Get full value for your Cash or Produce by buying your Groceries, Crockery, Provisions, Flour, Salt, Plaster, &c at D BEITH'S. CO fl.Rf SPO"rDENCF paper BOWMAlllVf.LLE BOYS IN THE NOR1H WEST IM ARRIACE I ~Cftim""""' LIGE NSES HitSUED BY FOR. [IJ.BEITH I B0 wMAl\l vI L l E. WR CLIMIE L CAMPAIGN OPENE!J Subsc T, B D. ll b0 0 Best Se1ected ORONO No en her 25 h 1880 O~T Onl; 7 wo Dollars 1"2 t] J - - - -~~~~~--· more tow otl er JO rnal c rculat1ng here engog1ng some 1 ew oorrespo1 aro ustn some of tl e ld ones eo tl the cou1se of a week ur two ve h p:} to have news letters from oil parts of tl e rid n~ ST OF w MUNICIPAL l'IIATTER 0 We ol all have some ti g M in Bowma nv1lle, call at cl\ndidat~s sho ild annu once ADD ESS TO MR McOLUNB BROS' A THE PRESS { ( To prove to you that every) word of the above is correct,) Several men bers of t} e C .A11.soc at1on net at the It sstn ronto on T eoday last to do h a call and comparison of prices {is respectfully solicited. Bowmam11le Nove nber" 1880 ) N McCL UNG BROS. T.HE SGOTTISH·AMERICAN JOURNAL, Esr l BLISllED I~ 1851 UNPARALLELED SUCCESS 1 Is the recognized organ of BR.ITISH THOUGHT, and the best med 11 The Holman Liver Pad cmes Dyspep sia rn le's than ti\ o weeks If} on are sufferrng from DYSPEPSIA call it fo obtn n ng BRITISH NEWS v STOTT'S DRUG ST :: RE 114 Goderich Salt, HA.BlBR & l3ROTHEl\S Now ".:Ork Liverpool Salt, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE I OF :\. RICH COLDEN OLOR _L\._N D H URAl UHAl Nfw-yoRKfR fWORKtR. South East and West DAIR"i MEN Fl OHISIS DO WITHOUT IT I Oswego Plaster, AT ALL SEASONS OF 'I'HE YEAR. Removes the t;;te of turn ps weeds &e and makes butter JCeep F'ORSALF BY PRICE 25 CENTS SO LD DY DRUGGISTS AND STORE KE EP Eli:S I JBo ~an~lle ~~~C?ss'? UGALL SEWING MACHINES. SPEAKS FOR ITSELF GARDNER YOU CANNOT AFFOHD 10 HUGH MILLER & CO THE BEST PAPER I TRY IT! BEAUTIFULLY I LLUS TRATE0-36 TH YEAR TOM HUMPHREY iHE LIGHT RUNNING ROYAL STOCKA~Itli~RNES~ I L L 31Hl l:I .lH Of 11S AG!'. 4-Ut 01 ITS PB:ESEXr l'll\NAf ! Mt:NT e spec a a t Ant on to my nc v stock OF ei, Tum med Bo mets and Hat Flowefo Silks Velvets D.BEITH BOW ~1 ANVIL LE . Nov<mbQr 5, 1880,