Cotswold ~<\. ged Ra.n1 .. , . , · , . 4 ;~ 2 71 do do ShMrlmg Ram . . . . . <! :i 1 72 do do Lamb . . 3 73 do do pa.1r n.gc<l E\ves that 2 t have ra1~eil la.nibs this sea."1011 . · ::I 2 1 -74-Thorou~h-bied Cot"'olcl p«u Shenrlmgs 3 2 1 75 ~do do pah· E v.e LarnhR 3 Diploma VG Pen, 1 Rani, 2 E\v es, 2 Shear lings & 2 Lan1bs 2 1 77 Southdo"'ll Aged Rain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~1 ~ 1 78 do Shea1hng Rani . . . . 3 79 do Ri<m Lamb 2 80 do pair Aged Ewes, 2 ]arnhs t}us seaso11 ll pair Shea.rhngs . . do 2 do Ewe I, 1mbs do 65 66 I'"'" 3 2 50 50 50 50 50 .DO 251 25 2j 25 25 25 25 25 I SUMMER OR BOWEL COMPLAINTS IS UNJ!.QUA l IEll PERRY DA VIS' PA IN-KILLER IT CURES AL11 0ST INSTANlLY l'he P \l'I T~1 r J>:R is p 11 t 11p - 0r. and 5 oz bottle~ r c' a 1lmg at :?5 and 5u~~e111~ te pt:cUvt: 1) ,-l ~ r~c bottles :n e L herdot· cheapest G O 50 BO 50 50 251 2.o 20 on all branches vf Bank Jf J\fonticn l in Canada, New y.,,k and London, England. Private and Building Society Funds loaned on real estate at best rates ::E--I B ::R ..A_ T -FOR- Doors, Sash, Blinds, Pickets, Mouldings, &c. '~ro arc prepared 'Pl 01nptly L o fill orde1 M 1n t t e aboYe lines, nnd to aohYel' a1t1d~s 1 u all parts C'.'1 ~1E, c.1.d ~ dl for ( '.8. §Jf. I 50 25) 25 M· SOLD BY ALL ME DI CINE DEALERS. 7& 50 73 75 I ---- --==---_,,--=.,..........,,.- ---~-----· 50 . 100.\y NOTESA1VDACCOUNTS COLLECTED. BANK STOCKS, of the town Tlic ingheat p11ce p a 1rl fo1 Lu111 h Pr, T"VQo d,E:>tc Vi..- e bay fer U Office and Ya.rd-C o1n~1 oi R.1.n~ cutU Geoq;e Streets. / -~ll1ERHJ.A~ GREENBACKS AND JcXCH ANG~; D OU GHT. JOHN l\lUCLELLAN , )/ 'l{ lLLIAM CANN· f 50 50 ~~ 50 50 ~5 ClASt':O HOUSE! · E>ONDS, DEBENTURES, McCLELLAN & CO. Bowmn.nv1ll e, Avril 1'1, 187 and MOR'rGAGES Z3 50 50 50 50 50 50 i;o 25 25 25 20 25 ---o--- CLASS D.--S wrNr. $2 $1 3 3 po 50 84, do sed,son. . . under J2 '-'Cover 15 inonth8 85 86 87 88 80 Sow, do do do Boar, do under 6 lnonths old Sow, do do do Boar, unprov ed Ilerksl111 e . . . . . . . . · · Sow, do that has raised pigs tlus season unc~el'12 i_'\: O"\-er61nonths 90 Boar, do c\o do 91 Sow, do under h 1nonthF.O old, 02 t:loar, do do do 93 Sow, do 94 Boar, Suffolk ..... 05 So1v;--do 3 2 il a 3 3 3 2 ~ 2 2 2 1 1 1 ] 50 50 50 l $3 $2 T he Sub~c11ber has no w received a large aud well assorted l liltock, 8uitable for ihe presl'nt and comiug season . 25 Thou"h croods have advanc-ed and still continue to advance 2' "'"' · b I I 1· .. . 0 9 in price, owi ng to his hanng _oug it arge y m ant1c1pat~on 2~l of a rise, h e will offer many luies at old puces, and havrng Zo1 dew1rni ned to reduce h1b e twnnou FlV luge stot'k, he will sell ~~ many at le ss than old iates, thns offenng rn~ucernent to tho se 25 who wish to make four rloll ars do the work of five. $~ BOUGHT A ND SOLD.I INVES1'l\IB.N TS B o" iua.11v1lle. 1 .f'eb lt, l l<.79. l\IADJ~. F'or Cheapness and Quality, go to 29 Jy. D E1\T'TISTRY l UI ~ I I 1 I ~ ~1 11 VT (j~@1Jll!t4;\ ~Ulf~~J[J[~~ ~Qll'/U,,,~.:~ntli~i!m. ----«>·--- '1 SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO du do do do do II 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 275 1 276 u75 ci:iO 50 25 50 Cirpets - J ute, U llion an d All W ool Co)onred and Black Grns G1 <1 in S: tk Table LiHe ns an d Dama:;,\,:; Large Lot of Tweeds .. 