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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1880, p. 2

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; _,. ~ ' .I.' L,RIDAv 1E - .l ' i k 0 0 4 SEP1,1~' ~-,1 B l ~· . _, ..u ... JC\ "" ' 1880· ... ;,a. .. t , Wa~&t ed, '* · ;n I I ... Sl!b : A BY"'.T..AA \V-, I 14- aoqD GEKERAL SER.VAN '1'. : Tu aid and assi·t " 'l'he Nwcasae Woollen ': c-Ji.... App1y to MRS. J. BVRK, Scul:'Qi:- St. : . '" l ' ' Bawmanville, Aug. 26, 1880. rnn. i 1¥Imw.fnctwriny Oumpany," qiviiig ~iii: ----;-~---;,;-.- - + -- - ··· - ·-·----- i tho1isand dollt1rs to the sa·W Oo1np1my by OO!m§C .. ~ee1)CI' w~u~tcd. ! way of Bont~S; and to for .the lpply :; l thfa office, GRAND DISPLAY - . - 0 l:<-.-"'"'7 t:\_ &t'!H-~ra! JHJuse A, lV!TDDT,E-AOBD WOMAN, FOR '\York, in bi ___. . _____._ --- 'W::nnt '· Sept. 16th. $U10Jl tan1ily .112-t!. I ed · AS~ I I I tnn_ng _ \'?"her-.iae '"fhe Newcastle Woollen Manufac· Cu~111iany.» isstiingofdebe11tures therefor. <;t hotly corporale, t:(:Lrry_ing on A!. YOUNG· GIRL, OYER 14, TO t1l. Sio!!T in ll;;;-M hou~ework. Apply to Do uIN "" · IO~ BANK. Bowmanvillc. 112. · 1."'ia!ll'9fii'l' ntil.° Cd a1ua Repaia·ell.!. -- - ----'--- - ·- - - ---- · 'J's 01·nc.:u:, the re-esitahliHJ1111Hnt ancl with the object; of pro-.., ... 1 ~, --r · .., · _ :"! . m~>tin~ tbe bnsii1e&'-\ of I.he ~nic} 0ompa.ny iu t1:to ~_;;iA R1'IES i\ I8HI.N (, 'l HEIRPI.ANOt; H111t.l villugo of ~cwcas.lle ~iy gwrng to tho said i_ 'l'_urg0<J or nwaire ..d can ha.,,-p. !;hem a ttenrte([ Ouwpany . the sum or six tnou,;u11il dollars. ' by rn~Ymg word nt, the DmnNWN OTWA And whereas it will require the special sum of Couuty of Dud1a1u urnl Pmviuce of Ontario, lt<tely had their buildinJ.ra,! 1t large portion of their stock in t.mde de,t,royed by fire, And whereas it has' been deemed proper a,nd expedient on the pa.rt of the .l\1unicipality of the village of Newcastle and the saicl Municipality ha,ve determined to gra,nt aid and a~sistance to the said" 'l'he Newcaatle \-\."oollen Manufacturing Company" (hereinafter referred to as t he "Company") by way ofBomrn with . a view tiJ bl1s1nts:-s 111 L hc; \.'Illali{e of New,;astle~ lU.tlie FALL AND. WINTER DRESS GOODS! --AT-- l ' I nv bcmg Bowma.nvllle, April let, 1880. Bd~vrn"'nvillc. m, thetr e1~1pluy. A nia · six hundred and eighteen dollars imd eleven 88-ly. ALEXAND Noted Cash Store! 'S . (;o~ t -r.T" 5~@St~ _ _ _ l'<"W<trded by leaving it- at tl,ie TA'l'ESMAX ofticc, or at. ·Phillps' Hotel,Hamptou 1 ::\\.. ING irn1rnrtan(. paper" nr no valne to any· 1c exc:.,,ept the.~wner we.s)ost, nn A u;~· 2:5rd .· be~ '-'<'cn 5t:evens Bm 1trnl Hampton. Ihe fiml <'r .\ DAR.r.. TWEED COAT, CO.t\TAI.:>l'· · ·m be s11itably ' Rampton, Sept. s'. 1880. 111·3w' _ - - - - - - -· -- -- - - - - - - -- )111.R.Sf!A.LL 'l'HOHX'l'ON. l141 f; iil!i! ! !'..Ul !UlW' != !:fl O ~.HJMmJ.rnt~ " , T . · m.HJi:l.. nm u __ CoALE · I nvillc 1 w ill Good orchard, tl~t cfa1s bulldinga, and well 1d" e rfnl 'vatered. \Vlll bo sold on EASY 'l'J<JR.