j ,) l ·····- ----·- ·-·--- --- ·- --- -- -·-----~-- .. _ _ ________ __ ,, 7 .. --- . ......... -- -.. FOES OF THE 'rELEG!\:APH: JOCU1. ARITIES. ·'QwBuffaloes,Beaa"§, Monlteys,Elepha.n· t, \Vh tl It nTt k k 1 t Worms, and S!)i<lers Destroy · . . en ie su ""1 or n· ey ncc 8 0 prny the w·1 1t lS 011 a $2,500 rug. Wheu his cooks waut res. their 11-" ages raist!<.l to 18 cents a day he send F rom You thfi,,d Pleucure thein to Jail. ' I I 1 e 111 ' or place your Bur aaainst one on u. [ eel <l S 'ths 11 · tl 1· J11 ·1d i.: T. EIRRSB nc., ov. .e iy day, ' vhat will the ~oise remind yo u : 0 p~y in~~e b:~~ ;a.~~~~~ SL~~ da~ ~~~ Cznr's l apital .has nev~r ~ e!ore been so ~:c1!1 118 01 A hiv~ of bccg ? Jlrecisely . s,) it does n1orrO\V rll si ck t h e dog on their c hi ckens. ('.)US Ull(F ~v~ea.~~ £1:' d sea.son_] a_s l ti lS bear::J in ~01,\ay .Hears are passiol}- Tl1e · dgm e11 t 0fl + b0 1 ' 1"t d 011 UO"\'L ,.,en e ros an sno\v, ' ' nci 118 · , .JU ,;&"tven mus . . " ~ u · year a 17p-::are(l here three weeks ea11icT than \ y f on d of h oney, and \Vhen in one of the ein in so me ,~ ay. la ld h R . b t fu'j1d d~s trict s Bruin hears _ t he huinining of U8 Ua1, do not g L en t c n ssu1u car . th0 \Vires, he follo,vs the sotutcl to the post UPON_ a. Sunday evening, wh~n the soul T he ti ouhle 1~ t hat " Russian F10J:5t, t he ,yhere it is loudest, l nd begins to tcHr invay is lifted on th~ -" ·i ngs Of faith, aucl a hul y R.ed Nose," c 1ain1.s t hat his season has fairly the stones h eaped r oun d the polt!s iu rockJ caln1 bro ods over all nature, \Vhattender re- set in, " -hi1e the C '.l.ar, in the face of na.tnre soil to 8t eacly t heni, in onler to get at the gr et co1nes with t h e t h ought tha-t th e t1,1bs h_er sel-f, persists in a sser tillg that St. J>etershive \Vhich h e imagines to b e t here. I n his mnst ·be got up from thecellar, sotha.tvrash- burg is .yet too hot for h in1, n.nd s o he condisappointnientand disgust he nsua.ily leaves in P' may begin 5 o'c lock Monday n1orning. tinues to 1,;uol h i1nsclf in his sL1:!.n1ncr palace marks of his claws in the \VOod. A x old }3.. 1.ptir;t lninist9r enforce d t he ne- at Gatchina._ T1i e St. PC?t~·rsbtu·gers ar~, of ' .Volves 'vill not stay in Nor\vay ' vhere :a, cessitics of di:ff~rcnces-of opinion by argu · course, puzzled what -to do lUtl llcr such ~k teleQ'raph lin fi has b een built. I t ·w as fonn::- u1en~: " No,v, if C\'cryhody had been of n1y cumstances. - They hoped , as tie rnounuug crly the custom to protect f'arms by plaJ;lting upiniu·1 they _ :would all. have · v;·a11ted my old terin for the late· Czar \V as at an C)Ht, th at n stru11g \Vi th cords, sornc- woman. " One of t he d~acons w110 sat just when the first snow fell t h(1y would s_ee the poles around t hc1 thing like r u.bb it snares, and gradually t he behind him rtspnnded : " Yes, and if C\ cry- ne w c~a.r open the ball and r ecept ion sea· ·wolv es cu.n1e to i·csp ect theseprecanti ons,-so body tvas of iny opinion nobody won bl ha\·e sou. Bu tiustca rl of mlerd1nent thcfy ~re. tol _ that a line stretched across the neck of a·pen had her. " . be enter ta.in~~d with -a ong _ series o po.itrna you will kick or l_)onnd on a telegraph "11ARIA,"saidthep1oush~1sband, "them Ha\ en't seen him lately. ,, "He's attac~ed A Show that Excites Indignati on in St. t{) a banking hOJJSQ U.S Cashier." HAt tach· eel.?" "Oh t l see A hey tie 'em 1 1p so the;:jPetersburg - Orthodox Clmrchmen . Offcntled- rrhc Troubles of the Russ~· ca.n 't r un a-\vay . ·Capital itlea !" a.n Jel\·s. Shirlie Liebc1/'caused a social commotion lJ N 20 L'f . th inD3.ltin1ore, years ago, \vhensho quit'erl a l 8 p ,, THE CZ&:R'b .UNHAPPY CAPITAL. " "Ab' r who£ has . become of your son? I 1 CASlt! CASH I !M.