McOLUNB BROS GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY ha·H~ determmed to reduce therr Immense Stock by offer!Ilg TREMENDOUS bargams rn all kmds of Summer Goods Durrng the months of July and August the:y will sdl Mantlos, Mllhnery, White Shirts, Linen Costumes, Parasols, Mens Straw Hats, etc' etc' at and UNDEH cosr PRICES Tlus IS a genmn e sale been marked down and must be sold ~Call at once and 8ecure some oi tho BIG BARGAINS now bemg given at ~cOL UN""G- BROS_ Dress Goods lhe goo1 s have CORRESPONDENCE HAMP10~ ·*=*=*=*-*-*=*=*=* :: T .a: E~~~r:e:ous E-: ;~ **="'="'="'-~-*-*=*=* , , =** ~ *=*=x_x=*= -* *-* .I I II Advance is our Motto No standing still or going back We must make progress 'vVe are bound to do a lai ge busrness even tho gh the wmk be heavy and the profits light E'en om competitors admit we sell at wonderfullJ d ose prices and Jealous opponents a'e1 our prices are ti'.> close too last long Nevertheless we will contmue to s"ll cheaper than eve1 Goods unsmpassed m Cheapness Varrnty or quantity WE BUY OUR GOODS FOR CASH IN LARGE QUANTITIES AND AT SPECIAL PRICES, and will show tins season a Stock d entirely Ne,: and V elvets REMEMBER our Goods are all NEW a nd FRESH and of the very Latest Designs Our P rices are low' You will SAVE MONEY if you Examine our Stock before you purchase. 0 LE --~- ,o: ---- I JOHN LYLE We will shor.tly announce t 18 opening of a Great Clearing sale of t hA above ---o-WE ARE NO \:V BARLEY I Allen & C 11 m I e, Reducing Prices and preparing fol' t h e sale From this date our Cust«.;me1s will / have the benefit 01 the Reductions ---o 11 oposed MRS. DONNELLY'S ~MILLINERY STOREJEU Will until fmthe1 notice be found r VO DOORS WEST OF THE Ruebotto1n House BARGAINS OFfl:RED In or lcr to clear off the balance of Ill) Spung and Summe1 Stocks before mo,rng u to new prem ses and to make room for a la1ge W n J te1 Stock I will sell till Novembe1 1st at 2a r e1 cent drncount iggrLADIES take ad\ an tag of tl s c} al ce to lay m a good stock of goods at little co t MRS DONNELLY