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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1881, p. 2

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/ I ~~~~~A BRANO ' Ol£ARINB · SAL£!~~~~~ Dry Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Fu1'"as and Gen ts' Furnishings, to be So1d I teta,i1 · CE:EAE CASE: ~;iiilii'rpf * at -~ho1esa,1e '- Prices" · ,..................... ijo,,..11e:0111111 .........idYo·o~i1o1~llo·....,.,..l11011n-,...,.,,.... ,,.., ,,,,,,... _ , , ,,,,,,,,,,,_, _ _ ,, ..~Gh .. 1~ 1 fU1nH' l"""' " '-P!I0 1H 1001l noM1 H.oii1· H "-l.~F-~""'"!!3"""'! ·.ft. 1 1~ ... 1 11e·-··-·1 H11'~ .._, ..,,.!"-.............~~~~0J,~~011101H ~ _!· !!l' H' _ _._,, ........,, _ _ _ ,,,,, ,,, .. ....,_HHol~rm.111·1111H1 .. w·-··· ... n·I -· Having made arrangements .while in of a large W~olesale and Retail Wareho.use in the City of Win:rnpeg, to be ready for the Spring and Summer trade, I will commence on Saturday, October 1st, ~anitob~, last ~u!?'ust, for the 'erection I . ~1 N. B.---The MILLINERY Department carried ()Il as of my whole stock, (which is by far the finest and best assorted in the county) together with (50) fifty cases of New Fall and Winter Goods, bought before contemplating any change in business. A GREAT CLEARING SALE ' coons WILL BE SOLD RETAIL AT WHOIJESALE PRICES. will continue until ,Jarnuny 3rd. Alter that date an :inventory of stock will be taken, arid Ol], Thursday, 5th of January, will,,bc offeied at so much on the IJ?Everyone in search of a first class article should co1ne direct to the pla~e'~- -r--z~ where they can get best suited with variety, style, good work and cour teously waited upon. usual, with all the novelties of the season. The Millinery.Sho'Vv Rooms · · h arge o f M" "d , th e l ead" · th e coun·<:JY. + are eaga1n inc iss B ra1 ing M"ll" I , in Get your MILLINERY at ALEXANDE R'S. ALL NTLE )( )( )( The Store will be closed Thursday and Friday, September 29 and 30, to rrmrk every pieee of goods in the store to -Wholesale Prices. Our new prices may be seen by every customer, in red ink, under our former ones in black. )( )( )( THIS GREAT SALE MISS AI:.EXANDER has rcLurned to us again, after having spent the past six weeks with one of the best Mantle Cutters in Canada, copying the Newc8t Styles for Fall and -Winter trade. We are very busy in thi:; department with orders for Satin de Lyons Mantle;:, for :Fall wear. - Remember, all goods to be Sold Retail at Wholesale Prices on and after 1st October, a t Alexander's Noted Cheap -x~ Store. ";"' E v1d en tiy ti1ere 1s ·a t en d ency on tiie part of a large number of poople at tb" presen t t 1me t o encroach n pon th e S nti l day. In th e race for pleasure, and the desire to acqu1re ri ches, the old boundil.:ry hne is being broken down, i nd encroach ments are being made upon the Ii'1rst Day of the week so persistently that it becomes necessary to ask arc we drifting 1" It is carta1nJy an a]arrr1~ ing state of affairs to see steamboat ex cursions planned <1nd earned out on the Sab- I I ' , I the question, '\Vhither bath day; to h ear of a body of railroad meeti ng for bnsiness 1n the Queen's hotel. Toronto, on a 8abbath afternoon, and ta \Vitness ind1fference on the part of professed moralists and Christians at. thea:e thmgs. AB a <lay of rest, the Sabbath is a necessity ; the buatle and a ux1eties of daily hfe m this fast age dem and some cessation fro1n