TREMENDOUS BARCAINS and Colored Velvetee11s, , Great Giving-Up-Business-Sale, where everything is being Sold Retail at Wholesale -- - - - - -1 STATESMAN CLUB LIST. HAMPTON We have commenced our Great Cle 11 · 1ng Sale Our Stock which at pr esent amounts to ~25,000 n1ust be reduced to $12,000 before the 1st of Febr uary next as 1t will be in1possible fo1 us to I!'.la"k o the changes \ V e conten1plate and carr y anything like our present stock As tb e is not far distant, we are offer special in ducement -. patrons to r ffect a clearance by that time Our stock 1s £1ill n e\v , fresh , and must be sold, lieads of fa1n1lles \V h ) make theu· w111 1er puTchases fr om 11 0 will effect a saving by so doin g T. GEO. MASON. J. JEFFE RY. =-==--===== = =====~-===~="""'="'"""' - GRE...A_T OLEARINB SALE OF- EMICRANts --1\7\Lest Durham~ -=------, C::a: E -......__ A..P ~lkocory and Provision ___ .,,.,__ ~ E M---P 0 R I U M '--:-.:::_--... I :£Pa,rmers have had a good harvest and g ood prices have obtl11n nd for all kJnds of l1"1arn1 P ro d r,ce The Pe op~e h ave m o1 e :n1oney t o spend this season than they hav e h ad for years past A nt1c1pat1ng a very large trade during the n ext two 1 n onths, we have bou gh t great quant1t1es of Staple & b -iancy - ---·c<>o - - - N( w Go)d s are ar1 n 111g H O\\ cl 111} at cl v\c , at e pt ( pat ed to bn e om hund1cd s of customers ex<.;dlent' alt1e 1n l laS and Sugais \\ e have t very 81 p e1101 Lot ot TEA S which IU\l S ft:jf"""\Vt \1 ant weekly from 110\\ to J any 1 next 500 Fat Tm keys 500 Fat Geese :>00 at nncl s 400 Pans of Fowls 1000 Pounds of Good Ituttet For all the above the very highest cash pr ces will be paid D.BEITH, M cClungs' Block B owm anv1lle DRY GOODS! - - o- - Fall and Winter Goods co:::nmon mares cf the country the produce is : c w e uni.form Me eas et keepers, batter work cr:s &lld aell for m ore m oney on the market tha.u wiy ott.a chLsa ot Ho~i Dll!CAUSE th rty yoars trial has demon t hat when brW to tba ~&; ~trated :h"l!::EDS :A. I'l!'.DCJ?!:.RON JSTALLION :: EXCELLENT VAL TJE to F1 nit :nui 01.·11a1ne11tal I 1 ·ec!! t 16\l tt,