~[f!. For , dollar further apply to ists. JOH'N THOMPSON, ._ ... ..... ~.:." Rampton P . O. ,f:~~ l~ !::\ M.B.S. ,: , J,YNDEN TS A BOUT TO or to rent, :'er ~·e.sidene~ on/\\ng St., <\a8t:pow '·'~ed as .a ~>ontdrng '.hOL~e. · t 1H the n~ost. convemcnt place m ~~n. fr,r boarder~ and l~ a spl_ endld. oppor· tun1't f{)r an-; \lel'aon wlshmg to start. m tha.t llue. BtnaU etoro in connP.ction with t.hc house, also 0 l1uge. boclroome well · ventilated, two sitt b 1i' rooma. dining room, J:-Jtcben. svfoniiid stono cclf~r, 5oft !'ond. hMd water on tile premi8e.s, i 1Hire . of land. lrrnnodiat.c possesBion given. l!'Ol' fort-her pii.rtioulars apply to ~IHS, r.YNDEX. Bowmanville. ·S 1l 1~tf· Sepf,. g· L~RO, tS, so- - - - ----···- - - ·- ··- -··- --- - - - - - - - mil 'i<'3ll'mll i"Oi· ~aie. dvA ;..:-:L le:o.ze town, she off'cr8 for .sa.le J: THa~l;h~~~~t~~!~~~!Jr1; ~!~f'!~~~u;~.~~ Rr;!~Kt~~~~~;~t~~~~~-~l,',Ib';';i';f:~tl1~~e~~1ifi~ farm of 100 !!-C-res, bei-n;i; lot 16, con. 5, Darlington. sum of six thousand dollurs either in money or Septm:~~ei~l: .!'""o_.-·------~~'.:'.._ 1:1~ sun1 is in arrc.Ur8 eiUan· for i.>rinci_pal or interest, Anr1 whBrens pai-tof the aforesaid indebtedne~~ namely, ') lH6J.68 1s pa.yi.ble unto tf,e United Cnuntie:-s of Norl.hnm~erl~nd ~r.irl , l huha.m unde1· tl1e settlement of Lhe .Wu111c111111 Jioan l·'nnd, aud will be all due an d puy>tllfo iu 1..hree ye11ors from tlic first day of December last 11a~L, And whereu.s the sum of ::i>IS7ii the balance of the said inct·eotedneso was givon by wav of a Lo~,n to the Newcastle Harbor Company upon t~A se curity of its freeh~ld prop~~ty and the tolls o.. t;"e said lfar bor and 1$ payaote over yearly anr1 "very year by sai.d Company to the said . Curµor·ation 11rnl I.he time for t.hefu.11 payment of t,l.te said loan will expire on the eleventh day of 1September in the year of onr J,onl 1883, And wherea,s tl!e Yaluc of tho whole property I rateable under this Bs·law nppcanng by t he last 1 revised AsaessmentUoll of the said :.linnicipulit·l' is $2:18 6U6 oo · · ' ' . . And whei·c!l.s for J>aymg t.he l!'s~lments of mter?.st and Cl'~.aL1!·Y: "' yearly sm kmg ·fun?- for pa.~1,ng t+ie pun~1ple of the sa~d rlebt arnl_mtc_r· est., it will rcqmre a ·11e9111l _rn...e tu 1.Je levied .lit each year for the iiexL 1msmng fifteen ~·ears 011· the as"cssc~ value of tlier.elrnble w_operty And wheroas the said ucbt. of six thousa!1d dollars is created on the sc'.'nnty of the special rate herein settled, . Be it thP.refm·., P-nacted by tho Corpor"ation of the :Muuicipality uf 1 .he village of Newcastle, 1. That it sha1l be la,\~ful for the saitl £r1unici . I ! I I providing for the payment of the said inter~st.. cents to be raised annually for the purpose of debt and · of t.hc said ~[unieipR.1lty is ~:1739.HS 'vhe1·eof no A.!ld wherP.aH the arnmmt of the existing rlt;bt 2011 PIECES! 210 ---:--Opened out, from the best houses in London and Paris, -:- a · j ' l l l I I 'l'wo HUNDRED PIECES OF DRESS Goons for Fall & Winter. I See our all-wool Cashmeres at 50 cents per yard, in all the New Shades, with Brocaded ~ilks and Velvets to match, Every lady should see the immense f.ltock at ' ! } ,, . ALEXANDER'S CASH STORE. Bowmanville, September 15, 1880. READTHISANDDON'TFORGETTHAT F'9~ :BC>Fl.L..A~D ) , oo , I for whirfr, t.he .is·. BuRoF;l(. 113-2w. · 1 0D M:ER· " . ii:' :u.·n! t 0 10.