I ] c OFFICE O'i FR ALEXANDERS STORE UOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY THOMAS BINGHAM, Fire, L1fe Marine, Ac c1dent Insurance Agent Vothmg but First Class Com panies tej1 e ented MA RRIACE LI cEN sEs ISSUED BY OFF GRANITE ITALIAM & AMERICAN MARBLE, AND DE LER N In all the var et es of Gran te W1J oo and Colored Marble ny stock s large and well selected and offers a good oppm tun ty to those who w sh to ereet a memor al to the r f ends a call nspect and b y I tend to offer gi eat barga no as I w sh to reduce my s ock pre'P ous to the alterat on of my pren lSes early on other sp ng OEnl.l"ETE:Fl."Y w th e ther Metal c o Iron Ba Drops Cha ns ~c Say, Ladies, 1o w Ilnd a ew asso ne to .a. k nU! of Marble <tnd Marbleized Slate Mantles Grates &c AL'?iAY8 O~ HAND FOR E FANCY GOODS BOWMANVILLE