Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1880, p. 4

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" 1.), , ~~o CENTRAL EXHill1TI011 HORSES jw. BRITTAIN & CO !Shop.No fE\bl TRASI rEit0 1 I 0 R 0 N 0 (EST ABL!£HED 111.50 ) NE\VS ! NEWS! GREllT IFDUCFl \TENTB FUR 1881 THRF.E JVfONTF::3 NlC\\ Slf'ORNOTI-IINC Weeld11 G7ohe fh_e 1nonarcl1 of VI~( khefl;, frcm l and well assorted ~~.~~~~:~~~~·FQUAR~' V\7 tth Clo·thing St or~ I 11.I:R. N. F. HALL public years, '", Having made arrangernentf.i M1 M Davis, who gets S~J.ECIA.L P.TTE!'rflON IS CALLED TO Plack Gro~ 'N ha' 111f\: had Uurty J ears cxpcr,enee m England, 1'11ows JUSt ninvaids wliat wrll smt th0 Canacha:n tea SOOTCH 1 AND ENGLISH TWEEDS Gram 50c 20e " " 1 drmkern Im all the Newest Designs and ~tyles in Suit Lengths, SplenFrfot class quality "f grocenes al-I di 1l Valneo, having been bought ~ostly at Old Pncris, before 1 ,, 1ys on lr"nd W B & Co ray the 1'.18e rn woollens . . " 1 l t I l I p.1r t r wt ,,utt, 1 cgts, por ~, e c He are prei;;ared to Manufacture Suits Ill the latest and best I Duo bilJs gi,en on\\' Ji_]ex:and'-'t fo i st}r]es. I dry goor]s vnr·Q Q .......T ~ Do not ro1get our market on J:' ( Cl (j( l/'I, Satmdays-'lop pnce' paid tor all, Heady Made Clothmg, a good stock always on hand. produce I 'rJL\S I 103 nnwto January 1882, onl:r $1 JO E; tr~ fUbscr1b er get.a a fineb executed st~ol t IJg'"a\etl por trait of the late Hon Cfoorgo Broy;n, 1Jail1J Globe onlr$6 London \l eatcrn Adcei ttse1 one c-" the lH ch ci-,L pl!.pe1a of the wio:st, only $1 3" i"nd ror 10 conti e:xtra every su_bac 1ber vnl l portra1t or Gladstone Da-ii.v :: id. ~i e.el~lif 11:rael Sar, b"'tafo:nnan., .;.V&Ws 01 anv other ~apsr to c1dt>r Paoers m.a1led JJroct fr0nt oftloe oft ubhcatlon to any post o.filoo F3ond in your ord0TS :-i.t onoe to IL ELLIOTT Jr Han1pton or JAS ELJAIOfl 1)lono Out lot ll!OO lU t! JUS'l1 THINK ! Harp01 s weekly arnl Bazaar . l RnysOwnPape:rand Str:itesrna-n llarpersJ."lfonlhly& StateS'1nanfm J><gl I 15c 20c " " ORI\:MANSHil) HUARANTEEB. I immense Yd!lety, Hosie1y. \V. H. ..t)_J Wi~.LIAMS, GENERAL , 1 I I I OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS. Mens' and Iloys' Overcoat~-Large Stock & Closest PriC!:ls. -nT ACK 011 ~i::::u.\il. lfITH · CEN·rs' FlJ~NISH~NCS; ( Consistrng of Shirts, Underclothinir, Scarf:s, Tiefl. Collars, etc. Notice to Fa:rn1ers . Du.PHAM -Bull, I:...1be1 t 1one, 1st Bull, 1 yr old, W MeCorruacl., Cla1 lrn, 1st F01{ STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, A IN~ B _[-i J[\ G J-y:-}! 1-i O. A1ueric:ln, ltngll1fh. Swh!t ! French anndlnu, nud oil·er Scencl".h 1nchulin2' -vrnw<m- ( -UF' MclvIURTRY, Keeps constantly on hand a gooGl stock of .# · I .? f B oo,:; 1 ~1 · towr,, 111, 1I He h·1<; tlrn la1ge1,~ S!oc' an d ::i ioes in p '< tfd frn,.1 1no b· st (\!1',Hllan .. nd American rnanufactun '· ---- BOWC\IANYILLE CF.l\Jlf rERl' &" c' s ~Lr :;~ Al urn x.;i: e> FOR T c:> c.