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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1880, p. 1

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¢1!11 ¢111md!an:$tate~im / li.:'ii ~ J"ln~; ~ lllORNING, J.J-~MES, IS PUBLISHEn I / J\f. A. l:'ost OIUee Block, K1 ngSI,., B~woaanTllle,01.1$ TERJY-[S; $1.;)0 per an rmm, 01· $.R .6Gifyal{l1n ad ,·auce. Payment strictly in a<lvance i·1Jqu1red from 111 = --' snbscnl:>ers outsido of tb0 conmy. Orders to discontinue the paper mn·t,; he accompanied by N E 'tV S J1'·n. JES I } the amount duo.or tl1e paper wi11 not be stopped. · ~untlll'r 113. Subscribers are responaible1mtil fnll pii.yment is,.-~----made. 1 . 1tA'1'1;s tW AllYJmTISIXtl · ·. I i j' TERMS: $1.50 per Annum, or $1. 00 if paid in Advance. OUR TOWN AND =========c-- ···-·- · ·-· :=-::.c .. ·::: ·-'-'..c....= BQWMANVILLE, ]i ·'::!..,Wl!'.'t:"'~.:_.____ ~:---b--·· · .a-'-:~~ has been fulfilled rnost sa.tisfactorily, as though still to some extent crippled, he is able to get alJont a good deal and cultivate a nice little garden. · I have great pleasure in thus bearing testimony to the benefit derived from your Belt in his case, which had. resisted every other remedy priceH · resorted to uy the most skilful physicians. You may 1nako R.ny use you ,please of tl1is lebter, and ati I have 1een GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. the old man every day and am in no way interested further than to BOW.MANY lLt,1<; S'l'Nl'JON AND TE\fE. · perfonn-thc part of a)1eighbor, I am not likely to be deceived or state l~Ol N G- Jt.:AS'l', GOIKG \Y.ES'r. true. JlJxp . i·ess. ...~ .. . 9.00 a.n .1., Loc(l,1....... .. . 7.G,5 n.m. what isI not .MixH·l ......... 2.W p.m. Express ... ... 9.20 a.m. am very truly yours, fo>efl.l. .... . .... 7.10 p.m. 1'.fixed . ... .. .. 4.55 p.m. 1!h:1}l'ess....... 8., 12 p.m. Express ...... 9.06 1),m. STANLEY SPiLLE'l"l', 'l'eacher S. S. No. 8, Innisfil, Co. Simcoe. I· Advertisements without spcoiflo directions will be published till forb and charged ac· cordingly. All o.dvcrtiscmcuts from transient persons or strangers, must be paid for in advance, or a sufficient deposit made to secure the office against loss. llOOK A'H JOH .r rUN'i'IXU exeent,p,d in t.he most modern Hl.yles, aml at the lowest Ii ving - O H, O _ U _. .. -- lIAilfyea.r. . . ... ........ .. 2~ OOj= One _quarter.. .. .. .. .. .. 1Z 50; . LEl<"HOY, ONT., AUGL;S'l' 10th, 1880. Qua.rter Column one year...... .. .. .. 20 001, . · , . " " Half .ye·u'...... · .. .. 12 501- 5 THOS. J. MASON, ESQ., " " One q1111rLcr ...... .. 