--~- TM I · decided on removing to Brandon, Manitoba, selling off his immense stock of - · lil March next, he lS BOOTS ANIJ SHOES, (Which is by fir the La1gest and :Emest m the Count),) · , CASE: ON'."L-Y-_ Very nearly the whole of the stock has very recently bee11 purchased from the most rehat>le Boot and Shoe manufacturers in the Dom1xnon, and are firstclass Sohd I.ieather Goods-Gouds suitable for the season novv upon us B - Goods at Wholesale Pr1ee~ so Leading IN BOWlVIANVILLE no Recognized Rivals, Peerless, Unapproachable and Alone THE CHIEFS, THE LEADERS, THE PATRONS FOR ALL · OF- to Hand This Week & will be Sold at 0 lose Prices for Cash during Ch1,stmas Wee:n. MISCELLANIDOU~:: Half Bbl s . !no gh Dtnner, Breakfast, &nd Toilet Sets, Bohemian, Baccar,)t, An1er1can C~uL G-lassvvare, & Gems of Deeoratrve Art. y -J1[JY YOUR- - c ,, i:11 (;f' GltJS1'11Jilll"fe Now, and to Save More Buy thern from s, u 00 The Noted Grocery Men of the County.