{JRIJiJoH"iJROS. \. .· 1 t 1 hon1 e of lnxll:r.y to become a circus ·r ider. S he is no\v aju n.lly an object of interest iu Detroit; where she has_ teen : sentenced to sC,·en " " :urs' illl]JTison1neilt for ~hooting a .,, . cmnptl.nion: - E rasn111:; \Vitsqn, through whose ex:e;'t1ons Cleopa tra's N eed le \Vas brought to Eng1and, an cl who is 11o ~v seventy-t""? yoarfi old, has been knighted by the Queen, ..in "considerat ion of liis inu nificcnt gifts for the -support of hospitals u.nU the encouragement of" znedical study." ~ A 8 nuaU AN nlerchnnt named Khra n1uif recent ly arri ,·ed in S t. :Petersburg, a11d askM to he allowed to deliver an itnportant Boot.S&Shoes Lo~e~~msT{:~;;~,;;'~ANO;rices 1 STILL CONTINUES WITH GHAND SUCC ESS AT packet of p~pers person:illy into the hands of the Cz"r. He said· that the packet lrn. d hc en confided to hin1 by an old n1n.n v:,rho had (liei..l in hi s, Khramufr~. house in To1nsk in t he year 1864, wi th the r equest t ha t it s.honl d a t sG 111 e t i n1e or other be given into the Enlpornr's own ha nds. The n1yst.erions :ecr sona.g_ e, 1 n oreover, had expil'ti}d ·with the fir1n iinpression that he ""its Alexander I., " rho, R-ussin.u history say s, died in a J1111nble cotttt.-ge at Ta.ganrog of crysipchls iu December.; 1825, "chile on a, toui· of inspection. Although at first laughed at, it is said that he 1va.s at last a dn1itted to the Czar and delivered t he packet, tv-hich was found to contain in1por tn.ut doctnnenta concerning the imperi· al fa1nily. Hov;r- thoy ca1ne in the :possession of the rnystcriou.s d_ Ccca.sed the bearer had u ever b een able to di::3CO\' CJ' . wolves take the teleg rn.ph for n. new· nnd iinpro\Ted snare, and proniptly lc~a'i' C ihe connt ry \\'hen a line is built. Ou our owu treeless 1:>lains the. b uffalo hails the telegraph pole a~ an ingehious contrivance for h.is O'\Vll b enefit. L ike all catti e, h e delights in scratching hiinself, and he goes t hroug h t he pei·fornlfince so energetically t hat be knocks do\vn : the I)Ost. ·-An earlv builder of the telegraph lines under.,, took to protect the post" .by 1 ·r1ser·tiug brad· "' the t awls into tlic \vood, but h ick -sk inned b lli 1 f 1 tl b d 1 - ., ie ra aw an improveu ·a. o uun( n1ent as affording hhn .a ne.\Y sensa· . _. tion1 a nd scratched d own 1 l1or" e pol es t han insula would protect the whole district. The on , nnr wen y- one o ier errO}.'.lS s leisure hour on the potato-pa tch: :· N uthin' inore or le'38 iin plica.tcd iu the })repn.rat_ i ons like,tillin' uv the s1le, u.s the scr.1p t er sez; for th e reaici<le,,will l>c arraiO"uc<l. The pub, t l h .n , · "'T t ,., -Y?Uve. ~1,l\llC( .grang eri ev ycrt l.