l l CANADIAl\{ I (f ~a ¢anad~an,$t~t~$man ~~~~-~~~-~ \1\1. Mc l\II UR 1-, RY, (\\ ES'i r'Nr@ il'llO[!tE) Has Just Rec;c1ved a I argo and Vv ell Assorted Stock of Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, CONSISTtNG OF Il\IIPOR TE H. OF SGOTGH & CUMBERLAND GRAl'lITE Ca Httan Twew1s, 8eotch and Fan cy \\ ofoted Di a we1s, Mufflers, 1 Ps and Carpets Path, Plam and Fancy SUITS MA TlE TO ORDER At the Sl1ortest l\f otice and 1n the Latest Styles ALL WILI BE SOLD A'i THE l OWE:sT uASH PRHJl'l vV . i\fcMUR'I'RY HS "'"" JU ==:u&iEU THE WEE Kl Y BLllE, FOB 1881. THE IOB!RCH OF THE fi!LIES. The :t&rgest ! TbeCb~e&t! Will !JI . . . . ii C-OIH!illl wM 1111 " W\lllllf Ill* fir 181ll tllelllllllilll!T !llD~ol~ ------ Tke Nll:l"W E:R:EISSES I N""E"W TYPE! Bestf to mrr rmlJ ilil Wlllllil~TII ll'lflf !li:itllriflQ.e \VC:IJ 1a11 !'lJ· WIJr]( wlll >Ollti! HON GEll BiGWN GI* for 1881 a l!aWiH!B Stllll lll !llaviil l'llrtralt of 111 late will n1 ltll1 to lllllBcn bl!"! or '!lit s~ !!lint !Yliw DM llf ONE DOLLAR aoont soo NBi, m HteflEASEt> SPE£.O IN PUBLICATION 1 HON GEO BROWN n_rt Ji I 211 illl:bll! ut Remember tl>&tl all s11bs0tipt!ons ..nt In be t t' T tween thiis date and 1st January 1ss1 will en go UJ 111 ni Vir t.itle lhe -scriber to rooo!vo THE GLOBE biiit ilYlO ijf llliidml ~m tl~t· o! eu:boor1p1i1QD to 31l'Jt of December s:INGLE SUBSORIPTXON TWO DOLLA.Blif. om... and remi&nc<» to b· addroa!!ed THE GLOBE PRINTING CO TORONTO '· lothir1g, ] 1 urnisb in s , :fiats, Caps Fur~s. and HE SEI.LS THE CHEAPESI1 STiJVES ! STO I:f you van a sto· e lon t ouy 1nti1 yo t s~e unmrmse stock amongst which will bs found the followmg HE >.I'ING Sf'OV1 R 1cook Range Af.~B 'I'lf E L ,,;~BG LS l (~ook OF Hall, Parlor, Box and INT 1Il S toves 0 Don't nustake the place-, PRICES~ LEE & EIJS AL1, h 1 cLeod's Ol d Stri nd 114 tf == prevailed all day