-a~ Eli t. m. ta!niug 170 acres, more or lc~s, suit!l.blo for grain ors.tock raising. The buildings nre first_· clv.Rs. ~ii.SY TERMS w111 bo given to 11 auit· able tenant,. apply to J,, TJIUMPSON, Newcastle. uo~w. Septem b er lat; 1880; Pa. LY localed in t.11., townsit·ip nf rnarke, :f,0 t HJ, Con, l, P.hout 3 mil"" from Ne·wllastle, con· ~ C;\ Pl1'AJ_, FARM CONVENIEN'r. · -- lRST CLASS GS,.i'.isq., 11, Shore., APj)lY t<> .E. A . ~oHcitor, 113-2;v, rwo VEnY :diR~ee3. Will have .3own1auvillo :!!:air. sec .them. W, WERHY. . echoCll house con~·enlent. 3 acres of first clMS frult., 10 acres .of hard and soft wood.the remP-inder under n good state or cultivation. Good well antl two Spl'ings on the premises. \Vjl! be anlrl on eaHy term~. For par(.icnlar. a11ply to GF:O~ \VTGR'r, · on the 1n·emirms, o.r to .J. K. GALBRAI'l'H, P.:sq., Bowmauvillo, Soptomber U, 1880, · 112-t f. - - -- -- - --- - - - - - - - 3~ miles of Bowmanvillc, with churches and a ~ O .ACRES OF TIIE EAS'r HALF ;.ij) of lot 5, concession 3, Darlington. within 14' ll3·2W; fnJl:r. caH the attention or tho l!idie" of d:R OFFER S Bowman villa "rul vicinity to tbe fact that she has, after a great deal of time and expense 1n g-gH~.:;. democrats and of gootJ. rnatei·ial. J,ib- leamed. the method of Roolit·µ- Hail" combingB, u · tu ;mrchase1·s. C!lli andianowpreparc<ltomaLethemiutoswitches, curls puffs, in first cla8S style, and on short notice. 'l'hls mothod of rooting. tho hair. is in ;\R'l'HD'R H. STOT'i'. every way superior to tho old .mothocl of doing Hl'.mpton. ha.1r work.horn the fact tha t the hair receives a 11lHw* l,horongh clesnini:i and put through an entirely .._. ,.. .;;i .i10~ ~t~ ..... i·.n., now Jlroc.oos, consequently it i~ much more· 1rat1 :~ uU.kl. ~ " """"' "-' urnllookrn~an1ldura.blc. Sheileslmst.heladies·lciiS & J.,a~·lfam. to now 1im·tkalarly that. she is tho only JlP.l'son RS. A. DAYIS WOULD RESPECTM I FOR. I in debentures by Wi\y of Bonus. 2. That it sh~ll b1:1 lawful for the Heeve of the said Municipality to raiae by way of Loan from Has opened out the largest and cheapest stock of Boots and Shoes that a,ny person orpersous,boilies or])111lies cori;orato who ma:i:- bo willing to advance lhy 81tme upon eyer came to Bowmanville. the credit of tho dcbentureH hetf>rnafl."r men· 1 tioned a sum of money not exceeding in the Come and see bi8 Mens's Boys' and Youth's Celebrated Rock Island, 1 whole the sn'm of aix thousand dollars aud ·Lo I cause the ~ame to be into the hands of the Hand .Made Wellington Boots, the best and cheapest boot in the Domi,n ion. ! 'f'reaHnrer of the said village for the purpose Womens' Misses' and Children's French Kid and Polished Calf butj &nd wiLh :lte object above recited. 3. ,~haL tl shall be lawful for t~e said lteevc_,,to toned hoots and a specially. c~u·c any nuu1her of<lebentu~es to be made ior Full lines of Womens' Misses' and Childl'en's Prunella Goods sold at such sum ~f nw1wy, not le~s tnan $1_oo each a;uct that ~he sa1cl dcbon,ure~ H~a.11 be . ._ea1.~d with the 9orporate seal or 1hc Haul J\fommpallty and and below cost. be signed by tho R eeve urnl Tfioasarer of the A nice lot of Slippers also in stock. said Municipality. . · .