50c upwards 95 ~0 277 do do do do do do do 50 50 50 !50e 25 2 'i ~ii !JG Bonr, 97 Su,.. , do do CLASS . 3 3 2 ~ ~78 1 280 zrn 50 50 " " J, M. BRIMACOMBE, NE.AU.LY TWENTY YE AHS EXPERC'!tN CF., l 1 _\'v'c a1e in receipt of laige sL1pments of goods, to replenish for the comu1g s0ason, the various branehPs of uur inc1 easino t 1ade- i11 \Yh~eh V{e feel conndent 110 oLher house in tow n ca11 approach ~1s in 'quality or p1ices. Come and see fo1 ) ourselves ' All om customers are delighted. TE..L~S, 25 2 281 282 283 50 50 50 25 2o 25 25 25 25 " lb<· Nltrons <h::uleO.u; "1nllnistcrc~l ro~· 1·.u1~1v~s ""ctations · · · . OFi'lCJl: ' E.-Pour:rl::Y. pO 25 " " 284 do do y ' . of Geese, "lute. . . . . . . . . . . $1 c50 50 do colored ...... , . 1 50 of Turkeys, "lute 1 50 do colored. . . . 1 50 of Ducks, rouen 1 50 do rouen of 1880 1 50 do Aylsbttry 1 50 do do of 1880 . . .. .. .. . 1 50 Pekm. .. . . .. .. .. .. 1 do 50 do P ekm cluckens of 1880 . 1 of Fowls, Brahmas, h ght . ..... 1 · 50 50 do do cluckens of 1 50 clo do d"rk . 1 50 do do clu ckeus of 1880 1 50 do P.1tridge Cochins . . . . 1 113 do do cl11ckens of 1880 1 50 50 114 Pan· of Fowls, Bufl Cochms . .. . .. 1 115 do do clncke1ts of 1880 1 50 50 llH do Doi krn gs . .. .. · .. .. .. . 1 50 117 do do clndcns of 1880 . 1 50 118 do Sp,uush . .. 1 50 25 119 do do cluckens of l880 l 50 25 120 do H ,11nburgs, Silver Spanglell l 25 121 do do cluckcns of 1880 1 50 50 25 l 22 do H a1nburgs, ()uld . . . . . . 1 50> 25 123 <lo do cluukens of 1880 1 50 . 25 124 do Bantams . . . 1 50 25 U5 do do chickens of 1880 1 50 25 126 do Game, Red, Black brca·tcd 1 50 25 127 do do cluckens of 1880 1 50 25 128 do Game, any other vanety . . . 1 50 1 129 P1ur of Pigeons, Fantalh 50 130 do Poute r· . . . .. . .. . .. . 1 50 131 du Frills . 1 50 1:12 do Barbs . . 1 50 133 do any other kind .. .. .. . .. . 1 !JS Pair 99 100 Pair 101 102 P.11r 10:1 104 101) 106 107 108 P,ur 109 110 111 112 50 60 White, ScarlPt and Gre y PlauneJ 20c B,_ J" SI--:[..A..-WAff!<m't' -·-~~~·on l\l~ULVJ\'G'S :GLOCJL -1 :i 75 60 50 50 50 25 25 26 Fancy Flannels and Shirting" an im mense variety, Hosiery, Massc.y Manuf'g Co's., Reape.rB Ail ower<=>, a.nd Rakes. Masson 1\.la.nufa1 tuHm.{ Co's,, Supenor S ingle a nd CombmedSeeuDulls U ndel thls bead \.\"e can t·ffcr special h a1ga1nD , havin o buiial:~t 1a1·o·cly be1010 .t" " ~ Tea " fully 20 ue rccen t acI vancc m pucos-an<l a1 c now offerm<' to 2.i per cent les, tlmn the it 1nrsent ma,l'k0t ~alue. Gieen and Black Teas 50 cts per lli folly woiU' 65 cts. G·een and Bl_aL"k '!'cas 70 cents, woreh to-day 90 ,cta;~-!i:n excellent, lx·vernge · One t11al will secuie yom life-lon_g pp,ti otage. Om .Japan T eas are - tmexecll~d- i ff flavo1· and st1engt h. M · J.. 1EAS""' 25 Trimmings, a very full stock. Tolton Bros' Pea Harvc st m _ ~ c OlJJees .