~O . a He -her e, ho\Ve\·ei·, ha::3lost-i11terestin politibit of i~, rcphed the parson, buckling t.o his cal trials. eyer. tn,~k ~1~h renewed vig~r;_ " I ' ve only te1i;-p_ or-··. . . _ " -T h ere a.re too rnany of t hem , " says the ln Sumatra the elephmts are systemat ical- . a nly JOined_the .hoe>-1n1ss1011ar y SOC.lct y. _, , St. Petershn rge r:-<, nGive ns something "~-~rA) n1e ha_:s been bapt izefl, aiint 1ne ?' T\vo i1n portan t p olitical ca::;es are aLo-ut to ask ed a little 8-y oar-olcl. " "1- es, dear, 11 be t ried h ere. In the firs t ca8e three poHce '·Then m e · won't have to l1e baptizcJ again?" n1cn \vill be n.rr nigned. GP-11. Fnl'f\Otf, the "No; but can you re1nen1ber rn1yt hin{ r about hca.d of t l1c· secre't lJolice; G·en. ltirovinsky, being bn.pt izcd ?" "' I <less I C~in. " "r' \Yell; t he City A rchitect, an d 'rcgle ff, the Police ,,·hat did the iuiui:::iter do to yon ?' ' "He Capta.iu . All are uccnsed of failiu g to pt·c 7 shovc<l up 1ny slee,·e and stuck a, knifO in V_e!lt the killing of the Czar. This case i~ n1y arrn. ~' -i:n.ther nntis nali btlt the public will not !Ca rn i.xr p inuc h abont i t, a s it is to b e t ried ~' ith closed ',, n ELL, l arson ," 1 ·e1na,rked l'encon SlJLlizd om:s. I n th e secon d case T"n·gony, tlle d 1 ze1n, as. 10 eane o,-er . the: front gate and T error1s · t ~ k·:;_1own n1u1er , th e narn e o f " M y ,. d . '\Vatche lus .beloved pastor jJutting ill a L l " ] t t tl T · t ritals: W. T. S-C-0-T-T~'S ELEPl:IANT B001' AND SHOE STORE. IN {)t·ocke1~11 4· ' I of Goods A la1-ge asso1:tment of all kinds uf Mens' Wom ens' Misses and Children's Felt and Leather Goods still to Lo sold at Glt··s#·lf""·e:, They offe1; an l~xtensivc and Excellent Assortmen t that WHOLESALE PRICES W" Gi,;N lJI NRALL So LID LEATHER Goons; NO SrieinDY ; NOTHTNa nuT Goon Goons .TIIAT WILL WEAR, off() red a t Scott's ·a n·at Clearing Sale. twent y tin1es n. .}·cu1· 111ake raids on-thein . L1 1:-- P_ OPUI.AR-l)reachcr recently quoted the nctv." . · , j }.fay, 1876, tht: elephants - t ore ' do\vn the clrea.m of ·a seer, who saw a ma.n in g reat To $n1Jply this Uc1 n an d, -us it ·were, th ere . 11ole~ for. a distance of several furlong s and 'f:.?t~ent in cv-cry liinli except his right foot . recently u.ppea.red, -posted up everywher e, hid the \Vires and insulators , in the cane He asked \d1y that \Vas releas ed. - '", This au adY ertisen1e1 -l t annod11ci11g a Sho,v, in jungle, a.ud fo1· three nights in _succession _ man,:' 'vas the a ns,ver, '.' is· b.eing puuished \Vhich a fiO'u.re of the rrinrdcred President 0 tQ~y repeated the p erf 0rm..'Ul.ce -as- reg nlar ly_ for his selfishness a nd 1ndolence, a-u<l ·w as 0 -arfield is exhi bited . T h is a <lvertisen1ent as the r _ e pair er s rebuilt the line during tna:. _ _ :ziever - known.-t o d. o a ~ood deed, except ~~. a?conrpa1ued ' ~y a portrait o ~ ith e lat~ <lay. The m onkeys add ~P.?F .m ·EDrl:f o ut 'a s-- -tha-t-ht' QWe-.:.kick-<X~ -a~·~EJ:.~.Qf_. fres1Lgi;a,ss~to__J: ~ es1_d ent. l .'~ a ~ great ly aston11 ~11ed ana formidable-eneinkis,-as-t h ev use the wires for a tethered ox stan d_ 1ng 111 t he hot snn, and ruort_1fied -.: .: < ~ tl11 s p~rforn1ancc. 1 he dead s\vings and trapezes, n.nd C arry off th e gla.ss for this one a.ct t he foot is s~ \'ed froin tor - Presi dent 1s ~ho,vn 1n_~ffigy, s~1rro~u_1 dcd by clovt'tls and the. cla.p-trab_ of._~.stde -sho..,, ._ l s Insulu.tors as \' aluablc prizea; thcu, lvheri the n1ent." l'epaircr goes t o con·ect the rnischief, h e rnay A S'l'OH Y is _ told. of an excharige Qf cbur- .thn:t_the_way t? sho\v t ~ _ friendly feelings Le pounced upon by a tiger or chi.Yen u p the tesy he t\veen a Scotch ininist er nncl his wl11ch t ltc _!