¢qe <t;an~dian $t~ta~man ! lS PCBLlSJJED I Ef'ERY I HIDAY MORl"lllNG, ::i\:L A .·T A~1-ES, I tan " PROWER'S AREROO wheie you L:an find everythrng m that hue always ou hand and $old at Lhe lowest p11ces MY SEARSE AND A l ·} 1pathize with you dear friends 1 thIB bereaven1ent sore How sudden was yo ur loved one a end How soon the struggle o er UNOERTAKI JJRANCH IS THE BESr IN THE COUNTY attendo l (day o mg 11t) prnmptlv olllerly qmetly, at prices to smt evei v one extra charge for attending Funerals country w1th1n ten miles 1lws no loved o 1eo by her side To · nooth her dying broY, 0 o mt ~ lmgermg farewell ~ On the lips so silent now SATISFACTION GUAR~A. N'rEED Than~ful for past patronage I still sol a it tho same g l SSO Bown>~nv11le, ~I.rob VT CA LL _..'\.T NE ADS' DR JG STORE WHERE YOU CAN GE T TH VERY BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY in all the hnes of goods kept by hun for sale such as Soaps, Perfumes, Tooth 1A.7 ashes, Hair Oils, Dyes, and Renovators, Combs and B1~ush es, Cosrnet1q ues, Sponge ~, and C11amo1s, Med1c1nes, Dyestuffs, Fly Po10 ns, etc !ll'.::i'r My stock of Pei fumes m BaJlc a11d m Bot le i and of the best English French and Amencp,n ma eo 'I\ h1ch 1s unexcelled ~ See the Ball Room Bo lnet and Sweet ottle1 the tamest and s'l\eetest m the mail et ~ Don t ) on forget tbe pfoce- and q) e EXPRES S OFFICE BUILDING, King St East, Bowmanv1lle JY-[ARTIN" ...cJ_NEADS 10· AT · Stott's Drug StoreT J) STO'n' is soell ng ot1.t h --o-l'I whole .stock of Lamps at: egyt in order to ma.lee re'om fer lt 'cry lar~e stock or Per-NM err Hair Brnshei Con! h-! e ~ wll ch be fs e:qteet.1:nw bt In a. l6W d&ys FIRE I FIRE · I 4 l L H.BUNNER Bomnn.nY1llc Sep\omboF Z7th 1!18\l MONEYTO LOAN A CONSIDERABLE SUM OF pr mte in D BURKE SIMPSON H60 " -- = 1 fnnda has been placed 1n n y l a;nda for vestment on l! arn P ope :1y for long o short terms toe: tit borro'Vi era at tl e loweBt ra.te of ntere1t Apply to V\That the People Say of "1 HE MA(iNErrrcoN." lOR ~1 DENTISTRYl I SPECTACLES ETC re 1 e noer that J, M. BRIMACOMBE, PltACTICA.L DEN :rlST }lEARLY 'lmENTY YEARS li:xPERIENCE C.W M l I cant be beat en He begs t o announce that I e has J lSt rece ed a la rge a nd varied stock of Si lver vare selected from the ver.) fine8t des gns consist ng of JfttronA Oxule Gn~ Atln1lnl~te1 e tl for Palnles11 Operatl ln" OFFl()E: Jle()LUl\'C S B LO()K DENTISTRY. c. HARND:?:N, L.. D.S., S rgeons Ontar o F01 Rap1d1ty of Actwn, Convemence of Apphcat10n and CARD RF CETVERS CAKE BASKETS BEHRY DISHER Thorough and Permanent Effect we claim that No Othe1 PICKLE DISHEis Tre!Ltm,ent can produce the results effected by the I BU IIER COOLERS TuiAGNETICON APPLIANCES J KNIVES as a careful eompanson will abundantly demonsb ate Pa ; hlets and Informatt0n F ee NAPKlN RINGS FORK::> Gradnate of the Hoyal College of Dent&l OFFICE OVFR AJF:XANDF.RS S10RE ADDRESS THOMAS J. MASON, GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY "\\o·k executed n the latest and most improved stvle of the Dental Ar TEEfH EXfRAOTED WIU!OUI PAIN 1 DR y G 0 0 D --o--Ar- (31 39 111115) sI a WEDDING RlNGc KEEPER RINGS GEMRlNGS SIL\ER SIGJ'<Er RINGS by tl e ise of N tro s Ox de Gas wltl out i lJury o the patie1 t Pa t cular attent on paid to the reb'Ulat on of CHILDHEN B ~EEIH Fall Stock Completer EARRLNC,S CUFF RUr'IONS SH1RT STUDS LOCKE rs etc etc Jtemember that a ll n1y Jll'll"".ALL WORK WARRANTED~ Card of"l'banks most rl"spectfull~ nnd lea.rt l;st th&nk tbe ne ghbOI'f.I ho "0 k dly came to render asl!I st«lJ'lCAi on the o CM on of the destruction of ny 1'a:rn ands a es v t heir contents on th~ 1st !n1tant EDWARD PROUT Jr IlitrllnjltM Nov I lllS!l 119-3w T HE UNDER8TG NED WOULD BA TT/NB 'S. ::: EXCELLENT VAL lTE. :: llowunmvtllo jOct 1st !ISO by means of a. celebrated Opt ometer the onl~ o e n to vn CI OCKS at the 'ery 1 otto n prices Call and see me IC W lit Jl!UGH.U Mon11t1 Iii Block Oet I UISO I ·