- : sugars ~ ~ ' ' 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 $1 c75 50 A LT, 1\iT \ l'lllNES WARR..L\~rl'E D. 1 Fa 1mcis'\\1ll And1tto tbeu 1nte1 cst to con~ .} Du want a choice cup of Coffee, this is the -1 ,laGe 1.o snlr m e p,1tlH~1 JH-:rsonally or bv lottei~ hl)foro I 01Uer1ng ?.fach1ni~o; 1 ~ Sugars of all giades at lowest p1 ices. Agent for t11t:i LJ:t.nded Danking & Lonn1ng I Co, Hanu1 t.on. Fruits of all kinds at exceeding I} low p1ice" REP. AIRS for all maclune:11 sold, kept at Mr J. M.orrts' 0{\ Shop, I will be in Bo·vma.Jn tlle c \ery Saturday. 0l'ilers by Mail promptly uttci.ded to. H J SH AW I'. O . :Cox 16.t, 1~0 \vnuu1viUc. In this branch of trnde, we defy competition. Fall and Sp1ing eocn1be1· lO l87:J. iJ·l · If Fruits' Etc. get it. PROVISIONS. 50 :MANUFACTURES, $3 3 & c. $2 2 2 1 -.,, ],eat Flour,-best l,,~,1ds. Gibb's patent. Flou1 Buckwheat Flour. Grncked Wheat, Graharn F lvur, Cornmeal. IFiKh of all kinds. Oatmeal a bJ'C<'ialty 3 2 5 1 1 'Il'allo 1L'.i ~ !!HJ 7B"lij ll\'l. ~ l" TJfE Co lliu 1\'T 1l- \ ; \' 1 ~ l uO\i,1naJ1\ l 1l'. 'I' c50 50 a~ hi,.t 180,\P.-- Om· Ivory and Amber bm· Socop throws r,ll otl,eio m the sbade · -Tl1 e Elective Soaj) lS llO"W be1 e s t,n ted hu::incs / cornrJtued to iL 1 1 .. 1 1 50 50 50 75 75 1 75 50 50 50 1 1· 1 1 75 75 75 75 no /LS Harvest Tools AT LO LEE "' ' BR USIIES -Sci ub,Sto1 e,Ha~r.OloLhs, BooL Broon1s,Pa1ls,and Vl.1.::- l1 tubs S.1\.L'l..,_ -lu l<a11e]s and Sar·k~t F;ne L .ve1 pool Salts, i11 b~t'es v.e iC'fbln(r 0 ' 0 b F, 1\1aso n s upedut ~n(nng il·ri C.clltu Depart- I . ] · ll l:b 9 It h . n~ai\1 Qfiushn;.-;rncss, respecti ve y uG )8., 112 H,, .... 24 d~ , to snit t e ~011ven1enr·.; (f th e pnrLI [s prep<-lre(l t o ina,<e 1 a eo ]] ar chase1,-spPciaUy 1mpo1tcd i fox dauy use. i. e . · · f I ~ _, COAL OIL of the best quality. Our lfeaJ 11ght is wm thy of a ti ·,11 an d i wnr r<1ntet S d .l' Jllfl easy. bound to give sattsfaction. H a' ing ,, m kcd '~1th l\II -...r P oi Lc1 r01 twent~. fi\'eye~ustlnrt. latei ly !1.h L\~o Ye~us with l\<Ir. I Cr,Ass ' F.-IMPLEMENTS. 134 Mownig l\fachme s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Reapmg Maclune . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. 136 Threslung l\.1ac1une . . . . ·· ·· .·.·····. 137 Double Cultivator . . . . . 138 Drill Cultivator .. , , , . . , l 3U Horse R,;kc. 140 Gram Dnll 141 Gram Crusher . . .. . .. 142 Iron Harrow 143 'Vuuden HMTOW . .. · . . · · · 144 Double Mould Board Dnll Plow... . . . ... 145 Double Forro" Plow .. 146 l:lod Plow ..... 147 Stubble Plow 148 Gang Plolv. . . · . . . . . . . · . . . . ..... ·.·...·. HU !wot Sheer ......... ... . .. .... . .... .. 150 Straw Cutter · .. . · . . . . . . . . · · .. · · · · 151 Churn ............... ... ....... . 152 Fan1nng l\.fill.. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. 153 Den1ocrat \.Yagon . . . . . . . . . . · . .... · · .. · · · 154 Farm Wagon .......................... 15il Single Carriage, open .·.... , .....