' ' CANADIAN RTATESMAN llf'WMA NVH 1 E, F1 '! ' ' ' I 'WV. BRITTAIN ll.. CO., BOWMANV l~!..E, ORONO MR. N. F. HALL FARMERS! 'Vork1ng1oen, profeS"'lOnal men, anrl ev ery man, requires at th1s season of t he yeH.1 son-1 e tlnn1;: to £?;Ive tc ne to his syP tern and prepa te htrn fnl wo rk V ll'ALlNE' Will do tlm by cleansmg all 1mpunt1ea I t-;h ons No 3 .md 4, llfA l'tKET SQUA RE Havrng made arrnngnnents with (ESTA 13Llf;HED 1850 ) Jlh M Davis who gets from t he blood TEAS DIRECJ' F HO.Iii CIIIN;_A fublic we sna11 now be able to o+!er to the begs to 1eturn thanks to his numerous tnends and the p IIn all afloct10ns of the Kid aey· pub lic, Teas m 5 arul 10 lb boxes, [who ha\ e so kin d ly patromzed lum for the past thirty years, Sold by D s rO'.I'I nowmanv1lle 10 p0r cent lower th m "o have and dnnonnces that his stock of Drugg1~ts · THE GRAY MEDIOINE CO preHonsly sold at We rntend to 116 make I C othing Store f I FALL AND WI'NTER GOODS USE Vff AtLJNE and all CR1d1-f PS O::C JiO>V EL C01vIPLAINTS PERR'i D\V;s PAIN-KILLE R I ' 1,,, now complete , cons1stmg- of a larg e stock of W havrng had tl111ty years expenence m England, knows JUSt CANADIAN~ SCOTCH, AND ENGLISH TWEEDS R espectfully returns thanks to her "' what will smt the Canadian tea I t " th 1b 1 dunkeis Ill all the Newest Des tgns and St yles lll S uit L engths, Splen- many cus omeis 101 every i ern d [ V I b be'ore patronage extended to her duung . F n ot class c I' the yem, and hopes t hat by k ocpmg 1uahty of grnc 1eo al- IC a nes, havrng een bought mostly at Old Pnc~s, a well assorted stock emb1acmg all ways on hand W B & Co pay the rise lll woollen<. part cash for butter, egg:s pot!,, etc We ,i re prepared to Manufactu1e Suits m the latest and best the latest styles and novelties and Due bills given on W Alexander for styles. l selling cheap, to be' fa,, med w'ith a dry goods L'f"-'S o" K111x-ANc'HIP G UARANru-x;iED contmuance ot then e,teemed orders Do not fo1bet ouc market on JC X · = 'I/\ u~ JJl_.t J.: 0 _x_ y, , · TEAS A SPECIALTY I l --n:roB ,,..,.,,=~=,_,_,,........,~I I Saturda3s-Top pr1ceR paid 101 all prnduce Bowma o'tv'Eu A S JnlyT, E tAhS 1 T EAS 1 1 6 9 Heady M ade ('l othmg, a good stock alway s on hand. NEW GOODS ARRIVED. 1880 0 io· , IW. I-IIBITION o.._f' FU RS ~ Ill: £HE OOTJN' Y IS Al I I I ! n1aunerandat]O\\estraies CENTS' FU~NISHINCS, BLACKSMITH. [C ons1st111g of Shirts, Unde1 clothmg, Scarfs, Tie~. Collars, · Allkm<lsofblacksm~n,;donem athorough HATS .l\ ~P.~ c~p ·r:t M_ GENERAL A~~ ~ ~. 8 H. WILL I AiViS, Her stock of F all and Wmter Millinery, Pattern Bo=ets, etc ha~ Mens' a nd Boys' O vercoato-Large Stock & Closest Prices. arrived and a careful msp ection 1s solicited etc. OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS. st~~.:..m·n·Hle oct Secnntl Door We·& of Wllliam'·I>utcl oer New no ~ ~oodsf. ~ ne 'i Es t;a b 11sh lTI en t TI j A.f.ftIC:UI..TLB:-i!.. 1:_,[Plil<ltll N 1~ REPAIRJ DI J Spec1aJ.atte11t1ong1'i en to thc1ron1 ngofbugg1e and c~mages for country shopo ~ I{1ng Street Vl.rest opposite the Reg'lstly office Bo" man ville Latest Sty ks 111 American & English, and best values m the Market. 