OUR TOWN AND COUNTY J!lltST THE WORLD AFTERWARDS BOW.MANVILLE FUID \..Y NEW STORt~. NEW CASTLE Importer and Dealer m all kmd of G ra te and Marble DENTISTRY. c HARNDEN, L D S, Grad ate of tho Royol Collego ot Dente. Surgoons Onto.r o OFFICE OVFR ALEXANDERS STORE LADIES! C.BOUNSALL Has Just ~ece ved per stea nsh p B e os A y ca ano th er supply o the fat famed no TO TOD sFOR UOLD I!ILLING A SPECIALTY ;,"""""=" a xe uted in the le.test nnd most yle of t.ae Den 11 A t GRE Y SCOTCH GR ANITE ous Oxide Gas w thout iDJurY o the patient MONUMENTS JJb.~ DIRECT FRO AnERDEEN ~ Ia J':ifJ cu ax attent on pa d to the regulation of CHII DREN & TEETH ALL WORK WARRANTED~ Orders A y pereon in lend ng to erect a beau \tful filled by 1nonurue t to t1 e me n ory of a fr e1 d will do well to call qu ckly --o -I INTEND SELLING AT PRICJ< S Ill:JLO .ANJ' T U:t\G YET Pl ESE?i TED --o - - CHAS. TOD, (HAMPION) MARRIAC E LI CE NSES JSSUED l3Y A J LOCKHART ORONO ONT QUALITY 'W11RUSE~ X>E.A.IiER. I N Onty 7 wo D ollars MA RRIACE A Great Variety of American, V7h1te & Fancy Marble Monuments on hand sellmg at low prices o -CEJM:ETE:H.-Y LICENSES PIANOS& OitGANS ACEN r FOR l H J< BE ST lSSUED BY WR CLIMIE CANADIAN &AMERICAN INSTRUMENTS LOTS FENCED with e r l\J a co fro Bar D ps t Cl ns &c C BOUNSALL Say, So Ho' Gent1e1nen or Fasll " 1011 not so fast UIIAPIER \ So E nscl tTe l as come back to to vn f1