· 1~6 do covered. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. D , · · · · · · 1 Diploma. Diploma Diploma. 1 1 75 75 50 ~0 50 1 1 1 $2 1 1 2 1 $1 75 75 75 ~~ 1 1 1 75 z 75 75 50 50 bO 50 50 50 50 Castorine, Lard Oil, Seal Oil Castor Oil, Stock's Oil, Rang·oon Oil. · · IWill keep consl ,1>i t]y on a full m;sortme 11t R1s long- o.xpcr1cncc in Lno Lu srne155, and knO\' n r crJut1.1n(Jn a'°- u ti1l'!t·cl l:l ss '\\iOtk man is l Bniho et.t 1-:: ... 1n. 11en rJat1on . vell - - - -- - CO)IE .A.ND SEE O"CR GR. A .ND DlSPLAY IN Crockery, G] ass, Lan1. -~JS, PricestoSuit theTimes. and Fancy Goods. Carriage Harness and Coll· in bis li ne. ofeverjrthi ng hand 3 1 3 · 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 z 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u75 75 7r, 75 75 75 75 1\(1 75 75 50 50 2 3 3 3 4 1 2 2 2 1 1 " 75 .75 75 50 50 ~~Scythes, 25 25 50 50 25 157 Phaiton . . .. . · · . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. .. · · · .. .. .. . J 58 Double Sleigh or Cutler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . J 5!1 Smglc Sleigh or Cutter ............... . . .. . . 160 Pump ........·... . ·...··.·....·· ··...· 161 ltoot Seed Drill, adapted for sowing bone dust am\ other art1fic1al nmnure with the soed 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 z Snaths, Hay Forks, Barley Forks. R. W. J AI« ES , Cradles, EOWMANVlLLE, and dealer in all ki nds of the la t cfit a nd best impro,T ed T his department is well stocked, rega1 dless of e xper ~<·, in· duding GHA ~ITE WAR E , in v.n ions ::;1ze:; aJ>d J di < J 11~; R emember the Stand :, I . nearly opposite the R eg1stry TEA, DINNER AND CHAlfI~El~ OfficP. A choice ar-;sor trnent of Chamber ~ct,, m uo ..,manv1Jle, 1~11. 29th, 1880 79-tr. Patterns, oi A 1 quality. We hav e lately 1rnp'Jr lPd due,, ltoi.t Pan s, specially for our Xrnao, tr<"d c, a Jilli.; se lc·d rr ' , 11 '; ' ! "ETS, of best FreJ1ch ( lwiu; tllt';-;e :i ;e reall.1 la st being d1~r osed of. ars a Specialty. l_ /ii. MPS! A large stoek sel ede<l with great c.i . ·:, '"""" ...., '-1 ' ~iJo-:-·(1V.' 1 BP~ ~' ~ .!.'<.'·~' , ' ' · for CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR ti ( , l< lS. ACRI GUb LTUaRAL IMPrl.EME NTS, And all lhe est an l!ios1 u se 1 ement -· 1 1 c75 c50 50 50 2 1 -sowing t1vo or 1nore rows.) .. · . . . . .. 7& 75 75 75 7G 50 50 50. ED SALL . PR IC£ ':..'fl~ ~ ~ ~~ I II I 0 REPAIRS 1 fE ,_,_ 'p~r" ON HAND, and usedrnthe hon- d<C·'dcop.rtment, such <rnn ·.- V·'ttrn~ and Wuah11:.g 1-lfl,cl hH:s, \Nuugcre, "' tl imp 1 N.()'j'I11E 1 The highest p~ice has always b ee n paid bv Murdoch ... for .,Jl ku1Js n f fmn produce '· , ' ,. lJqwm!l.Ilvl)IQ Oct, 2'1, 1~78, sinct..ttc"bOn p>id to sturting n1ach1nes promptly, Arran geme tiave been mac1 c "ith some of the lea·iin;.; ho'Jses in town, to supply om customers with goods 11ot ill our lme, so tl1at parties. hll.\ ,nQ produce to dispose of, can do so to advantage. ._, ..... Bow[llannlle, Deceoober 18, 1879. "(

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