Postage Prepatd. by the Pubhshei- ¢q~ ¢anadhm~la\e$nian j IS Pt BL SHFID E~ERW 'C'fUDAY lUORl'VING, M.: A J Al'.:LE8, no-nmAlll'1lle,Onr Ar THE Ull'F. OE I o~il. Oihoe IUock !ling §f T E Ft ]).1[ S IHE WOftLD AFTERWARDS ---~ ED1roR A.ND PitoPRI:EroR BOWI\:IANVILLE, FRIDAY, DECEl\iIBER 17, 1880. ---o--- OFFICE GRAND OPENING OF NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS I ---o--- No. 1, Tempergnce St LARGEST STOCK IN BOWMANVILLE ot $4 DRAFTS ISSUED on all branches of Bank of Montreal m Canada New Y 01 k and NOTE)ANDACCOUNTS COLLECTED. :BANK STOCKS, BONDS, assumed at at $10 000 per l he Holman Liver Pad ct res Dppep s11 rn le8s th rn tn o weeks If\ ou u te suffer n.,r ti o call at at $13 333 per STOTTS DRvG 29-ly ctnd :see the number of testunoruals cured by US111~ the Orders hv mat! promptly attended to 114 BO UNSALL IMPORlER OF SCOTCH & CUMBERlAND GRANITE. ITAUAM & AMERICAN MARBLE, AND DEAL:RR I~ DRY GOODS1 --o-- Fall Stock Complete T -~T- --AND - A Tl NB =-EXCELLENT VALUE lft5 'and Can~l HEAD STONES. THOMAS BINGHAM, Fire, Life, Marine, Ac c1dent Insurance Agent FIRE FIRE H.BUNNER mr~m1nr ~Q Li~AJJ Marble and Marble1z'ld Slate at the loweJ! rate o.f interest Mantles Grates &c i\TW'.\Y~ OU1ce bh ly OCCU]H('d hW Ur BIEliH Kin,;- §t .ilonmanHli<l 10 ly ly ON HAND .FOR 8.AIE BOWMANVILLE 11 W MORRIS'S ~~1 HARNESS SHOP! .A FULL ASSORTMENT OF II 1.TINE::;S COLLARS WHIPS I HUNKS BRUSHES HARNESS &c Jtir A.LWA.T~ ON U lND A.r 1 0YSTER PAR L0R. Oysters fine { sl fu.t and f 1 excellcn t 8 y l~ HOT ~1£ ~ AND COFFEE AT ALL rlOURS C:holc.- t onfcctioner.} Al ways on Ii uul MRS KEYS 116 ti to ha\ e for fur LUNCHES -0 a v ng 2 OILS Oll e ti 1 & 1p vard fl gs "' the same proportwn -.a LOWEST RATES! ~iONEYTO He has the Largest Stock m the County compnsmg every th ng that 1s kept m a first class harness shop Whips from 2oe to $7 Horne blan kets sursmglcs and I lenty of his WR USE, sole for the celeb.ra ed LOAN Repam1 µ; dot o neatly and promptly DOMINION OHGANS AND PIANOS A 1 COI_.LJARS, W~IlRAN A CONSIDERABLE SUM OF pt vato ...t-li.... fnnds } a been placed in my hands for ntorest Ap[ [pg. A Dl::iCOUNT FOR CASH ~ I for the townsh ps f DARLINGTON CLARKE & C \RT'v\ RIG JU IED AS USUAL m cs n en t t Far n Property for long or short terms to su t borro -. ers at the lo ._est rato of ly to weat Encouraze Home Industry I G ve l n a call before I rclla~ g olseYi heri;, a.:id he will conv nee any ntt tl at the S gn of the Scotch Collar s l e Dlace to go t} e best work for the Least Money ~HAND D Sept 19tl 1879 Buy your nstruments from ine and save duties frc ~ht and boxes THOS G IIMMPHREY -Tl ree dooro wost of"" JUST ARRIVED LOWESTPIUCES AND IIBERAL lERMS TuIO'l l 0- SMALL PROFITS & QurcK RETURNS Ruebotlon1 llou2e Bowr ianT1lle Nov IS 1380 ~OR soor & saoa El\IPORIOUM - - A r THE-- Send for ne\v catalog e of style a d pr ces to \\ HUSE 1 1 tf no n on 0 ga and Co Bowmunv lie SPEO'IACLES ETC rernen U r Ll at 60 Cases Boots& Shoes. DENTISTRY. c. HARNDEN, L. D LATEST AND NEWEST STYLES in the market at LOW PRICES Farmers will please to take notice that there is now a free and open market Ill Bowman ville on each a11d every Satur day No fees charged except for weiglung The market w1IJ be conducted on a proper prm. c1ple and oellers of all kmks of produce, cattle, sheep, pigs gr 1111, etc, "111 find top prices here A prtce hst will be placed m the Market House every Saturda3 mormng as fl gmde fo1 both buyer and 'eller Makers of butter can get h1gheQt pnceo for f Jtrnd rolls or pnnts C.W M cant be beat"'-n He begs to nnnouuee that he ha3 J st rece ved a lar.gc and 'arled sto k or S l verwa o sol coted from the ¥ery flne~t 1es g s cons st ng of OARD RECEIVERS BERRY DTSHE:s CAKE B <\SKETS PICKLE DIQHE" BUTTER COOLER~ NAPKlN RTNGS KNI\ES FORKS -JN THE- . JEWELRY DEPARTMENT: LADUlS Al\ D OEN rs W BRITTAIN, rnproved style of the Dental Art 'TKJ£1H EXTR ... CTEV \HTI!OUT PAIN Uy tb.e 80 MAN:\GER Ilowmam1lle Sept 1 1880 110 3m o Nitrous Onde Gas w1tl out llJUry &o the pale t W. H WI L L I AM S, GENER.AL $>Y"GOLD AND PI ATED CIIAIN::; ~ WEDDING JUNGS KEEPER RJN GS SIGNEl RI1'G:S GEMRlNGS SILvER JEWELE}!.Y GOLD BlWACHE~ E1.RRINGS CUFF BUTTONS SHIRr STUDS BLACKSMITH. 01'SE:ttTlt If you "ant to get pure drugs and ediclnea all at the rel able Drug Store-. J 88 ly H1gglnbotha.111 P.ha.rmacist