S'l ATESMA.l\ 1HJ\:\ lVl AN Vl T 1 ' j 'L. l t ' ocrron~n 29, issu. 1s now offenng one of the best ·elected stocks of IW:ANTLES to be had outside of To1onto 01 Montieal 'l'ile Styles 111·c tbe Ne"·csl? the ·t~rnhty 1he De§l ! and Ins Prices the Lowes t ! I A good lllack Beaver Mantle, v.ell tnmrned for $1~ 90_ Mantles Made to Order in First Class Style and Perfect Fit Reeve I ha·rn an endless ~ anety of MAN·T LE CLOTHS m Light and D"rk Shades f om $1 00 to $5 00 pe1 ya1d l have bought at a g1eat discount A LARGE STOCK OF DRESS TWEEDS AND SERGES, wluch we aie selling at the followmg AXoraord111a1 v u11ce1o Goods "ortb 25 cent s eelhng for 15 cents Goods worth 20 cents sellmg fo1 12~ CAllts Goods "orth 15 cents selling for 10 cen ff Kl'ery Lady should see the 11ch stock of Die;;s Goods, 1rhllmery and Mantles a" ALEXANDER'S Noted Cash St ore. 1n toWn over night and or1 Vl ednesda-i; morning 'v11l be escorted to tne stab n where he will routo tak ~ his depa1ture 0 t-3 All goods marked m pl am figu· es and no econ(! u11ce Bowmai'\ville October 21 1880 3ecure a g obJ ct Su1co the above w s 1n type Sir L eonard If you know ot a has telegraphed to the i\fa.yor r'!f}J IDJ he. and direct her to 1-1re Street L1dy l lley ~11! a1me h ore by the ' l ot LA:rEll DRY GOODS! --0-- Mason & Son's Dry Good Store ! rs JUST NOW: day evt:"lntng cxpree:s Mt Tt!lfly nlr;o consents to a ldd rei!s a pubhc Lhe Iowu Hall on 1 ue 0 d ay 6 30 o clor.o The fall and Wrnte1 Gooods are berng opened up and the people-ever on the alert for the Best Goods at the Low.,st Puces -know rt and go the1 e to Ruy. Om Stock compr ~es rn part-a fine selection of Black and Colored Cashmere~, at very low figu1 cs Mantles, Ulsters and Mantle Cloths-new pattQrns, at good value. Boys smts, a fine assortment Dress Goods, el ery variety and pnce. Brocaded and Polka Dot Velvets and Satms, all 'ha<les Ladies', Gent's, and Boys' Fur Capo. Woollen Goocs and Hosre..-y, an 1mmen,e s·oct Carpet11, a good cho1ce,and an endless' ar1et1 of othe1 go rJ, ---o--- ALL THE RAGE' Tho Tailoring Dnpartmnnt OOMPRISES Ready-made Overcoats and Smts, The fine st assortment ot Scotch and Canadian Tweeds , Worsted Coat11.g, , OvercoatIngs, m Bowmanv1llc A First Class Cutter,---Perfect Fits Guaranteed. TER.~~ CA..~:ar. S:-MASON- & SON. CHEAP CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS. Our Fall and Wmter Stock is now complete m all its Departments In Clothmg "'e have an extra largr stoc1c of om own and "'Tlorey s Tweed Pants Tweed :nits Wosrted ::;mts Fall o, e1coats Boys "'yontb s and Men~ Heavy Overcoats Ubters and Rubber Coats All Wool Tweed Sm ts rnalrn to orde1 f1 om $10 urwards We give the utmost attent10n to the CLOTHING DEPARTMENT IN ORDER TO :l!IAKE Ir THE CIIIEF BRAN<1H OF THE BUSINESS IN GENERAL DRY GOODS WE HAVE VERY LARGE AND CHEAP LINES IN 50 Tupper "' ill become a 1!1e 1nbe1 syndicate, \ lnla S r A 'r G ,,,H l s alsn i.uspdcted of ha\"H g a finger 1n the pie Dress Goods, Black L.u.stres, Black & Col'd. Cashmeres, Prints, W1nceys, Flannels, Shirtings, Tweeds, Sheetings, Cloths, Hollands, 0YSTERand PA R L0R. --->OR--0 ;>st ers fh e fresh fulJ serv-ed up excellent style PU RE DRUGS T1ck1ngs, Table Linens, -oIBlankets, Furs, Clouds, LUNGHES CHE 1\1 I CAL S I Hosiery, Gloves, MUS Underclothing, 116 Do\'li manv1lle Oct lil 1880 c-i.,...,rts Drawers Ducks HORSE ANU ' ' Carpet ' Warps,. JflEIHCll'iE!'!', go to FIRE I FIRE I Yarns, ~"kirts, Cloakings, etc, NH IGGINBOTHAM'S. 1 H.BUNNER J0H fu.t lll AND LJl,oioo u11nfc ct1011e 1y Ahv tys on ll 1011 V. KEY~ 1 tf .A~b UNADULTERATED A (HOHN ASSOJtTM"ENT OF PERFUMERY, 'lOO t H, NACL HUR llRUSP".CS ..A ND ---',,.._______.,,.- r B ~ ,.. ,.,-1ness this l!ieae:on \:Ve hn.ve made p ..eparat1ons for a large trcdc ~ 6',,,.-to the best guarantee for qutck sales consequently we will nHl-kc the price sor:fe easy to decide who sails tho chctlpc~t D.ry Goods and Clothing 1n Bo" inanv1lle. __.,-" and Et.G-8 taken at I ighest ra.tc8 ELLISON & Co,, (Cowle's Old Stand .) Bowmanv1llo Sept 30th 1880 11! 3m CLAS CO TO ADVERTISERS. GEO P R O\\ l LL& COS SELFOr LISI OF LOC"L NE~ SP \PERS HOUSE! ---o---'lhe Subscriber has no\\ received a laige and well assorted stock, sUitable for the present and comrng season. Though goods have aurnnced and Rtrl! contrnue to 1d vame m pnce, owmg to his havmg bougH largeh m ant1c1pat1011 of a nse, he will offer many lrnes at old pnceo, and having d et ermmed to reduce his enor,110u-Jy large stoek, he 11 II sell many at lt>'s than old rates, tlm~ offering rnducen.ent to those who wish to make four rlolla1s do the \\Ork offhe. SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLEC YO Ca·pets-Jute, Umon and AJI v' 001 lJ 1 Il d .s ~ ' 1 f;olonred and Black Gros Gram Silk Table Lrnens and Dama;,Jrn Large Lot of I ~ eeds Black and Coloied Cashn1c1es " I White, Scai!Pt and Grey Fla1111el Tnmmmgs, a ver 1 full stock. 20c " Fancy riannels and Sh1rtrngs an immense v,uiety, Hosiery, TllOS. PATERSON. l '