8 Der1;1· B'i.r,-The old man concerning whom I have previously Six lines and under, first insertion .. ~O 501Eaeh subsequent insert.ion...... O 13·written you, was attac~ed s?n:ie ~our yearn t~go w~th typhoid fever, which From six to ten lines, first insertion, 0 ~ubsequent insertion..... . . 0 ~0·1-10 seemed to have settled m bis sprne, rendermg lnm so helpless that he Over ten lines,first insertion,per,Jine, o Ue--Each subsequent insertion, " . O cou~d not even turn in bed. On writing to you you could not· promise '!'he nnmloer of linee to be reckollcil hy ·the space 11ccu11ied, measured by n scale of ~ 15 a cure, but \vere satisfied that ho might bo helped, Y onr promise in this solid Nonµ!ll'eil. . :: ;: Whole Column one ~-cur . .. . . . ·.... . . $00 00 1 '.::;::: ~ 1 " u vea.r ... ... ; ..... 30 OOi ~ ~ ~ I " " 0·1e Quarter 90 oo: v.i z ::i Ifolf Column one year ....... ::::::::. 3o I15 :g uoJ-- --:o:--.,.- 001:- i ,. ~b, poor '3<\\. the Year It, ~ G2l ~~ JO·HNSTON'S r.q<t Oq SARSAPARI LL~, . It has bean in use for 20 years, and ha proved to l>e the best preparation in th! market for SICK HEADACHE, PAIN IN THE SIDE OR BACK. LIVER COM· PLAINT, PDlPl,E S ON THE FACE DYSPEPSB., PILES, and all DiscaseB that arlse fro111 a Dlsorrlered Liver or an'1 impure blood. 'Xhousands of our best people tak~ _it and giv() it to \heir chil· \ dren. Ph:ys1c1ans prescnbeitdmly. Those ' who.ose 1t on~e. recommend it to otbers. It is ma,de trom Yellow Dock, ·Hondu- . ras Sar~aparllla., Wild Cherry, Stillingia., lb. Da.ndelton. Sassafms· . Wintergreen, sud i;; other__well-known valual.Jle Roots nnd. 8 Herbs. It is stridly veg-etable, and can- , no~ hurt the most deliCato constitution. . His one of the best medicines iu use for · '\ RcgU!ating tbe Bowels. It 1s sold by all responsible druggists . \ at one dollar for a quart bottle, or six . \ bottles for five dol!arn. ;i'hose ~vJ:io cannot obtain a bottle of this meilicme from their druggist m"'r. sencl us one dollar, and we will send 1t to them, ' \ W. JOBNS'l'ON It 00., Mm.!aetureu, Ia' .A.MrutnsniuR.G, Os-r. L!V! r~~~~;~~ t~!~!~A~1 -FOR- j .--- · ,- ~~-.. ----:o: I .J. lV. /,:i.ui,tlllin, ;u, 8., lCH;N'l'lATE OF THE ROYAL COMEGE of Physicians and mc·mber or the Royal CoUege of Surg_eons, Edinburgh. . Ofilce: kIORRIS' BLOCK, King-st., Bowipanville. J, FIELDDIG, !U, D., i\ /l'EMHl-OH OF UOYAI, COLI,EGE OF SUR· L l!"or Hapidity of .Action, Convenience of Application, and I Thorough and Pcrmamni.t Effect, we claim that No Other Treatment can produce tho results effected by the lv ery lvIAGNETICoN· APPLIANCES I as a carofol comparison will abunda11tly demonstrate. I'ctinphl.