CANADIAN STATESMAN BO,VMANVILLE, FRIDAY, 1 DECE~1BER 10, 1800. IIIN'IS F 1.R DECEMB!lilt WOltl · Get rid of tri= ea th at never bear anything 1 but crabbed spec1n1ens of tasteleJils ft nit ~ It is generally supposod, and with good reason, that clover doea not exhaust the soil THERE never will be too rnany fresh eggs, or n1co dead poultry to fill the ready dern~nd D · B0 WMANVI l LE. If you want a stove don't buy unt l you Reo 1 , 1 =SHOEING= =J 0 B-BI N G = MR.P.H.--FRAYN, (FormorlvofTyrnnel £01 the1u at rAu)uneratn:o prices 'lho Hnporta+1nu of thoronghhred horses, cattle and sheep from Europe to this coun· try for tl1e past year exceeds in nun1ber that of any foru1er year shorte~ dur1t1n 1 \\'hilA ihe even1ngA ara lT never pa\S to purchase n. second rate longor and loni.!er T.ue t tne rn fa\ l rah 1e animal tree shrub vine or seed of any f0 F look1ug backward 1n t 1iought :F~ort1 I kind, ~t any-' pnce 1however lo\\: vrhen a thunghts are good a1 then· tunt' b lt first rate artic,lo can be had at a fair price thougnts, thoug 11 uf en Jeqs hon 1{d, arc ~ d d lt worth a great deal rnore for 5hn 1Hr~ th"' Th~u ~~CRlllBF.Han ldrei pou ry ~a~er fnttlle e 1 on ry ed:t 1s 1e represen a ive ~ papl't lll Canada You can lRarn more I.iT\ E ~1 ooK -As the season au-i; anccs pra.ctic11l 1nfornlat1on fron1 it u1 one year ±he In e ~tock 1equ1re inc12ased attl..!nttOtt tliau J-OU could from all poultry books 'l'he pl'-' is th ti utost Aonsatn 1:i to exposure u; I .i. f to rong'h we ithor, pouttry ne"Kt, in tlus n ARJI quarters, aa wo11 as p eni.y o order fo ,J,1 dncks, gcc~e, alld tu1ke\s, nutntlous ~ood, must be prov1<leJ for all th1:i la .. t ofteu Ji ing he' ter when expo~ed stock \\hen stables are coldt a1111nals tha.n 1f shelt ~re<l Next lo fowl~ cows consu1ne 1nuch 1nore food to produce the the11 , working oxen and youn~ 'cattle: same results as whHu they kopt. wa.rm 11ext horses, which are nserl, nnuaod ho1s The reqnlt'cnuents for ra.rn111g and keep cs and Rheep ing poultry profitably, and to ensure f>UC IIoRSE~, 1f \'iell fed, uRna.liy £ \1 hr gh~ ces~ are eas1lv stated A\o cl damp floors a,-.dJnely 1 n winter \Vhenever hnses EU d give all the sunsh1ue poss1b 1e in your l!r1.1 used so as to Wil.rm thonl up at all, lien llOUl'les, a1so o;iee that the huue~ , re blanket the1n s soon as they s aucl clean and \'liell "\f'nt1lated still, if on1y two ur thrPe n1111ut1 s, these It 1s supposed Lhat the benefit to the two or three n1Jnu tes an~ son1et1 lts en- ao1l from clover is 1ncre ised b) pernutt1ng ough to give a chill, wlnch rna.y e1 d 111 it to ripen sc-ed This is accounted for hy pneun1on1a, or other r:cnous troubles the k11own fnct that tho root of the rnahuGroo1n1ng save~ Eeed 1 and also promotes ed plant 1s rwher in potash und nitrogen health ln horses, aud shonld never he ne tha.·1 the 1mmatu1e root gl~ctod Blonkets, except mere 'duateis', To fatten fowls the unproved method 1s are "\VClrse than useless Hl stabh s , they Lo pla.ce a dozen or twenty young 1nat11i e the ho11H tender, and 1noro l l\ely to cluvkens in a coop where they are fed fully take cold wh'"'n bronght lu hot Bed- three or four tunes a d ty np1 n coob.ed dlng shou 1J bet ~ed \Cl'\i freely vegetables and cvrnmeal, oi1e part potatoes l\-I1LOH Co\.