t otl. The n1echaniarn of the hoiJy becomes wearied and cries aloud for reat. The active brain, and every hm b ahke de1 nand rehef, ali nature craves it, c \nd to allow these encroachments aBd aas~i..nlts upon O\ir Sabbath, vte win~ it s11nply in a. worldly point of view, 1s an error for which Olll' fratl bodies must suffer. And here it may not be Hmiss to ob&erve that while singhirg out public mattera as cryu1g evils, 1 beenuse more flag rant ,¥ there After a struggle with deoth, prolonged to an almost unexampled length, Pres1dont GAnl!~ IELn succumbed to the destroyer at 10 .35 on Monday night. For weeks the whole "arid bus been watching the daily reports of the President's case. 'Vhen these werG nofa\orab1e, uu1versa J sorro w was exp ressed, "iheIJ they were bopef n) 1 a world mde gratification "aa manifested N~ver, perhaps, has so much sympathy pot1rA d out for any man as for Prea tdeut GAJtFIELn. Bis cherf ulness, his paheuce, lns co ur%,e, his subm1as1on to the \.\ Ill of hui: phys1c1ans, 111s 1nanly fortitude fron1 Lhe hl·g1n111ng, rnade a hero of him 111 the eyes of t.he world. There "'as n prophetic spirit of prophecy in lus remark to }us w1ftl-" 'Vhat M the of struggling for the httle pmch of life I ohall get at best?" It has mdeed been _hut a pmch , and that little time was so painful that dea th at firat would have been better. Dnt he has had his last hours soothed by the tireless lov e VARIETY - - - -(c ) ---n1 such caaea i~nson for one year an J three 1111nd1ed and a1xty days, and to receive for1y eig ht. lashes, twenty-four on his nrrnal at t he prison and the remainder six inun t h.s t11ere- ~Large arrivals of New Goods thrn week, cormsting of 8 hell Goods, LINDSA Y CENTRAl EXHIBITIO~~ . ' In Prizes, For part1cuhu s See Posters and Prize Lists Portmonnaies, Brncelets, 1'nrnily Bibles, Dolls, Papetnes, N ecklets, Glove and Handlrn1 chief Boxes, Satchels, Album", etc , 2taffo1d's New Ink , you shol1lcl tr.y it. -... ~Bargams in Envelopes and Writing Pape1 e -"Wall Paper at a Big Reduction. I ~Tre6 tl'1'1i A dvertisu only $1.00 per annum, with clioice of following p1 ernn1ms .-Death of Nelson: Portmit of Gladstone, 01 the ;\ieeting of Wellrngton and Blucher, fat 10 cents extia. Sub~c1ibe now and get the balance ol this yem free Contemplating a change m rny business, much of rny stock will be sulrl regardless of cos t. TH·os. YELLOWLEES, Railroad and Stean1sl11p T icket _4._~ent. !I wh eu ttG,000 in Promulms "\\1l1 be offered. All m1tnes mu;it be 1 nadP. wi th the Secretary one week be fo1 e the Rxh·tut rnn reu u nde1l\\el"\e, 10 conts I I I .!nw!vent Act of 18'15 an cl A menc!z"ng Acts. ::.-olvent::;. In thr. 1r.cttter of Flemrng & McLeocl, 1 n- Adnnssmn lo Hall and Grounds, 20~ts, I c1uld- An .A _ lH l.Ionee 1 will be on the grounds ou t h P secouct da..) to !-:\ell stock, etc · '!'hose " ho are subJect to B1housness, Com"h pat1on1 Dyspeps ia., lud1gestw11, or a ny T{1rl.nt'l Affechon~ should t ake the ad\ we of an able physnc1an und u oe Di CarRon's Stom ach antl Constipation B1tte1s In la1 ge bot tles at 110 cents. Stott & Jnry, specia l agents for Coi1ut.y From Doctors, Druggists, Merchants, I Fanners. I INDUBITABLE EVIDENCE, liJJ J A~Il!.r:S M c FE E1'ERS, '.?