~t.3 ;~~~ I it cl Resirlence-COl'ner of Silver aud '\'ITellington Sts., Surgery, Corner Church and Temperance St1'eets. Dr. A:,1REI'l'll· RA.DU A'l'E 011' '!'HE 'l'OllONTO UNTV'ERSl'£Y1. Physicfan, Surgeon, &c. Ofll.ce King Street, MvRUii:l' ULOCK, Bowmanvllle. leg_e of Phy.sici(~ns 1 Rllingnrgh; Cor oner, &c. It~ G.ItO:>IS, Englanil; I,Jcent.ia.te Royal Ool- a.nd Inform.a.tion Fre!<. ADDRESS, SCOTT ·rHOMAS J. MASO N, (!31-39-111) 125 Church Street, Toronto. G ···--- - DR· .J. (;. !lll'.l'CSIF.I.L, I ---FOR--- cribed Boo\ AfLm· tg-kin rapidly, ·an(\ ten bottleR·, \ there is in t l1 using it I we·\ pounds, ~~gt~~t~. h_ad uv!\:) h:Yf;~~ M G EM.BER OF oou,Bcrn OF PHYSICIANS ~nd Sur.~eons, Outa1·in, Coroner, etc. Ofll.ce and Reijiclence, Enniskillcn. 74. I C Ol\. :_ 1· !:.' ONE' ;J"ND :'1.. _ L-L 1u110 NE. 'E< 'D YV .L:J -.." .\. ..... ·. PURE DRUGS A~D Oct.3,1879~ SC\O'l"l' & Buw!i GENT;;- I thc, ·slJ.w a notice n t. .J, :UOf.iT<t:OIIJ1ERI', JI[, D, R.ADUA'l'E OF 'l'OltoN'l'O UNIVERSI'l'Y, Licentiate of Hoyal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. Office and 'Residence. Wiilla.msllurgh, <.Jartwright. 75. ----ANDREW i!:oOiui, ~u. Ji..- 'l)HYSICIAN, SUHGEON &ACCOC"CHEUR, I . Gradun.t e of< ueeu's College, Kingston, also · · of the Military 11iiedlcal Board, Albany, _ Ne .w . . York, Office and Il.esidence-vVilliamsburg, in tbe house lately occupie<l by Dr. Gray. Cart· wright. All calls prornpt.Jy >tttended, _ 91·3m. D. BIDRIUl i'Jlllli.i'!SON, FURN ITURE CH E M ICA J-' S T ---- 1 PR0 ER'S I. A JOH 1 --TO-.- : , \ND UNADUL'.l'En·· ·L· ...._,_1 ,,,1>. Mi:I l;jll.1 0 R ~E A .r~ D UA. TTLE " '0 · . J'riED.iCll'1E~ . ARIUSTER, SOLIC1'l'OR, &c., ] .} ') BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, ille. f'or the Bristol aud England :llort gage and. Investment Monov loane_ d at the lowest rates.j MOUUIS Dowman\Vest of Company. where you can find everything in that line always on hand and sold . at the 1o~est prices. ' . 11 A ~; H1nn1l~f:!nTHAM'S · "' ' !'!l to consumption; of any troa.tme\ your Emulsion o; twenty·slx bottle\ hoalt.h beyond th~ pecl.i" g to hear 4 ahm 11<1 Hke- ·nt.:ik_ d I will be pm·fp,<itl~· Y OUI'H' ~~~~~~~'.u'±";~~ L l.JlU -~ J!J R I. ·. orrorm: ASSOR'l.'Ml!lN'.l' OF -----~ "°For sale b:v nm! snU.BT & SHITil, .ARR.TSTEiU:l AND A'l"l'ORNl:!JYSA.T'-LAVi!, Solicitors in Chancery and Insurancy, Con· oqeyance1·s, Notaries; Solicitors for the Ontario Bank, &.o. Money ror lnve,tment at all times, ou most favor1!ble termH. Pnrt Ho>1e. Ont. MY EA E AND PERFUl\fERY, TOOTH, NAIL AND HAIR BIWSF~JS JUS'r RECEJ:VED Bowmunvillo. Dec, 17 l~7D. \JV.f1~ B :ROREUT AR!llOlflt, EGISTRA R, WES-T DURHAM ISSUER or Licenses, Barrister and Attor· ney at Law anrl Solieitor·in Chanoery. Money, oaned on Heal F:state. Office on King 'street, ~owmanville. R TAKI B .BRANCH IS THE BESA' I N THE COUNTY. · · G Sun1mer . 