01 ono Oi.;t 1 1880 I invite special attAnho:n to m OF stoc k N". F· JEl:.:A.LL. Utlm MILLINERY ANO F ANGV coons. OF STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, Trimmed Bonnets and Rats, Feat hers, Flowers Silks, V civets, Ornaments, etc etc Mc1v1URTRY, Keeps constantl_v on hand a good stock of BERLi l'J WOOL, Braids, FloRs, C'an' a.,, Hau Braids and Switches, all of winch I mt end to sell cbeap MRS A S ANDER::)ON, King St , Row n1an v1l1 e P S -Hats n1acle over in the N eweat Styles Bowmanville Oct 1st 1880 -1 ke1ch1efa, Pdlc S h11 t8, \:: 0ck~, H, TAIT & MARKE'.! SQUARE, BOWllL\N'dLLF 1?01 Ca,h -A.LSU As l bonghL my :::lkrns las~ Sprmg, betoie the nse 111 pnces, I will be S'l'Ji:REOSQOPES, able to sell cheaper than those v; ho gv t o ·narh.et tlus Fall CHROMOS I PICTURE FRAMES so COME ALONG AND EXAl't'ILNli. <..wcm; AND PRICES OF \LT KfNDS !tNn !'<Tz~s All kinds of Fms alte1 ed and repaHed R1,;hest. Cash Puce paid for Raw F m s c. -OF- GRO CERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware, CO'Y., I Canned Goods, Tobaccos, Soaps, &c, &c. All kinds of farm produce taken m exchange 1878, 10-tf l THOMAS BINGHAM, Fire, Life, Marine, Accident Insurance Agent. Nothing but First C!a:,.; Companies represented '" Sd EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS ! ---o--- lV[ c 101 C~ L E L L A N & C 0., DEALERS IN tr COAL, W 0 0 D, LUMBER, Shingles, Lath, Posts, Square Timber; · JWOJ!QJEllf ~Q ~~A:tW: I-Io use at the lowest rate oj interest Office iatei! occu1ued b:i> Dr BEITH, King §t, 81nvmann l'i'e Bow1nsnv1llc .AugnBi 1 ).t'l80 105 lr Id:: No. Temperan:rn t ., :::a_ SOLE AGENTS FOR B.A_THEUN & SON, -FOR- · Doors, Sash, Blinds, Picket.s, Mouldings, &c. BOWMAN VILLE , We arc prcparod protnptly to fi 11 orden; l n tl:ie abo;; e hnes and to d eliver 0rtic1es in all parts of the town The h1ghest u ice paul fo1 Lumber W ood etc \:Ve buy for(JtSD. and .sell for CASH. nf"Ofilce a nd Yard~Co1ner ot K ing and George Streets .AMERICAN GREENBACKS AND EXCHA.NGll BO UGHI JOHN MCCLELLAN } W ILLLo\.M CANN Ladies' and Gent.s' "' ~ 0 ~ f ADVA1VCES 1Jl!ADE on peisonal and collateral secunty McCLELLAN & CO. ~ Bowmn.ni: Il1e Anril 17, 187 · 8 i'lOTES DISCO UNTED 5% mterest paid on deposits and upwards JOSEJ?f{ J'E F.fER.Y, Illc1c h :.1.n t T nlo .., C loth.iCl Rlld 0 1.:t 7tJ.l 18&1 r.~ nc rnl DRAFTS ISSUED '"' I~ t viu .1n\-hlC ..... O plfitt I_, lhrlv ~!nu:lc ch s l!Ho~I l3l-}._RB~ l1 on all brnnches of Bank of Montreal m Canada Ne-w Y01k and London, England Private and Buildrng Society Fands loaned on real estate at best rates I I ----<oO'·---IVve ARRIVED El\1PORIOUJ\f I are m i oce1pt ofla1ge slupments of goods to 1eplemsh for the com NO TES AND ACCO U1VTS mg season, tht various brnncheH of om mcreasmg trade, m which wo feel COLLECTED. confident no othc1 ho11se 111 town can approach us m quality or pncos BANK STOCKS, Come and ,en for yoursehes I All