(. That the said debentures shall be made Ordered. work irr fine goods a, speciolty. payable ! row Lime to time within fifteen ycarA from the da.y hereinafter nrnnt.ioned for this By-law to take effect at Lhe S'l.mulr,rd Hank in Repairing neatly and protnptly done. tho village of K ewcast.le, or 1<t 8uch other Bank as shall be tl;i.crc located,andshall have att11ched Cemented patches put on properly and warranted to stick. to them coupons for the payment of interest. Be sure and give him a call and get bargains 6. That .the said debentures shall bear interest at the rn.Le of six per cent per a,nmu11 from the rlate 1.h.,1·eof which interest shall be made payable yearly a t the office of the Treasurer of the WSTAND,.......Neads' new block, next, door oaHt of Lee&; Edsall's. Maid ,· 6. Thnt the said sum of six. thousand dollars . ~ 89-111. sJw11 bo made payable by annual instalments . Bowman ville, Sopt. 1880. corresponding inarnouut\vith the debentures ft!!l!!i!!!!,_====1".!!mr--!'!l"!"'c""~""'"'·E"! "-'--"'··""""'··"==--===="'TM~""==-======="'.1"'s"'."'··"'TM,..,.,·"'·-!!""<-·'"·""'"'"'hereinafter mentioned in each _ year for anrl during the period of Jlfteen years 111;xt after t.he day app~iotcd for the coming iuto fnrctt ol' this By·law for which said irn;talment.a debentures for the amounts hereinafter next mentioned reepootively shall be issued and rnade payable at the time horeinaftermentioiledthatistosay: For the snm of $25.8 in the yea.1· of our Lord 1!181. . . , . Jl'nr ·he sum of $~73 in tl1e roar of our Lord 1882 . . rorthesurnof $289mthoyearorour Lord ·· v E R Y 18L3 . . . .;For the sum of $308 m the yea r of our Lord 1"8~ . · . Fpr tho sum of $.12" m Lhe year of ou1· J,or(l in all the lines of goods kept by him for sale, such as 188?, . . 1! er the 6llm of $3'16 111 the year of oiu Loru 1886 For the sum of $3&5 in tho year of our Lord I f I l ) i F"'C>:R. CA.SE£. 0 A L . L NEADS'DR·U GSTOR-E .1 WHERE YOU · CAN GET THE .l .·\. I I I I i BEST VALU.E FOR-vou · R ·MONEY y qunntitiea at Enniskillcn at as: , .10 per 1\1., X shingies, ~1.3-0 Jen ts per bundle. · R. f:!YLYESTER, Enniskillen, Ont. 113·iw. .. ···----·---·- -- -····~ t ~D ~en oll· ?J.c:. J BSClUBER :._.y GOOD SHINGLES -- - and _ thoy may roI,, upc11 a. being as sl1e repr~scnts lt. Orders nw.y · be ·1cf1; flt :M. Mayer's store, Ki ng 8t., or at hel" resldenoc in Neads'!llock,over]ll..Mr.yer'astore,.l:lowmanville. n 0 ;,,11 rn.rr'l'ille, .A uir. 26, 1.~80. Conntie~, that docs tho v::o1 k in thiH m11nnor in t,hA Lnited 1 l&t)7 rn\j? NEW Su rr1vv1er Good ~ · ~ · Cl 'e ~ , 18~~or the sum of $462 in the year of our Lot'd For the 2urn of $386 in the yoo.r of our Lord . 0 108~ · . · Ji or the sum of $HO m the year of our Lord ~ l~U0 or the snm of .,.435 111 the year of om Lorn . . . ~- ~· ..LA. . . place in the I-Iouse every atur a ,r mornrng as I I gm e for· oth buyer an seller. I · w I.i vc b.gcnt~ Wnnfotl ..... F..-ery @eetl oll . '·' "'l'f· 1 f er can ge ti) N0 T B a ,.,,,, h~ E r.oodrn;-. n a. {ers o · 1 ,-A·'or free samples a nd tel·m s to a.geute, ILddrens l1ighest prices for J"°Jltnd rolls law .The a~o>e ~g a trn'.l CO\'Y " . f a. ·J!l'Opos9t.l . By JOll,N C2~MERON S:; CO., . · ~dllch. will be taKen rn to. cons1dorntt0!I by 113 . . .A.<lvert1ser Ot!ice, Lor.do11, Ont Or prlll f S . _the C1lunc1l oft.he village of~ ewcastle after one cu:1ency of the f:.t\.Jf...t doli.cntureH the w u n or l;wo hwt<lred and. eig hteen dolhus und eleven ceuLH rvr 1.he 11mpose of prwing the interest of ttw said debenturnH 2nd a!so' t he snm of foul' lmndred · . · dollar3 an1111ali>· for the purpose of naying the · . · ·, ' pl'incipa! of 1.he debentures, in all thel'e 'd · vl (' H · 01;_ a ·~ . ~da, : oho.ll be raised a.nnua.ily the sum oi' six trnnctred Bra1 s, .L' oss, .anvas, . !111' ~~ '·' ,, und eighteen dol hu·~ 1rnll eleven cents to pay and Switches, a·11. of ~·h1·c'h I.. 1·nt. o nd the principal cf the said tlehenL:irP.Hand in te,.est " .. as they shall respectively LmJ011Je tl11e. t o Hell cheap. 