{.uss1a: u gove1·u.1ncn~ ---pre tent1~ t o post by a mad .buffalo. paris hion er w-hich is charact eristic of" hotl1 . have fo1· l t~ trausaLlaut~c f~·~ends ?_\ Vha t In Japan the special ~nen1ies _ of - tho_ tel~- The~ rpi~ister· v,,:as lately inducted · into- a " '.onld the ne1\o· . <;'za~· think if son1e of the graph _ are. the spiders, which gro'~ to an hn~ C?l~ntry livi1~g. and in· his round of' pn.rochia.l rlin1e _ 111useun1.s in th e_Bo~ver~ ~h.0~11~ tr.~~ inense size, and avail thc1nscl ves of th e·wires van ts called at the cottage of a lit t L e tailor . to an1n se thei r _ patr?~ns bJ ~xl11h1tin~ Ju~ as excellent framewor ks for their webs. So T aking a seat uninvited he prOc'ceded t o fn.~h.e~·, ~le:;~nder 1·? as.sasmn.ate~ by the thick arc the cor~s the Japanese spiders spin t U._lk, but found it ha:rd ," 'Ork, as he inet ~Ih~J.ists.. I he b111ld1,n~ tn ~\·h1 ch -~h~ sl~o.~v 'I . that often, esp ecially when they are · covered 'v1th no response. The taJlor J:mt upon -the ts gn en .rn on .th o :N°ff\:~. Y I rc:_spe~t, and 1.1'1 . ' ·with dew, they ser ve to connect · the ' vires table sti tching in sulky silence. ...i\.t leng th St.. 1:ct er sburg ~o pnbhc cntcrta111mcnt is 1vith each oth er o!' t he ground 1 andso t o st_oP, h e spoke. "Sil',_ " h o said, " I regard it .-as peruutted ~n,ilc~:;i np,pr?Y~d ·by . th~ c.ov7rn· them fr01n working. an u1nvarrautable intrusion, your entering n:ent . . The ..cfor.e thl! -Czai_lumself IS iesppn- . In the sea t he wires arc not any safer, as my house, and I ask yon in . what capiwity sible for tbrs. I am gratified, howeYei;, to . it, sn1all worzn has d eveloped itself since ca- you con1e ?" "My good n1n-11," \Vas the re- s?e th at nlany_peop~e here expresFJ ind1gnablcs Caine into fashion which boi·es i ts ' \' RY ply, '-' I co me as your pitriah clerg,ytnan-it t~o,~. rA Russian. said to ln e : . · thro ugh iron ' virc and gutta percha, lets ~n 1s rny duty to kno\v all my parisluoners. I ':hat b~~ter _ ?an you , :~pc_ct .. ft:oin ly oppo~cd to telegraph liues, and at least - r1ro15 0 L 5u _;_:============.:-" !Jl', .,,BADE MARJ[· . · · Cannot Be Surpassed in Quality or Val11P. All kinds of Mens' Women s' Misses' 11nd C hildren 's wear Made to Order by the best workmen in town or county. W R0pairing neatly and promptly clone with 11espalch, and the only place the celebrated cernent-Ho!dfaststick ernquick is u sed in town. Produce . _.'l'~UNKS, VAJ;, lS1'~f;?_, and SATCHELS also on han1L to . he sold at Bottom· -Prices. W F ARl~·~EI~S' of every description taken at Hii; he.:t,J'farket Prices ---- ---- --- -- - - . - -_____ y-'"--:_--'"'-',, -W-_ T- SCOTT_ FRUIT JARS IN GREAT-VARIETY. -'------ --------------·· f!2F' Give our S u l'EHfOlt TEAS a . trial. UNEQUALLED BARCAINS --.'\'I'- MURDOCH BROS, , King .St., l3owm'anville . ! breaks w tnle 1t rn he1ng lrud~ Ol' thren.t cns to ganl ye a s a n1inistr.r of Christ, but us ' a . 1nuch ofte.nded ~~ the forced depo~1hon of 7 ~ ~ break, no one is alarmed. They fasten the serv~nt of Sa,tan; if ye come as a eu tlcman, Metropolitan ]hichae,l, .t:~e hear\ of t~ie or· . Neuralgia, Scfutica~ Lumbago, . ~ It-I' · . Th9 fullowin~ i;;i a list of the princ:ipal \'ehicl~s lit.auuf~etun.