our cust.omer~ ate delighted 60 Cases Boots& Shoes. A lthough materials of all k1ndsho.'i e ad \ an ced from 2vto :50 percent ~eha'\enota.sye tcha.nged our puces of boots and shoes since November Jast but are g1v1ng ou1 customers t he benefit ot Jnr ge stocks laid in pr.ev-1ous tc the more recent ad\c. n ces Ai:; we are the la r gest d ealers 1n boots a nd shoes in the town custon1ers cannol Wak e a mis take 1n calling on us Onr a sso1 tm ent .ts large lil eve ry department and we are prepared to offer great 1nd ucen1eu1s to all v.. ho m ay favor ua "1th then patl'onage Cu;:itomcrs may rel} on obta1nrng all the BONDS \ DEBENTURES, ) and MORTGAGES B 0 U G H T AND S 0 L D INVESTMENTS i\1 iDE \ Undei tlno head wo can offer special bargams, ha·mg bought la1gcly before the 1ec nt a dV>mce m pncos- and are now of!ermg Tea fully 20 I to 2 j por cent less than then present market value I Gt een and Black Te:>s 50 cts per It , fully "'m th 65 cts Green and Black Te,is 70 cents, "oreh to day 90 cts , an excellent bevernge One tual "ill secmc yom life long patrotage Our Japan Teas are unexcelled 1Il flav01 and strength TEAS ;, 1J..}EAS. LATEST AND NEWEST STYLE S in the market at LO"\V PRICES. 1878 FIRST COUNTY PRIZES. 1879 Coffees, Sugars, Fruits, Etc. If yon want a choice cup of Coffee, this is the place to get it. eo numerous tha t it v; ould be imDOB6lbJe to ~tve a rull list but we can a.ssure our customers and th & public ~enerally tlrnt t.hey will :find the Jargest and roost varied i:tseortment tha t can be round l n to" o Our lines in the boot and shoe departn1cnt aro OUSTOl\1 WORK Particnla.r attention is paid t o tl 1s branch of ollr b usiness Gent1emen s Fine Se\\ed W ork a Specially Owmg to a Ja-rge increase 1n th tl'J departme n t \\ 6 have had toemp1oyextra han de SugalS of all giades at lowest prices · FI111ts of all kmds at exceedmgly low prices .J UIES POPIU.!lJ &. CO have appo in ted us sole agent in th ls toVi n and !tllll ou r ding country for their standard 1nde e tru< ta.ble Vi aterproof and T1vcte.ii "'-Clam boots, p&ll nted 18"'9 1 his seam IH n ade b;). ll l mnhm at10n of cement st1tchn1g and a continuous 1m e of rivets 1nttkmg the seam not only wate1 proof but almost 1ndestructablc gn lllB' a dura b 1ilty equal to two pa.1rs of boots nui.de Hl the ordin ary ccombc1 10 ~~~-""-="""-P SOAP-Om I'ory and Amber b.11 Soap throws all others m the Rhacle -'Ihe Electne Soan 1 rn nowhern compared to it With patent Sheffield Silver steel Boa1ds s re so ha,d that they cannot 11rn Collar Maker ha, at last startcu I usmes be mmked by any steel rn"hument vnd are "ananted to clean m BomnauHllo BRC'SHES -Smub Stoie,Hau,Cloths Boot B10oms,Pails,and,Vashtub~ ll1 an :i '011 Om plow, were awa1 decl first pnze at Hanng worl.ed with Mr llI Porter ·or twenty SAL'r - In p >nels and Sacks F mc Liverpool Salts, m bags, we1ghmg thP County Fau m 187f> 187f) and 1880 ~ve:\~:~~ ·~~P~~:~:!J::'.'g'7~e '"~~~:~,w~~P!;~ 1espectn ely 5Gltis, 112 lbs, 221 lbs to smt the com emence of the pur ~ r1 