CAN~<\DIAN ~TATESM:AN HOvVM ANVU IF, MUNICIPAL LEGISLATORS FRID;\ Y, DECEJvIBFR 17, 1800. I \'- PURE horn fiiRt clas, munufactuneR >\hich will be sold at puces to s it the times our OVI n manufacture m gieat "anet:1 a, usual Cakes of ~v1~JATS! ~EDDXN"Gr CA~J[li6 A:SPECI,\LT'i ON TUESDA~ DEU .1.i AND 21 .A~l) wrn~ESOAY, .:;2 ~ 1' J u,t to band from New York a fine assoi tment of caka o,m""' ~nts Parties bakmg then own cakes can ha' e them mceh ic"l and orna mented at moderate eharges A call f10m all o u old fnends and as m my m w ones as can ma\a it conv ement is solicited D. vVlLI~IAMS' I bred D - - - o o -- - CHRISTMAS i [lp'f r v :,:)., LA! OF YOUNG a NIEA CA lnl:t[ ---o--B-G1eat mducements will be offere l to pm eh a"' s hJ the q 101te1 Your patronage will be thank foll) rec en ed YOUNG&. CAWKER CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS AT S~ MASON & SO - -- oo--- Dunng the Holiday Season we will ofter SPECIAL INDUCEMJ]J\TTG NOTE rHE FOLLOWING A large Stock of Canadi::m and Engl1~h special value DRESS GOODS m all vanet1es, from 10 cen b npw 1(1' BJ a, k and Colored CASHMERES f10m 30 re t~. tn best value rn Town, In WOOLLEN GOODS we ha~e Clouds fl( Rt fa Squares, F1schu Scarfs, Ye::;t~, J~ckets ilhtten~ ( t( An extensive range rn vehets, Silks Tie", and Ha idkercluefs Kid Glmes and Nl1 s e1c etc In FUR~ we have Muff::;, Boas Pei srnn Ltmb Seal, Cooney, Astrachan, Dog which at othe1 houses are unapproachable, COHSE1 Sat all pnces A good Corset at 50 cenTR I I I l I 1 Goderich Salt, Liverpool Salt, AND GENTS' DEPARTMENT : In the Gents Depa1trncnt we have an immense stuck of Scotch EnJ hsh and Canadian Tweeds and Wornted Uoatrngs also Slmts Ned,ties Colla1~ and UnderV> ea1 m all Imes \\a have Ready Made o, e1 coats f01 :\ien at $6 00 fm Bo\ s 1t $3 00 Heady ~hde Sm ts from $7 50 upw an], Sm ts foi J3o\ s frc rn $3 )0 to ~ 00 w lule Vie are makmg fits guaranteed) smts all Wool T>\ eed from $10 00 upward Call an l le1ive J our rneasm e +'01 one of om New Sty le Ove1coats acknowled,;ed to be the 11eatest chear est and taotiest Coats m town We guarantee a pe1fect fit m e\erytl1n 6 we make ] armers I roduce taken m Axchange tor gm 1, I New Goods! Oswego Plaster, S MASON & SON. Ol.tONO ii.ND Clothing Store! G-.B.EA..T B wn anv1111e ti o l'! e\<oSt 1st SCRAP PICTURES. PICTURE FRAMES ONH,ND <\ND is,o ~'"' '5 F RAidES MADE TO ORDE!{, :J R - J - .AGJ;;~ I S:.J:3:':.A__~ l OH lv.I 0 A~ ~..11 and uL DINGs \.L'-1::JCSuPPLY m I ~FOR DECEMBER. JEiJ Cheap as fh" Cheapest \ TI tbe above i more mi:iJ be ba.rl at be Splendid Stock to Choose From I SPECIAL VALUE IN l t & CO'Y. 1"' Scotch Tweed Suit ings. LAROE STOCK OF I ;; ~£~£~lt£~J ~vm-~~;KV Ar REDUCED PRICES OVERCOATS, Good and Cheap. NEW FURS, Just Recei·ved New Hats, Caps, Shirts, Diawet", Ties , Scad:~, GfoHs, Braces and Jewelery, All Reduced for the Holiday Trade. Orono Dec N'. F. 1 BALI~. I1412'5 3 n ~- \. TO S.13 · HILL' o inanufac · I I I "" "' "" ~ 0 · " · ~ ill! tock Ras Arriv "' " ~ ~ " 0 Dry Goods, 6 ' II l I I l I I l I Clotl~ing, I Furnishin,g s, Hats, Ca s and Furs. HE SELLS THE CHEAPEST. Bowm D' illh Oct 'l 1800 11£