00d s I are in. and arc coming in at Tho following tflBti\ selves : \ Enm Mr, C. '\V, M, Hughan~ Dear Si;·,-'Phe watch \ you last SUllllllf!i' ]Jy my \ for me has kept excellen\ pleasure in recommend~ w a nting a good time kccpC ~ .10~~ ·w1uG11r, JlARltISTF.R AND ATTORNEY-A'l'-liAW, 1 0 01 0 1 Funerals attended (clay or night) promptly, orderly and quietly,, at prices to suit every ·one. . HILL~ All tho newest uw!._nohuJesf' -~1 ~I y . - , ~~ -·t-~:::.~l :::::·::~=~ ;:.~ pc AJt _ l_HS'l'ER. J. BINGIUH, No , n ~uf!.~'J3o~~~nf;i~~oJe· .U !'"tarv Public, &c. _'\.'J"J'OHNEY. SOLICITOR, Office-Reed's Block, King.Street, Bowm(l,n- extra charge· fol" ~tt~ndii.1g ~unerals country w1thui ten miles . ~farcl1 - Mr. C, W , :11, IIughan, \ Dear Si1',-,The g old watch \ last summm· l_ r ns t-.urn ei!->o\1t j \ R ented. · I could not wish ~. b~ Yours truly ·. ) 1n the SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Thankful for past patronage I still solicit tho same. Bowman ville, ~ fi.1vidie§ ', Gents' & Ch:iihh·en's DFy Good s. ROBERT Ai\ Darlington, Apt , l\fr. C. W. M. IIugban, Suits 19I'.ade to Order! GOOD Ji'lTS ! Suits Jle:uly :mule, (~oocl St yle mul Fit, w ith ,;ox, Gloves,,Ot~ollars nu1 l '.rtes thrown i_ ... foT $2.75. ~ Loananrl ~nvi.:11ga Co1npany~ Vihic h londs money on rc(l.l r.s.La Le at low ra.tes. All business confl. ential. )"or addre8s BJXGHAM Tyrone . Gl~ AGENT FOR SEVERAL I NSURA:!l> first class cmnpanlco; also agent f or Ontario .r. 9, 1880. 'We P. PROWER. --· ~ ADAM irm:nu;, . ' It UCTlON.IJ:JnR, APPRA1S.1£H AXD LAND· /-\ J,QiUJ'l::l liailifl', Newcastle, Ont. --~--~-·-- - ·- __ ;- _..;.__.~· -·---__:__ ..... ~ A LARGE LINE 0]' I. JUST-ARRI'J .. . . ·--A'r ·mm-. ". Dnarsir,- 'l'he wateh!boughtrr\ fall li~~ ,i.:iveu r.: 1e perfect satisfnc tio~ oa.n uafely say it b I.he cheavest and\ \ l ever owned. Yours truly, · _ WJLSON p ----· --~---·-------·· H. T. l'Hli..Lfl·S IC1iJXB _ .:. A UC TIO NEER for the County I Nld.t'cs8-H(l,OlJ?ton .c;f lhrhaJti, Sale" 1irow:ptly attended. P, O. 59. .A }~_ D .H ATS I HATS! HATS l l.\l.Xa 1\.,~A.,':F'"E.';::FI,. ~!~~~..~.~~a?i,.~1100T l Sff1than 1t cost to !I).ake t,hem. E ]\If p 0 RI 0u11 l ~Ve, are great on the t1Hf!1T TRADE, ~ogt[5!& uon t OJ!aer yoµr shi):'ts frqm Toronto; Bummers, BP9'~-ri) ur rnoncy in your A lthough matedala ·~r,afi l>.indslIBve'ad own towo, th.