\8 -These c u~h.t to be w!:ll and turnips to two parts of 1nea.I fed, fl-nd c!ea 1 ed by n. c ird and brush daily ~fo e apples should be dneJ-not by 'ihey sh uld ha 1n1lked up lo w1tlun four the 8u1 1 piocess, for the results are ne1th1:3r weeks of calving- It is a g reat tenl[ taho11 satisfactory nor pt'nfitable The need11d to dry ofi a. cow eo as to sai e th~ la.bor nf m.::oclnnery for carrying uu the very best n11lk1rg If young coVis, arc all lwed to ~ystem of drying applee Iiiio not so co8tly as go dry early, it will la,:;t them as long as to be beyond tha reach of farmt1rs of any tney live l 1 he better 1nilch CO"\V3 nre feJ, rnea.ns the better retu,..n they gtvo, but f..,d JUdtPoultry can be raised ~nd fattened as CJi)JJSly cheaply as pork or beef, and it usua.Ily 8HF.11JP f!re pee 11ta.rly sen8atl vo to good I br 1 ngs twice the price Some £arn1t'ra treat1n.;nt, .A good shepherd HI Llways ha\e }flarned the eon1omy of feeJ1ng c 1 ru gentle a.rnong lus sheep EVieB 'hhll.:h are to poult1y rather tluin g1vn1g 1t .l.ll tu to Jamb early oug-ht to be by tbemaelves pigs ::i.nd if more followed their examplo, 1<\nd have better c;iro as thl1r time ap it would be to their proachea }:-ieed a few more t nrn1ps ~nd IN dressing poultry fJI niarket, tho best g1vc them t\ httJe more liberal spnnk tng way su tltat they l\tl1 hP- piunip, firm and of earn incal and bran, or 011 CLl.kO skiu not broken 18 to seal l c r stcan1 tho Pras -Nearly dcnh 1e the feed \'Ill be <lend towls qn1ckly (\nd as soon as possible requued to keep p1gs f c1n1 g 11~ h1ck 1 1lf af flr 1..ulniJ.g Dip them for ou inat,01L ter really cold weather has er nes 01J It onlv IWn1ol'e the teathe~fil as qu1chJy as 1s then b('st to lnll at once E1.ery fa1wtr pos'S1ble, taking them off backward and ought ti bo able to kill and cut. Uj) ]ps downwai d p1g11 l·'eed soaked corn, ti ~t Is+ corn T!IERE are mo. 11 y cows, \\ hich, if taken which is covered with as rnnch war&r as and pu~ into aonie mcn'f! barns and ro 1t \\ill tnko up in 2i hon1_a This 18 be tier eel\ 111 0' their fare wou Id oe a 'good deal for ~.ther fa.tte1ung or store p1.1.s than above tho avcrag~ G Otl (:low 8 mnst ha'e coarse m al, unless the latter be thorougf I ,~arnl barns and good Ci\re with g cd feed ly cooked Co.d barns, poot hay, and neglect, a1Jo.., PouLI1tY -l:Iens w11I lay up to Uhnst- 1ng the anunals on c 1ld drqs to stand n1a~, Jf the) lui.vo "'arm quarters .._i\. shrvcr 1ng 1n the Jard , \\o1ll suon convl"1 t rna.nure i!lu}d, wne1e n11xcd mauu e good cows into poor ones, 1f 1t does not otf c1nsiderablo waimth, and wla ... h i~ hnally reau1t 1n thO loss of the cow Poot closed 1n, but well ventilated, is an ex stock may endure suvl1 t1 etitment, but p;o--=id celle it plrrce for fowls At noon feed, I l high bred cattle l~co1ne even worse than opeu weather, s ft fuod-th<t.t is, bo1l1 d worthless if not properly fer Do potatoes n11x.ed \\1th bran and curu-rve,d~ not give a co" too poor food becatJe.e sl,0 or son10Hung of the ktnd , at night gn e a is dr\ ~ the n1f1uenc~ of good hay and ro ts Jlood feed of \\hole grain, throwing d.owu at thJs tun~ will bu found. 