CASlt! R<spoctfnllv rernmcl the p11blic tb<tt they hne alwau on\ hrn<l :i Supe1101 Stock of Stunlc <11Hl } rncy- II GROCERIES! 01 l IRST CI A~S QUALir'i A~D AT - Lowest Living Price$ T Sl!II CONTINUES w,ur GRAND ~l CCESS ~1 makPl lS >I ell ],nO\\n 1Il ublS \lC!Il it_y ta\ in g been m the buomess for twent3 one :i ears vV 1th good stock ETEPH\NT BOO'I AND SHOE SfORE and good "orkmai slnp he feels sure that he can gn e satisfaction to all A laige ass01 tm nt of all 1-inds of Mens Womens l\lrsse, and Uhildicn s ~REPAIRING trongl3 °nil Fe1 t and Leather Goods still to be sold at ~' neatly done g A sh are of the pubhc pat Tlie1 oftt'l <LH L x t e11s1H' and Excellent As~o1 tmen t of Goods rnno,ge solicited (loG) H BUNNER tit it Cannot Jle )ur /)(!Hed m Quaht1 or Val ne ~-GENUINE ALI SOLID LEATHER GooD~ NO SHODDl NOTlllNG BUT Goon GooDs rnu IVIIL WE\R offered at S'"'otts G1eat Clear1n,; Sal e ~ All lands of Mens Womens Misses and Cl11 dien , "ear Made to 01 de1 by the best"\\ orkmen 111 to" n or county I now t1il,e great pleasm e m an nouncmg to the Ladies of Bo" man ~ Rupau mg neatly and promptly done w1tl1 despatch and the onh ville :lJld euuoundmg country that place the celebrated cernent-Iloldfastshckemqmcl, is used m tO\\n Produce of c>eq dcsu1ptwn t at Highest Matl,et Puces I ha\ e a complete assortment of TRUNKS VALISES and SATCHELS also on hand to be sold at l< all and Vi mte Bottom Prices 0 W. T. 8-0-0-T-T-'S C1·ocke1~; ~ WHOLESALE PRICES Glnssu""'~..,~ NEW GOODS! llJ@" MILLINERY~ -W-_ T_ SCOTT_ FRUIT JARS IN GREAT VARIETY G11 t JJ$'" ou1 SUPf LPOI 1E1s a trial UNEQUALLED BARCAINS -,\. T- lasl{ow House! - - - o--- GEORGE C. HAINES, M\NlB \OfCRER OF Carriages,Sleighs,Cutters, Wagons, etc KING STREli:'l:, BO\\ MANVILLE - Tl-IOS. lias iccc cd her new· stoc of PATF~RSON Ha:; on hand one of the la1gest and most comp;ete stocl.s of Spring & Sun11ner GOODSj Sta;p1e Goods no\1 on hand a numtd oi velucles (and is manufactmmg a gieat rnan:i 1110 e) of the ne I\ est patterns and best finrnh wluch J am dfo11n,; foi sale at tl e lowest puces consistent " th due regaid to "oi krnanslnp and quahty and mv1tes tlH Laches of Bow ever offered to the rnhab1tants of Bowmanv1lle, wluch sell mg lower than eve1 seen rn this place manv1lle and 'ic1mty to call He doe~ not deem it neces,an to qnotepnc<s, but imltes the and see hm Pattern public to call and judge, assured that to examme HATS, 1s to purchase and a,so1 trnent o1 He shall mamt,un his lon2" est tbhshed supenouty rn all descnpt10ns of LINEN GOODS An unusually large choice of '[ 1 ble Lrnens, Damask:;. Napkrns, Huckabucl,s Crash, To11 ellrngs, Doy he" etc, "bite and Grey Slnrtmgs, P1ll0Vi Cotton Sheetrngs, Striped and Checked Slurtrngs, Cotton Tud ' , Mu sedles QmltR, Counter panes and Lace Curtarns, 400 pieces choice p11nted Caltcoem all colom mgs, cheaper than eve1 shown rn this town s An immense stock of Cl0th,,, Tweeds and Suitings made W. BRITTAIN & CO., to order and wananted to fit .iute, Umon and All "Wool Ca1peb mulct th.:J nsnal price will pay half cash fo1 pi oduce and Small \\ aies and Tnmmrng~ rn great variety. gn e the be,t 'alue m Grocelles and D1y Goods m Bowrnanv1lle for the other halt Call and see us at All Kinds ---0--- Repaired AI THE Sl10R1'EST NOTICE PAINTED AND TRIMMED I F DESlRED At the Jiactm} I also do Plamng i\fatchmg; 1mrnng and Sawm,,, with Cuc]( Band 01 Scrov.l saw. and pre1 a1c all kmd of h1mle1 fo1 ca 1 