~,t will help to make cash from 25to 50 pe.r cent,we ha·ie notas yct d our pl'1ces of l:>0ot s and sbooe since Nol more plentif-nl. 1 . · .~ has recciw!d the L&UGEST STOCK of Folt and Straw hats ever shown - )SOKSIDEH.AI\I,E BUM OF prival:,e · rn this counDy. ln S1Jk Hats the latm-it a.nd best :>tylo alwu.ys " . f'nn dJJ ha" been ph·cecl _ j!' my hands for kept.. In Felt (soft r.>r hard,) tho Brown Cpnnaught is ~t j. L"st.m u1 t 1rn Farm Prnperty, 101·.long or short tei·to: ,· t,:i s.l!.iL 1)orrowers, at th(: lowest. rate of henuty ; the Metz is a charm ; the ~iginold (black or nti _:s ~ Apply to drab); Mi.lton, Atlantic, and the Park cannot be beat. .no.sL. ,,._ _ .D . BURKE Sll\'.l.PSON. .MO.N EYTO LOAN 60 Ca§es Sh & ' 47·60. . CALL AND SEE 'GS, we can cure you adVil.llCCS. ~'l.s wo the largest;1'S in boo of going to the cit~es to _ spen d your sur- shoes in. the t()wn, customera caunnt I }a~i_L , bq.t: a.r~ giyi1~g ou.:i ~uston1ert; the b~ HLr ge stocks laH l 1n pre vious: to the more plus cash:. Tho ·.t ,YOll can find me " \.Lil a t I:iome, 1 ~~1!r;T1t1;o'.1v~'t~~::y"i11nes S·., .H"·.. ' Gc1rU:e11hi.en · find · · all . kmds · · style to amt · young or . , . " . , _ · _ · , ~I' · . i'"asll· . you will from ten cents up ; and m unrt, no 6, ~o .Ca~t. I · old boys or gir]s cJcravmen or laymen. In - - ... -. - ... · ---~·...,_ . . ...~--- ---~.,..... Yours i·espectfully, m lstalp:i ln calling on us. Our assortii large rn <wery rlepartment, .and w e nro n~ lo offe r grea t iml ncements t o (l,]] who n'iuJ us with the . ir J)ll.l.ronage. C . ustomera li:1~ on o'bta.ining- all L]l~ · v I 'Whe re old and young, de\l.r frtends1 may meet . .\ ' 1.eloome !4'reeLin2:. bv H. PEA.'IE ~~~~~f~~~t~:~;r{:.;:c. Oll'FHf &; ·i _ G · ENT,·S · 'F-·u' · RYN . ISH .·I · ..·N ·. G.S · ·' . 0 _1:1_owm11i:vme. April 15, 1880~ 00-tf.. LATEST AND NEWEST ST in the ninrkct; nt -'-----'----· 1 8 ' 0C .O .ME ,' At1,·LwObNesGt vA-arN·ieDty rtoflv\,.,,SAhM.,i.rtlsN,TE _icM~' yanS<lTC.oolGlaKrn.&. PRICES. Ne. wW.oolen Mifls_,in MAR,H.::T: IS l\'.IAYER. 'E'ncourage Home 11.fanuf acture I tes~ara i is SPI~NTNG, I ... 01.V ' P R I C E S Ou.r Jines iri the baot aml shot; d npadanJ so llllllier,oua that it wo11l1l be'ium11s"iuki 1.1 a fn.ll list:, but 'l'i.'e can assure our·c ..uil.tomc~ the public generally; that thoy 1v1il fi 1arges~ and mo~t vuried si~sgrtm~utthaf . found m town, I P, s:-Higbest cash price for " Furs; Bowmanville, March 25th~ 1880. 38-60-Si-tf. :rhc. subscriber· at COJ)Siclerable expense, hav· mg Just oon1pleLeil a Woor.