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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1880, p. 1

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· I Postage Prepaid by the Publtshm-. · · (('~e ¢mn~dian$la\ij~lliim I IS PUBLISHED ISCHOOL UEPORTSfor 8EPTEMBE'llt , IJilli!· N am ue 1cr·ong;-;;1 order of merit E" ER 1'. FRIDAY JllORNlllVG, liY- M , A. JA~:1ES, I ..,... AJ4 £&:: THOMAS BINGHAM, --T O - - Fire, Life, Marine, Accident Insurance Agent. ~ ~ I WHERE IS YOUR BOY AT 'NIGHT From t 1 ie UobotHy World Tha appaie 1t trupertrnence of this quea i liREROO MY HEA:RSE AND Nothzn;: but Fzrst Class Com / panzer 1 epresen ted where you can find evcr ytlnng m that line alwa.}s on hand and sold at the lowest puces 'I llll\Ql!Ulllll' ~Q!lI rate of uztere1t occu1J a~ d Iat the lowert () fli ce fatesr bJ Jlr 10.., ly BIEITH, Ku1g "'t , Bowman ville u Bo rnian I e March 9 l 80 m 'C I BJ v; to mn.nuh.otu e NEW GOODS ARRIVED. PUMPS Funeral s attenderl (day ·Jr r 1ght) p1omptly, orde!ly and qmetly, at prices to smt evet) o,ie No extra chargi for attending Funerals in the country w1th1n ten miles. See lll(l Dooi' ' Vcs & of WiHtam !J. .Mnteher 8tnll DowmnnAille Oct 8 18;-)(} 11~ SATISFACTIOJ.'i GUARAN'iEED. Thankful for past pat10 mge I still sohc1t the same man lle Jin " 1880 FOR WA"I'CHES JEWELRY, @ SPE01ACI ES Ero MORRIS'S ~ 'l· -w P. PROWER. 2mrn:o:z:::s:;:a: il'!B iffi ~ 'f · ~~ ! ~!ti:!' ~ · I SILVER'YARE re emoer t hat C. W. r~ HU GHAN J:a 1! ( A FUT, L A S ~ OR rl'>Il N r OF HARNE,,;S COLL HtS WH IP S I cant b e beaten He oogs to announce Urn.t l e h~Just recei ved a large and' a11ed stock or S Ivel' val'e selected from tho v ery fines t designH, consist ng ot \' !i.DD RECEIV'ERS, NEADS'DR JGSTOREI WIIERE YOU CA N G E I' THE ~ CAKE BASKETS VERY BEST VALUE F"OR YOU R f'llONEY m all the hnes of £0 lo kept by h m for sale such as HARNESS &c IORKS, SPOONS etc , otc - IN '.l:HE- Soaps, Perfumes, Tooth Washes, H air Oils, Byes, and Renovators, Combs and Brushes, Cosn1et1q ues, Sponges, and Chamois, Patent Med1c1nes, Dyestuffs, Fly Po1ons, etc. ha\e the la1gest stock of ::So' m to wn an d ;;m3 cheap :&fy s·ook of PeifmJJes m Sulk and m Bo,ttle rn ' er) "ornplete and of the best Enghsh French 1o1rnl Amencan makes the quaht3 of w h1ch is unexcellecl ~- See the Ball Room Boquet and tlwee t B) e and B~ e Bottles the tomest and s" eetest m the market @" Don t you forget the place~ ~ ~I J ADIE S AND GEN'<'S 1eat ly an pro n )tl_y Jl>i!'! ·GOLD AND PLATED OIHINS \\EDDHIG R INGS K~ ' E P ·P. P.TNG'-' SIGNET ~ EARRI:'!GS CUFF BUT'I;O.NS SHIRT STUD;:; etc nemember tha t all my havo gn:en i:;nlend1d satisfaction and that I have ne'V er been unde1s0Jd Sam I Brngg, -- A mmn ER \ 1'TORNEY SOI ICITOR Notar Public &c Office-Reed R Block ove 1 T B :i.i t ngs sto e K ng S tree t Bowman ville Mouev to lend J o hn K eith r.nJbratth, B EXPRESS OFFICE BUILDING, ;Kin~ S't East, Bo\vmanv1lle. Tu1:.AR o:r I:t'i' E ,, N ·:HJAD S i Ie Jul~ b isao 10 CJS£EA~JE3 LA.D!ll~S -AT- Stott's Drug Store I - -0 - J} New Goods! I no v invite SPCCla.l nttrintion to my new OF MILLINERY AND FANG Y COODS. STOTT i6 sell 1g out l s who c stock of Lnmps a..t cost In onler to make roorn fur a Trimmed Bomrn"' and Hats Feath eto Flower> Sill" Voh'ets 1 Oma ments etc etc BERLIN Braids !·loss err H a.1r Br 1shes P,o vn anv1Ile Se1 I.en ber 2 th 1880 L±L 11 ; l\.:u g St Bo\'fIT an\1lle P S - Hats made over rn the Ne· oat Stvlea Sepi t 9tl 1S7J ~ ------- -- 47 60 -and LEVI MORRIS, GEN ER "L CONTI AVI OR AND BUILDER of sash blinds doors he short Eastc1n 78 con 1 emence persons living Ill the "estern part of the to wn, onr bread is for sale at JOHN ---- o---- ~lcrVIURTR Y'S CHAS TOD llo DE~1>1TISTRY 1 G1 ocery ::Sto re J, M. BRIMACOMBE, l"R t.4. ! H. A I IPE'4""IIST, NEARIV For Rap1d1ty of Action, Com emence of I\ pphcat1on, and Thorough and Permanent I<ffect, \'le claFn that No Other Treatment can prnduce the rnsults effected by the r\\Er-;T~ · YEARS J£XPERI E r-;CE Nttruns 0:\:1de Gas Af!nunhfered f'or 1~ ou'tcE t~ 1 less 01><ratrniL· · · J1cc L11Nc: s BJ,oCK l I ::U,fAGNETICOl\J APPLIAN CES I ao a careful comparison ;nll ab mdantly demonstrate Par.iphlets and l nfonnatirn F ree. ADDPECO;s DENTISTRY. c. HARNDEN, L. D.S. Gratlt ate of the R yal College of Dental :o::.urgeons Ontario TH OMAS J. MASON, DYY GOODSI Fall Stock Complete I !lT- OTI I tr ll] O"\ FR ALEXA JS DER S STORR --o-- OOLD FILL1NG A SPECIALTY \Vork executed m the latest and mo8t Jmpro\ cd style of the A.1 t TEETII EXTBAC'fED Vi ITHOUT PAJN b~ the use cl NJhous Oxide Gas w ithout iDJury o the patient Particular attention paid to the regulation o! C H ILDR!llN B A T T1· NB Eowmanv1lle Oc~ I s. l l> e TEETH ;;at"ALL WORK WARR.ANTED._ ::: EXCELLENT VALUE. :: lst 1880 ,

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