111 ~he p::;.1] after enough to tu1l the1n u:ff the ruostu fur an sl1e c nnes in For 'it weeK or two before £arly breakfa.$t j ane drvps her calf, a httlo me,Ll may be IJ'HE lcE 0.&ol' in every section c1f t110 j fed to advantage lf a he1fe1 1s connnJ 1.a eoua'ry 13 bccorn1na mo e and rnore in lo k \\ ~ 1 at her Qflg, f( r if she is going to purtant J \- pinde1~t rna'"l \·.ill be'd 1 m:-ikci a, ;,nod cow it will r~quire go0d c re to 1ay iu In! l'-£ as 80un as it shall ha."e aL 1 eien before shl' comes 1n 1 tatncd half the usual th1clo1cs~ Its con - B LEE & EDSALL S nnmeme stock, amongst which will be found the following. f1EATING STOVES: COOKINU STOVE~: al 0 thing st 0 re ! (ESTABLISHED1850) 0 R 0 N 0 l ! I MR. N. F. HALL FALL AND WINTER GOODS CANADIAN~ D tf Has opened buRme,sin Bowman ville, begs to return thanks to his numerous tnends and the bl rem of Mr R W. l I pu lC Agency,King St, w 10 rnve so kindly patronized him fur the paRt thirty years, public to visit lns Cl1eap Gro e cery E nponun1, where tLere 1HECOU1\'TJl:SS- New Style TIIE }./ORTHWEST--wood, whe1c he will be pleased to receive and announces that his stock of \Vl I bfl foun<l the largest nnd cheapest cook , t h e best genera1 purpose a call from old f,rnrnb and all who stock of fine .Fan:itly GrJ~eri.:s, Crocl\e1y, f01 1881, handsomer tl'an ever wish anytlnng m the horse shoemg Glas::.wa1e and rr)\ision:j to be seen iu cook stove made or blacksrmtlnng lrnes Johhmg the County ofDmham IRADIENT jf()JfE--old and is now completf', consisting of a large stocl, of attended to THE !lfARQUIS-woodcook BE!l'H EXTENDS A COR DIAL l'l\.Jt LLIOll to tile gene1al 1 m tblo shop m tho I J,1mcs' Implement 0 rs a beauty SAflSFACTTO~ GUARANTEED. SCOTCH, AND ENGLISH TWEEDS QUR~rED to try our 'ie:i.s I efore you purchase your supply for tl e Fall and VV1nter. Gno our FIFTY CENT 'lEl u tri:tl V\Tehnve1PcP1tl) pur ch11scd an in1meu:se stock of new 'I enR and can supply anyquanhtyol tile pureHb, sweetest, and crrE~PESI To!l.~ cv·cr sold 1u tUu~ town Our prices 1a1ir;r. fr 1111 35 cents to ~1 00 La1ge chscvunts cffmed U GOLD COIN-with and with out oven ARE PARTICUL>\RLY RE THE DUCIIESS RANGE, for coal 01 wood, the heRt Range made m Canada l A TRIAL WLIG11'ED c n,sm SIIINI,VG STAR-with oven. vV AT c H E s. ---------- --1 AND Tlfl~ Li1RGJ<~s·r ASSOR1I'l\lfENT OF on qunnt1tics of 10 ponull::. <tul up \.ar 1s You rnnst give our Tcn.s nn cnrly tu£tl Hall, Parlor, Box and Cook Stoves IN THE COUNTY, AT L~~HNISH I ir~ all the N~west Designs and Styles in Suit L'ngthf, Splendid Valnes, having been bought mostly at Old Price, bcfore IL c the nse in wonllens. We are prepared to Manufactt1re Suits m the latest and best sty !es. 1 - ,FI'I'S&WORKMANSHIP GUARliK 'I'EED· Heaily Made