~:N MILL m Leskard a want long felt i.u Clarke ;ind We°'t Durham, now prepared to cxoeouto all kinds uf Custom . ·work, suoh na ROJ,L CARDING, CARDING, WEAYING, . C 1JS~Ol.VI WORK. \ Part1cuhir al;t.ent1on Is pnlil to tJ;is br11n ou.~ ~usiuess. Gent.lemen's F ine Sewed W1 Specialt.y. Owing to a large increa.oo h departmon.t we have had to eml)loy extra 11/_ · J'AJI ES POP H .O l .& CO.'I D. S., OVlrE~ ALEXANDER'S S'l'.ORE. Gih- ~u Me of I.he Royal College of Dental Su1·goons, . GOLD .:.FILLING A SPECIALTY. ' executed in tho Ia.test and most "\Vo ·tk . imp ;~"O ved ~t;-le of the Den!,al A.rt. TEETH j_~ ..,.··rRAC'rED WI'l'IlOUT P.A.IN, by t he u~e '{ 1f Nitrous Oxicle G11e, w ithout i-ajury - ~- ? tha patient. . / E l I ·w. ·McMURTRY . T l.1 ·r . have appolnt e<l ne sole agent in thls toi\·n \ ::ourrmmding c ou nt ry -f or th standard jn FULLING truct»ble, wate11m1of a.nd riYeted s~an1 b~ . DRESS!NG ·, . (~QLORING, &o. p~Ler*ll 1879., _ Th~~ 'ie~rn is m11d~ _QY. a . at1olL of cen1eht,. st.1td111lj.!,' t11Hl a cnnt1nnons irJr1\1atket pr ice paid fer wool delivered at of rivets, u1aking the se, an1 not only wat.erp1 the Factory. . but almost intlestructable, giviilg a tlu+ah~ PETE,R SCOTT, M:unager, I equ"'l to two pui.J.'5 of]lo0Vin1ade in tl:e tfr1li n l JOHN C_ A.RV:tl:TH, Proprietor, way.JNO. WOULD ALSO ANNOCNCE 'rHAT ·· a;~urnat Af"D SIHl\'Gl,E§, SIV.Cl\.LEI l'LOVR A.l\'U l·'.E.ED, all orders at the other miils will be; punctually attended to as usual in llowmanvme, Sovt. 13, 1833. i12.\ -------------- - - - - - - - - --' \ Has received, and opened out POMPADOUR PRINTS,. BeauDO.MINION ORGA)[S AN D Pi.ANC Particular,~t.1 c.ontionpaLd to theregu:lationor tifol patterns, price 8, 10, 11, 12l and 15 cents. Also a .for tbe t ownships of cHu, Ditli:N'r> TEETH. lot ofPHINTS for 7, 9, 10, 11, cants, first rate value. DART.TNC TON, CL.~ RK E, & CAR 'rW IUGU \ ~'ALL W i.<,?RK WARRAN'l'.ED.~ WHirrE _ , SHIRTINGS for 8,'10, W, 12!, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, · ·· · · . ~ 20 cents, th~ best valu.e in tovm. Fire, Life, Mari11e, Ac· Encour age ~~=e lndusb:y / DE N .'. -fISTRY l I CORSETS for 30, 50, 60, 75, cts., $1, $1.25, the best make. cident Insurance Bny your iu~trum cn ts from me, and sa~ duties, frei~ht anrl boxes. Agent. SHEETINGS, 10 up to 25 eentlij. J,OWES1' Pmcrn;s ANU {,Il:J.1£ltAL TER M: MOT'l'O-"SMALL PROFIT8 & Q.u rca~ 1lETl:Hl\'tJ HOLLANDS from 10 to 30 cents, Nothing but First-Class Com801111 fo1· n e w cntiilog-trn ·or style and prices to GHAY COTTONS, lo\v as usual. panies represented. W.RUSE, ·Dominion Organ aud Piano Co.. SEAMLESS BAGS, the best make, ·a t low prices. l lJ! -t f. B 0:wmanvil1e. ---------- - TOWELS, from 5 up to 50 cents, Towelling. ·--1~-1 