~ U b )' rn.., : , 111 1 8 1 cable to a buoy and come back afterward well and good; hut "" a·minfakr fr-efnse to t hadox .chm ch ~ u a. .Michac is ~h e 'Backache, Soreno os of the Chest, -~ · 11 Double c; o,·eretl Ca i riagt'S ... · - $200, Upwards. I Lumber \Vago;S~~ ·· · .... .... . ... $55. U P\' Ards ;;i.nd ph:k it ti p; or if i'~ is at the Uotton1 of receive y e," "\Vhich could hardly be called lea.der ot. ~h e Rus~ophile element ~ S~r' ia. I G- t Q ' S 8 Throat -Sws/I ff · d t t] · h b · t t f B ·1 J }· h J mgle Phaetozi~ . . . ·. . .. . 100, ·· . Light \Vagon ...... ..~. . . ··· · ·- · 4Q. ' '.- ---------._-- the sea they drop a dredge, witJ: a mile or courteous, but the . tailor's politene~s .wa~ Pmi.ce ~hl.~n., actmg under '.°"ustnuu rnfiu. OU ' uinsy, or 8 , dever 0 ere 0 le I fl a I .fl 11 S 0 . O\Vllla l1 VI e' W l JC le IS S Open Hn'-?gy . . . . .. · . .. . . . .. . .. . . 70, " 11:.x.press \V u.gon . . . . . .~. ..... . . . . . . . /"), ·· so of rope, and fuh out the precious thread, outrivalled by his minister's, who, rising, ence, oidc'.cd tl~at ~lie horrnc of the M~ti o· , · ings and Sprains, urns an selling lower thau ever se en in this place. T op Buggy . . . . . .. ..... . . ....· 00, ·· &lkeleton ... . .. ,. .... .. I .... ';IO, ·· D emocrat \Vagon ... . .... · 6.?, " Slilky ... . .... . ·10, " as l.arge as one of you!· fingers, almost as s.'licl: "My gooc\ fellow, be pleaEed to un<lei'- pohtan );~ se.':'1.?h~d an"._, Ins pap; rs sc1"ed. Scalds, GeneriJ.I Bodily e:IB1ly as you would ilsh up a penny from stand t hatitisonlyasyom· parish clergy- Among, !nspm~t~letter; ther~ " e:e f~'.m'~ Pains, H.e doe!? not deem it necessary t ,1 quotcprict·s, buL invite .~ Hie P ossessing ,n pe rior facilitie~ for manufacturing can:iagffl, I intei1d to the bottom Of a tub of water with. the manthat levef'dreamtofvisitingyou;whcn some'Antten bJ ~,en. Ign~ti:fl, ~h. !'Asa Tooth, Ear and Heada~hll 1 Frosted . bl ' J ( d d tongs. But the little worm 110 bigger I visit as a entle1 an' I-d 't ,·81't . koff, and other.p1omment fctbSians. These pu ,· IC to ca I anc ju ge, assure that to examine 8c·ll very cheap for cash, or approved cred~t-, and by sc..\]oing I hope · '. . · . . _g_ . . n :· on ~ 1. )Jer~ons were deemed to be comprom1smg and on Fe11t and Ears, and 11/ oth11r · h to g reatly increase my number of sales. Would sell 'tl1 e wood than a ncecllc, l S more formrdable t .oan myourpos1t1011111 socmty, " wrthwlmh be ' th t", .> ·l tl !" . d 'J "d' Pa1·n· and Ach··. IS to .pure ase. thc elcphnut on tJhore or the hur ricane at.sea.. departed. .a .gt vnni ~ e _ r:l n~e issue. a.:n or( 01 I S_· ,. vo1 pai-ts 9nly, or the gearing~ of buggies it-oned . '\ . · . mrnsmg the Metropolitan Michael dec!nrcd No p,·r·rntion on earth equal! ST 3,-coBS OIL J-Je sha1J maintain his .!Oil!! CStabli's.hed SUr>eriority ill a.JI - -- · _ __,. _ _...... - - - - -- however , tl{at-·the Prince ' h~d no right t o as a ·safe, sure, shn1,le ·and c.lieQ.p Ext~rnal '-' t The Empress Eugenie In London. EMINENT PEOPLE. dismiss him . us that right belongs on[y to ll<tnedy. A Idol entail· but the compantn.