McOLUNB BROS have deternnned to rnduce their Immense Stock b) offermg TREMENDOUS bargams mall kmds of Summer (x)Odts Durmg the months of July and A ugust the:i- will sell Dress Goods Mantles, 1VI1lhnery, \l\ hJ.te Shirts, Linen Costumes, Parasols, Mens' Straw Hats, etc, etc, at and UNDER COST PRICES This rs a genume sale The go0d~ have been marked down and must be sold ,t;:rCall at once and secure some of the BIG BARGAINS now bemg given at :M:cOLUNG- EROS _ FORGET I Made up n the best style· and at the very lowest prices The q 1antity I am turnmg out da ly is ev dance of tl " popularity of my Frames and prices Bring your pie tures m and have them neatly and cheaply done The Hall Machine Works, OSHi\WA, ONTARIO, Manufacture Portable & Stationary Wall Pa)let'!ii, JU th s I e 1.s larger than usual at th s season of the year Those who failed to pap their ho ses m the Spring can do so to advantage n w I ntend clea g o it my whole Sto k at reduced p es to make roC>m for large tm portationa My reserve stock Steam Engines & Boilers OF ALL KINDS AND SIZES Butte1·1cli's rattnns Leffel's Double Turbine Water Wheels, Saw Mill Machinery of all kinds, including English & American Gangs and Mulay Saw Mills, Handsetting and Self Setting Circular Saw Mills, Single and Double Edgers Shingle and Heading Machinery and Joiners, Wood Working Machinery of all kinds, Machine' v of all kinds for Tanneries Stave and Lath Machinery, Paper Mill Machinery,Sugar Mill Machinery Barrel Machinery, Wanted JOHN LYLE T Engine Lathes of all sizes,Planers,Drilhng1VIaehines,Bor1ng Machmes Bolt Cutters J.Voollen 1Yiachme1 ~ Leather Sphttmg·--- - -Machmes and Kmfe Washington Hand Printing Presses,Gordon'sPower Presses, BARLEY! Allen & Clim ie, ---Paper Cuttern Engme Gornrnors Shaftm"' Pulleys SelfadJushng-·----Hangers with Self orlmg Boxes - - - CASTINGS of all KINDS MADE in BRASS or IRON New Machinery of Any K1nd Made to Order. ]Patterns of Every- Description Made When Desired All our Machinery Warranted to be made of First Class Material in a ---·thoroughly workmanlike manner =-'---Parties desmng farther mformatron address THE JOSEPH HALL MANUFACTURING COMP ANY. 64 4Ylo ="' *=~ is our Motto No standing still or back We must make progreso; We are bound tu do a l irge busm be h0avy and the profits light Even our competitors admit we sell a and Jealous opponents a' er om prices are t<> close too last Ions Ne\ to st 11 cheaper than ever WE BUY OUR GOODS FOR CASH IN LARGE QUANTITIES, AND AT SPECIAL PRICES, and will show tlns seas n a ::-, ode of entuely New Goods unsmpassed Ill ( hea.pness Variety OI quantity BLANKETS. 0 ~ IC "' "' 0 ~ ~ 0 < 'Ve have excellent value to otftir 1 both Cana1ia and English Blanket· C rnwall .Blankets at the lowest poss blo l r ces Ra lroad Wrappers 1n great var ety " :1"' c " "' ~ 0 ~ 0 iP t':, "' Sa.t111s makes a nice Insolvent Act oj 187u and Amending Acts ny t M Leoi STAPLES. We have m stock a full l ne ol D das Sh rt ngs and Dr lls Stormont T k ng· ·nd Apron Checks Valleyfield and Amer1 can Wl e Cottons Cornwall Coat cook Fancy Dross Goods Pia n Dress Goods D nda5 and Ho halaba Grey Cottons A lRr ~ ass rtme t of Plain and lw llcd Black and Colored Stuff Gords Pa u and Du'::ks Brown Drab and Navy BlueDuck· Fa cy W nceys We would urge a ny who DRESS GOODS REMEMBER our goods are all NEW anrl FRESH, and of the very Latest Designs Our Prices are low You will SAVE MONEY if you Examine our Stock before you purchase JOS. JEFFERY, Clothmg Manufactmer' {rnE*nousE} T. ~~~~!!~~N,