Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1881, p. 4

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GENEVIEVE WJ!.B.D'S MARRIAGE - I 1 H WI LL I A M S, GENERAL y OU Needn't Leave .R t ;!J Town~1 BLACKSMITH. e M o ey by B y' I at t!e Old Rel1able Stor~e r MURDOCH BROS. Respectfullj iemmd the pulJhc th1t the) ha\e al\-\aJS on hand - a Super10r Rtock of Staple ,md Fane} - - Look Well To Your Understandings FAMILY PROTECTION! $2,000 to Every MAN I WH'.J U NIIES \\.11H THE J GROCERIES I -OF FIRST CT ASS QUALil Y AN D A 1 - - Ancient Order of United Wor~men L1v1ng Prices r offer an F xtensn e and Excellent Asso1 tmen t of Good s th tt Cannot Be Surpassed m Quahtv ~1 Value Prnduce of ern1y desc11pt10n taken at Highest Mark et Prices ------~--------- FRUIT JARS IN GREAT VARIETY ~ '--,; Gne our SUPERIOR fEAs a trial and 1m1tes tb e Ladies of Bow manv1Jle and n c1111ty to call and see her Pattern MURDOCH BROS, Kmg St, Bowmanv1lle GEORGE C. HAINES, and assortment ot MANmAOT URER OF W. E. PETHlCK'S BARBER S HOP, ~~~~j~~~ ~ g Carriages, Sleighs, Cutters, Wagons, etc Spring & Summer GOODS_ MRS ANDERSON Is pleased to mform h e1 man:1 friends and the publtc geneiall:y that he1 la1ge Sp111g Purchases of of Vehicles NOTICE P\INTED AND IRIMMED IF DESIRED --- o- -- PORT PERRY MARBLE WORKS! ~ol!J.[Tf~T:R Ywill on Monday July 4th commence sellmg off the balance of his Sp1mg =, and :::lummer stock of 0:ANU~U~N!!-L~' MONUMENTS, T0MB ST 0 NE S, MANTLE PlEOES lABI ETS etc - - - F O R -- - PURE DRtJGg_' AND DRY GOODS, AT COST and some Imes below c JSt to make a cleaiancc Also Parnsols Ladies U lste1s Prmts Lusters Gloves Lace Jihts Hos1e1y My stock of CHEMICALS A~D T UNADULTERAT&D J0H N HIGGIN BOTHAM'S. A OHOIOE ASSOH'I !ENT OF PERFUMERY T001H NATI HAIR BfW"Pl:8 JUST R.ECE :rVED AND Cashmeres, Lustres, all wool French De purchased at the Trade Sales recently My stock 1 s well FOR Butter, Eggs, Pork, etc JTER ¥ CE#_E.AP. Gl\E lU E "'l:i\LL-11 wn.L Pi\Y. W. BRrTTAIN & CO, will pM half cash for produce and gne the bet >alue m G10ceries and Dry Goods 111 Bowmanv11le for the othet halt Call and sec us at SHOPS 3 4 and 5 MA RKET "Q U \RE ~. J\1c~U R~.,RY, The HARDWARE m the Count) <trHl Grocery stock complet( Tea of the finest qualities l eadmg TEA only Good Tea at 40 cents Euyern of Butter Pm k .::tc for England The public can be supplied with Fresh Meat f1om l'oung& Cawket s stall <lurmg the aftei noon by 50c. \V BmTrArn Sample Bot tles lOc Regular size $1 T Aye r's & Co Sarsaparilla Market Squa1e best des igns m Hmge:; Pure Wlute Lead of all the best makes P:ounts Putty ( 0]01 ee l antl Eu 11nelled Glass al"' ays on hand The Pl th of Some Animal Stories A dog ' h1ch clunng theCruncan " ar inade tl ree R soldier s p 1sone1s h as JUSt died in a Gove cnt J sp tal at l e1 oa after i>Hl g l rov1ded for by the Govern nc t ~u n ce th:tt event A chicken belo g ng to i far e1 of Bloom 111gton Io,va., raised itself upo1 ts 1 ttle feet flopped its httlc ' tngs n.nd c1owed 1 kc an old roo ter the second day after its birth a l I as do e so t!Ve r These fan ous P lls purify the BLOOD nod act n1ost power!ull} yet aooth ngly on the .m MAYNARD, Eavetrough1~g and JEWVrELER Iron Roo fl n g thankful fot t he !tbeial patronage IS Liver .Stomach Kzdnrys, and BO\~ EL::>, giving tone energy and v gor totlcsegrea.tMAIN SPftlNGSOFLlftF Tley a:z:e confidently recommended as a neve fa ng ren edy in all cases where ti e constitut o f om whatever has become 1mpa red or weak cncd 'Ibey arc wonderf lly e:fficac ous in all o.ilments inc l~ ntal to} e. n ales of all age!-! u1 d as a GENERAL FAMILY MElllCIN!l unsurpassed thP market m low puces and good G )(Ids which is bemg extended to him and is pleased to know that he has given P arties about to bmld should not buy theu material such good satisfact10n to tho"e he until they they see om stocl, and get puces as we lead has done re1 amng fo1 especially m the !me of Done b) lust class The best matenal used Holloway's Ointment, ltH Sea.rchta. 111d Deallnll Propert1e au kn~nva U1n1ughout t he "orltl For the cure of B \.D LEOS Bad Breasts LEE & EDSALL, KING STREET llO\V;\fANVILLE WATCHES eTA mce assortment of Ladies a nd Gents Gold and Sth er Watch es Chams Lockets Hmgs etc lately iece1ved One and Aight day ~ Old Wounds Sores and Ulcers, JOHN McMURTRY, Keeps constantly on hand a good stock of Clocks, m g1eat variety and handsome de signs WOld Jewele1y re colored and made to look as new WA call iespectfull) solicited rnEPA.RED B Y it ba GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware, Canned Goods, Tobaccos, Soaps, &c, &c. All kmds of farm p10duce taken m exchange WS'l'AND-One doot east of M1 Y ellowlees vauety store Dr l C AYER & CO, Lowell, M ass , Prc:u~.fcal ant:t Qhetnuts &QLD BT ALL DllllQllHT~ liVBllJ"WBERB - I

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