\ . .A .. ssigne e. 1-.... _ -, -} · ar. QG h . IB ron1c Th e tX ~m1ner I I 'U I I 1 ,. o [E ,,;'f' .i.1n1s EJJ !N 1810,J I , - I for~ovaluableu1en:ie~yford1senseoftl·P ~·d no}.,. Signed DR. J. B . .MORDEN. P11ces-Ch1ld's Pacl, $1.50: I~egalar Pad, $2 Spccu~l Pnd GIVING E'.li'IIRE SU'JSFACT10N. P icton, A pril 20, 1881. Gentlemen, I Hnd that your Pads aro gn ing entire sat1efacl.1on ,and w·1sh you increa.sed saleq I c, "' I J I - -- Durham. Cholera. T hi H t ei rible disease is but little less fatal t hat 1ealAs1alw c holera and r equues equally prom pt trea t ment. Tlr 1'~ow ler's Extract or. \V1ld Strawbe r1 y w1 ll cure 1t as well as all other forms of bowel con~pJ aints of infants or adults 1fu~cd in propei time. t;au~u.Uan alH-trcc. Sold hl Ma.rtin E. Neads Sole Agent, now lated :Ba;:n:;is.t Newspaper m an..,. 1llc. c. B .Borland , Orono. Ja.s. E ll1ou, Tyrone, Fred Rogers Enniskilicn; J. D Fallis, iD. the World, Ken doll, J J Jones, Ne~ tonv1lle and J H1g V{1 LL BE D.KLHERKD BY 1f· ! L POSI\GE PnE. g1nboth<J.m &Soil Osha:wn. 16..i. The Largest, Ch eo...p est Thousand s the i.1ost widely C1rcu- ' ((l!ld by m any YOUl for Chronic Diseases, $3. druggist for .Pamphlets & Testiinon1· -'· I--'· 171 -~ - -~~~~~"';.j TI t) tj I l I 0 l><1 ttj From Oct. l, 1881, to Jan. I, 1882, FOR THIRTY GENTS, THE T'RI C]} OF ONE YE.AR'S SUBSCRfP!!O.N BEJNG PLAIN QUESTIONS. .- -- Her R < \yal Hlghnesa the Princess Louise wtll sail fro1n erpool for Canada on the 20th ,,f October. fhe Prmcess is sa1<l to besaffer1na; extremely from impaired health, and those who have seen her state that she 1s thinner and looks older titan when she left Canada. '1 he challenge of Ed ward Iranian to row 3 three or four mile race against '\VaHace $2°50 . Tb1 5 1s done tn enahle e-..e1y fa m1l v toseo, at the least JJUSt>C1bl e vnce, what the paper is. ~ 1-3 t-1 t9 t"1 ~ ~ ~-~--~~ l <I q i:-i :;e:1010 ~80 \j "9 ~ ~~~!Q CD c+ CD -- ~ ·-1 P> ' - t:9 T UAT CONVEN LEI\T DlUCK COTt he t fo1uJc1h occup1eu by Capt. rr1111l, cor. Concession and H·"'h Streets. Coodasso1 L men t of fnuts, stable nnd dnvu1g hollse. .i\1od e1a~e re n t A pply to C L 1\1.U N:SON, on ChtPch ti t, Bow1rn111\1llc J;')J lf " G-. GUNS. tj · ......... ~ ·-' ~rouldin g, UJ. 163 tf. -' i\t)pn·ntu.:c ' " a n1Ced. ·AD· A srrrn !' y () lJ T H 'l'O LE A R N at Dench o.n d liloor Bowman' ille, Sept r 8, 1881. \V. Pon1En & SoN.. s Foundry. ~-~~-~ - ···__.,______ - -- lVor thless St111T. Not so f:lf~t u1y frien d ; if you could son thP. strong. healthy, bloom ing num, women and children have been raised front beds of sicknes s, t'> 111fe11n g and ahnost deathj by the use of JI op Ri tter~ . you '\\ ould saj "G ortous a n cl invaluable r e1nedy."-Ph1ladelphu.r,.Presr-!. The word chara.cte1 cornea from a Lei n1 which means to engrave u pon or to cut 111. In select iug pens 1t u:i advisable to see lha.t the name uf Esterbrook IB stuioped on them. l l\1an) people Piak~ d.111g- sbops of their ston1~ acbs, in the a tt em pt t u 1e l eve a simple a ttack ofli\ercompla1nl, wl.en with a.dose or t wo of J..afi11's patent S tiffened Gol d Watches stem Dr. 'l'honia s' Eclectrw Oil t J40 compln1nt might be easily a nd pleasantly obviated. Chollc, piles, and key w1n der15 H11nt1ng: and Open GasP.S, - ' _ war1aut.ed ful t 'Aenly vears at J\fayriud. t.h e hurts, corns, lumo back and swelled neck, a1e If: \ ou '\Vant a Sflotcb tweed s1ut, go to " 1,he Je\\ elei ·s, Call and s~e thetu, al!lo among tl1e tronblea ·w hich it cures. Star House," they lune all the ne·w !Iesig:na~ 1 16.5-2w.

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