·ly descriptions of LINEN GOODS. t ri lli ng outl:Ly of 60 Cent.H, and ev.ary one 8uffe~t~g · TheEmpressEi;ge1iie,suysaLondoricor. - . .- . the SynoclofBishops,and he appealed to wilhpaincanJ.avecheapttUtlpoal!IV·proofol"· - An unusually large choice of T'lble Linens, Damas ki-, A'I' TllE SRORTF.S'l' NOTIOE, PAIN'TED AND 'l'Ril.IU\1ED IF DES1RED. respon~ent, occup1esafµr:rnsh cd · hou~e, No. I Son1e Short Itoms Rega.i.·ding Thein. the Patriarch of Constantinop~e and the cl~fi:~ctiouainElevenLangu.·· ""N }. H k b. ] (' } 'f ll" D ]' Wh" 28 Prmce's gate, Hyqe r ad;, until such _ . , . Holy Governing Synod of B.ussia. Gen. . ~ ALERS ap UBS, UC a UC {S ras 1, . OWC mgs, oy Jes, etc; lte --. :n : - ·time ... her bea1 1tiful.; country chateau at George. Elrots grave /ras been . kept Ignatieffis said to be angry because the SOLD nY ALL J)ll.UGGISTB ANll DB and Grey . Shirtings, Pillow Critton, Sheetings, Striped and Farnborough shall be ready. A la 'bonne hcapctl with flowers ever swce Rhe . occnp1ed Austrian police dared t o seize his eonfidenHI MBDIOINB. ] l h. . T I J At the Factory I also do Planing, ~fat~i;ing, Turning, and Saw ing l<eure? Here is a house in whicli everyone it. . · .. tio.lletters t,o the Metropolitan. What the A. VOGELER & tlO., Chee {el S irtmgs, Cotton Uc·~, Marsei Jes Quilts, .Counter- with Circle. Band or Sorowl sa\\;s, and prepare all kinds of lumbm:.- for is very much alive, iudccd. The Imperial The Shah of Persia became captivated by Hoiyn GOl'ering Syuod of Russi"' ·wm ·do · .. ------·-~· _ _!l u 1 ~>T' _ "_. ,.,, _ .,.1"_<l_·_ · u. _.s.A.._ panes and Lace Curtains, 400 pieces choice printed Calicoes ca rpenters and others for building purposes. · Ornam ental and Flain cqat-of-arms, in all its pristi ne splendor, cin- the Princess of \Vales 'vhile in F.ng la.nd, and a.bout the Se1·v iau all'ront is not known. The · Pickets for fenct·s in every style Teqnircd, made to order on the shd rtes , ,1.,oned on an elegantla.nclau, which stands he every year offers .the J'rinee a temptin« people here do.not believe that that sleepy Hl a-11 colourings, cheaper than ever shown in this town. ·1 to ·take the mistress for her drive; price in exchange for her. body will he aroused from its .chronic hiber· An immense stock of Cloths, Tweeds and SuiLnbcr~ ma<lf' otice. 1411., 7 :some cabs, r:;ttling up with husy gen· nation. It is, moreover, rather dangerous has mov . ed into his new shop on the · · · · It is old Dr . . Channing " '110 .ra the autho·· t ·e th 1 t f t h I' tl t 10 orller anfl warran· ted to fit · m every otner mmute ; an a. rnnng ' o arouo ose 10 y a era. ~ecen y a . f l. Id d H l · , . ia, drawn by two splendid bays, of the phrase, "When I am mad . I weigh a the city of Voroneje a stove vms blown up site 0 HS O stan , W.(re le 18 · U . d All W l C ;i h ""two English girl3, who 1.iiwe cards; ton." He said it. 011 occasion of being re- in the rooms of the rector of the Theologr- prepared to attend to the _ wants of Jllte, n1on an · ' oo · <}rpets unuer t · c us11a l price . S ]l W }T · · · t · t .,<-i, seated at an upper'. window, minded of his small stature amt avoirdn- cal Seminary while the rec lonva.s lyingsick th e public. His reputation as a This yoµ may do by calling at the I H·· received !lcr i;e.JY..S~ock of _ __,l y for dear li.fe. appare.ntly lost pois. . in his bed. He was not hurt. A