pente1 s and othe1> fm l 111 lchn 0 puq osc s Ornamental and Pl am Pickets Joi fenc<s m e\erv st) le 1eqm1cd made to 01de1 on the shortes ot1ce l4G The Secret of Health --TS ' 1 0 - - Jrocery stock e 11nplete Tea of the finest quahtws lcachng TEA only Om Keep the Feet Comfortable. To do tlns pt or eilJ go to tho Boot an l ShoR estabhsliment ot Good Tea at 40 cents 50c. . \V BRnTAIN Bu:i ern of Butter Pork etc fo1 England 1he public cm be suppl eel with :B JL sh Meat from Young & Ca.1 ker s stall dunng the aftei noon b} SAVE 25 PER CENT. 1 hJS you n1ay do by call ng at tho GRANITE AND MAR BLE WORKS BOWMANVILLE & Co llfarl,et Square My stock v. as never so con1plete as prC"'Cllt PORT PERRY MARBL E WDR~(S! 1 INCLUDI1'rG (Successor to 1.-fr l\-f TrclcvenJ Scotch and Canad an Red and Grey Gr11.n tes I tal a.u and Amencan "' h te an l Jl ancy l\1antle l\'lonumentB Slab"' ork or lleadstones in Great Varlety and £xceed n g ly cheap 1-f \lllU.U \.CTUREK AND Dl:ALER s :::B[ .A."VV' I~ I MONUMENTS, T0MBS T0 NES, MAN'ILE PlECES TA13LETS etc and select trom Ins' ery la1ge and 'aned assmtrnent of \Vmte1 Boots made of t!Hi Best .Matenal by Competent Workmen A fine a,s01tment of Amellcan Boots and Shoes for Ladies wea1newest and most fasluonablc styles such as ha' e ;;,n en such unn ersal sat1sfact10n to the ladies m tunes past Mens fiost proof Felt Boob at a great reduct10n from lw't \ears pnce, - the warmest goods m the market Also a la1 0 c assoitincnt of service able boots of all kinds Rubber Goods 111 great 'ianety at lowest pnce, REMEMBER - The Be,t is the Cheapest .Mr Saunder s stock has been selected carnfully rs of tbe l!ttcst styl es of the best rnah:ual- none better m t1ie market Ordered w01l, a Spemalt} ,-Good Fits guaranteed Trunks and Valrncs m great va1 ety at lowed fi guies You will save money by cal1111g at .M1 Saunders store when anythmg 1s requued m the Boot and Shoe !me To 1 w·a} for the bu ld1n~ 1mprovon ents ti 1s] all I intend to sell nt' cry REDUCED PRICES. }fANTL:BJS & GRA 1 ES KEPT 00NSTANI'L'\'. ON IIA:ND cl oose from Rcme1uber I have n. sple1 · d assortment to Call nnd select } our own yuu buy c MUNS ALL, "~ G1an1be 1i1rb1c "\Vorks MAGNETISM & HEALTH! cc: T ::E1 E JY-r:A..G NETIOON " - --o --- ---o--- Ayer's -- · ---FOR.--- Pleusc Obsen e that T. J. M<1son has Cherry Pectoral I or Diseases ot 11.E PURE DRUGS A" D FROM 120 OHURCH SRhEET 'IO OVED - ------10 'I hroat and L lngs CHEMICALS I AND U~ADUJT 74 ellevue Avenue TOR..ON"TO, where acld1ess all Com111u111cat1ons In futn1e such as Coughs Coldg Cough Asthma RATED Magnetic Belts, Spine Bands, JOHN HIGGINBOTHAM'S. Lung Inv1gorators, PERF1:; ;\1ER'i TOOTH NAIL A:ND \Nr1stlets, ... HA!R BRUSP i;S Anklets, Soles, etc., etc., A. CHOI( E ASSORTMENT ml!! (0 R SE A fl D CA 11"1' lL I:~ J'llEDICll\'E!!', go to OF --- o--- REOEJ"VED - A ND nrn JlISI- ELECTRIC BATTERIES! WHOIE:S\LE Circulara and Consultatwn Free CONTAINS \ND RRtAJL BOPS, BUCBU, MANDRAKE, ' DA.'IDELION. A!>.'"D THR PunEST A2' D BEST MEDICAL QUA.LI '11.Ei! OF ALL CY UJ::R llll"r.J:rn.s THOMAS J. MASON, "<BELLEVUE AVENUE TOROJS~O THEY CURE An Dtseasesot theStomach Bowels Blood McMURTRY, Keeps constantly on hand a goocl stocl~ of 0 VOU6IlC88F~~y!ec~~i:1~~:11pecially Liver Kidneys and Ur1nary0rgans., Ncr $1000 IN COLD. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware, Canned Goods, Tobaccos, Soaps, &c &c. 1\ 11 krnds of farm pr oduc<1 taken m exchange