CAN A DIAN STATESMAN rlOWl'vlANVJLLE , :FRIDAY, DECEMB ER 24 Cruets, Cake Baskets, Pickel Oas t..O r , STltAGGL.E lt Cups, Napkin Rings, Butter Coolers, Tea and Coffee Pots, Sugar Basins, Tea Bells, Call Bells, Butter Knives, Pickel Forks; Knives, Forks and Spoons Rodgers' celebrated Table and Dessert Knives 1n Ivo1y, Ruband Bone Handles, Pen ar d Pocket Knives, an immense var iety, h '---~ The Largest Stock in to vvn, at prices that defy com petition. l j LEE & EDSALL, WELLlNGTON BUILDINGS KING ST EX HIBITION of FURS IN THE COUNTY IS AT :tv.r_ ~A Y-E~:.JS Mrnk H at, Cap, & Fur Establishment I FELLOWS' COMFOJr D SYRUP OF w ll be Highest Uash Pnce paid t r Ila JS now offenng one of the 1 st selected stocks of DAvrs SoN LAWRE NC E, to be had outside ot Toronto n .J\fontJ eal (.IENJlRAL AGENTS. MON1 JI.EAL aa·e the 1'le\1 est! the (lnahty the Berd' and lus Prices the 1,owest ! :\. good Black Beaver Mantle, well tummed fo1 a~1 - 90 _ HEAD-QUARTER S --FOR - - 1J.rant1es Made to Order in First Class Style and Perfect Fit I have an endless \ auetJ of Staple & Fancy Gr0ceries. D . BEITH Hetmns thanks to the people of this town MA NTLE C L.. 0 1" h S 1 m Light and Dark Shade~ from $1 00 to $<> 00 pe1 ya1d l ha-,e bought at & great discount ALARGE STOCK OF DRESS TWEEDS AND SERGES which we aie scllmg at the followag e:d1 aordmnr} pnce, Goods v. 01th 2 > cents sellmg foi 15 cents Goods worth 20 cents Helhng fo1 12 ~ cents Good" worth 15 cents selling for 10 centB Every Lady should see the nch stock of Dres, Goo ds Millmery and Mantles at ALEXANDER'S Noted Cash Store All geods marked ill pl am figm cs and no second price @'Go to W BmTTAN & Cos with v our Buttei E1;,gs etc They will give yo u ordms on me for Dry Goods which I 1eg11,1d as ca"h \V ALEXANDER fl as a careful compauson will abundantly demonstiate ADDRESS, THOMAS J. MASON, 125 Church Street, Toronto y