GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY t BO VMAN\TILLE STATION AND TIME Mr t See S advert ses an excelle t farm CADMUS J\l 01\'l'ARIO DJVl~IOi1 ()APITAI OOer!'J l..o 1 rn Wh by o rent B )\HUN' ILLE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE TO BE READ ALOUD IN THE F\.MILY 0 ly 30 cent· for the SIArnoMA" to new suL,cnoers h I Jan l 1882 Mr W Crago del vered the first load of barley at Lyle o new elevator Servant i:i:1rlR men an I boya wa t g s tuat o s r ad our a.dve ts ng columns THE abeence of two hands from the llice th s 1rcck has n ade th s 1ss e a day Into Masero Allen & Ohmie will pay tie hi.ghest p ices in cash for any q 1a btv of barley They request farmers to see them before sell ng fie fll' than Pills for B Uousness S ck H ad ache Loss or Appotltcetc Dr Carson s Stomach lllt ers are ahead of anyth nil sou e er heard(Jf sou M rtg 1~es at 0 Per 11ent I~t tercst J P.r Aun"-'" - - - ------- - -- - -- - REMOVAL MRS. Hwmg established a tiade m .Eus:t Class Soaps unequalled by any other establishment rn town by keep ng nothm"' but the \e1y best wlnle at the same time sellmg them as che:p as tho cheapest) J ilesue to call the attentron of thP public to my DONNELLY'S Afreshsuppyjustrecc1 ed at Sto t & Jurys D ugStore ANNI ERSARY' - The ann versary of the C M S nday School 1 ~ rone w H be l Aid OJ Su day and Monday Sept 11 and 12 Sermons at 10 and fi on S nda) and a aQod Tea at 4 p m or Monday follow ed by an terest1ng pubhc mectmg T c kets 2u and 15 cents hK"MILLINERY srnaE~ \hn unt11futher1otrce be found , F·. L I I01 eaver s ine ondonSoaps. Am mg others will be found the followmg be tutJful lmes- - -JSTEVV BTC>O~ C>F---- R TWO DOORS \\EST Assorted Tml et Ca1bohc Transpa ent Glyce me very cheap, BARGAINS OFFERED te I Toilet Cm I ~ ancy T01let very f e Hosernary In order to lear off the balance an I Bmax and Hone} m ba s WCall and mspect the best value of my 81 rmg and Summer Stocks m Fai cy Soaps ever brnugl t to town befoie n ovmg m to new p1 em1ses and to make room for a laige W n I have also the fol owmg new goods wh1d1 I trnHt wlll meet ter Stock 1 will sell till No; eu bcr tie npp1obat10n of the publ c Cleaver s Tooth P ~ der Ciea~er s 1st at 2 r et cent chscount Han 'Vasi Bear me for i he Hai Payson s Ink B1 ow 1 s French WLADTES tak!'I ad'!1m a ge of/ D es,mg also Sponges Bai Toot! and Nall Brushes '11 sses Shouldei tins chm ee to la) m a good stock Braces etc etc etc of goods at little co t MRS DONNELLY ue 0 b tt Q] Offi H THE OUSe lVL E. NEADS, -'1 I'- EXPRESS OFFICE, Bowmanv1lle UNEQUALLED BARCAINS ---o--- THOS. PATERSON Has on hand one of the largest Sta.,ple Goods PERSONAL .. McClellan was tJ. 1881 1'.:fORSEMAN" Jll v J at re o el ~ ALL THE NEWS FOR A CENT -[- PAPERS Toronto Daily 'Woild, THEONLx ONE T:::H: E CENTlVlORNINGP~PEB SPECI.i\L RATES ~ VARIE1Y HALI BO \\MANYILLF. Aug 2o 1881 (161 )