policeman '- fila ares 31.lC r11nn11ngs Ill grea vane y. of English housekeeping w.:· Eugenie S('.ems to have ber hrultls full; Le- ·w as sent fro1n St. Pet e1-sburg to \:roron_ ej e to ,BQQT AND SHOE 'Su1nmE~r I fl rst day of the Empress' in- sides traveJling incognito. in I taly, and vi:iit- investigat e the affair, but the gu,ilty person 1 · ··e of \>Vales called on her, ing the shrines of all the saints, s'rn bas was not caught. The .Holy Synod th en maker is well known in this vicin<' "~ '" '-· ,p· ~ ~· BOWMANVILLE' r hour, a long time for ' been sued by the Mayor of Marseill es to r e- forbad e all the students of t he Voroneje i t y ,Jiavi n g been in t,h_e bu('li,, ~e,s~,.f5J _ l~. '···"' ~ : o. ~; _: 1., _-_:'e.f:t~·.1~lt ' 1 """"-":C....JlO-C.Q!!Tplelo as at , ,. . . :;, . · ·- " uao h as uo ap eci;~::i.l co ver·atl imperial castle, vdiich is thought Theological Sernin::i.ry, for tt.-11 i ndcfinite pe- t t \" ti , ,,., i: 1.. · ~ !t.l ,.,. ,_, ..... . n ter9ly o n c · .l)f .1'.t.n,.....'. h Pl l"ll"N +r. +"ho:> tA--;P n n .,,,:l-;-· .,_,-1-.. ' l 'irv l ()f + ; .. j- -~1~h::. 1· t.h ,.--. H ..... olo~ical vven .Y:91l&_X~~IS: _ f _ l l. g<YE(il->-1 $.u~Ca.; ·~'·ia:·.;_.. J-t"~f.:~':'t _,,~1 ~~~---··1:-.!.'~'S?"";'f",,.. , r . .,1,.... -::: t. ...~~--··,~ ... ii~ F .. :!· ,\; .,.. 'Y~·to·"" ~ooct 1:vodcu1anslrip'hc wels8'iue[ -~ .. ~ · · .,, ·tl'\lj :i:u ~,,· ,.,,. ~· .,, .... -.r· ,.; d 1 "li~ ~n oive '·satisfiie,t; l noct(J nll:1 · 1·~ · ., c ··'1"·1 .:" ·· .,; REPAIRING ~;tro11gly an<l' INCLUDI,...-G and see her Pat te m .y d one. \ Scotch und Canadian Red and _ Grey Granites ·_ ..'Q. N N ETS HATCltaliau and American \\'bite iu1d Jf uncr - ~ 8 , . To do this pr9perly~ go to the Boot and Shoe . 1 l\1antle· l\:lonuments, Slab-work or if" A share of the public pat- (, lleadstones in . Great ·variety, . :--._ . ........._ and assortn1erit ot__ -~ . . . establishment of w1d Exceedingly cheap! -- __ - .ge solicited. R. BUNNER. cii 6) To make way for _the-- building improve.~ents ~1:6) ')l ~1J;f'·i~~'Af'if.iU6? ~ ~ this )l'all, I inteud to sen at very · ~~ l'S~~~ ...~"1.Y~W~\l ___, ~·' the water, and so destroys a line worth rml· know vou don't attend church, but that is our brnt~\ pohcc, "'th " co"ardly c,., nt lion!i of dollars. ' " hen a grea.tstonn co1t1es no rcaSon tvhy ' ve should not he_ fr iends." th;~head.' .. . . .. . , on Ill the ~en~re: of t.he oc~an, an d the cable I 'l'Q·w hich t he tailor respondt1d: "I d inna relhe o:thodox ch urch people hcte J~~l \·er:,, CEnm ·.'HEME DY TBOS. PATF~RSON R · HE1JM ., .ATISMa .. St 1 Gd ~ GREAT . The Glase:ow ouse! - .- - :o: - -- GEORGE C. HAINES, l\lANo'FAOTURER OF Carriages,Sleighs,Cutters, Wagons, etc., KIC'<G STREET, BOWMANVILLE, . . ·. . ·· '\.1 FOR Has on hand o. ne of the larges! and rnost comp:ete stocks of e o·0 . s Has ·now on hand a numher uf vehicles (and is manufactming a great many more) of the newest patterns and best fiirisfa, which I a,m 0fiering for sal e at the lowesLpri<;es eonsistent wjth , due regard to workmanship, and quality . I 1 .. · ···· ·· · .. . . · All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired 0 H; BUNNER . SAVE 25 PER CENT. 1 MISS Th.e.',s . ',ec:rau . . H "· . ,Lh ' : _' 1-('_ Keep the Feet Comfortable. e,:-...roons · , OV'ER 28 MOeNt,U ME NTS l ~~~~~ri~~t~~~~c ~;i~~ f,~i l>~~~i~ GRANITE AND MAR BlE WOr KS Spring _ (Jr- J· . · ,.NEW GOODS! , / REDUCED P,R.JCES, Butchcr , S~ttll. STOKE1-Se.:ontlltoor w-.1 · 'ff llliu· I now take great pleasure in annoi.mcin g fo t he J,adies of Bowman·er- ville and surrounding country that , , fake. I have a complete assortment of . ,. ~or bein g ~ii, $2G,OOO, . Fall and Winter _0 ~IANTLES & y ou buy · GRATES KEPT 0 1.)NSTA.NTLY O X ll.