8, Th~.I; Che Haid sum of six hundred and It~ My stock of Perfumes, in Bulk and in Bottle, 'is verr complete eighteeu-:dulla.rH anr1 o'le.ven cents required us ~{R~ .A S ANDE. R 80N .aforesaid to and levied in each year and of the best English, French and American makes, the quality of · · -· ' '- · · · ' shal! be so. taioed,aud levied in each · year by a King SL, DowmanviUe. special mtc sufficient llmrefnr on all t.t e rateable which is unexcelled. property in "tho Municipality. ~See the" Ball Room Boquet" a_ n d "Sweet Bye and Bye" in P. S.-H!l.&I m!lde over in the Newest 9, 'J'his By·law shall takecticct on the fifteen· th day of DecemtJer in the. yea1· of ou1· Lo1·rl one Bottles, the tonieRt and sweetest in the market. Styles. l honoand eight hundre.d and eighty, \ . BO\VIDa.'.!lvilfo, !..prll 1(;1; 1880, 27'57·88, Don't you forget the place. 10. And it i~ hereby declared tha.t t his B:;;-l&;;y , is passod subJect to tlrn following conditions on i . the performance of wf1ich Lhe Raid ~um of six · thousand dollars or the st;id debenl<m!S (as the case may be) shall bo lrn.nded over tu t~e said Company, <~ {a) '!'hat l;he said Company shall erect in t..he ivice to a Mother., ,, ,." ·. . 75 cents. said yilla;.:n of. N. e wcastle a buildi11g in or uc>11· lvice t.o a wif1J.. .. ...... . . .. 't5 '~ the &tte. of ~heu· form~r factory for the purpose Ba\l BOy's ·Dia1 ry ..... . ... 20 i i of eontmumg th<' busmess as formerly carficd 102. . Dowmanville, July b. 1880. on by the said Companv arnl shall pnt the s~me l \~er Goldsmit h . .. · . . . .. ~ . 1fl " in running order. · l Eairnost · . Trifler , ........ 20 · ·. ' ~ Rcduc"" th& time coMumed in churning !b) That the said factory so to be emcle1l a L O Scarlet Lettet· . . ·.... .·. 20 n fro m hours tQ mlnute11, and produces a!o~esaid shall be what is commonly kuown ail Tight Squeeze ...... .. . · . 20 " an American four sett W oollcn Mill or an J·:ng- A'J,lish three sett Woollen l\1ill. . Woman's 'l'emptatlon, , . . . 25 " (c) Th~t t he sair~ Company shall entc_r !uto a 1w t .o Succeed i n Life.. · : . 20 " OF A rucrr aoLi,>EN oown, Bond wit:!). the·sa1d CorporatiOlt bindir.g then1 sc~vc~ tll,ei;- succ:es~~>ts · ii,nd · aS»igne · that tho;r of¢1Hl!lbQYC fc.>rwiirdcd t <> any .address AT .U.X. $li:A.ZO:Ns OF THE YE.Alt, will C§tabhsll tlie said Woollen Mill asa.foresnid rc~ttpi. ofi;ri"e· and will mnintain the in . the Yillage of Rern·YlllS ·t ho taste of tu~n ips, weeds, &c., . 'l'Htt!ii. TEIJA)WI.EJ!f!