l. t THE TELEGR.'\,PHIC DE/l.L Arrangement and Cons olidation of Local Offices The L tries Undergo Re p a tr - J - -AUTUMN FASHIONS 1 \ u letles in Hr' ! Ullltl ery 21_ 11! FURS. _FURS_. FURS "' MURllOOH BROS. -OF FIRST CI ASS QU \IlT' AND AT - - Lowest L1v1ng Prices IN"" T JOHN McMURTRY, K eeps constantly on hand a good stock pf GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Cr·ockery 4· Crockery and Gia s.ware Canned Goods, Totac. - Glassw111·e cos, Soaps, &c &c The\ offer an Extensne and Excellent Assortment of Goo<ls that Cannot B e Surpassed 111 Quality 01 Vaine H BUNNER I has mo\ed rnto Ins now shor on the stte ot 11 s old stan I "Lei e he rn I rcpat ed to attend to t he wants of the pnbl c His 1eputat on as a U N DERTAKIN G. LEVI MORRIS, P1odnce of eve1y desc11pt10n taken at Highest Mail-et Piwes BOOT AND SHOE maker is well kno\\ n m ti is " 12(.:i 1ty ha· rng been m the bus mess t'tn twenty one yeal'S With goo l stock and good "01 kmansh1p he teels slJre that he can gn e sattstact10n to all ~ REPAIHING t1ongl} anci' neatly dcne ~A sha1e of the public pat ronage sohc1te l (L>G) IJ BUNNE R FRUIT JARS IN GREAT VARIETY ifJT' Gne our S U PERIOR TEAS a tnal Krng St Bowmanvillt MURDOCH BROS, PORT PERRY MARBLE WORKS! a. S I~ A 'VV'", I~ MAl'tlU!l< \:C IUHE t !\ND D li ,\TETI. MONUMENTS, T0MBST 0 NES, I l " d " ·I '" Holloway's Ointment. Its Sea-rchl1 g u1d llenllug 1"1 11 e rhc!i nrc JnlUlVll thr ughont t h e 'Vo Jd - For thei cure BAD LE GS Ila 1 Breasts PURE DR UG.::J I I A ND I - - - F O R- - - CHEMICALS T .\ND UNAD U LTERATED MANUFACTUJlE;P. OF A CHOICE ASSOI 'IM.t NI Ol Carriages, Sleighs, Cutters, Wagons, etc PERFUMERY TOOTH NAIL AND HAIR BRUSffZS JUST REOE:TVED THE KEV FOR i ~ HEAll ~. Butter, v; Eg~~ Pork, etc. W. BRITTAIN & CO, 1 tll pay half cash fot p1 oduce and give the let \alue mU1oceriesand Dr} Goods m Bowrnanv lle for the other halt Call and see us at SHOPS 3 4 and 6 MARKEl ~QU\RE Groce1y stock complete lea of the fineRt qualities lcadmg TEA only To n ake way for tl e build g mp ove ments thsFal I nLenlto8e llat"ery PRICES ~IAN1 LES & GRA I ES c BOUNSALL, li:EP1 CVNST N TLY ON JI.A.ND R emcn bcr I hn.:re a, splendid assortment to cl oose from Ca ll and selec t } our ow 1 you lJ ) Done by first class workmen The best material used Pai ties about to bmld should not buy the11 mater ml until theJ they see om stock and get puces as wt, lead thr market m low ppces and good Goods main 1lle and ~ 1cm1ty to and see her Pattern LEE & EDSALL, KIN G STREET, llOWMANYILLE Bowmnnv11le March 17 1881 HATS, and assortment oi is thanld nl for tho hbeial pat10nage which 1s bemg extended to him and 1s pleased to know that he has given such good satisfact10n to those he has done repamng fo1 especially m the lme of WATCHES of Ladies :Suekmgha.m.'s :Oya FOR THE WHISKERS. @'"A call respectfully WSTAND- One door east of scent M1 Yellowlees va11ety stme NASHUA, NH. 8914 or ·ll ~"' 11111 ··~ V o&lm l· l-fo41'ltoo, ·