at the lowest rate of interest ·w1NDO'W CUitTAINS, at low prices. >V'I'l'IIOU T TEETH , WUII '.l'EE'l'l1·. Office fat.ely occupi~d by D1· ~TOC W IT.I, F lt.I D.AK EXCl~LLElj J, M. JfRIM.4 ~1 COMBE, A lot of DHESS GOODS at costito clear. as~o:rtment. of ..._.,I 1·RA'7l'HJ.u vi ~i\ns·1" WHIT]~ DRESS SHIH.TS. for G0,75,90,cts.;$1,$1.25,$1.50 HEJ."TH, Kin;; St., BGw manville .Jt UN DRR \'\' EA R, L AU.!£8, ' ! .'ms ! Bowma nvill.e, A11gus t 1. 11>80, 105-Jy. l\EARr.Y i-wFr.~n YEA·~ , :i;:x p~:m1rncE. REGATTA SHIRTH, from .50 cents tip to $1.25. J< 'H.!LUXUS, BEitLIN 'wooLI Nit1 ·on;; Oxi4l~ Ga · Ad m !nh · , 11 l' · COI I 11. 'RQ l.E ~ OSIERY MO'l"l'0.~~8, 'l'Ol L E T AUTICT,E 8, etc. ,1 . . t...,red fo1· l'1tinless }u 1nes in .J ~ - ancl T· ....~ ,, fi , . . , e t c., e t c, 1n «01·ders solicited. · · · JOHN OARVETH. May 25th, 1830. 06-tf. v V~. Rv U SE, : sole agent for:tho cclcoratcd JI THOMAS BINGHAM, I ,l 1 - _J ... Ope1~,:iturH~ ·· · · - Pumps! Pumps '· Hnving commenced to m anufact ure_ repar~d ;<1'1" '.1.'lH: " !,,~ DIES' li.'A~VW _s;rOJRE." cw~~~-:_-~ It~' e~i~xG·s ~_:orn.rTHESE am~~!~u~5!1 ;!I"~;LD·al 1.d~, GOODS ARE SPECIAL VALUE. j / C-~ Speci<1J attGu don girnn to .STAJL,i;1:1Nj CALL AND SEE THEM. I WOODEN PU M i in Fuller's Old Building, J.i1a.n11 fo.ctur er of s p.,.< . .;h,. b!~it. monlrliu;.,'S. J·Iuning, Hlttt-i:lllMg, . &,g·\l':fn~;,. d oor s, aud .I i PS _ _ B; w1:1""~~'jl!JL~~~:' ~l:XE;yG<, j. -·-- ---- OPPOSl'rE TRELEYEN'S SHOE STORE, BIL. L P OSTING. I nm to turn out. __, 1' n1u t 'fu ruiug. 1 , SCROLL SA:Wlli<ll ' of eY0l'Y des criptfon done to·orU:~ ." on the sbo:rt- · est n otloe ; I. Sho;}s 01 1 J.iher ty Str"et, Nortli£( oi th Ra9tern House, BQwma"'ville. ·1 .!,!o ; v il :nvil e, Jauua?j'~23, 188V ;,' 78,' Bowm.11.:nvllfo, .&.11g. iVt.h, 18SG, ORNAMENTAL P l GKET.S; I N· B'l"1ll - flY Y ARtETY, I WEST END HOUSE. ' ' P11nips rcpuired on short not ice. I shall still continue the bu8iness of Carpente1 a.nd Cun tractor. .A sharcof pa.tronage soltcited. ur f'llt§ 'l ' Cl.A§§ PU!Ul.P§ . G.D. F LETCHR R H AS N O'r GI VE. · ·' ·I up BILL P 0 81'JN( ; , hnt ia Hill p1·ep:.r ed t o / O TYL'E · Bo ':"ml>nvlU~, ,Ja':· 7. JSW, 11 · _ _ 76 lt. l I a.JI ki nrlH of pus: iug . ."·"ii ·delh,~ring 3,t, tllc £ Jow;ny, Iow_i·,.t cs : ;,; . Jrnel, n _ 1llo, $ 1 pe,._ hnnd rJ ha1r ~-lncct., ;;gccn!.s u_ c i: H~n ~ q ua.rtc r 8he!"t , 40 . PH;·_ 11 un~r'.:"; dist." 1\'~1 t 11.<g circ_ u lnrs, <loclg/ ~ e tc.._ 10 c _,n cs per lnma.rnd. . . . · <t. D, JPLETOH.l<~R. J3ow mo.rmlle, .Aug-. 12, 158Q, · 10/ I I I I I I

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