Clothing, a good stock always on ]'and. N w ti 1< news Has JUSt recened fro1n tho bes! markets a 'crv large stock of splendid goods, cmnp11s1ug OVERCOATS, OVERCOA1'S. ow IS THE THIE TO BU'i SALT and PLASTER 1,000 flan els of Ralt and i'JOO Ban els of 0 Don't mrntake the plac.;), PRICES~~ LEE & EDSALL, ~,TcLcod's Pla8(,(1 have aul\ed and \'\lll he sold to f 1r1ners in quanllt1es to stnt, at bottom p11ocs No bettor prices can be ha 1 t Htn wo nrc prop111oi to oftex vun \Ve bought tlu:-; lot for casb, and therefor0 c~n1 olier special n111nce1neut:=i to liu3eis. r:ri P:i ..I and Key Ir 0 C-j 10 Mens' and Boys' Overcoat~-Large Stock & Clo·est Pnce·. CENTS' FUff NISH~NCS, Co lldr", ete. Old ~tand. iu ti t2 <q 15k Ool01 ed Gold Setts, Kmdly tell your neigubors M CLAS CO HOUSE! assorted ~ BvectaclP.~ etc , etc , I~ 1 0} ,, HICII "ILL Biil SOLD .A[ Gold Gu.,/.xrd;3, Cha1ns, Ri1tgf:, QI Consistmg of Shirts, Underclothing, Scarfs, TH~. ~ HATS AND CP.PS. m ~ Oro~o. Oct I Latfst Styles m American & Enghsh, and bes1 'htlulS m the Market. 1, 1880 \.T r:i1 ROCK BO'I'IOM PRICES.I t_rj H I~ N". Jft-... JEI:..A. I ... I,J.1, 1113m 3 ---o--- H P..1 rJJ 1 <\bo~e articles I would say, com< whtre )ou "'d find a good select · Topar~JeSll' quest of any of the r1 rl x N EADS' DR ~-JG s,.-ro R_E I OAI~L = wnatLovcst R"t" g VERY BEST VALUE FOR YOUR . WHERE Y 0 U CAN G .E 't' TH IVIO[~EY NE in all the lme5 of goods kept by !um for sale, such as I SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO 50c upwarils 50c " " " " 20c immense variety, " Soaps, Perfumes, Tooth Washes, Hair Oils, Dyes, and Renovat,ors, Combs and Brushes, Cosmetiq ues, Sponges, and Cha mois, Medicines, Dyestuffs, Fly Poio ns, et,c. @" I have the largest stock of Soaps m town, and \ c1 y c!ic"l' @ My stock of Perfumes, m Bulk and m Bottle ,, veq complete AR ARJ vV est Dm ham, take om Casb, go to arnl of the best English, French and Ame,ican makes, the guahty d which is unexcolled ~See the" Ball Room Boquet" and "S\\eet Bye and ~) e ' m Her stock of Fall and Wmter ottles, the tnmest and sweetest m the market W Don't you forget the pl11.ceMillmeiy, Pattern Bonnets, etc hr,s anived and a rai efol mspcction is EXPRE SS OPFICE BUILDING, solicited NEW GOODS ARRIVED. ll tU·,uu's rautcber King St. East, Bown1anviHe. now°i1Ja.n, ille, July b AND RU.MOHS OF W ~"-R IN IRELAND, MARTIN :::BJ_ NE_AD3 1880 102 rs Dorinclly, Ill.S J'U~l VV. M c M U R 1, R ) 7 , .Tnst ReceiHd a Larg0 and \Yell A;;sorted :-;ti1cL <.f' ' I I CJ l\EL $ 1 .,(lfl , , Oh'UI OI ! fRfNGH MW AMtR!LAN GOOQS aud l~ (1c te1n11ncd to "ell tl cm at a \cIJ HH all p10'1' INA·'~'1" 1 '11" 1 s,,1s Staiple & Fancy Dry Gcocls . I Pl dlll U 0 N S IS TIN G 0 ]' , W. lia\iPg had thuty yeais 'expenence lJl l~uglancl, knff>\S just wbat will surt the Canadmn tea clunkers --0-Fir,t class qual1ty-<>f grnce1<es alstore to the1rs, or vzce versa. ·mys on hand w B & Co pay part cash for huttu, eggs, pork, ete IS JUST NOW ALL 'rIIE RA.GE' DuehillsgnPnonW Alexander fol\ --- o - dry goods OENl: MERATE EVERYTHING 'I he Fall and "\Tinter Gooods are berng opened up and the Do not forget om maikot "o have m stock would fill a large people-ever on the alert for the Best Goods at the Lowest S.1tmd iys-l'op pucps pmd for boo!, Suffice it to '"~ we 4eep al p j 't d th.e1e t o TI uy, d "a)s on h"nd nntl sell at' ottom f!Cf'S - 010\V l an go I pro nee. prwes, the H110us brands of Soaps, Our Stock comp1· ses Jn part-a fine selection of Black and 1 Blacking, Stovo o.nd othe1 Brnsl:tc ~, Tnbs, G l d Cas lunere:::, at very J OW f' Puih and Crncks, Lampo and CJnmnep, 0 ore 1gn1e<. ~fntches, Lanterns, Ropes, l:lrooms, l\Iantles Ulsters aud Mantle Cloths-new pat1erns at crood C 1nnecl Fruits, auil 1n fact 0" 01:y thing to ' ' t"1 be found lll a General Grocery Establish- I value. mcnt. Anytlnng:ioudonotseeaskfo11t I Boys' stuts, a fine ~ssortment. 1 Dress Goods, e1 e1 y vanety an.l price. Broi'adccl and Polka Dot Velvets and Satins, all shades. OUSEKEEPERS n U"l' ING Ldd1es, Ge1h':s, and flojs' Fm Cap·. I By a1, a~gement with MESSRS. }lcULUNG BROS our cn&tomers inay get cithcrGroccr1es or Dty Good:.i in oxchnn&,o f'.::.r Produce, thus afford1nq all the co~n en1encos of u. general co1nb1ned sto1e Thre is a passage f1om one c:i.tore to tbo other, so that cnstomeni do not ie qnue to go ont 01' dot rs to pass f1om oqr l F D -, l Bl 1 d ( l l , 1 anc ancy ress Gooc c, ac { an o,ole l IAl ' Gll1eres, oocen,sup'1aras Old Lal,,, rice< 'P· Lace, l3lack and Colored Luctres, Costnme Cloths, i\Irirmor,t Cloths, 1,.s,Ubbons·leathos EJo;,ern, V1hets Plain and Fancy VVmce:ys, Tarhn }'!<1ids, Plain dll cl F,.ncy Silks, ~alms Ye1lug" Vchco Fungcs, 111 l.Flanneb, Black a11d Col01ed JWerinoc>s, Sheetmgs, ~t11t1ngs, Hair Combu gs ma<'e over 0" b c pet ounce T 1 'I' O'Ve j J lllgS, 'I' 0\Ve ]S, "'h t T Uf k l::;1 'l' O \Ve ]j Ing, L[!.dios nndGcnb:1 lia!xtlt in(dand rcpauei lC {IJlgs, rt l e l Fm 01ershoes and Ruhl1e1' le'""' r11d 6" c !um a cal!, as l.e has mall the 1ate t style 1 ffo,n y Make, Pillow Cotton, "Wlute aud Gre} Collon s, Hoop 1 immense st 1ck, bo116l1 t at Rock RottJm Puces f01 C,tsh Lad" s \\Jll < o well to call an! "'""mo our "k t Bl acl\: ancj (' 0 l Oreel ,S stod. . bcforep·rchasin:;;clscv;he .. e () 11 S, . . J ll{. BJ ac 1 {. an d (' 0 ] Ole (J -.; a t J11S , Go arnl He· J.,, StoeL of \Vomen's Misses anl Ghrlclrn.r'H BootR """" 1>0NNE·u. Brocaded Silk, Brocadf'd C"ia1inR, Ill all tTie Popular "h,ttles , JFST Tf!TNK OF IT-Worne11's Oil Pebblo Button Boots Solid Sole Faucy Silk Ties, "ilk and Lace Squares, .Fnllrng-. lfoshes. Le itl1c Insoles a'lcl Counter", at $1 2Ci an,l i l ie Rnlmornls of the same Rufilmg, Laces, Embroiden· s, l1Jse1hon Hibbon , l'lmn and Fanq , k1bbon Velvet, Fancy Gloves, Kid G!oveR, Bbch. ana & Coloreil; Cuffs and Collais, Fancy Wool GoQ(h, Fnl;rng sowr.iANVILLE, ' \~ool, ~n all the Popular Shades; Jer::;ey .Jackeh, Cl oud~, Shops No 0 and", MARKET SQUARE ["' ool , qu.arcs, Ma~tles, Mantle Cloths, Ulstei Cloths, C'lh awls. -Breakfast Shawls, l'.ikntf', etc. Ha\ing mncle anangem<n1s \nth! A LARGE ASSOl~'!"'lll!F.Nlr dH' M1 i\f Davis, who get, 'l'EAS DIRECl' FRO:\f UHINA ICanachan Tweeds, Scotch Tweeds, Irish Twred', C.1·h, Pldm and Fancy, \.) orsted Coating, Ove1coatings, f:h'1[8 at1d 11 t u to t 1 we sh a11 now b ea" 10 l\1r' S ] lJ b 11 ~ S ,. F public, 'leas m 5 ,md 10 lb, hoxe,, prrawersd, Cl\Iufilers:, J.l!ts, oc {f', m re as, <'a111>, ancy 10 per cent lower than we have ies, an ,arpe1s . ..J!ti} prev10nsl) sold at \\e mtend tol :iJPORTAN11 ANNOUNCEME'NTmake ...'