l'J M l 1nentofh1:>b11 s1ness e 1ia Re-1 -specially nnported for dan'Y use O\!VS In He 18 p re pa red to m ake a collar COAL OIL of the :.,est qu~hty Our Headlight IS wo1thy of a trial and 0111 patent Diamond Iron Pomts, made from steel, wiought and J bound to give satisfaction warra n t ecI Sd fe aml easy. , 1 cast 11 on , am y arrantad t o lastJ.onge1 than two 0' dmary pomts ms Jong experience rn the busmeas antl w e ll I 11 "I::rARD txlVLBP;,-.C>A-V-TE'~PLOWS 1 HARNE~S :.J. Q 0 R. T '.ID B,_~ { ;3--~- l~E:;V-v l:!.i ., TlfllO:Tlt\~ U UlllPHR JEY ~HDP !) 'I In this branch o+ trade we defy compct1t1011 Fall and Sprmg wheat Flour,-best L,m!dR Gibbs patent Flour Buckwheat Flour Crnck"d way JA !UES lt:NIGH'i', \\beat, Graham Flour, Cornmeal Propneto1-, 1 Fish of a ll krnd" Oatmeal a specialty JOHN SlllA.LE, . ' !Uanage··. PROVISIONS. SUNT_)RIES. Bowma.nv1lle :::!ept 13 1888 112 1 ,j I GRAYS' SPECIFIC MEDICINE j I 1 he Best anci lineapesl PI ' h t t e 1uar1\e . Sod Plow. stockfl wR MANuF1<rnR L T·ni I k nown rcputa.t.ion as a fir st class work;ina.n i s suffi.01ent recommcndntion cmIE AND SE'E OUR GRAND DISPLAY IN ~ \\EEKS 10 per Cent Drncount for Cash Will keep constantly on hand I a full assortment of every thing 111 ht~ lme. Prices to Suit the 'rimes. ;w, a Spec ta lt). Crockery, Glass, Lamps, and Fancy Goods. fl1'RA., DINNER AiiD ClIAl)IlfER SETS. l!iijff'JOO Tesnanonwls of Nerit Fa1m erE, patron ize .t he old &t;;:i nd ]\ B -Old Iron tak en rn exchange wl- ~1~ JOUt fa *hers dea 1t 1 H:: f ou~ you Carna ge Harne><s an d Coll- '[ hts departmen t 1s well stockecl, rega1dles s of expense, mduJrng (,HA '\II I'EWAHF , m Vdnons tsi zes <l nd p a tterus; W. PORTER 8i SON. Fuunrl13 - Krng " tieet East 11" R e1nember the tan c : l'lkttly opposite the Reg1st1 y Office UNPARALLELED SUCCESS ' The Hoi mm Lt ver Pad cures D) spep s1a111 less t f,an two \\e ek s . 1 r,.! ~:, 1 .Mla "lrW ·Ill ,. JA·. "r,r~oc ... in i~ MiJ, ~ If..!~ 'jj""! [ BOWMANVILLE, I A, entanddenlexm·l'km da of thelatest nnd best impro' eel l1!li'ltr~i;;," A » .;~.tif'~ ~ ii ~ If yo n :.ii e sntle"n g trom DYSPEPSIA 'I t ca. ,l ST o m -' · ' 1"1';;;! .L ·-' DBTTI"' ! C' 'I' r0. U \.T (;;:) · ·"'- -OW. ·OJ i AG RIG ULT URAL IMPLEMEN TS, .And all tl'" best a nd most useful rmpicmcnt N !{)'I'ICE ! The l Hghe:;t pnce has al ways b ee n p aid by)vlurdoch I ' sedaQm Se\\ t he ing household depaxtmcnt such wr .cJ:!t ' l Br·~s. " ') Kn1tt1ng und '\Vash !'i ll'\1' V . _, 1 ' 1 al l 1'1nds~of·far1r1 produc e. ~ a1 ,d SPe thP nu nbe 1 oft<>s ' unonials cu r Prl b'.r llS : O!!' 1h P AIBS TTEPT Q"'l Ht ND '?, P1:l. '~ l\. 'n ~i ' &c &c J. m, Mnehincs Wringers 1 l. LJ ~ l' AD J Ord.e n l> ioa1l prornJ tly at etHl<d to, 114. ~ui d Htuc~ 1~~hfnt~~~r~~1 ~d 0· ehufm~ 'Jvwro~uvillo Oct, 2~, 1878. f ] 1 1 J Au angeme hM e leen made 'nth some o t ie eacmg 1ouses m town to supply O 'lr cnstomeis with goods not m our hne, so that parties ba\1ng p1od LlCe to dispose o±, can do bO tu advantage. 8 Bocq;uannll", DeoeltJb&I 18, l 79 - · 89-ly, 1 ·