>, Newcastle fort-he t erm of ten Ytt<trs from the 11nd makes butter «eep. t . ltn . nroatl 'fitli:ea ,lgc1;t. date of the taking effect of this ;By·law. wmanville, Sept. 22, 1880. PRICE 25 CENTS, (d) That the said Company shall insure U1e I n order to make room for fall goods and keep our stock ahyays 80l.D BY DRUGGISTS A,D STO!tlt Klll!Pl!F.S. ""'id l<'actory and Machinery to be placed there· in at. a nrl in the sum of six thousand in fresh and attnwf!ive wo have concluded to offer some.rel iable I nsnrance Company or Compan~s HUGH MILLER & 00., Toronto. GIYEr- AWAY W n'H an1l Hhall assi~n the Policy on the same to ·the said Corporatwn of Lhe \'ill&.ge of .NewC<VJtlc to ~- · be held by them as security to the extent there· of for the continual.ion of the said Oornpany fo:r the said term of ten years. · · 'i . .. / / 11. ·And it ie further i;macte\]. hY the l\fonlcipal .A:l!Il 'J p ease t o Ommcil aforesaid th!l-t tho votes of the r11ialified In all departments of our cheap and well selected stock of ·· staple/ and armers Wl 1:1lectors of tho said municipaiity shall he tliken WERJ<.LY LIBERAL, ' 1 on the propo8erl 1Jy·hnv by bollott pursuant to fr;,ncy dry goods. . · · ere lS llOW 1"88 174 oftlle !~(wised Stll.tntcs of Ontario 10 Greab Farnily N ei.vspa.per of tho \Veat. 110 t !Ce t . a ope11 1·11 on M.ouday tlie fo;n·th day of October in the C n year of our Lor<l 1880- at the 'l'own Hall New· cast1e rrom nine o'clock in the rorenoon until B<tlance of 1880 Free to New Subam·ibei·"· five o'clock in the afL.,rnnnu and that George Agrlcult.ural .Page, by Rev · w. F. Clarke. da.v. N 0 fees charS?:ed except_ Curtis, E~qmrc·. Clerk.of 1.he Hliirl Municipallty Health andlllsease,byauromincnt Phvsieian. .1 '~' shall be Rcturnmg Officer for I.a.lung the said J,p,ga)Qu.eries· answered oy\'1.H.Bart.raw,Esq. f we1'gh1" ma1 t .i votos at t he said polling place, 1 Vet,erinary l>ep't, by .Prof. J, H . " Wilson. or ll · e · . . e . ' ¥li 'i'har Tuas~.ay the.fifth day of 01;\;r:11ef in the i Tcat;hers' 1,:Jolumn. by J . Dearness, Esq., Inon a prnper pr1·n year of our l.ord 1880 at elcvgn o'clock Hhall be I of A.lpaca and Linen Dusters at cost. spector.' ' · tile time, an ·l t he OouncJI Hoom in rnl<l town ' "".~ "\Vomau'HKin~dnTP, b y name Durden. cipJe and sellers " a ll kin.ks th~ plnr)"· where .tl'\e Cler; s)w,ll.smi1· Ujl A f1111 Tcmpcr1rnce, ,,.,1111al.h !'chool Lessons. etc. , · ··· · rnunh~r m vof."" given for anct agamst the By. , assor.t ment of the patent adjustable ATllI,"F.TIC SLSPESDERS Lett~nJ of 'l.'ravcl ill Frmiign Oonnty1M. l of f)fOdnce cattle sheep O'S law ai:;d .that. Saturrlay .tlie _ SS<)O:i>.d \}.ay . o f Ocalways on hand. O. Reliable News and Commerma1 H::-porte, t. ' . ' . . ' . (:::> ' A-obe.-m·the yea1· o f 0;1r :r.ord 181:>0, at eleven and latest Telegrams fr_o. Ill ull OVCl' the wo1·Jd. r o:clock shall be the tit~"'· '1Il.d the Council Hoom -I ' ' . -· . · . tnc :place for th(l appoJJ1Lrnenl. nf per~ons to at· TERl\'l:S.. FOR 1881 , I! here . at thq nolling place and at t.he fin al sum- j our 75 ct. Linen Front Dress Shirts, · ~ · ~ ·. · dA . pnce list Will be tc"!lct nung 11p or t.o.c votcG by the Clerk r~spectively 1 Smg~e subscr1pt1ons, $1.oO. or 'Y1L1 GladaLone 1\farket on behalf of the persons interested in promoting 1 our 05 cs. Linen tow@ lling, 1ortrait {t? pay postng-e a.nd t.ubmg), $1.00, In S· d . or opposing the pas$ of the By·law 1·espect· 1 >ln~s ot ir1ve or over, ~·l.35, or $1.ili wit.Ii. pol' ~ f;\ iveJy, . our 10 ct. r~11strc DrefiS Goods, .ra1t,and balance of 1880 free to new subacribcrs· 1 ' . d · b .l · d 1 , of 'ch&n~·e of bu~iness, offers to sell acres of Yery fertile, arable land, tone, situated north sido of Gr,-,.ve l v'een Gobonrg and I'ort · Hope, being ~<>. con. 1 J:iamiJ!;on. 80 acres ill good for !