> <::::> -0F _, i: B -\L'<0- Prnnella Boots 81'EREQSC0PES, CHROlWOS GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ' Crockery and Glassware Canned Goods, Tobac- ' cos, Soaps, &c> &c. A JI kinds of PWlLRE FilA)iEt> fa1 m produce taken m exchange 10 If :e Bowmam tllo, Octohoi l, 1878 HIM C\Tl. DFJALERS IN Fanne1~ will please to notice tliat them is !JOW a fr ee and open D1arket m Bo1'man v1He on each a11d every Saturday. No fees cha rged exc e pt for weighing The ma1ket will be conducted on a prnper p rrn~ ciple and sel!e1s of all krnks of produee, cattle, sheep, pigs, gram, etc., w i 11 find top p n ces here A price list v. 111 be placed in the :Market Honse every Saturdct} morning a , "' guide for both buyer and ~e ll er. Makers of butter can get highest pn< es for 1'um1d rol ls or prints. 1879 W 0 0 D, J 1UMBER, Banking OJ! W. BRITTAIN, 1\11.~ \..G l:L H J10 3~n Shingles, Lath, Posts, & Square Timber; =r:r 80LE AGENTS FOR B_ ]:~._A_T..HpUN -F011- & SON:7 CLOTHING CLEANED OR DYED 0 F J1' IC I.£ Doors, Sash, Blinds, Pickets, Mouldings, &c. 1 'J:ert1pe.ran; ~ t McCLELLAN & CO. 8 JUST ARRIVED --iTTHE-- DRAFTS JS.YUED Large breed IOW 1st, on all branche, ot Bank of l\font1 c11! m Canada, N PW Y 01 k mid London, England P1.,atp a <1 d tlmldmg Society Funds lotmcd on real estate at best rntes SOOT 8i VI l:YJl'!@l~IA ~'UTI~~Iil:~" ~Q WM\Al.:ti'Wi:&:Llm. ----~·---- llfJ 60 Cases Boots& Shoes. EMPORIOUYI' sao Coni.bination Sod Plov1. TRIAL f .. Jl ,1·,s01 t1m .IL of Sl'A 1\D .\ R1l PLO\YS m vV,e a11 "' ll,cdpt of large· sl11pments of goods, to 1cplemsh for the commg sP,tson, tne >211uuH ln,111chcs of om mcreasmg hade, m which we feel 1·onfident no other J 011'e m town can appwach us m quahty or prices Come and see for yomoeh es ' All O'lr customers are delighted. LATEST AND NEWEST STYLES in the nrn.rket at LO°'"V P R I C E S . inlver gr 1y dotktll,j tweh c green plumb fo1\ ls, nnd Our lines in the boot and sI1ot dPI irtn1ent are 150 nun1erous that it would bu 1u1vnH:.-i1h1e to gi' e a full list but we cnn nssulc our< milumers and the pubnc R'enera.1 1v tllnt they \\ tJl find the Jar ,m;t and most varied 11.,sortn1cnt that can be foun l 1n tovi; n MISCELLANEOUS CG1:>rOl\I WORK Frmts of all kmds at excccdmgly low prices IJ~-iOVISIONS. s HF i'l'ING STOVES: OVES ! Fall and Spring wheat G1bli's patent Flour Buckwheat Flour. Crncked ·wheat, Graham Flour, Uommeal Oatmeal a specialty 1 SU:l'JDRIES. I mmnnent s'ock, amo ('C:"' "Inch will be found tbe followJng COOKING STOV} 8: COJ'rIE A~D SRE OUR GRAND DISPLAY lN of a trial and I - - - - - - - - 1 --THE-- 'lll" ~ ~ .JN.dT I~ I '1~ ,;;:J;,. "'ilr ~· ~ ,.11o,~ 0001. tove 111arle TH£ ,tfAR!JDIS--woodcouk rs a beauty -with and with- THE DUCHESS fm coal or wood, flrn best ni.1dc m Canada [ This department 1~ V>ell stocked, regardless of expense, mcludmg G h' A '\I IT r;;w ,uu , m various sizes and patterns; < :' TEA, DINNER AND CHAMBER SETS. IN THE cntJNTY, AT -PRICES EDS.lLL, l'llc Leod's Old :-:tan<l. BO'wmanv11le, Octobe.,..1, l81N ~ Encourage Jiomc duties Buv ) our 1nstru111cn~s fre1~ht and boxc~ :P.W T10- LOWEST PRICE~ AND LlBEHAT 1 ERMS 'SMATT i"'EO.l'lfS & Qt I(K l'ETUil!'\S, " Send for nev; catalogue W.Rl:SE, 01" style and r"'ices t0o !U tr, ll)t-1#, Dou1inlon Organ s.:ad Plano Co ?Qwmaimlle. '

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