-\ND · Reme1nber, I hu.ve u sp1enilitl n::isortmcnt to c;hoose fro111 . Call and selecl your own ; ·sec that which .h girl \'fas rem supposcil by ~ J\1TT.:...LINERY ~ C. MUNSALL, ,i collect all proofs ~ i st encl} ;;,sed a desire to be f · The K fovltanin , majority o[ . t he lt nst h e Jews: you 'Yill have a, qnick road to .1-'\.merica. i: 'f1ise d to practise striG t tts succeeded in tnak, and his l\rlinisters "'l,piece, inaddition - y ear. Ile \\'il.S ;i-Gennan, that v"cnt to s<;c Bi~ :t11 , and accord · ied .Prince Gort·ina.nize the Rns· of the l(ahn,1 in all the new shades of Plushes, Granite & Marble Works. Velvets, Feathers, Flowers, etc. Also Bowmanville. October IZ, 1881. Fancy Goods, . Ottomans Slippt)rs, GRAY'S SPECIFIC M:EDIOIN'E. Berlin Wools, Fingerings, Mottoes, tSuccemmr lo l'ifr. M. Trele v~n) ,_ 11~11 U.euu~dy,An and Card Board. unf&ilingcurefor Straw and Felt Hats done over and select from hi~ very large an~ varied assortmcn~ of Winter Boots, 8eminal \-Vcak3 ness, Supermar made of the Bes t Material by Compe te11t Woncmen. in all the Newest Styl~s. . . , torrhea, Irnpotency, and all AN A fine assortment of Americall Boots and Shoes for Ladies' wear-Feeling thankful for past favors, Diseases that fol·, newest 'and most fashionable styles, such as have gfren such universal lowu.so.sequcnce _ I now kindly solicit a call. ~ · of Self-Abuee·as satisfaction -to the ladies in times past. Before T11king1osa of Memo~r.After Taking. · MRS. A. S. ANDERSON, Mons' frost proof Felt Boots at a grea.t reduction from last year's pr~ces U uivcrsal Lassitude, Pain in the nnck, Dimnesl! A.ND l .t NA l J tl L T~'i ~ A'IED King Street, Bowmanville. Vision, Premature Old .Age, and many . other -the -wan~1est goods in. the mark et. Al~o a large as;~ortment of ser".ice- of Diseasee that leall to Insanity or Consumption H 0 1J SE A, ! . ID ,t,;A'l"I' I, I? a Premature 0 -rave. · . able boots of all kinds. Rubber Goods m great vanety at lowes t pnces. a nd U-JfuU particnht.rs in our ·pamphlet, which '?.V REMEMBE;R.-The Best is the Cheapes t! Mr, ' Saunder's stock lrns we dusire to send free by mail to every on.e. JllEiUCJ\".IE ~, ge .t "' ·1·1~e Specific MediQJne is 1:1old by all druggists_ · ~n selecterl carefully, is of the latest styles, of the best material- none 8.t $1 per package, 01' six packtt.l{CS fOJ,' $5, Or will bb sent frco Ly 1nail oil the receipt of the "" :::..,in the market. . . .· mon. c y by address ing .,.,...,., , ·(\rk a Specialty,-Good Fits guaranteed. A . Gllb:V' THE Gl'tAY MEDIOI.NE CO., ;t"ENT OF " n '1 l :1.~.o lises in great variety at lowest figlll'es. ·Toronto, Ont., Oa11ad~. · 1'TAJL PERFUV ~=~- .ey by calling at Mr. Saunders' s tore when anythi11g 1 · ;C,t and Shoe line. · J. ~- '""°'"'"'"'"n·O ~··~1 1 PURE r1 H. UGS -- CHEMI :....;'ALS 1 J0H N HICCINBOTHA ;J "':;.,; ;\~ & HEALTH ! " i' ·.!-· :. . · 'n ~ ""'""'-:T.n 1 1