\.11 \\OOl u1~ lH8 (I ... ~ l .:iO 300 1I1ntlc3 JUSt as cheap PhBh and (an>els Hair !lat from 1 0 CO L No~embcr 18 1880 Block, uext door east of Lee & Edsall's. TEAS A SPECIALTY! DRY GOODS! SUITS MADE TO ORDER, At the Shortest Notice and 111 the L atest Sty }es. ALL WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST CMlH PRICE 'f L Mason & Son's Dry -Good Store ! - - -~~--- W. JY.Ic::IYIIJRr_I' B.Y ns JOHN McMUR1'RY, Keeps constantly on hand a good stock of )GROCERIES, PROVISI<_JNS, Crockery and Glassvvare, Canned Goods, Tobaccos, Soaps, &c, &c. A Jl kmds of farm produce taken m exchange. Bo~ at their actual 'ah1G to ti~e consu1no1 , to se11 only such goods l'.18 wo can recon1 ~:~~~1;~~:1!f1'.:a~:~~~~:.~~".01n~:~;ltl~~~ ~~:~a t'~~ro~~!::~ t~1, 0~~~,:~t 0~u~~~~;l~ G1oceries 111 lrttge qi1nnhl es '"'ill money by de Llrng "tlh us Farmers, uuug yonr Wn c nnd l)aup-hteis in to u1suect out goodR "\Ve H E mam 1lle. October 1. 1878 10-IJ sarn 0 ! i Tho Ta1·1or1"non- Dopart1n nt PU U £ "°' U fj en u<J01..S an os1cry, an Immense stoc {. Carpets, a good t ho1r.e,~nd an eudles:s var rety of other goods "001 l.:\J 1] t' <l H l M c ---F o R REA N DD = c L J E L L A N & ,.. 0 DE A TJ E Jt S l N \J ·' p U RUGS COAL, WOOD, Shingles, Lath, Posts, Square 'I'1111ber; -c::r_ 0 0 MP R 8 Es oul\ as" e behe' e them to be, to oell tlie grnatest quanhtJ that"" cau, so;that Ready-made O\e1coatf. and 1-'tuts, The finest as~o1(me11t of with a small marhm of profit WO may Sc·ot~h and C'anad1,in Tweeds' \Vorstcd C'oa1m!!S ,· Overcoat'Lne and I1e~ Lne' Exan11ne Olli ,__., goods, compare pnees, an d }On 1,11]] find ings, in Bowmanvtl!e. it to your advantsge lo II 1cle With J P. -r;,. ~ IC HEM I CAL S I AND VNADULTERoHv II 0 R 1§ E An D ' ::B_ t::> IA F. D BEITH D 01 lYSt 1ass c l - Gue..iI"anueed~ ..,, u - u~r,--- e:r:i.ect J:l 1ts , t.I. p J'llJEDIC]:NIE~, i;o to UA ""TLE ..C:.=1u. .- ~...c.::L AT_~::a1-r-r-..1 SOLE AGENTS FOR _.I:.~ 8.c S ON~ -FOR- ' - ' ...L'-1 ~ J0H N HIGGINBOTHAM'S. "" are~repaiedprornptlytolillordersmtrcaboH A lHOH'E AASOR'I)fE:N'I OF oftl<>to\n 'flieJ11g-hcst 1rr·1cepaidfo1Ju:nbe1 Doors, Sash, Blinds, Pickets, M OU a111gs, l '· & c. "'l;\oolt~t: \.'\cbuyfcr(t~ll.andsell foiCA.SH. unes and·o dellverertwlesiu dpa11" BOW MA Ny I l l E, - TER..~~~ CA~ 13[, PERFUMERY, TOOTH, l'.'AIL ANDI HAIR BtWSF zs JUST RECEJ:VE:O lloWllll\JlTlll&; Dec 17 187 E-'lf"Ofilco and Yaul-Corncr ot Krng and George oLreats. AMERIOAN GREENBACKS AND S. MASON & SON. i {¥~~?:ii0 t~L;"rn.} Dowrnanv>lle, April 17, 18"7 EXCHa:rn~ Boi.: GHl'. McCLELLAN & CO. Bown:rn.Jn dle, Oct. 7th, lSSO~ ~ t'