(fain crop, 20 acres clave1· and icadow. '!'h i" is "'" Hxcellont c.> ppor1ere being 60 aercs new llnnd-s turnps and 47" acres wen sum1i1crfallowcd, 1 tflorough r~pair. buildinge co n. fort· a never-failing well of wat er. Terms pp Jy to or . HICIIAIW FOS'I'KH., Ne"-·castle. 15, 1980. ln·2w* l .N 0 0 N s·E.· I n()~Y iµvito special<>ntion to my new stock . . PF , . 1&is I 18 lRn~ For the a.iun ·of $519·-in the Ycv.r o.f our ,. . ·- - . . >lllffi .For the sum of $100 in the year of our Lord Lord 1sftr tl!e ·· · .urn FANCY GOODS~ I ~~"rhatthcr6 Trimmed Bonnefa and Hats FeathMllUt~ERY :i · -' . of $5.5(; in the year of" om· . I,ord 1<'01· the sum. of ~58i in the' :vear of our Lord sli&ll he ·;,Y.faed .annually by the cor~Ol'Ation of-th<> .u,aid l\fonic;p;tlity il.u1·ing t)1e ers, E lowers, S1lks Ornaments: etc ) BERL~I~J . QL WO ' . Soaps, Perfumes, Tooth V./ ashes, Hair Oils, Dyes, and Renovators, Combs and Brushes, Cosmetiques, Sponges, and Chamois, Patent Medicines, Dyest.u ffs, Fly Poison, etc. ~ T have the largest stock of Soaps in town, and very cheap. EW~OOKS ! I W EXPRESS OFFICE BUILDING, King St. East, Bowmanville._ :M...A..RTIN"" E _ N""E..A..D·s SPECIAL REDUCTION SALE f nu~ SWEET BUTTER I I 1 ·M ASON'S CASH STORE. I T:S::IS 1'a:ONTJB:. FOR THIRTY DAYS PORTRAIT OF GLADSTONE t WtSltRR AOYf RTIStR Notice to Farmers. l 1 h th · · 1v1a1·ket ·' , F .and PE .., I AL FEAT U R. E S : ville on a f Bo"'ma11each and e very Sat . ur- ·1 ta: se IEXTRAOREUNARY lNDUCEIYlEll'JTS! w A Splendid Assortment · · of Dress Goods at cost!'·, .· I g Th be conducted k I of I I of Hats and Caps at cost, of Parasols at cost, pl gram etc. will find top prices I I itT Ask to See I I 1 · -,--------·---·---~--------------- - \.i. · &._ s. · . HA WW M·_ nEilp B~'S vnne....,,. 0 j ~n I · ·~ !!, ' :it'~ ';~< '-~ l~ f'i'fl " · ~~ 19 .§ '·- ~ ~~- · ~ IOJ .Y i~ ~~-· .~ ·~ 9' ~ · ri1't f!! [iii D I . Y;i/ . BRITTAIN·'. J. i 1nonth frm1.i L11e I~Ublic.ation thereof in H rho ~ZR! ~ <i;J WI lli) I ® I AR~E~S, COLLARS, 'VALISES, '"'ENT ')"' .A FULL A.SSORT~,_. ' ' .., _ WR IPS, · TRl'N KS · Lad1es'Attent1 on . · I ·· MISS. I\foTAVISH ' I I I , -- l 1880 110 o>m ... "' , · · · . - - -·--- ·-;;--- --~-·--·---- - · · · ··· - nowwo.nv1'11e, inepo. ~· .. l\fAXAC-lEn !' , ; begs to am1ounce to the ladies of Bowman· . , t 8 ville and vicinity that sho has opened out I "P ember Sth, lSSO. J . · f I a genera I CB.n0dia!l 8taL<<rrnrn" -t"ewF.paper which first · publtcat:t0nwasFnilMY'·lhe 1.ent.h rlay of Sep.. tembcr rn the year of our Lo1'<l i~aa .-::mrl t.ha·~ at the honr of · 1inc o'clcck in the furnnoon ·of M·:mday tlle fourth clay of October, lu . t.he\«'ar of £!lll' Lord 1880, at tbc 'l'own Hall in .the 'said v1llageorN!"WC&Stle,"the votos of ~he q ua,lifi· erl elector x wi ll be talrnn on tho sa1d By·law ?aid t,n he cont.in11ed. open fmn~ nine o'clock m the forenoon 11nt.1l llYA o'clock m tho aftcrnoon of the aforesaid day. GJW. ot:n:ns. Town Clerk. (JUltRYOO::\.fl3i BEUSHES. 3LANKE'rS, &c., &c., SP~INGANDSUMMER 1 SEWINC ~~CHINES I :~.~:-1\!JUB ~~':~&SON. ReforehuylngP. Sewing ll.1achine be sure to . sp,e t.)1.e imprnve_<l IV8.n~er F .. ~r 0., ad:..ptcd to H.ll km1b nf fa?111ly wnro<: (ind hght manufactura vesomanvexc0llcnt illg. Xoo1.lw.rmaehines h . be YJ_lea"'ed recet·,. qu>t!ltios. Light rtnrning, Illliseles~.: large caarld H .I' 'e pae1ty, loose balance whmll, sel f.t.hreading, a call f·OJ)] her I1UlllefOUS d?uble steel feed. sews backw>ml anrl forwa.rd, "· · l . mckle plated, laTge opon shutllc. All wea.ra ble other~ ti ngr parts of steel, har dened al\11 ailiusted .L · · . . · ~ ' . Superior in \'\~orknHu1ship and no gca..1' Bmployed anvthino·intheMillin"ryJine ' initsconstruction. ' J I:> · . t. · . Theimdersiguad ie sole agent foI' these cp,Je- asscr.ment o ! ·iv i\. .I\' Z E R --··---···--· our 22 ct. Table Damask, our 50 ct. H.egetta Shirts, our 10 ct. Dress Linens, our 60 ct. Corsets (the very best in town,) our 50 ct. Kid Gloves, worth $115, Black and Col'd., our 10 ct. Brown Hollands. ·. Our Tailoring and Gents' furnishing department is not surpassed in Bowmanvi.lle. Our price8 the and fits perfect. A full line of find knitted Horse Covers. Lace Curtairn in great variety from 7 5 cents per pair up. An excellent choice of white Dress Muslins at coHt. Th~ extra stock at reduced prices. Please call and examine our Stock and Prices. H.A.RNESS OILS, Ji. r4 · IM 1'I f1. y ; HH?;;.. ~-~~~~~~~~·~~=~===-=~r==~=-=~ - . . Il E - ·.- ~~ 'l"O .TAN. 1. The C JI j c :\fro · "\Vt' ..'kly N 1-- 1·:s I ;~;~:n"~;:1'~"~·o~T':~~"i~c I ii.ext, f.,r !O<·emR. Ti·'·' l ' J·:l'iT" - -1' .·1..wl 1-nw cs V &,';. n ' ~A- ye~ Ill ~"fA (i.,;,,,~ ·n1 ·11 to ' ·Q .Jj[_lll!l. JI:)> LO::>IG()!"'1' ' Ji&.~ :J: Jl:3 ·1 i J 8l1Hm1:rn 'I\ Jt,Hl{:O +riend s and all wan . I · · d C d , pepa1rrng one ncr. 1y an promptiy . - 1~~;,1 e":~-~~~~~~~tei\ie1'·1 ~,i.1: ilit .tr l·.i rn'<s··ription W!I! Pll ; l>!e rcO<!er.· to ].(·. - 1 -G':s. a·;,;;J:~~"~lci1~~ ' 1;',~ l s mild, moist. fragi·aul, ""'l :;"··e t. Smo'<ee cool a.nil goeHt..wke lld fur !l.H ~rn1 ' ulale tl lv lm1rno · · Al~!,t:N di GL"TEK, Mu.nuruCturcs , Riehmrnd.Virginin.. '"-·- - { ~ . I r ~ 1 ·e $f!3"' A DISCOUNT J!;OR CASH.~,,. 1 I · ti --... ------ - ------.--~- . -1 "!vvo doors - - - -· - . - .- .. ! MAN-"lfi8 . . - fj i\~;. il DE a ORDER . . · · · · bratedfyl.a...chtne$ fQr \-Vest 1Jurha1n, also f!Kent i fol' the ·,ve~~ern anrl llomi1_1io11 I nsurance Co.'s, I anrl th_e n ""n t1sh and Oan}S,f1Htn Loa.11 and lnvest~ r,nJltlr!'!, :tll t~1e nn~·s, rnentOu · F . Ma.aou'~ Old Staricl ; fir&t door ~ Payne's Hotel, Bowmanyillc. IOWllla.llville, Sep~. 2f, li!BO. "~ _. ,A · v'i lHla,ffiS U ..C P owmallVl.1· le · 0 11 '17:ncrS.1.L I S -1I.iv.; 1 , ~ ,... ·. Ll ~ ID n-~ · ~~. we>::>t of M. I B t h .. ... · ' · R. B. '£ .HORN'I_ ON; Orono. 112-3m* Sep;embel'15; 1880. {~ ~~',;'lRP(,f;f;4~Je~,~ s;.~~"1."rnkf·t~v.::::~ l r,1!~V~~~1 1~1;i~~~lA~~~~:~;~ r corre<:1 marirotr<po.-", graduateg11a.ra.nt.r.eclapay1ngsit..11ation . Address: VOUNnMEU Learn Telegr8.phy and earn U !'l to $ IOOa mont,h. lTivery S'10 $777 a Yea1· arn'Cex:ief1ees t.oeg e1i.ta-:--out .AlJ.gusts. n, VAT,RNTINE.Jlfanai.rer, Main~. .Janesv ille, Wis; ~sllmcm.New costu~e Clo~ 1 011t New Lustres, in all the new shades, just ope ried at McClung Bros. ~~·~~8. ~~!7,~'.'.':l.f.\':.~.:: "·cto" F. 1,""'~""· PublbJier Weekly News, Clileai:;u. UI· tr>al 8Ub8cri11~lons ro r fitfree. AddressP. 0. VICKERY, . A.Dl'ERTISERS ! send ror our Select List Local Newsp_ a .pers. Geo. I', Holl &, Oo., 10 Spruce St,, New York, ;;-r

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